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TO BE SOLD, AT KAIAPOI, A WELL-BUILT three-roomed House, ■*-■*- well situated, and commanding beautiful views of the neighbouring woods and mountains. Any quantity of Land from half an acre upwards may be had, payable by instalments. Also, a new river punt, will carry a cord of firewood. Apply to William White, Kaiapoi. FOR SALE, O QUARTER acre Sections in the Market ■" Place, Christchurch. Geo. H. Tiube, Lyttelton. FOR SALE, ■„ O PC ACRES of Section 311, situated near £l*J the Papanui road and Christchurch Town Reserve. Terms —part cash, part instalments. H. I. Ckidland. TO BE SOLD, rpHE Fifty-Acre Section No. on the ■ ■■-L- Canterbury Map, fronting the Lower Lincoln Road, at the five mile stone, from Christchurch ; the proprietor will have no objection to divide it into five or ten acre allotments. Also, the two quarter-acre Sections in Christchurch, divided by the Ferry Road, opposite Mr. Dobson's, and within a few yards of the intended terminus of the Christchurch and Lyttelton railway. Enquire of Mr. J. F. Denton, Fishly Farm, S.W. Bank of the Heathcote. ON SALE, At the shops of the Undersigned, O CASES of Boots and Shoes, of a most ~ superlative .quality, manufactured by the well-known firm of Duncan and Co. (makers to Her Majesty, Prince Albert, and the Royal Family), Pall Mall, London. These goods are most decidedly the best ever offered to the inhabitants of Canterbury, and consist of— Gent's shooting boots „ „ shoes „ stout walking do. „ light do. do. „ do. button boots „ stout do. do. „ do. elastic gusset do. „ light do. do. „ drab cloth shooting do. „ do. walking do. Also, about one doz. pairs of Ladies' Boots, superior to any ever introduced. The Undersigned begs to remind his friends that such an opportunity to replete their understanding may not be had for years to come. Also, to arrive per " Thetis, " Nine trunks of Boots and Shoes, of all descriptions, and of the best manufacture. William Hutchinson, Red Boot, Lyttelton and Christchurch. ON SALE, WINDOW GLASS, all sizes. Oil and Colours. Also, a large quantity of tin and iron Tacks, for canvassing. Reks & Dorset, Painters. Cashel Street, Christchnrch. FOR SALE, A VERY useful Draught Mare. Apply to D. W. Wilkinson, Lower Lincoln Road. FOR SALE, TTALF A TON OF ZINC, at James -*-*- Swinbotjkne's, Colonial Store. FOR SALE, A. WORKING BULLOCKS. Apply to H. I. Cbidlanb. FOR SALE, A PATENT Box Mangle of the best -*-^~ construction. Apply to Robert Waitt, Esq., Norwich Quay.

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Bibliographic details

Lyttelton Times, Volume IV, Issue 187, 5 August 1854, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume IV, Issue 187, 5 August 1854, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume IV, Issue 187, 5 August 1854, Page 7


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