Wanted. WANTED, an experienced MILLER and a good PLOUGHMAN. Apply to W. STONYER & CO., Ohoka Mills. 9419 WANTED, a MILLER; none but a good hand need apply. 9544 W. MOIR, Central Hotel. WANTED, TENDERS for CARTING about 3000 Bushels of WHEAT to Kaiapoi. R. L. HIGGINS. Tara, Feb. 24, 1872. 9537 NURSE. WANTED, a NURSE. References re quired. Apply to Mrs GIBSON, Lyttelton. 9434 TO MILLERS. WANTED, a MAN, who can take charge of a Country Mill. Apply at once to J. L. WILSON, 9302 Canterbury Stores. CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL, THE Services of a PRACTICAL ENGINEER are required to take charge of one of the STEAM FIRE ENGINES. ‘ Particulars of the duties can be leamt on application to the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade. Applications, with testimonials, to be sent to my office by 4 o’clock on MONDAY NEXT, the 26th Instant. By order, GEORGE GORDON, Town Clerk. City Council Office, Feb. 21,1872. 9398 Lost, Found, &c. LOST from Leithfield in January last, one DARK BROWN HORSE, branded CT on the near shoulder. Had been blistered on the near hind hock. Anv person returning the same to JAMES NEALE, Leithfield, will be rewarded. 9341 LOST, a BLACK HORSE, blotch brand near shoulder, white streak, very plain, formerly running in Cobb’s coach ; supposed to be about West Coast road, in Malvern or Courtenay districts. The finder will be rewarded. Apply to P. BALL, Christchurch, or R. HUME CAMPBELL, Craigieburn. 9536 STRAYED, from Mr Bethel’s Farm, on or about February 12 : A chesnut Horse, a black Mare, a black Gelding, a bay Mare, and a Foal. Anyone returning them to Brookside, South Selwyn, will receive £2 10s reward. Anyone detaining them after this notice will be Prosecuted. 9373 PETER M'KENNA. Funeral Notices THE Friends of Mr ALEXANDER BUCHANAN are respectfully requested to attend the FUNERAL of his late WIFE, C. H. Buchanan, who died Saturday, 24th February. The funeral will leave his residence, South Town Belt, at 3 o’clock p.m. on MONDAY, 26th inst. 9521 Tenders, TO PAINTERS. TENDERS are invited to be sent to the undersigned, on or before Ist March, for PAINTING the Exterior of Barrett’* Hotel with two coats of Lead and Oil. Further particulars can be obtained from the owner. 9522 WILHELM SCHMIDT. TENDERS will be received until March 1 for a duly qualified MEDICAL PRACTITIONER for the Ancient Order of Foresters, Sons of Temperance, Manchester Unity of Oamaruj number of members 140. Tenders, accompanying testimonials, to be addressed to GEORGE ORR, Secretary, 9539 Oamaru. TENDERS are invited on or before March 13thfor the PURCHASE andREMOVAL of the OLD CHURCH of the Parish of St. Michael and All Angels. Neither the highest nor any tender will of necessity be accepted. For conditions apply to MR HARMAN, 9527 Hereford street. TO METALLEES. THE PORT VICTORIA ROAD BOARD invite TENDERS for METALLING about 70 chains of road. Tenders to be sent in to the Chairman, before noon on FRIDAY, March 1. Specification can be seen on application to THOMAS H. POTTS, 9468 Chairman. ELLESMERE ROAD BOARD. TENDERS are invited for the following works;— For Formation and Metalling 160 Chains of the Main Road between Killiuchy and the Railway. Specifications of the work can be seen at the Road Board Office, Leeston. Tenders to be sent in, addressed to the Chairman, not later than 2 p.m. on Friday, Ist March. W. G. LUNN, 9465 Overseer. HEATHCOTE ROAD BOARD. TENDERS are invited for the following works;— Metalling Hanmer street and Gloitcester street. Making Aldwin’s road, St. Martin’s road, and Wing’s road. Specifications to be seen at the Board Office, where tenders must be sent on or before 10 o’clock on Thursday morning next. F. PAYIIT, 9525 Surveyor. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. THE AVON ROAD BOARD invite TENDERS for the Construction of No. 1 Contract of the New Main Drain. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Road Board Office, Papanui Road, where tenders must be lodged before 11 o’clock on Tuesday, the 6th of March next. F. T. HASKINS, 9395 Clerk to the Board.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 3468, 26 February 1872, Page 1
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