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■VPluntbbb Bxißßva Coart.—A.meeting/ Which all intending memben pro specially requested td Bflake a pomt df attending, will be held at Hotel, this evening, at 7. O'clock; - i l -: ' ■ •/ Ban Mail.—Tbe;;Otaef-PMit-maiter states fhat the mail from* Lohdon' to. QiriatohurehTiA flan.fnuouco, received on June I,.comprised 4832 lotten, 1383 hooks, end S6OO newspspen, contained in thirtyeight bags. ■ : Bauhit Club.—A . meeting of this club: will bo held on Wednesday, June 9; ; ’ . Philosophical Inbtitutk.—The ordinary meeting will be held this evening at. ithe Publib Libaty. ' iuftdng'the businem will be the election of a President; nice Or. Yon Haast. reeigned, ; i.i !.»»-• - .».*: ChEISTOHUBOH ' STB»PIBOHia«B.‘—In * paragraph which appeared yesterday Mr P. Campbell’s name Vwm inaavertentlj snbstituted for that of Mr Bi H. Campbell in the list of members of the .Course-selection .oqmnrittee.

RAIIiWAT TO THB WHIT* ROOTQtrA*EIBS. -i-The petifcionin from i the Aihley w White Book Quarries, which has bSsn signed -by upwards’ of six'hundred be pretonted to.the Provincial by S, John’s Pabibh, Waltham.—lt is intended to hold a public tw meeting and entertainn ent. in the .QolpDfbo 'roiid' ' Schoolroom this veek With a view to welcoming the Bev 0. Oc itee, assistant curataof S. /Johns, who is 3to lal our. ehjefly in the,Waltham part pf the parish." The managing eonimittee have reaaested seTerai ladiwtogiw fray#, and preside Over jthem at the tea. An affirmative reply was; deceived I f^pnji^et^7:|epe ft ,I«djf Wildou.. beingamongthe number; handsome baton made of silver, and intended for'prCeJhfiStfon to Mr lAndergan, formerly organist of fij. John’s and conductor of the Christchurch liwical Society, is no# on view at MehlJn PlCfnen and Go’s shopj High street. It |is mUten inches in ,l?pgth,and of very upon 1 it being —*Trc|MW Esq.,fby a few of hi* mpsl6ayirt#m»ittGhriit‘ebtmsb, N.Z., 1874?* fllr now travelling in the Australian colotpwAad the bfttod will be for ward W early date.| ‘ • -ti.-iT-n■■■..• MJiaa;; pumiio BniiiDXNOs.—-The' committeh' Of ' flie if for thopofpoie of considering, whatetepe, if any, should be taken with reference to the erection 6f puMfi, buildings' in Christchurch, consequent .upon' the Withdrawisl fitaih the Estimate#-' df the sum voted lae£ year for tharßWJH^-.rr^ Nathan hi Coates, Dymook, Oonnal, Aynswy,'/ Inglu/Shd MaopheHod.; The‘ iaid the : queßtion' 'Was 1 a , had engaged the aUentionof. the. Chamber on , sevsnhoccaskmsr -He thougbt that - the present Session of the Provincial. Qiunoil should not be. allowed tadose Without some farther effort obtain for/.suphani important and necessary work, andrhe) was of opinion the oommittee~would .npt be r doini the Countoy generally, unless tfaext.made an, gU#mpt to J obfain : an appropriatlonfor the < purpose., r It must be patent xo every one that t|s>uutloi. baitdingawithin which the. Custom House, f Ppst office, Telegraph offioe, Public Works' office, an4. : Wt ’ Immigration department could be concentrated, was much required-in Ohristchdroh. ' He uhdeittdod that the General OoterMmtwfere ,qips alive to toe neoeisitv for increased accommodation, and he much feared that, nutted the province obntributed a tb% cost; of, erecting buildings,pf a suitable character, the General Government would still' further delay their erection. The necessity for''carrying outawork of ’ this character without delay warObvioos. It might not 'le generally known that the Qp99Vti Government paid aa amount of aglOW-per annum, as rental' ( fdr the present office# in l nessiof which . was. clear tO'.aui (. Alter: some, discussion, in which every-memberr-pwent - ; 5 Executive on the question o£ the srsetion of, . public buildings in Christchurch,” ■ The meet* ) mg then’-terminated. Later in tbeday, it was Akeelrtalned that the ExeoUtiVewoula be prepared to receive the committee at o’cldck this morning-

S. Paul’s Piimtmbian Omuboh.—This evening, a concert in aid of the Building Fund of S. Paul’* Preibjterian Church, will be given in the Oddfellowe’ Hall. The following ladle* and gentlemen wilhtaJm part in the concert: —Mitir* LataAt T4p)r, Gape*, Odktf Mr* Long, Me*ar* Oardw Johpion, ud appeair ofstm* mfikberipf tfaU i* adWrti*eq, to|pl heltl iin Mnday- Wenipg: n^xt,i : ff|r the pdßhbse coffiqritt6e'«id; oWqrtt lot th%/enaung ahd trajuaoting other butineu.

O.T.O.—The annual general meeting of the Yeomanry Cavalry Oorp* will be held at the .Boyal Hotolon Th,ut»day,Junel7,andnqtoii Thursday next, a* etated in yesterday’s i**ue. The errch ocourred through the teiereadiog of an advertisement, which appears to-day in its -proper form. - Tb|x Cabubn.—The adjourned ease* againit oity dahmen for breaches of the Police Ordi.nance and 7 X ity By-law will come dq for hearing at., the Onriitohuroh MagutrateV Court,, this morning, ! A ipecial meeting of oabmeh was held at the City Hotel, la«t night to consider the state of affaire, but the prooePings were kept *triotly priva(e. It is understood, however, that Mr Ganriok has declined'tb appear for the defence. . Bbbbfit. —A performance of a miscellaneous character will be given at the Theatre Boyal on;-Tuesday evening, next, for the benefit of thoieimembers of this dramatic oompauy who - have been thrown out of employment by the sudddn and unexpected termination of the on Monday evening last. A good programme ie in oourse of preparatiori, and it is Understood that the performanoes will be under influential patronage. - A lath Faial.Aooidbni. —After the inquest, was held at Timaru bn Monday last, on the body of Mr Harry Nettleton, who woe drowned in Pig-hutating creek on the previous Thursday, the body was removed by deceased’s parenjbs to Eaiapoi, where „they residq. The remains of deceased were interred in the Baiapbi Cemetery yesterday afternoon, add Although nq public notice wm gpren of the funeral, it was largely attended.,. v : Philadsi-phia Exhibition,—No meeting of the committee appointed by the Chamber) fof /Commerce with reference to the PhilaExhibition has yet been held, the Cause of delay being the nori-appoihtment of a general committee to aet with them. It is understood; howpvef, that early st.eps will bo, taken to hold a Meeting of the committee and' a fewicohnhercial men, outside the committee, who will be privately asked to co-operate in the matter. . ' ’ ' Ashbuxton Pbbmanbnt Buildino- and Invbsthint Sooibtt.—This society started in January last, and is making good progress in its business, a fair number of shares being already taken np, while others are applied for and loans given at tach meeting as the funds come to hand. The society will supply a want much felt in this locality, enabling, many, otherwise unable, to build; and there is every probability that the funds will for some time to come be readily absorbed jn this diaectiro. '", ’ ; V iNqtBBT ax’ Oifobd.—An ihqnire was. held on Monday, May 31, before J. B. Gorton, E*q>, J.P., touching the.,death-of a child named William Whittington; aged three yean ten;-months, son of Thomas bljteksmith. West Oxford. The mother had lifted'off the fire a pot of boiling wstef, set it oiv thf floor,And then went outside for something; Thq boy wSs playing about, and fell into.t|ie hot water, and got tus lower extremi-tias-gevwvly scalded. He died from the qffects of the Maid on Sunday morning, about A o’clock. "His Worship said he considered it unneoeSsary to have an inqueet . held; as sll; the.partictalars df the oase were known, add that death was purely the result of an"accident. ■■

• ; BANGIOBA • LITBEAEV INSTITUTE,—A 'Wltetihg,.,ol tbf.nsonrittee of, this institute was held ,on Tuesday evening, at whMn#kips> members were prosest. ~-Mv ,:0i .'Mmoii occupied the chair. The committed appointed to felbot; books to order from England, brought up a list, which was adopted. The’ chairman requested 10 see if any pf .thejn copldbe pmaked in Christchurch, ahd it was resolved, that such as couid; »ot be so obtained should tfetadered at bdoa Also, to atoertain if the . Goveriuhent. Irf/'irilliDg tp accede 'to Hie requslb of jttte oommittoe by procuring books through tbfr Mint in London. The report to be bton|bt wefore the annoal meeting was sab«hited, : and,’wjth*on>e additions, adopted.' HWOkTesolved toaak bdr Beele, of the Bank of New Zealand, to atadit the accounts prior to that meeting. The secretary was directed to publish the .Jamie of the meeting, and the committee adjourned till 7 o’clock on Tuesday/ Junf 10. A programme for the next enter.afterwards prepared, and (be adjonrhed. ' . ’EtbitoiJ Baxlwat.—A correspondent 1 at Swannahoa writes as followsj-—“'The Bailway works on the J&dapoi and Eyreton line are beinglpiishod forward vigorously considering the Weather. ..Gangs of bollasters are preparing pertpanent way, (he rails am all. -lap''te.tbe DOttiiidary of the present contract, fmd: if is .to be hoped that the efforts bring , made, to extend the, line to join th? Bangiora amAOxfprd lnrinrii will be . snceeisful, otherwirit the line, ouinpt pay workjpg expenses. The station tmilding* are. approaching compjetion'at Swanupte. We have a stationmister’s houses a passengers’ shed, ahd ticket office | finished with a large-sized goods-shed which is likriy tP be finished within (he week. The tentetekpa,Mes«rs England Brothers,of - wfll.'The material is of first-rate quality. The /buildings are erected on a piece of ground F/ five acres in extent, which has been purchased from Tfr J. T, Peacock., It is to be hoped that by the, tuna; tfta line is completed the stock of epgines with eight inoh wheels will be worn out, or thst they will have gone st> far south (hat HtetijTwill be 119 hope of theu ndhriupg. We any time thi* .can ■team eigMArilee-amhour, but when we get the bjMnedVrS hope for better things.” fldna/jw at Lincoln.—Theadjoumed aeetmg was held at the Bshwlroom, Lincoln, on Tuesday evening last. Mr B. Wright wo# voted to (he chair. The Chairman called «grit‘ ’tbe -Bey A. P. O'Oallaghan to give |iffi%ma(jpn;’as to what has been sub* rraribid Atr O’.Qallagban said that the total p&oqnt subscribed bad . I might that none of the districts had been thorqoiwy eahvkiied. so that he had no tdbMMt they would have no difficulty in •iitg the required amount. He might say that | Committee had written to those gentlemen who had property in the diejJnefjUdmfe i up to the present no Wliwers ~had been, received, with the ! <qgteptiari bf the Bev H. B. Cocks. He "(itr jO’CUlaghan) had also written to the BumPpcgivinghim a report of (be last meettrig, And informing -him of the arrangements -they had nuide'with Mr Pyne for leasing his honte, add tekieg him to forward the interests of the district at the next meeting of the iflynod, bat up to the present he had not received.a reply. Eesolved—'“ That thi^fbriptf of opinion thpt the, subscription list -i*' preliminary Stebsj bemg taken .to wards (he erection of a w—f-liiiiealn;” ■ M That offers site for a pwrspnage be adverUsed] for.”- ‘-‘ That a committee be selected, oonsajoui of Mewrs, Wright, O’Callaghani J. G.' Mumyj 0. Kimber, Jas. Beaumont, , Wmj Pearson, J. Brooks, Champion, ahd H. ! f»ti, te'mwut the land, and carry out the und<MAking.*’ - Tbe Chairman reported (hat the AnSMoription liits nnt in for the Stipend Quanuitee fond were: Springiton, £6O; Liuobp r fßßß{ GreAnpArk, £SO 10s: and that; this would .leave a deficiency of £6l ids. Ho might say that the districts had not been thoroughly canvassed, so that he thought they need not anticipate ~any Biffloulty. Mr Brooks (Tai lapu) said that his ;distnct had not sent in A list, but as soon as if wis definitely Aifraiiged that’ they were to haro, serrioe in his-district, he was sure that'a considerable amount oonld be oollsotad there. It war resolved that the committee - requested to - eodearour to collect the balsmce by which the stipend guarantee fund is deficient. A vote df thanks Was-passed to ,theTtedrman, and the public meeting termia meeting of the committee held iriidediatoly after, tho Rer A. P. O’Callaghan wte) elected chairman, and was .instructed to advertise for sites for a parsonage, and the meeting adjourned to July 1.

Kaiapoi PiiOFGHiifo Match.—A special meeting of the member* of the Kaiapoi Farmer*’ Club will be held this evjming at the Eaikainui for the Annual PlotM^gMttj^gy^^ B *rnCMp|||i|re, No. 68, iarolrEp|Bb Ko. 8, Bro officers installed for the current term 6ro W. Dunbar, W.O.T, 5 Bro J. N. Sealy, W.V;T,-t J. Beveridge, W.B. j Bro A. Wiokins, W.O; Bro J. S.DunWr, W.F.B. j Bro J. Lee, W:®. ? Bro Q. ED, W.rß» J. Palmer,- G. Going. W.0.G.; Bro J. Bro J. filler was also recommended to the office of Lodge Deputy.' The name of this new lodge is the “ Happy Home of HalsweU.” ' Inqubst.—An inquest; was ’ held at the Hospital yesterday on the body of William Bednett, before Dr Coward, coroner, and a jury,! of whom Mr E. Thomas was chosen foreman. Deceased, it will be remembered, ; was injured by an accident at the -Dunsandel Station, -on May 13, while engaged with Joseph Thompson, who died immediately after admission to the Hospital, and John Brown, in transhipping timber from broad to narrow gauge waggons. Similar evidence tqr that given at the inquest on Thompson] with respect to the breaking of the chain by 'which the men were hauling up the. timber was adduced, and Jdhn Brown, who was in addition Mid that he had often assisted in lifting four tonsat once with the chain, while at the time of the accident only one-ton nineteen hundredweight were being hauled’up. Dr Guthrie, who had made a post mortem examination of. the body, said there was an extensive lacerated wound on the left leg, the small bone of which was also fractured, and that death was caused by blood poisoning, the result of the injured limb mortifying. A verdict of “ Accidental Death” was returned. ' T ,

Hobticultukaland Abbobioulthbal Sooibtvl—A meeting o£ the committee was held yesteKlay evening, Mr H. J. Stevens (president), in the chair. The committee took into consideration the amended schedule prepared by a r sub-committee, and it was approved. Moved by Mr Nairn, seconded by Mr Marsh, and rewired, " That, the gold watch presented by Mr Bossiter, be presented to the giinet the next highest number of points durinjjthe season, following the winners of the medals.” Professor Biokerton promised a Sooiety of Arts microscope, giren to the gainer of the greatest' number of points for put blooms and pot plants in both olastes. The committee business then closed, and a general meeting was held. -Mr Stevens, 1 still occupying the chair, proceeded to read a paper on the cultivation of the chrysanthemum, which was listened to with great interest, and excited some discussion afterwards. A rote of thanks, mored by Mr J, A. Beade, seconded by Mr Guntrip/to Professorßkskerton and Mr Bossiter for their prizes, was carried unanimthe President for his paper, and the proceedings then terminated. During the erening a fine specimen of ImantoptyUum ninlatum, grown by Messrs Duncan and Son, was on exhibition. 1

Bingsland School.— A meeting of householders in the Bingsland portidn of the Bast Christchurch educational district was held in the local schoolroom last night, for the purpose ofconsidering the proposal of the committee to remove Mr Sill, the pretent master of the school. .There was a very small attendance. Mr Blather, who was voted to the chair, explained the object of the meeting, and said that donsidering the importance of the business, he had hoped to see a much larger number present. There wss more behind the proposal jto remove Mr Hill .than at first sight appeared. Iba reahntoatioa.of thaoommittee Was not to allow them AmAtterfor the school at all. He understood : thatr the Bingsland school was |o-be uswhlti: an intents’ school, and to be placed in charge of a mistress only. Now, this would be very unjust to that portion of the district There were ISO-hbuses on the Bingsland side of the river outside the East town belt, and taking the ordinary average per family, this meant about BSO children of educations* ages, and surely - such a number requited tome better provision than an infants’ school.: (Hear, hear.) Such a School would not do justice to them. The householders at Bingsland were very well satisfied with the manner in which the school had been conducted hitherto, and were anxious, to maintain its efficiency. To do this, it necessary to ask the committee to reconsider their decision, and be would be glad to hearany motion on the subject on the subject proposed. Mr D. H. Christie said he had expected to see several members of the committee present there that, night, and he could not understand why they did not attend. As, however,'“there was one (Mr Kirk) present, he would ask him to give the meeting some information on the subject undef discussion. Mr Kirk said he had heard ho mention at the meetings of the committee, of the Bingsland school being converted into one for infants only. The committee had offered the second mastership of the Gloucester street school to Mr Hill, but that was all, and it was open for Mr Hill to refuse, or accept the offer. He (Mr-Eirk) had been a regular attendant at the committee meetings, and if' Anything else had been proposed ho FOnld certainly have known of it. The Chairman said that Mr Jamesbn had informed him the school war to be used for intents oqly. Mr Kirk said nothing of the kind had coine before the committee. The Chairman asked what would be done if Mr Hill accepted the offer to him.,. Mr Kirk said in that case the committee would at once consider how to fill up-the vacancy to the best advantage. Mr Christie said Mr Thomas, Wotber member of the committee, had told him that 1 all the outlying schools of the district Were only to be used as intents’ schools, and he then proceeded to enlarge upon the hardship it would be to the children jin Bingsland, if those above the intent school age Usd to Walk all the Way to and from the l main sohool in Gloucester street aysry day. He. said the school was at ,present very efficiently managed/ giving every satisfaction to the householders, and - now> the committee erished to reduce it to a mere nothing. Mr Kirk .pointed out that there was nothing like sufficient room in the school for all the ohildjren lest summer, and the same thing would occur again next Summer,yet the Board of Education had refused a grant to enlarge the building. In reply to Mr Harper, the Chairman said the School committee had not passed any resolution, but it was ..evident, jnpml what individual members "said, "that the intention eras to convert the school into a' nare(y infant school. Mr .Christie said he mignt state that he had spoken to Mr Hill, the present master, who' said he liked Bingsland very] much ] was ’ beginning to know, the children well and<. had no desire to leave, ‘ ! mlets the committee, dragged him out of it. iHe (Mr Christie) fully endorsed all the chairman said as to the necessity for .maintaining the school in its present state, and 'would mover-” That in the opinion of this meeting, the wants of this part of the, district will only be met by tho school being maintained in ite preronl state of efficiency. The, motion was seconded and. unanimously sgreed to.; The chairman said he would now be glad to hear a resolution proposed asking the committee to reconsider their decision respecting Mr Hill, Mr Harper said he would have gnat pleasure in moving—“ That the oommutea be asked to continue the services of Mr HiU hate.” Ha said all the parents were satisfied with the manner in which Mr Hill had i conducted (be school, and would like to tee him remain in Mr Hay seconded .the motion, which was unanimously agreed to. fir Kirk asked what the meetingwould do if Mr Hpl declined to remaitiAt Bingsland., The chjdnpaan frid in that case" (hey must ask the committee to appoint the next beat man they could Met in his plate. A vote of thanks to Mr Kirk icr attending the meeting was, on the; suggestion of the chairman, carried by acclamation. The chairman said before .siparating he would like to express a hope that something would be' done ere long towards obtaining the. establishment of a public library 1 in the district. A vote of (hanks to the chairman closed the proceedings.

Eildinght.—On Monday, last, the annual treat to the Sabbath school scholars of the diatriot took place in the acheolroom. Ample juetice baring been done to the good bhipgt prorided by the teacher* and friend*, addressee' were delirered by the Rev J. W. OreejanaMe**n Murray, Meharry, and Nixon. I Alter a rery enjoyable day, rote* of thank* ti’those who had prorided the tableaand the dfaainbsn, brought the proceeding* to a close. It ebould be stated that the entertaihfUpt recently Held was not for the purpose ef augmenting ;the funds of the Fresbyteriani church, but of the Killinoby Sabbath school. - Ohceoh or England. —The Church Newt say*:—The Bev E. B. Otway, the newlyappointed incumbent of Governor's Bay, who was expected in June, will not 'be able to enter on his duties before August, and the Eer H. E. East will consequently remain there until his arrival. We regret to add that the Bev O. J. Merton, acting on the imperative orders cl two medical advisers, has been compelled, most reluctantly, to relinquish the post of assistant curate of S. Luke’s, Christchurch. He will lire at Eyre* ton for some time to come, and take such duty as his health will permit at Eyreton and Flaxton. With rest nod country air, there is every hope, we are happy to say, of his health being completely restored. Pbesbntation at Ashbuxton.—On Monday evening a presentation to Mr Weymouth Roberts, foreman of Works at the Ashburton Bridge, waspublicly , made in the Library GUI, Ashburton. .The chair jvas occupied by Mr Flockton, assistant-engineer, who, in making the presentation, spoke of the high estimation in which Mr Roberts was held by the donors for his workmanlike qualities and Eat 1 courtesy shewn to the public. Mr berts’ health was then drank, and he re plied, acknowledging his high appreciation of the gift. The present consists of a handsOme gold watch and chain, supplied by Mr Urquhart, Colombo street, Christchurch, and bore the following inscription:—“ Presented to Weymouth Roberts by the engineers, workmen and residents, Ashburton Bridge, May, 1875.” Fsotikoiaii Schodausnipb.—The annual examination of candidates for the Provincial scholarships commenced yesterday at the Colombo road school. Those who did not reside in the vicinity, or who were not conveyed to the school by their friends, assembled at the Government Buildings shortly after nine o’clock, and were taken thence in three vehicles provided for the occasion. On arrival at the school the candidates proceeded to the rooms set apart for the examination, the boys and girls being kept separate. On the roll being called, it was found that in class A fifteen out of the seventeen boys who had entered in competition, and ten out of eleven girls were present. ' . In class B twenty-three out of twentysix boys, and all the girls—twelve—-were in attendance; while in class 0 twenty-one out of twenty-three boys, and all the girls—twelve —wWpresent. It will thus be seen that the percentage.of absentees was very small. Of those under examination the West Christchurch district contributes twelve boys and four girls; East Christchurch, four boys and two girls; Papanui, four boys and one girl; Lyttelton, two boys and one girl; Lower Heathcote, two boys; Biccarton, three boys and two girls; Stoke, one boy; St. Albans, one boy; Temuka, one boy; Colombo road, three boys and three girls; Kaiapoi, one boy and three girls; Flaxton, two boys; Femside, one boy and three girls; Brookside, one boy; Saltwater Creek, one boy; Ashley Bank, one gild ; Okain’s Bay, two girls; Wainui, one girl; Mr Cook’s school, Melville house, eight boys ; Christ’s College, nine boys; Bev C. .Burrell's school, .one boy; Roman Catholic school, one boy; Mrs Boss’, two boys; Mrs Alabaster’s, two boys ; Mrs Sutton’s, three girls; Bev W. E. Paige’s, one girl; Miss Cole’s, one girl; Miss Lestes’, one girl; Mrs Mainwaring’s, one girl; and private tuition, two boys and a girl. The examination is being conducted by the Bev W. J. Habeas and Mr J, C. Teel, and will be continued to-day. The girls, it should be said, are under the supnri*iou<ri.M9Hovjoak«r,mi9tMßa of the Colombo road school, who also takes charge of those from outside Christchurch, each evening, and stops with them at the Carlton Hotel. The boys from the country are also cared for in a similar way, one of the clerks in the Education Department being told off to attend them in the evenings, at' the place where lodgings have been secured for them.' Mr Pyett supplies the refreshments required by the candidates while at the school, and discharged the duties of caterer yesterday in a very satisfactory manner. The whole arrangements connected with the examination were made by Mr Mainwaring, the Secretary' of the Board of Education, and - their completeness and excellence reflect great credit upon him. The examination wjU be resumed at a quarter to 10 o’clock this morning. .

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4463, 3 June 1875, Page 2

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TOWS & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4463, 3 June 1875, Page 2

TOWS & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4463, 3 June 1875, Page 2


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