Kew Advertisements THIS DAY, At Hall-past 2. UNDER BILL OF SALE. IN BE ELL. MB, H. E. ALPORT has. received Instructions to sell by Public Auction, at the Premises near the Lunatic Asylum, Lincoln Road, THIS DAY (SATURDAY;, the 4th June, 6 saddle and harness horses 1 spring cart, with Butchers cover, and set harness About 2 acres mangolds in the ground. Sale at half-past 2. Terms cash. •H. E. ALPORT, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. THIS DAY. AT BARNARD'S REPOSITORY. WITHOUT RESERVE. A FIRST-CLASS L ADI’S HACK WITH SADDLE & BRIDLE. 4461 BARNARD’S. THIS DAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1870. UNRESERVED SALE OF THE THOROUGH-BRED HORSE “MOUSETRAP.” MR W. D. BARNARD has received instructions to Sell by Public Auction, at the Repository, on SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1870' The well-know thorough-bred horse, “MOUSETRAP.” Mousetrap, by Bay Camden, dam Creepmouse. Sale at 1 o’clock. 4452 BANGIORA SALE YARDS AND MARKET. TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1870. r>AA GOOD-CONDITIONED STORE JUU WETHERS A few choice MILCH COWS STORE CATTLE. Sale at 1 o’clock. 1456 W. BUSS, Auctioneer. END OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions. CANTERBURY MARKET AND SALE YARDS. JACKSON, ROBERTSON, AND CO. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. Gloucester street, Christchurch. Agents for the Courtenay Farmers’ Club. Samples of Grain, &c., are solicited from the various districts. Parties forwarding samples are requested to state kind of seed and ground where grown, and.average bushel per acre. c 4147
THIS DAY. CANTERBURY MARKET AND SALEYARDS. JACKSON, ROBERTSON & CO. will Sell at their Yards, OPPOSITE THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, (Entrances—Hereford screet and Cathedral square), ON SATURDAY, 4th JUNE, Horses, Pigs, Poultry Farm and Dairy Produce, &c. Several horses 4 spring carts 8 cases kerosene oil 1 stove, complete 1 grate Carcase sheep. Sale at ll'a.m. 4417 PAPANUI, SAWYERS’ ARMS STOCKYARDS. 100 HEAD OF CATTLE. MONDAY, JUNE 6th, 1870. MR BUSS has received instructions from Jame Hurse, Esq., to Sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Wild’s Sawyers’ Arms Stockyards, on the above date, 100 HEAD QUIET CATTLE, As follows,— Fat Stock Cows in milk and springers 2 and 3-year old steers and heifers Young stock Sale at 1 o’clock. No reserve. W. BUSS, 4370 Auctioneer. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTIES. BY PUBLIC AUCTION. IN THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF C. C. AIKMAN. WH. HARGREAVES has received • instructions from the trustees in the •state of C. C. Aikman, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, At his Rooms, Cathedral square, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1. The equity of redemption of 4a. Ir. 30p. freehold land, situated on the Wairarapa, near Merivale, and adjoining the property of John Williams, Esq., being part of rural section No. 133. The land is well laid out as garden, shrubbery, and paddock, with the substantial and well-built dwelling-house of seven rooms and kitchen, wash-house, dairy, stabling, coach-house, &c., built thereon. 2. The freehold of 4a. Ir. of land, part of rural section No. 7,. adjoining the above, with the four-roomed cottage, fowl-house and piggeries, &c., &c., erected thereon. For information and particulars of property apply to the auctioneer. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms at sale. 4416
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2934, 4 June 1870, Page 4
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