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New Advertisements. WINTER EVENINGS' ENTERTAINMENTS. SECOND MEETING, 28th JULY, 1868, THE Committee have much pleasuro in announcing the Second Meeting of the Series for this Season on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, the 28th JULY inet,, at the Town Hall, Christclmrch, when the following varied and attractive Headings and Musical Pieces, Vocal and Instrumental, will bo giren in the order named: PIKXiItAMME : 1. Opening Address...By the Rev. Charles Eraser. 2. Chorus-" The Drum March"-the Tonic-Sol-Fa Association, Numbering 49 Voices Conductor Mr J. B. StanselL.Krugh. 3. Reading—Dr Turnbull. 4. Solo—Piute, "La Somnambula," air with variations, Mr J. Rowley...Bellini. 5. Part Song-" Departure," Tonic-Sol-Fa Association.. .Mendelssohn. 6. Reading-On Snobs-Rev. J. Habens... Thackeray. 7. Solo, vocal—" Nil Dcsperandura"...Mr 6. Rutland. 8. Reading-From " Lady of the Lake"— Mr R. P Croßbie...Sir W. Scott. 9. Chorus-" The Comrades Song of Hope" —Tonic-Sol-Fa Association... Adolphe Adam. Finale—" God Save the Queen." Doors open at 7; to commence at halfpast 7 precisely. Admission—3d. There are no reserved seats. By order of the Committee, J.F.M'CARDELL, Hon, Secretary. MUSIC LIiSSONS. A LADY is desirous of obtaining a limited number of PUPILS to instruct in Music. Terms:—Two Guineas Per Quarter. More than one in a family, One and a Half Guineas. Apply to MR B. DEWSBURY, Candy and Dewsbury's, 8 »70 Colombo House. GRAND PROVINCIAL STEEPLECHASE. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF HORSES. iIROM and after this date any Horses x going over the Steeplechase Course will be disqualified. By order of the Stewards. R. HUSTLER. July 24,1868. PROVINCIAL INVESTMENT AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. MONTHLY NOTICE. THE Monthly Meeting for the payment of Subscriptions and other moneys for the current month will be held in the offices of the Association, Cookham House Chambers, Christchurch, on THURSDAY NEXT, 30m INSTANT, Being the last Thursday in the month, From 7 to 9 o'clock p.m,, The Manager will receive money up to four o'clock p.m. on that and the preceding By order of the Board, JOHN LEWIS, '561 Manager, PROVINCIAL INVESTMENT AND LOAN ASSOCIATION.
LOANS. SHAREHOLDERS in this Association may, in future, procure loans on approved security at any time, without balloting. By order of the Board, JOHN LEWIS, 4334 Manager. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JOHN JEBSON. A LL PERSONS having Claims against . the above Estate are requested to send them in to Mr JOHN KING, Grocer, Cashel street, on or before the 7th August, 1868, after which date no claims can be recognised. JOHN KING, W. H. LANE, Trustees. Christchurch, 24th July, 1868. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP NEW ZEALAND. CANTERBURY DISTRICT. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. 1867. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SAMUEL PAULL ANDREWS, of Christchurch, in the province of Canterbury, Plasterer, hath Ibis day filed a declaration in this Honourable Court pursuant to the said Act that he is unable to meet his engagements with his creditors. Dated this 24th day of July, 1868. J. DEAN BAMFORD, Solicitor for the said Samuel Paull Andrews. 8559 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND. CANTERBURY DISTRICT. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1867. In the matter of ANN O'HARA and JAMES O'HARA of the Harp Tavern Christchurch in the said district licensed victuallers bankrupts And In the matter of the petition of George Allen of Allenton House St Asaph street Christchurch boarding-house keeper a creditor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said Ann O'Hara and James C'llarahaveby order bearing date the 30th (lay of June last been adjudged bankrupts under the above-named petition for adjudication of bankruptcy filed in this honourable Court on the 27th day of June last past and that at a meeting of creditors held at the office of the Registrar on the Bth day of July instant James Edwin Graham of Christchurch accountant was chosen trustee of the estate and effects of the said Ann O'Hara and James O'Hara and that tha Court has by order bearing date the tenth day of July instant confirmed such choice and notice is hereby further given that a public sitting for the said bankrupts to paBS their last examination and to make application for their discharge will be held before his Honor Mr Justice Gresson on THUKSDAY the 13th day of August 1868 at the Court House Christchurch at eleven o'clock in the foreDated this 11th day of July 1868. EDWARD S. WILLCOCKS, Registrar. Francis Slater, Solicitor for the said George Allen. 8569 3 OR 4 YOUNG COWS, to Calve iu about a Month, on tale by the underJ; P. JAMESON.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2368, 25 July 1868, Page 3
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730Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2368, 25 July 1868, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2368, 25 July 1868, Page 3
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