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:. PnioAOEmuiA E^ajsmxoirA ; meeting of the Committee will : --b0 'held ; «t 3 : p.m'Jto-, : day,’for toi' pnfjfeto. My. affifir* connected with thp Phhijdelphia Exhibition. • tonvenlihcerof’' thoaA iEtereited' rashipping and-, weaker, repprto.a glaea cMe been' fixedoutside the door leading to tlw buildihg.S Christchurch and fotfr f fos: Lyttelton, arrived church byspemlfcrain. of Mr Q. Gould,,paipttormbili'byMrCoti : Bihsj war ,at m High street! One-o£ them is to be placed in the new hallod the Agricultural Show Grounds when erected! As speoimlbß of Ippatart, both of themdlßeiTe very high praise. Ms?.; This , gentleman retained' to Christchhrch' oh 'Satnrday, and , the Canterbury FoUndry'pnrt pose entertaining bin; at dinner to morrow evening. While oh this^.Babject,it maybe said that ‘the testimonial portrait of Mr Andersonisnow on Mr;;Wj. WSlson’s; Cashel street, and measures are to be at once taken to arrange for its presentation. The painting, wMoh;>w,as by Mr A. Glasgow, of London, is ah exceedingly good one, tbp likeness being Unmistakable. I Kaiapoi Athlbeio SroEis and Hoesb r — The. Adjou«itoj mseling of^the GeherarOpmrnittoe will -be<beld this evening at thr Borpngh J Opnncil:Dbamber totrecelve tonaeMfohboothß,&o; :v Jt-haaheeh' , ’d , ecided to "hiud .-the paddock, CamHde>' -ihear the Canterbury Woollen Company’s works, and as a,numbor ' persons, the prizes wtUibeilftrgevstlum those already advertised in the programme., ~ r -; SUBfEOXED At 'TSMUES *_^he South, Canterlttrs Ttmet oi P''curday lays • Our riders will that an ihqUeSb was! « 8 m -^ ola ukß ( ,on .Wednesday last, before ?s».iWoffHeombe, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Bobert Hannab. whO' was found drowned ih‘ the Temuka river on i: the pVevious Monday. Tne noliop, having JUspioidhs that foiil play had boed .resorted to, arrested three perioM,' viz,,- Qwen . Carr, Mary Carr, anjd James SpratKy/in whose company vthc;deooased was his ; being found ■ iU the river. They wore brought nji before; D. J.P„ who, at the request -of the police, remanded them for oighfc flays. EAilroi .PutnuAEMONio Sooiitv!—The fimfc oqhcerfc' given bv this neWTrformed' SoMetylbok; place ,in Monk’s Conijort Boom, Peraki etroet,on Friday ;? There was a small attendance, although an excellent KpwgHuai^was. ■ ~lfeo orchestra Was a powerful one,cohßislirig of clarionet, Mr B. McKenna; - first violin, Mr P, 8. Fiihifflat' second violin, W; Wearing'; flute, Mr Walker; cornet,Mrß. H. Mathews; viol de gamba. Or Orendon; double bass, Mr Hewlings ; piano; Miss Furiston attd Mr E Maofarlane.- < Most ' of the orchestral pieces went smoothly, but more practice is still necessary. Dr Orenden’s solos on the viol de gamba—" Murmurs of the; Ehone," and a seleption of Sootoh airs were well executed, the former especially. A gentleman amateur contributed two songs,Tbe Wreckers ” and “Unfurl the Flag,” and as ofl former occasions, he came In for a large share of applause. Mrs Bose’s songs "The Murmur of the Shell " and " Truth in Absence ’’ Were well received. Mr MeEsnna, V. 0., the conductor of _ the- Society, gave two solos on the clarionet, which may deservedly be pronounced' the instrumental gems of the programme. He was loudly applauded and. encored on each occasion. Mr Funston sang “ Beautiful Isle of the Sea,” very creditably, and was encored. His violin solo, "Bobert Toi que J’aime,” was well executed and duly appreciated. ‘ Mr M. Smith sang " Strangers y® l - ’ gem of the evening, " Let « Soldier Fall," wss oontributed by Ms T. W. Brooke,, who sang, in excellent voice, and was vociferously encored. Mkofariane sang " Willie Brew’d ShFeok d. .Mint,’’ and wets assisted, in the chorus by the members cf the society. The song was well received and« good deal of mirth woe created by a well-known townsman from " the Land o’ Cakes/' who insisted in rather a demhastratitre manner in representing the audienoaJn the chorus, Itu to be hoped that at the next concert the efforts of the Society to provide good music will be ettor yeciated and that they will be

City GuABDB.~The firing||y representatives to the OokmWf rite | Film wul take plaoe ra Wrintipf |wi ThnrwlKl The came* of dH'pemOrs must vfs, lent In to Captain Rroks* to-dmow.' j Supbbmb Qpufira-Ttiv Ott|l Sittings of; the Supreme Ootufr/will- doma|onoe 1 te« o’clock this morning; Thiliere two OoaUi6o Jury cases for trial. Onlfbursday, at 10 a,m., there will be a Special Airy ease. Vetkeinaby.—At thV lest Ellesmere Agri"aaltarttl BxhibltiafirKKtrkhateinm, for which ‘ Mr Thomas Bowe gave 109 guineas, bod one of its legs broken while being moved from the «»jhnjLm,Mk MJssm; , owing day by Mr Watt, jmd the ram | X.ooY TWte ' , j Theatbb Royal —“ Up Used ” and the ; I Pantomime wore ropeatodxt the Theatre to a' I good house on Saturda/i The afternoon per* | formance of- r tba, turner-‘.was moderately! ! .attended. To-nigbtihere wilfbe a obapge, of . i programme,, eyening that most 1 defejyipgof Hill—will take ft : hCrpatrbuswitban extol* ; ■mmdi&e' ■. •; ?Z; ./ -■ t % j ; v ■"■jnqmtib' ' YzoromißsM Ojunmat^We: | and a;ipecimen| ! sheet of tho.. Licensed Viciu(tUer*’ (i(*zftt( f a | f üblieatioD, the .first number. of which will; ppear on Jan.' iO. of the pro-j ; posed Journal 'in, their prospects*, - announce’ i their ftitontion to '*" hdroisate,' through the I mediqral or; i every Act of Parliament, Municipal bye-law,! : or r police regulation.- which detrimentally, I public and Jbo j .Licensed VictuaUer.., J', ■ j j Lyttelton Post-office. There haVej | ' been complaintsbhkt persons having- private ! bo'ibs* have not been able to get to them after ! 6 p.m. The reasoa. is,.that^tbe : partitions in i the corridor have not bean run up to the eeiMg : ! and,, if tbo dopr to the boxci hod been: 1 left open, any. ill-diaposed pereon could have j . setded the partitions. and cleared the faoxeaOf; j all letters, Mr W. B. All wright has brptight , , the matter beforo the aUthoritioe, and'in a few j ; days anrangomentsV 'will be made, ao that i perßoneJsan obtain their letters at any hour. • 1 | Ship’s Boat BMisH ‘Race.—A challenge ..hewing been given by thp ship Merope’s orew ; ito. sail! the. ship! Duke of Edinburgh’s boat: j .round: the Lyttelton Regatta Coum* ,the S challenge wto aftceptodby the latter/ahdthe | race took- p lace on Saturday afternoon. . 'The coarse r-;Was from -. the ship; ■ Duke - of I Edinburgh; round the buoy laid down, 'for the Regatta,. and the reef,, .win*! | ning at the ship Himalaya. The wind was; : very light from the North-east, and'was not; sufficient to try the qualities of the boats. The. Little Duke, took the lead,, maintained it, , -ohd eame ina.wimierbyhalfa mile.: i Immigration.—The Home Newt of Nov. > 8 states that the Agent-General fdr New Zealand,: daring the month ; of October, des-i patched the following vessels pairrying emi- ! grants for the Government of thhr Colony : ! From. London the! Hudson, for Hawke’s : Bay, with 206 souls j-tho: Otuki, tor Oanter- | bury,'with l 276 sodlsjiihe OOfona, for Otogo, ‘ Srith 318 souls, From Plymouth—the CarpI Rue, for Nelson, with 321 souls. Prom BelI fast—The Conflict, for Canterbury, with. 271; I sou's, Frrai Hamburg the Shakespeare, i for WelUhgtoW, Pith 893 souls. | PAPANUI SALBYABBa CoMTANT.—At a i meeting of the. Directors of this'Company it i was reported, by thp Architeot that the sale- ! yards -' were approaching completion, mid, it 1 waa decided by them to open the iame to. the! 1 pnblio for business on Tuesday, . Jon. 18. I The yards are capable of accommodating about \ .500 head, of / cattle- and 70C£> sheep, and I judging from the interest taken in the nnder-j ; taking by the large number of shareholders, I there is every prospect of the Company; doing ! a iarge business. As the Company has nearly : sufficient funds tobariy Out their engagements,! the ihare list will-shortly be olocsd. Lt;is the' intention, of.-the Directors to celebnta the opening of the yards by a dinner at Mr Wfld’s,* feLwyera’ Amls Hotel, on the day of opening theyards. ' .■! !--i: •<’ • .... . -- BebepOßb . stesbt Baptist Ohobch.—: The Annivensury. Semceß. wero held yesterday,; when sermons were ‘ preached-—that ini the morning by the Rev. J. Boiler,'taking, for his text Pselm exxii., ver. l j and that in the evening by the EeV j. Berry, frbm lhe text Luke xv, ver. 7. The ncirioes were well attended, and good collectionrwere made. The Ohnroh -bto -been thoroughly renovated, new gas-entrance-lobby being_amongst the ments. The walls hare been coloured and the ecata stained and varnished throqghoat, pre. senting altogether a very pleasing appeanmee. is notyet. completed,'but when it i* finished there will be, a great! improvement upon the original appearance of thp tiolßicg. The tea meeting will be! held! on Tuesday next at half-past edx, in the boilding adjoining the ohnfeh, kindly . lent for the occasion! by Mr BlatistOn. A public meeting will be afterwards held in the bhurch, when several ministers mid others: are expected to give addresses. , ■ !

Obntbab Boaed of Hbaxth.— ’The Board met at theSaperintendent’sofficc.Government Buildiags/ot lOaun. on Saturday last; Honor tie Superintendent (id -.fch'o johflir) ;;Dr Turnbull, Sir (hracrofo Wilson, Knigit aad.Bl. B. Hart. was read from 'Dr BoaaM; Officer, and from hia‘ Wowhip tb*-. covering a letter received • from r Patrick! ! mooted lingfdn. Board Reeled that local medical officers,'whe»' 6Ve j. informed by the Ohaimauof tocalsoMdftpf the existence of any mftctious pr ggbfdgiouC diißeasc, be jn« etrupted to inspect and report oa to tfeecLf™mslan(*BatteJidilW'fcuoh esses!. sring , to the locality and the sanitary j a nd any other laote coming totheir ; knowledge wWtonmy fond, or appear to tend, ; 'tetoje; if'; the . disease, t and td BOch reoommendatipris as they ehall-thidkifit oa to the best mean# to ;; ;he fp,- its ' .eras ordered that; puubm.W «nd 18 ,of sThe Pablio Healtb Acti"shouldbopublished hi the Gazette and newsjßtipeijs.' ; 1 * -1 ' I Faxsb false alarm of fire occurred, <m Saturday eyening. It appears that shortly beforo,eight o’clock a cabman oir the City stand observed a rod glare on some part of the bpilding occupied to Mr Brice, and'arriWngSt/thehastyocncluiiopthftt it •*». fire, droveVoffi to the Richfield street station; where d young man named Watt rang .too’bell.-' Thcwanp was ■ 'it. .onto toktoiip at. the Market Place station. The Brigade turned out, the regular police and Fire Police musteied in strong force, add a vast crowd of people quickly assembled in Colombo street. No fire, however,"oatild be fouud, and the excitement gradually subsided, though not until the oyer-seal of the.cabman who caused the commotion had been roundly abused. The only explanation to be found of. the affair was that the rays of the setting sun were concentrated for a moment on a part of . Mr Brice’s building, and produced in appearance of what was foolishly taken to he fir®. This shows to what an absurd length alarms of fire may be carried under existing regulations, and that it is high time something •hould be done to correct tfie erils Fabmiso Maxxbes in South Oantbbbusy. —The Tmam Seratd states that the crops over a very large area are now in full “'i t, generally spewing they are looking i very healthy. Owing to the atrong growth, consequent upon, the moisture of the weather, some patches of both wheat and oats are lying, i The weather has never been more.farourabfe i than this season for root crops, and taken all I round they very favourable , gad 1 healthy. There has been a tremendous growth 1 of grass this season, but unfortunately the ! weather has been so wet during the pastthree 1 weeks that a great quantity that had beta 1 reserved for hay has been spoiled. Our i attention was dravm to one patch of two hundred wows of Verir heavy grass near WMmate that wto totally spoiled by the lost spell of ram, th« commenced A little over' a , fortnight ego. A- portion oU it had been oat 1 betoretbe wet sft in, and by the time (hattbe i weather clewed'up the groats* port of the I grus m the whole field hod gene so rotten to \ to be uaelesa to hay. • ■ The benefits, however, i that will on the whole rosplt from the Wei 1 seceoo, wdl probably be greater than the I du&dvantages oocromg from the same cause. 1 PS*A"''? 1 . mort i“*uriant growth on t both high idq low lindt in tho putonl i country, providing an excellent supply of 1 winter feed for stock. f

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4650, 10 January 1876, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4650, 10 January 1876, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4650, 10 January 1876, Page 2


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