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Money OHBISTCHURCH LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICHFIELD BTEEET THIS Bocicty i;i established to assist Tradesmen, Farmers, Merchants, and others, MONEY ADVANCED, In sums varying from £lO to £2OOO, on security of two responsible Householders, to be repaid by Weekly Instalments. BILLS DISCOUNTED. MONEY LENT ON DEP-OSIT OF DEEDS. BILLS OP SALE TAKEN On Furniture, Stock, &c., without possession. Office Hours, from Ten to Five. All business' strictly private and confidential.' 4385

£9OO TO LEND, on approved Freehold PACKE BROTHERS, Matson's Buildings, 8611 c Cathedral square. Insurance Companies. The royal insurance company, FIRE AND LIFE. Agents, MILES & CO., i7o Christchurch and Lvttelton. OTAGO FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Head office: Dunedin, Agent for Canterbury, JAMES K GRAHAM, Wilson's Building's '2IS Christchurch. T iHE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Instituted 1836. Capital .Subscribed, £2,000,000. On all subjects connected with the business of the company, the fullest information can be had on application to Messrs. RICKMAN, BROS., Kaiapoi and Rangiora; Messrs. INWOOD & BILTON, Timaru; or to W. BOWLER, Lyttelton and Christchurch. Offices in Lyttelton: At Mr. G. B. Johnson's, Canterbury street, \24 Miscellaneous. THE LONDON JOURNAL contains Original and Domestic Novels by the first Authors of the day ; Short Tales Poems; Educational and Social Essays, Descriptions of the most Remarkable Places in the World ; Thousands of useful Receipts of every kind; Records of Scientific Inventions and Discoveries; Statistics embracing all the principal Official Returns published, of Public Accounts, Population, Emigration, Health; Military, Naval, and Commercial Affairs; Valuable General Statistical Information i Articles of Literary and Historical Interest illustrative of passing events; Witty and Laughable Jokes and Anecdotes; A voluminous personal Correspondence upon every imaginable topic. The London Journal, the best, cheapest, largest and most beautifully Illustrated Publication ever issued, having a greater circulation than that of any other periodical in the world. The London Journal is issued in Weekly Numbers, One Penny. The London Journal in Monthly Parts, Sixpence. 'J he London Journal Half-yearly Volumes, Four Shillings and Sixpence. t The London Journal Volumes 1 to 46 are now ready, bound in cloth. The London Journal may be had in the Colonies. '1 he London Jouunal Parts and Volumes are always in print. The London Journal Office, 332, Strand, London. 8569 r EA & PERKINS' celebrated WORCESTER SHIRE SAUCE, declared by connoisseurs to be the only good sauce. Caution against Fraud.—The success of this most delicious and unrival ed condiment having caused certain dealers Jo apply the name of " Worcestershire Sauce" to their own inferior compounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secure the genuine is to ask for Lea andPeirins' Sauce, and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, label, stopper, and botth. Some of the foreign markets having been supplied with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of which tho names of Lea and Perrins have been forged, 1. and P give notice that they have furnished their correspondents with power'of attorney to take instant proceedings against manufacturers and vendors of such, or any other imitations by which their; right may he infringed. Ask for .lea and Perrins' Sauce, and see name on wrapper, label, bottle, and Btopper. Wholesale and for export by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crossoand Blackwell, London, &0., &c.; and by Grocers and Oilmen universally. Agents for Christv'hurch—Matheson's Agencv. 677 JMNNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA is the great remedy tor Acidity of the Stomach, Head ache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations and Bilious Affections. It is the Physician's cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Gravel, and othor complaints of the Bladder; and in cases of Fever and Feverish Irritability of Skin it produces grateful cooling effects, As a safe and gentle medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and for the sickness of Pregnor.cj, Dinneford's Magnesia is indispensable, and when taken with tho Acidulated Lemon Syrup, forms & delightful effervescing saline aperio'nt. Prepared by DINNEFORD & CO., Chomists, London, and sold by druggists and storekeepers throughout the World. Caution.—Ask for "Dinneford's .Magnesia,' l and see that " Dinueford and Co." i 8 on every Bottlo and Label. 6206 THOMAS BEAR'S Celebrated Virginia Sling and Birdseye Tobacco. Trade (The _ Elephant) Mark. The proprietor of these justly celebrated Tobaccos begs to callthe attention of the public to the following varieties manufactured and prepared with great caro from the pure Virginia and Oriental Tobacco. And in order that no adulteration or fraudulent attempts at imposition should tako place after it has left his manufactory, he wishes to inform the public that it is never sold except in packets and canisters of various sizes, bearing a fac-simile of his signature upon them, Virginia tiling Tobacco, Virginia Birdsoye Tobacco, Virginia Cut Cavendish, Virginia lieiurns Tobacco, York liiver Tobacco, Carolina Rose, flnvana Tobacco, Persian Tobacco, Latikiah Tobacoo, Oronoko Tobacco, Imperial Tobacco, Smoking Mixture. Ami sold by the principal Storekeepers and Dealers in the Australian and i 1 e«' Zealand Colonies, and throughout tho world, Manufactory—High Street, Borough, London. MILKS & Co., Christchurch. 487 ANY ONE CAN USE THEM. A BASIN of WATER is all that is required to -a- produce tho most Brilliant and Fashionable Colours on Silks, Woollens, Cottons, Ribbons, &c, in ton minutes, by tho use of JUDSON'S SIMPLE DYES, twelve colours, price la 6d, 2s 6d, and 6s per bottle, These dyes wifl also bo found usoful for imparting colour to Feathors, Fibres, Grasses, Seawesd, Ivory, Bone, Wood, Willow Shavings, Papor, also for Tinting Photographs, nud for Illuminating. Mav bo had of.all Chomists throughout the World, Wholesale Dopftt:—l9a Coleman street, London. V Liberal Discount to Dealer

Business Cards. JAMES D. GARWOOD, General Storekeeper, AKAROA. AGENT FOE TUB ' LYTTELTON TIMEB.' c 75 A. l nmns VETERINARY SURGEON, RANGIORA. 8407 Miscellaneous--13 IMMEL'S Unrivalled PERFUMERY, warranted to retain its excellent quality in any climate. Rimmel's Toilet Vinegar, to supersede Eau de Cologne; Rimmel's Lavender Water, distilled from Mitcham Flowers; Rimmel's Jockey Club Frangipanni, etc., of exquisite fragrance; Rimmel's Glycerine, Honey, Windsor, and other Toilet Soaps Rimmel's Lime Juice and Glycerine, for beautifying the Hair; Rimmel's lotion for Whitening and Beautifying the Complexion; Rimmel's Perfume Vaporizer, Perfumo Fountains etc., etc. Sold by all Perfumery Vendors in the World. E. EIMMEL, Perfumer to H. R. H. th„ Princess of Wales, 96 Strand, and 24 Cornhill London. TJURE AND TJNADULTERAIED.-Im. portant to Dairymen and Cheesefactors.— R. J. FULLWOOD & Co. (late R. J, Fullwood & Bland), Highly Celebrated FLUID EXTRACT OF ANNATTO, lor colouring cheese and butter. This valuable article is prepared from the finest quality of the true vegetable Annatto only, warranted perfectly pure, innocuous, and free from any adulteration whatever; it W'U be found the most convenient and certain preparation for the purposes of colouring cheese and butter; produces a rich golden tint, so much esteemed in the London and other great markets, without injury to their natural flavour, or discolouring the whey butter, with half the usual trouble to use, and the certainty of colouring the whole dairy of cheese oi butter alike; is free from sediment, and will immediately incorporate or mix with the milk oi cream. It has now bfcen introduced upwards ol thirty years, and obtained a considerable repute in the North and West of England, where il is used by the largest and most experienced farmers, and is also in general demand in dairies of Scotland, Ireland, Holland, and Germany. In Colouring Butter it will be found by far superioi and much cheaper than any other article in use for that purpose, and their Cake Annatto has stood unrivalled for the last 70 years. Prepared only by R. J. Fullwood & Co., Annatto Works Somerset Place, Hoxton, London, Importers Successors, and Sole Manufacturers of the Original Fullwood's Annatto. Established 1785. To pre. vent fraud, our Annattos are stamped as above and bear our trade mark—a Stag with Olivo branch. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Grocers, and Cheesetacto'rs throughout the Colonies, in bottles of full measure, quarts 6s, two quarts 10s, pints 2s 9d, half pints Is 9d, quartet pints Is, and half quarter pints 6d each.—lmportant Caution.—We beg to call the attention of dealers and consumers of Annatto to the fact, that several persons are selling a spurious and useless article, bearing the name of " Edward Fullwood and Co., B. Fullwood and C 0.," &c. In order tc guard our friends and the public against sucl deception, we respectfully assure them thatneithe: of tho parties have, or ever had, any connectioi with our trade or manufacture, and that we ari the only successors o the original " Fullwood'i Annatto. CHEAP CURES FOR GREAT DISEASES. JJOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Old Sobes and Old Skin Diseases. Thi seeds of these disordeVs are effeotually expelled b' this penetrating Unguenti not only from thi superficial parts, but from the internal tissuei likewise. Any case, even if of 20 years standing speedily yields to its influence. Bbonchitis, Dipthebia, Soke Thboat Asthma, &o.—Rheumatism, and erysipelas, maj be overcome by frequently fomenting the affectec parts in warm water, drying, and immediately applying this soothing Ointment. The same pro. cedure applies equally well for curing sore throat, diptheria, bronchitis, asthma, tightness of the chest,and pain in the side, which instant treatment alone prevents degenerating into more serious maladies. This Ointment has tho same derivative powers over chest complaints as a blister possessea, without causing pain or debility. Hbmobrhoids Piies, ahd Abscbssbs.— Thousands aulfer severely for years from these annoying complaints through false delicacy. Let such purchase a pot of Holloway's Ointment, read the directions which accompany it,.act upon them to the letter, and they will, without difficulty, succeed in obliterating every vestige of these harass, ing ailments. Accidental Injobiks, Infantile ailments, —ln cuts, bruises, sprains, burns, and scalds, it will be found cooling," sedative, and healing. The part affected should bo fomented in warm water, (tried gently, and the Ointment should be instantly applied. This purifying Ointment may be safely used in all eruptions, _ dialings, and other cutaneous affections to which children are liablo. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Sobes asd Ulcbbs.—By rubbing the Ointment round the affected parts, it ponctrates to the tissues beneath, and exercises a wonderful power on all the blood flowing to, and returning from, the disoased part. The inflammation diminishes, the pain becomes less intolerable, the matter thicker, and a cure is soon effected. In all long standing cases, Holloway's Pills will thoroughly expel all depraved humours from the body. Glandular Swellings, Stiff Joints.—This class of complaints yield without difficulty to the cooling and anti-iuflammatory properties of this fauii'd Ointment. It should bo well rubbed over tho affected parts, after duo fomention with warm water. It acts by stimulating the absorbents to incrensod activity, restraining ulceration, and prometing a free aud copious circulation in tho parts afflicted, and henco speedily and effectually ensuiing a euro. Gout, Rkkdmatism and Par altsis—Gout and Rheumatism arise from inflammation in the parts affected,—to effect a permanent cure, adopt a cooling diet, drink plenty of water, tako six of these fatuous Pills night and morning, aud rub tho Ointmout most effectually twico a day into the suffering parts, and a euro is certain. Tho paralytic patient should lake about three Pills twice a week, and let the Ointment be woll rubbod into the paralysed limb, which will, in a vory little time, bo greatly benefited,—indeed many cures liavo been effected by this treatment. Eitmiox on the Skin,—ln this class of complaints, no matter the age, thn sex, or tho place, or under what name, tho disease may be classified, it may bo cured if this Ointment be well rubbed into tho systom, and Holloway's Pills taken night and morning to purify tho blood. Both the Ointment aud Pills should be used in the following cases:— Cancers Bad broasts Contracted and Burns stiff joints Sore throats Bunions Elonhantiasis Skin diseasos Bite of mosche- Fistulas Sourvy toos&sandllies Gout Sore heads Coco-bay Glandular swell- Tumours Chiego-foot ings Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago Wounds Chapped hands Piles Yaws. Corns (soft) Rheumatism Sold at the Establishment of Peofmsoh Hollowaj, 244, Strand (near Tomple Bar), London; also by all respectable Druggists and Doalors in Modicinos throughout the civilized world, at tho following prices. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B. —Directions for tho guidance of'patients Jn oyery disorder are aflixod to each pot. Scalds

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 2013, 4 June 1867, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 2013, 4 June 1867, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 2013, 4 June 1867, Page 8


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