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HIS Honor the Superintendent directs the following; Immigration*! Reguj[ m ations to be published for general information. By his Honor's command, C.R. BLAKISTON, ; ... . Provincial Secretary. , Christchurch, Dec. 21,1857. IMMIGRATION REGULATIONS. All persons desirious of obtaining assisted passages to the Province of Canterbury in vessels under contract with the Provincial Government, may re- , ceive,assistance as follows .* - ,-, „-.■ ' _ I. The Government will afford assistance equal in amount to the sum paid in cash by the pasj senger. .If there shall be any balance, the Govern- ' ment will advance the sum, taking from the passenger promissory notes for the amount advanced, s payable^ to the Treasurer of the Province. Such 1 notes will be made payable on demand, but, unless . the passenger dispute the debt, or shall attempt to leave the Province,' payment will only be required s in sums of five pounds at periods of six months after landing. j 2. Any persons residing in the province desirous 3 of assisting their friends in England, or elsewhere, to obtain assisted passages' to the Colony may do f so by drawing a Bill tothe order of the Provincial i Treasurer,; accepted. by • a substantial - householder, also resident in the province, to be approved of by the Superintendent as sufficient security for the same; this bill may,then be transmitted to the person who is desirous of emigrating to the colony, - and being by him-presented to the Emigration Agent will be received in lieu of cash payment, as , hereinafter provided; the bill will be re-transmit- . ted by the Agent to the Colony, and must be paid immediately on presentation. 3. Assisted passages will be afforded only to bona fide labouring men, mechanics, and female domestic servants; but"persons of all classes will be able to assist their friends to emigrate to the colony by undertaking the payment of the whole , of the passage money in the manner above provided. 4. No person will be allowed-any assistance unless he shall have.been approved of by the Emigration Agent in England,. No single man above the age of 40 years, no person.; above the age of 50, unless a member of a large family, and no person above 60 years, under any circumstances, will be allowed assistance.- ; 5. When bills are tendered in payment as cash in England, the amount of assistance given by the Government will be one-half of the amount of Bills. Persons therefore wishing to give their friends in England the utmost amount of assistance must give bills for .two-thirds of the. whole amount of the passage money. 6. The Provincial, Government are unable at present to state at what sum the rate of passage money to the Colony will be fixed; but all bills will be pre pared on the: supposition that !ifc will amount to £20; should it be less, a proportional part of the bills will be remitted at the time of re-payment. 7. Applications for assisted passages will be received at the Secretary's Office, in Christchurch, and at the Resident Magistrate's Office, in Lyttelton. '- --•''.• ,v".; ; BUSH FOR SALE. - '■■'--*■ FIVE acres of splendid bush, situated at the. Head of Lyttelton Harbour, to be sold in lots to suit purchasers. The above bush is of excellent quality and of easy access; The land can be. sold with the bush if required. For particulars of price, apply to JOSEPH DRANSFIELD. I HE RE BY Give Notice, that from this date, I will not any Sheep, to the North of the Hurunui River,: unless a perfectly sheep-proof inclosure, immediately opposite the Government dip. •■■•'•■•■ :•':' - T. K. ADAMS, Inspector of Sheep. Christchurch, 10th January, 1860. - FARMS RENT FREE. ~~ THE Undersigned has been instructed by - Robert Waitt,-Esq.,- to let about 2;00'0 acres of rich agricultural:laiid,:in farms of from 20 to 100 acres each, for a term of. seven years, at a nominal rent. Apply to - - - MR. WYLDE, '■;•;■■.? At his Office, Kaiapoi. Oct. 8,1859. ■'-.-:■■•:■■:. WOOL AND COLONIAL PRODUCE. THE undersigned are buyers of Wool and ! other Produce, or will advance on consignments to their correspondents Messrs. Dalgety and Co., London and Melbourne.' ■ '-.•■'"■'• DALGETY, BUCKLEY & Co. Lyttelton, Jan., 1860. FOR SALE, THE northern half of the Quarter-Acre ' Section, No. 198, fronting on St. David j Street and Sumner Road, Lyttelton. * For further particulars, apply to '' T.S.DUNCAN, | Solicitor. FRESH STOCK OF HARNESS AND 1 .SADDLERY. | SETS; of Scotch Shaft. and. Leading . Horse \ Harness. ( Spare Bullock and Horse Collars, Blinkers, &c , Plough Harness .complete, for -Horse and 1 Bullock -! Spare Plough Reins j Plpugh Chains and Harness .."...■,.-.;.,,■ , Best all over Hogskin Quilted Side' Saddles, ( . with extra Leaping Head and Fitzwilliam . Girth .;. . ■.;■••-,•;■•....:. * f < First Quality Hogskin Hunting Saddles, A complete ... .-. ' Whips, Spurs, Felt Saddle Cloths t Single! Snaffle and Head Stall Bridles, Martin- € gales . c Spare Stirrups Leathers. Bridle Reins, &c. • ■ r A great Reduction made to Cash Buyers. a H.E.ALPORT. c Market Place, Christchurch.. .•-. , ,-,• . c HANDSOME PHAETON FOR SALE. a r Avery elegant '4-wheeled Carriage, with po ] e v . and shafts complete. ,--.-■:, c Also a strong and handsome 4-wheeled Dog r Cart, with pole and shafts A capital 2-wheeled Dog Cart A very excellent second hand ditto. \ AH the above will be sold at very low prices for a cash. ...-. ' ; .- : " 'H. E* ALPORT. o Market Place, Christchurch. j FOR SALE, ~~ ~~* A FLOUR MILL AND STEAM ENGINE, ..•■■. EECENTLY IMPOETED. THE Flour Mill was constructed in Glasgow, under the superintendence of an I eminent millwright, and is a strong first-rate piece I of work. c The Steam Engine is nominally 13 horse power, but can be worked to 20 with' full steam. c Further particnlarsican be learned and the plans p inspected at the office of COOKSON, BOWLER & CO.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XIII, Issue 780, 2 May 1860, Page 7
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934Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XIII, Issue 780, 2 May 1860, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XIII, Issue 780, 2 May 1860, Page 7
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