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Buaineaa Noticea. CHRISTCHURCH LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICHFIELD STREET, THIS Society [IB established Jto assist Tradesmen Farmers, Merchants and Others. MONBF ADVANCED In soma varying from £lO to £BOOO, on security of two responsible Householders, to be repaid by Weekly Instalments.; BILLS DISCOUNTED. MONET LENT ON DEPOSIT OF DEEDS: BILLS OF SALE TAKEN On Furniture, Stock &c., without possession. Office Hours, from Ten to Five. All business strictly private and confidential; 02896 WOOL SORTING AND SCOURING. J. B. BHEATH, HEATHCOTE WHARF, WOOLSTON, CHRISTCHURCH. CS64 FEINTING. WARD AND REEVES, ' HAVING THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED ! ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE lii tli© Province, and Powerful STEAM MACH INE RY, ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE DESCRIPTION OF In a Style not to be equalled in the Colony; i AJSTD At Prices wlalcli will defy Competltioxi.. Customers may depend upon having their Orders executed on the very Shortest Notice. BOOKBIINTDINTG. MACHINE RULING, PERFORATING, &c. &o. &c.
Business Notices. TN BW T O N & CO., , N E L S O N, Indent, receive Consignments of Merchandize, Ship Colonial Produce, and transact General Commission Business to and from the New Zealand Ports, Reference: Bank of New South Wales. Correspondent: Canterbury—W, H. Hargreaves. 49 NOTICE. HAVING This Day disposed of my BUTCHEKING BUSINESS at Kaiapoi to Mr A. M‘DONALD, I take this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants ■ f Eaiapoi and surrounding districts for past favours. JAMES MORRISON, Eaiapoi. Eaiapoi, March 1,1871. With reference to the above notice, 1 have to inform the public that I have this day Purchased the GOODWILL of the BUSINESS lately carried on by Mr Mobbisom in Gookson street, Eaiapoi. From my past experience in the Business, I will be enabled to supply MEAT of the best quality at the Lowest Market Prices, and respectfully solicit a share of publio support. A. M'DONALD, Batcher, Cookson street, Eaiapoi. March 1, 1871. c 673 Hotels. ORARI HOTEL, GREAT SOUTH ROAD, 82 miles from Christchurch, 20 miles from Timaru. JOHN WOODING. Wines, Spirits, and Ales of the beat brands. Excellent stabling accommodation. Moderate charges. 3 For Sale or To let. TO LET, by the month, or on such terms as may be agreed upon, that Piece of Open LAND,, opposite Mr Peacock’s property on the Fapanui Road, 368 c ROBERT WILEIN. TO BE SOLD OR LET, CHEAP, And with immediate possession, A FARM OF EIGHTY ACRES FREEHOLD, in one of the prettiest »ituations in Canterbury, close to the Great North Road. ' , „ The land is of excellent quality, and well watered, thirty acres being securely fenced, and partly laid down in gras*. There is also a good dwelling-house of uve rooms on the property. Apply to MESSRS J. WHITE & CO., 9132 Leithfleld, Kowai,
Partnership Notices. DISSOLUTION OE PARTNERSHIP. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the I'l PARTNERSHIP hitherto subsisting between the Undereiened, WILLIAM PRESTON and JOSEPH HERDMAN ANDKBWs, trading under the style or firm of Priston and Andrews, at Christchurch, as Licensed Victuallers, has this day been DISSOLVED by mutual consent. William Priston will discharge all liabilities owing by, and receive all debts due to the said partnership. Dated Christchurch, New Zealand, this fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. (Signed) W. PRISTON. J. H. ANDREWS, Witness— William J, Lovell, Accountant, Christchurch. With reference to the above advertisement, the undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of those favours accorded to his late partner and himself. WILLIAM PRISTON. Borough Hotel, March 4,1871. 753 To Let TO LET, for Grasing only, that property near Leithfleld, known as HOOD’S LAND, comprising 1500 Acres of wellgrassed LAND. 260 c ROBERT WILKIN. TO LET. That shop in cashbl street, at present occupied by Messrs K. and D. SUTHERLAND, Grocers. Apply to 456 c W. WILSON. FARMING LAND TO LET, NEAR KAIAPOI. THE Undersigned intends letting for the term of 21 years, about 600 ACRES of his O' OKA FARM, it is all fenced in, and subdivided into paddocks of from 50 to 160 acres each, and mostly in English grasses ; there is running vat r in all the sections, making it very valuable for either Agricultural or Dairy purposes. 100 acre section on the Mount Grey Downs, near Leithfleld, No. 2575, unimproved, it is a very early selection, and considered the beet in the whole district Possession of the above can be taken at once 20 acre section, near the Rangiora crossing of the Ashley River (opposite Mr Goodrich Ward’s) at present in the occupation of Captain Brandon Possession from the first of May next. tor further particulars, apply to J. 8. WHITE, Kaiapci. ; March 4, 1871. 7,1
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 3165, 6 March 1871, Page 1
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758Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 3165, 6 March 1871, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 3165, 6 March 1871, Page 1
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