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. Mr. Eraser,'after the meeting had been opened by 1 the chairman, that rules (and it was also to be mii ferred the resolutions, an appendix to which was ! the list referred to,) did not emanate from any oue % individual of the provisional committee, but were | the exposition of the views of the whole^ conjointly. I. As to the writer of the letter in question making I capital of and laying stress upon the use by the I Secretary of the words quotod, viz.:—■ " Ido not t insist upon your adoption of the list as it stands;" i this is mere clap-trap. I No one, at all events no one present at this ;j. meeting, would for' a moment suppose that the ! I Secretary Avas in a position to insist, or, knowing ;i that gentlemen, that he would insist on, anything :\ to be done or left undone by the meeting; or that I the meeting would for a moment have submitted I to any such implied coercion. !For my part I could riot at the time, nor can I now see, that this implied desire on the part of the Secretary to bully the meeting and force tho. list as it stood on their acceptance had anything to do with the after proposal of other names. As far as my : recollection. serves' me, : the only new: names proposed as committee men were these of Mr. Button and Mr. McLeod, neither of whom would to all appearance have, been called upon at all had not Mr. Hall's name been erased from the list. Mr. b McLepdls; name; was> proposed almost simultaneI ously'with that of Mr. Button, by some one who | had not apparently heard the latter gentleman's \ name mentioned, and was immediately withdrawn va having been proposed under a mistake. {' There were no other proposals whatever, nor I dissent exhibited to Mr. Button's being placed on £ the' committee in lieu of Mr. Hall. I I think, Sir, you will agree with me that the I grounds are not strong for Mr. McLeod's inference I that the dictatorial spirit of the Secretary^ cowed the I meeting, and deteriorated from the purity of the I election of committee men. I I am, Sir, obediently your's I ONE PEESENT AT THE MEETING. | 36th June, 1859. I WHEAT v. FLOUR. \ To the Editor of the Lyttelton Times. | Sic, —I find that in your last Saturday's issue, I *' A Miller" accuses the Farmers' Club of having I resort to falsehood to impose on the public. If a | Miller ■ will emerge from his dust, give himself a | name, and point out what he believes to be false, I I should, be prepared to produce proofs of everything |; I have stated. 1 As regards the other letter that appeared on the I, same subject, I beg to inform the person who If wrote it, that the Club cannot condescend to perf\ sonalities even to defend its officers. (You would particulary oblige me by publishing . the enclosed, as it will prove to the public, that, however interested the farmers may be in exposing the Miller monopoly, they are not singular in their ' views on the subject. f • I am, Sir, k Your humble and obedient servant, I" R. BRUNSDEN, j| Hon. Sec. p. Christchurch, June 15th, 1859. r [enclosure] pj ' Christchurch, June 11,1859. fi Mr. R. Brunsden. Sir,—We notice inMr. Inwood's I letter of vto day's ' Times,' that he ridicules your fj ideas on the relative price of wheat and flour at I present existing in the settlement. ; We think it right to corroborate your statement, fj} and further to state that since .our being in business || in this settlement, we. have never known a greater |-, disparity in the prices to exist. Our chief reason <\ for buying, flour instead of wheat was the difficulty |j of getting a sufficient quantity of the latter ground jS to supply our customers, and not as Mr. In wood M supposes, because it was not worth while. You are |*£ at liberty to use this letter as you think fit. y? ' " -' We Temain, your's truly, S, GOULD & MILES. $ — I - " Have you read my lost speech ?" said a prosy |>, orator the other day' to a friend. " I hope so," U was the satisfactory reply."' f SHJbertfsifments?, I ■ • WANTED, I TVTOULD CANDLE MAKERS. : I ±VJL , FISHER & CO., i S; ' ■ ... Christchurch. I , FOR OTAGO. tH fTIHE ' Inter-Colonial Royal Mail Steam; $ J. .'Ship PRINCE ALFRED, 1200 tons,: "£, 200 horse power, is expected to arrive here from ' ' Sydney, Nelson, and Wellington, on TUESDAY v NEXT, and will sail for Otago on or about WEDNESDAY, the 23rd instant. " v, For freight or passage, apply to I MILES, KINGTON, & CO. I' Lyttelton, June 16,1859. I ' : FOR SYDNEY. . m riIHE Inter-Colonial Royal Mail Steam M JL Ship PRINCE ALFRED, 1200 tons, Ipl* 200 horse power, is expected to return here from P Otago on TUESDAY, 4he 28th instant, and will J||-jßail for Sydney on or about the 29fch instant, calling, at Wellington'and Nelson. ' fl' For freight or passage, apply to |# . MILES, KINGTON & CO. *.j| Lyttelton,'June 16, 1859. A- INTER-COLONIAL ROYAL MAIL -;| STEAMERS. I. * ~P ETURN TICKETS will be issued to all ports !;'^JL\) i n New Zealand, allowing 20 per cent off L i, the double passage money. 1; '. ' MILES, KINGTON, & CO., $- Lyttelton. ft.. Lyttelton, June 16,1859. p§ AT THIj GOLDEN SHOE, U CANTERBURY gTEBBT. i\ "D GAHAGAN is just unpacking a nice assort--D. ment of gents' boots, suitable for the prei| sent season, Pj Also, a quantity of ladies' and children's boots '{A of best quality. :| Lyttelton, Jane 16, 1859. IKLAER'S CANINE AND EQUINE HIPPODROME OPEN! A ND the entertainment offered acknowledged J^L. superior. , ' TWO PERFORMANCES ON SATURDAY. il , The first for families and the juvenile portion of X the community. Tho doors will open at half-past | 1 and commence at 2. Children and nurses half-. I price. ' ' ' | THE NIGHT REPRESENTATION ; | will take place at the usual hour. • i | GRAND CHANGE OF PERFORMANCE ■ t on next MONDAY NJGHT, I
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 690, 18 June 1859, Page 5
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997Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 690, 18 June 1859, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 690, 18 June 1859, Page 5
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