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PUBLIC NOTICE. AT the Annual Licensing Meeting for the Prba! vince of Canterbury, holden in May, 1860, the undermentioned Publicans' Licences were granted for the year, to commence Ist July next:— GENERAL LICENCES. Lyttbiton. , Cameron, Peter, Bobin Hood Hotel Collier, John, Albion Hotel Heaphy, William, Universal Hotel Julian, Joseph William, Mitre Hotel Olson, Frederick, Canterbury Hotel. Sumnbb. Day, George, Canterbury Arms Hotel. Akaeoa.. Daley, Samuel, Commercial Hotel Gibbs, Samuel, Bruoe's Hotel Waeckerle, Christian Jacob, The French Hotel. Cheistchuboh. Ballard, John Frederic, Golden Fleece Hotel Barrett, Thomas, Barrett's Hotel Davis, Rowland, Davis's Hotel > Newton, ChaMes, White Hart Hotel Thomson, Mary, Royal Hotel Whale and Banks, Royal Oak Hotel. Kaiapqi. Day, George Frederick, Eaiapoi Hotel Jackson, George, Ferryman's Arms , Sadler and Whalley, Northern Hotel White, William, Kaikainui Hotel. TIMAEU. Allen, William, Royal Hotel Williams, Samuel, Titnaru Hotel. Countby District. Dilloway, John, Plough Inn, Riccarton Felton, Joseph, Courtenay Arms, Waimakariri Ferry Meddings, William, Papanui Hotel, Great North Road Panckhurst, Edward, City of Canterbury, Woodend Pearce, Edwinj Heathcote Arms, Ferry Road Treleaven, Samuel, Bridge Inn, Great North Road. Rangioea. Foster, Thomas Wilberfoss, Lion Hotel, Rangiora Papprill, Joseph William, Rangiora. WINE AND BEER LICENCES. Chbistchitbch. Atkinson, Thomas Mann, James Dillon, Eleanor Stringer, William. Kaiapoi. Everest, David. Kaiapoi District, Smith, Stephen Payne, Waimakariri. CONDITIONAL LICENCES. WOOD, THOMAS, Purau— Conditions :— To provide at all times lodging for four travellers; oats and fodder sufficient for three horses; to keep a lamp burning with two burners from sunset to sunrise; lobe sworn in special constable. Licences granted to the persons named below are subject to the conditions following, shown as they stand numbered on the printed form of Licence in each case: — MAIN, JAMES, Great South Road," Half-way House"— * 1. All the premises to be kept in good repair. ; To provide in his house, besides the taproom, or room answering as such, one public , and one private sitting-room. 2. Not less than six beds for travellers, in not less than four separate bed-rooms. 3. To provide a shed sufficiently weather«tight and fit for the accommodation of at least . six horses. 4k. At all times to keep a proper supply of water for the house, and for horses and cattle. 5. To keep at all times a proper supply of oats, and oaten or grass hay. Oats to be charged for to travellers at not more than 6d. per quart measure. •....'. 6. To provide and keep in repair a good and sufficient stockyard for cattle, capable of holding not less than 50 head. 7. To provide and keep in repair a good and sufficient; moveable sheep-proof enclosure, capable of holding not less than 2,000 sheep; or, at the option of the licensee, to keep one acre of land enclosed by a permanent sheep-proof fence. 8. To keep a lamp burning with two burners from sunset to sunrise, giving a sufficiently bright light, and being so lighted as to be conspicuous from a distance all round the house. 9.-Nil.----10. To be sworn in and diet as a constable, especially when required by the Magistrates or the Police. 11. On all occasions to render every assistance, and to supply information to Magistrates and to the Police in the execution of their duty. ; 12. To keep a clean and orderly house, and to render it as comfortable for the accommodation of travellers as the circumstances of position and distance from town will fairly allow. 13. Nil. 14. The licence to be cancelled if any of the conditions of the licence be not fulfilled regularly, or if any drunkenness be proved to have been allowed on the premises, or if any spirits shall be supplied from the house or premises to any aboriginal native of New Zealand. 15. A printed or fairly written copy of the conditions to be kept at all times posted up in some conspicuous place in the tap-room, in the public arid in the private sitting-room, for the information,of travellers. 16. A tariff of charges to be kept posted up in like manner. GIGGS, GEORGE HENRY, River Selwyn, Parlby's " Accommodation House"— 1. AH the premises to be kept in good repair. To provide in his ho'use,besides the tap-room, or room answering as such, one public and one private sitting-room. . . 2. Not less than eight beds for travellers, in not less than six separate bed-rooms. 3. To provide a shed sufficiently weather-tight, and fit for the accommodation of at least seven horses. The remaining conditions, Nos. 4 and following, are the same as in tiames Main's Licence. GILES, JOHN, River Orari, "Giles* Accommodation House"— 1. All the premises to be kept in good repair. To provide in his, house,beside the tap-room, or room answering as such, one public and one private sitting-room.; 2. Not less than fourteen beds for travellers, in not less than four separate bed-rooms. \ 3. To provide a shed sufficiently weather-tight and fit for the accommodation of at least , five horses. The remaining conditions, Nob. 4 and following, are the same as in James Main's License.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XIII, Issue 794, 20 June 1860, Page 5
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828Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XIII, Issue 794, 20 June 1860, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XIII, Issue 794, 20 June 1860, Page 5
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