WANTED, ANY number of COWS in full milk, for which the best prices will be given in cash. Some Dry and Young Stock on hand for C. ■&. H. Ward. Lyttelton, August 12th. WANTED, in a small family, two Female Servants, as Cook and Housemaid. Apply to Mr. Wilson, Nurseryman, Christchurch. WANTED, A MAN, accustomed to farm work, to assist in the duties of a Sheep Station. Apply to Mr. Hall, in Christchurch. LAND ORDER. WANTED to Purchase, an unselected Land Order for 50 acres. Apply to Mr. Wohhald, solicitor, Londonstreet, Lyttelton. WANTED, AN Unselected LAND ORDER. Address 8.H., Lyttelton Times office. WANTED, AN Unselected LAND ORDER. D. M. Laukie. Norwich Qaay, 17th June, 1853. Wanted to Purchase, ABOUT Fite Ackes of Rtteai. Land, with House and improvements, &c, near Christchurch. For particulars, apply to Geo. Gould. Ten Shillings RewardLOST, on Monday, August Ist, from Fendall town, a rough Brown Pup, with black muzzle and white feet, answers to the name of "Topsy," supposed to have followed a man going up the plains. Whoever will bring the same to Mr. Fendall will receive the above reward. TWO POUNDS REWARD. STRAYED, from the bauks of the Waimaikariri, a RED HEIFER, branded ____• off rump. 1 Any one delivering the same either at the Golden Fleece, Christchurch, or at Mr. Chapman's Station, will receive the above reward. Christchurch, Aug. 3rd. TWO POUNDS REWARD. T OST, from the Run of Cass's Bay, a -*-J Red Heifer, branded with S. on the near rump, supposed to have a calf with her. Whosoever will give information to Thos. Mutton, Lyttelton, shall receive the above reward. Lyttelton, April 2S, 1853. HEATHCOTE WINDMILL •jl/TR. CHARLES W. MOUNTFORT •L*JL ]]. ls oj-eat pleasure in informing Agriculturists and the Public that he is now prepared to Grind and Dress Corn at the charge of One Shilling per bushel. N.B.—The Sin utter will be ready in the course of a fortnight. LYTTELTON ELECTION. (^TENET'S STORE will be Closed on Wednesday next, during the time of Davis's Election. N.B. A good supply of Eggs on hand. ORDER OF ODD FELLOWSrjIHE " Loyal City op Christchxjech -*- Lodge of Odd Fellows, M.U., will meet on the 20th of August, at host Hart's, at seven o'clock, and on every alternate Saturday. Christchurch, Aug. 6, 1853. HORSES TO LET ON HIRE. APPLY AT THE " Golden Fleece Hotel" Livery and Bait Stables, Christclmrch, '*" SADDLE HORSES TO LET ON HIRE. AI-PI.Y TO Mr. Jackson, opposite the White Hart Inn Christchurch. '
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Lyttelton Times, Volume III, Issue 136, 13 August 1853, Page 12
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409Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume III, Issue 136, 13 August 1853, Page 12
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