Wanted. WANTED, two SHEARERS, Apply to MR WILKIN. GOOD SHEEP Sheep near Town. 7516 WANTED, a HOUSE, of not less than Seven Rooms, within 3 miles of town. 7504 PACKE BROTHERS. WANTED, a good SHOEING and GENERAL SMITH for Timaru. Apply to EDWARD REECE, Christchurch. ANTED TO RENT, a FLOUR MILL by the Year, or Lease. Address stating terms and locality to W. M., office of this paper. 7499 WANTED, for up-country, a Respectable GIRL as Nurse and Housemaid. Apply to Mrs PENDER, Hereford street. 7497 WANTED, about (25) Twenty - fire Acres of GRASS CUTTING with a MACHINE. Apply to G. DICKINSON, St Alb ms. 7489 WANTED, a MARRIED COUPLE to MANAGE a DAIRY, the husband to fill up his spare time with bush work. Apply to JAMES DALGLISH, Le Eon’s Bay. 7378 A GENTLEMAN, lately arrived in the province, wishes to GIVE PRIVATE LESSONS (or to a small class) in Latin, German, or French. Address X.Y., at the office of this paper. 7420 Lost, Found, &c. LOST, from the Drill Shed, on Nov. 11, a NORWEGIAN FLAG. Had a ticket attached, bearing the name of Petersen and Co. Any person returning the above to the “ Times ” office, Christchurch, will be rewarded. 7458 Heetmgs. EARLY CLOSING ASSOCIATION. THE COMMITTEE and SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS of the above, are requested to MEET at WHITE’S HOTEL At 7.30 p.m., WEDNESDAY, 13th INSTANT On important business. T. FOUNTAINE, 7522 Hon. Sec. Public Notices TO SHEARERS. SHEARING will commence at WAKANUI CREEK STATION on MONDAY, the 18th December. Apply to 7242 Mn MOFFATT. DEAFNESS ! THE Undersigned having been for years hard of hearing, procured through his brother, a banker in England, a recipe from the Royal Dispensary for Diseases of the Ear, Dean street, Soho, London, which has entirely cured him. He will be happy to correspond with any one similarly afflicted. T. B. HANNAFORD Land Agent, 7208 High street, Auckland. NOTICE TO FARMERS. rno ARRIVE per John Knox (hourly exJL pectcd), a large shipment of SYDNEY DRAYS ordered especially for this market, and guaranteed of very best quality. THOS. & E. PAVITT, Colombo and Tuam streets, 7335 Christchurch. Board and Residence BOARD AND RESIDENCE for a single Gentleman in a private family. Apply by letter to W. H, Post-office. 7525 BOARD AND BSIDENCE, ALLENTON HOUSE, St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. Terms moderate. 7386 Partnership Notices. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore subsisting between MALCOLM DUNCAN of Rangiora, and MICHAEL MALEY of Christchurch, under the style or firm of “Duncan and Maley,” Graziers and Cattle Dealers, at Christchurch and Hokitika, has been this day DISSOLVED, by mutual consent. Dated at Christchurch this 9th day of December, 1871. MALCOLM DUNCAN, MICHAEL MALEY. Witness to the signatures of Malcolm Duncan and Michael Maley—Thos. I. Jovnt, Solicitor, Christchurch. 7509 For Sale or To Let. TO BE SOLD OR LET, With Immediate Possession, ALL that FREEHOLD PREMISES known as the Leithfield Steam Flour and Flax Mill, together with the Cottage presently occupied by Mr D. Petrie. Also, the Cottage-house and garden, iu the occupation of Mrs Moss. The Mill Machinery, to which a silk-dresser has lately been added, is all in good working order. Apply to Mr JOHN STEPHENSON, Leithfield. Mr J. CROSBY, Mount Grey Brewery, 7444 Saltwater Creek. Impounded. notice. JTMPOUNDED at Leeston, the Ist inst. 1 CHESNUT FILLY, 2 yrs old; star on forehead, with stripe down face ; oft hind foot white; very poor; no visible brand. ' not released prior to WEDNESDAY, the l December, will bo sold. A. W. ROWLAND, Poundkeeper, Leeston. scomber 4,1871. 7365
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 3404, 12 December 1871, Page 1
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