The Inangahua Times. Inangahua TRI-WEEKLY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1877.
We cannot recall to mind any decision from the Magisterial Bench of the West Coast which 'das beon made the subject of such pwliik, and we may add, d i verse controversy aR that delivered here .in connection with the late robbery at Gilraer's Hotel, the hue- nnii-cry, j started under, a singular misapprehena sionby n section of the JPreas here, has been taken 'up by some disfaut contemporaries ; and, as is usually the case, in its travels it. has lost nothing,, but it would seem to have remained for the New Zealand Bun, & new journal published in Christchurch, to impart to it the final touch of sensationalism. As the result of this we have in a recent number of the journal named an attack ] upon the Magistrate here, the., bold-., ness and audacity of which we do not remember to have seen excelled. Charges of' such gravity are made against Mp Siutt, K,M., thnt we see no other course open 1 o tbafc gentleman, but to at noce take die necessary steps to bring the mutter under the notice of .the Minister of Justice. The yerv integrity of Lll « Bench in opeuly impugned, and Mr Shaw, is by imjdi- ; ration accused of conduct upon the Bench of' the dnrtont kind. # Nob-o?u-. tenfc with this, the keen hostility of the writer betrays itself in. » coarse find wholly needless reference toMr Shaw's private"?,;wit.h the object it 'Would seem, to- add a shade of colour to the i'mputationa cast out. .We by. no. means claim ••"for Iffir SHiW or any other epnfelemat) in n piniilav position, an immunity from public .cr.iticwin, or hold that Ihere should be any oompuaotioai or deiicacy ;in canvansin^ his" or their ; nctiorjs. On the-, cobtiary,*^ bgljevQthat a fair and wholeßOmV^rt^cfsiiiW all times, a, positive. ess.enfiahty. ? ,j^Dd». 'perhaps in> .no cam-, more $q ■t.ha#-, in reference to the adminis-tro'tipn otUjaiatit'fi But we must confess that ie has never been" ntir lot' to;' meet-;; With a more utterly reckless and dating attack than that of the Stin. In the fiivt pliice the w,i>iterstarLeH with an utterly fnllacious premise as to the duties of Mn^iKtraterf in relation to the com-: raittal of prisoner?, and upbd ! .ttois,:find ' sorm information regarding S/ixtu'S' ; case, evidently at quired Reeon'Ulmnd,/ proceeds to'bui'd up a aeries of charges against Mr Sha.w, such as it is quiteimpossible for either l hat pentlemnnhunself or the Minister of Just'ce to pass unquestioned ; us if, the charges were true," ' Mr Shaw ' \n clearly no longer fit to ait upon the Bench, nnd if they. are false, as we readily believe they arp v then a forcible ex-irYnple should be made of the writer and publisher of ibe slander. To immediately take ibis ifciionis a duty which Mr Siiav/ owt'H to this. community no less thqn. J tQi..himB i lf, and the rc-'-pouHihle position- be fills. The ptihjivfe haw already provoked a good dcfil of. private comment here, nnd but one opinion prevails, nnd thai. In the one .we haye just yiycn.p,,xprts / si()ii to ; There wns r.o business in the Warden's " 'Court y'dfettfriltiy; ' ' : ' '■■• '"'•>...•, \ t Ai i\i_t!fiti,ng of tho oredilors ii Hi<^''nSj\ttcji i of tho liquidation of .tlie Riijuy.. Cr'cejc j0om» | pan ( y,-v/ill.-be hold nt- Mr .Macau's office,, on . Friduv e^oning next. •■•■•■ :, Woieai'vi thut tUld'pvw. 'r'ef-'f- in -the Victoria ■ . SP^^iW^iJyiP/n.afr'ippVxl.,^.^^ longili of eight tect, nnd ihe uppeut-anue of tho.lodo ia highly i pioviiisirig. ■ '' . • ; •:• • It is 6l9ewl'iere oiinounbed thut a' dividend 1 (lkh) of /ivo bliillinj-s i)i-r 825.0t1i sluu-e, pqual to,/j?.o(i2 10s, lma been di-clm-ctl by tlie dim-forg of tLfl Hope/ul Coinpiuiji, Bout- , aian'a. We leasia that somo rich stono was struck
in tho Perseverance mine, M&rray Creek, on Monday morning last, full particulars of which, will bo furnished ,. by v.our niintug reporter in oar next issued Snow to a depth, of six inches fell in Reeftou daring Monday evening last-^a^cu'cdm-stance which cannot fail to * ha\te i*a ta'fopt | ruinous effect upon the early opoVatiduS^of farinsrs and gurdnora. It ig eaiKthat on the Ajax hill onow fell to a depth of two feet. It wag reported in town on Monday even* /ing-ljtst, that rich 9t6rio; had ! beetfi struck in the .Viotosi^' tunnel, and in conseqiienee a confllclerablo impetus was given to^ share tl-unsactions in that mine, prices running up to a great extent, Our mining reporter will visit the claim during the week and report upoa the discovery.. - • The Executive Committee of ; the Coitnty .Council wet on Monday la6fc to consider tho tenders sent in for the maintenance of tho Grey road. The tender of Peter Eyrne for th<i soelion of the road from Reeftou to the Saddle was accepted conditionally, but noiia of tho tenders for the section beyond wereaccepted, and fresh -tenders will i t ■ •:.' .- i . j. , .•■'■'■ *" Tho Don'fldiii Star, snyp that an individual. called on (he common jury panel, asked to b e excused ou tho ground that if lie were keptawuy by serving -on a jnvy lio would bo ■•disn missed from his' employment/ Mi 3 Honor replied if fehe juror's mastei* tliroateued td dismiss, he was , not quite sure but ' that' the ! latter could bo . punished for doing so ; lit nil events -it was but right that. he should be. The jjiroi' was nob- excused . j Alcsander Ferguson, a stonemason, of- ' Glasgow, has rescued as in Any as fifty- six persona from drowning .in the Tay, Clyde, " Dec, Mersey, Tyrie,, Ayr, and' other streams. He once swum fiMen miles in seecH hours. Mr Chifrds, proprietor 1 of "thii riiiladpfphia Ledger, begau life aa a poor. boy.,. but is npw reported to be worth £200,000. In tho same A'merioah city there is a Mr Simpson, who never had arm. , lie began by selling papers '-making a profic of 6i on. orevy: hufrlrod copies. Already.? ho is worth f3o,ooo.;: •:• -. • ■" .;'■:'■■' The Persians, believed that diamonds are entitled ,to especial y.oiierafion, not to much, for their intrinsic; or saleable value, as from their , so-called divine oii^in, 'as they hold .tho theory that, those etoitos fell from heaven ' at an. early period of the worlds creation,. . ,■ Tha Wellington Argus of 'Fridiy last iarcsponsiblo for the tollowing": — Tho KetiirV itjf Officers and theif imdor qlerks muefc iia^e done the thing correctly. at tlie last city tions, if one may, judge by their little bill: which v/iio.' presented at the Council ladfe night. The total amount', of expenses incurred- 'hi taking the yules ,of the . ." fi-$e and' indenetjdents-" wus £I<2, and of- this sum £16 we- i-e« ..resented by liquors' supplied by 1 one booth. In tho,,.Hauaa recently,, in, answer to a question pub by Mr Wakefield, the Minister of Justice, stated that in mahy towjsof the colony, tl'io expenditure in 'connection with the P. M. -Courts exceeds the revenue, .but, in country districts there was generally a balance •ou ilie right; side of the ledger, fn Timaru for instance the fines for the' year eudirig tho 30th June last amounted to £930, and the expenses to £670, leaving a balance hi favor of Timaru, of £260. Speaking' of tlie playing of Mr liobertSj .tho billard champion,, -in ," Ah .exhibition game at billiards between Mr II;. Kobori'o imd Mr Lyon, Ihe latter, receiving..^s2 points in Gl|o'^ was plaied. in the Thistle., -Hotel. The gaiijo, was not ciiuractensed. by 'any- great breaks, the aniatour holding liis own fairly- wallf* afitl ultiraate'ly:.: winning 'fry .51-' poiiits — th<s' first Victoi'y^pcoiscd. against <^tr. -Itobeits^in , Auckland; The ' following m # e, the pi'Uvcipal par* .ticulai's of the piay-r— With'" the 'g:ime ; at Roberta's, 118 . to Lyon's^lS, lUjj. 'former m'iitle a nice -break of 3,0, and wifh tvyo smaller contributions raised his score' to 193, against liifl opponent's 323. ftp yubse* quently, added a break of 39, including five B|Jotjgtrolfe9,'and'despito a]breakoflß : .6ri tlit>' SmrX, of Lyon, made 233 to 373, with a neat '%r4ak J'2^.: With, the., gitnVj.'a't;3U4q4l2,:, an intirv.a*l'wuß ;.held"for Tofresbme'nfc, nl'ter jvhidh /''although : Hoborts] gained; ho vva's defeated Alter;. .lliis''. game a ; caii.hoii, (game 1 , Kobfrts playing h nger and i thumb v.. cue, and. giving 40 points, was played, and /then an«exhibition, of fancy-s trokes, wliieh we havo before alluded to." The fallowing rathov tough' yarn appears in" the Sydney "Town arid Country." It appears to 'require a rather largo grain of salfc'to digest it?" However, hero it is:- -"A fishing pauty"* consisting of Mr ifoolc, of tho 'Fi:ee"inaßond" Hotel, Sydney, ftnd llesera Cass i-lvnan, Lenves, and Coultluird, hud an(jhbi;ed r iTciai' to Shark Island, Sydney Harbor, easfsido, and were busily engaged wijjjfefcj^ir linea, Coultlntt'd was ■sitting.on thefgnnwale with his coat tail 'hanging over'the'stde', "w'heni quite suddtnly'ri njonster sharij,'' 13' ft, 'long voso to the surface 'uud seizt'd li;s. coat 'Coultliiinl pi'usped the- side of the boat and culled for help, but the shark guvo a "desperate tug and pulled ■hirti*' ; overboardf Wowing Him beneath tho water ]spino -10ft or l^ft, _Tho. whole thing wris th^work 'of an" instant, ffridj those iv (lie 'bout having oliserrcd the' slasU." ing of tho inouslcr'a tail, felt they would lji-ver suo jlicir friend rise iignin, Couhha-rd the moment he entered tho water, beoame iiwaro o( whut was attacking him, and roso.i lutely struggled to get fre?, kicking the water, in an endeavor to frightcu his' adversary off.. Cut the monster. hcjd tight to' the cout till the 'half of H'unvft- vvay 0 wlv)> J>o bolted itaati' delicaio 1 -' moriol J and thus' freed, Coulthurd lose l'apidly to the 'surfdee. 1 Fortunately, lit} cunio up aloiigpirlo the boat, into wbifif lie' thceiv, wiih.tliu itiilofh-is friends, ( a hujd 6f | somersault, just us quiukly<J us«ho .'.had'ithtiOii taken overboard. Tho young follow was, Of course, greatly unnerved, and so were'thc others in the bijut, ai'id it is liardly necessary lo say they at once slipped anchor, t'.nd. we^'o c(l'. 'J h'.- shark, liowevor, did not /urther nu'l.'st them, nor did hu even show ou the top ot .ho wuler uyuin." Countcrfuitt) Abroad. — Tliero uro counterfeits uud iwittiUoijft !ib.r.oad which ijjro intended, to.
trick the community out of its money at tho expense of Australia's popalar liealfh beverage, Unor.puo , Wolks's- Sghiej>am AKOMATise :'9cnNAPPS. No article, imported- or otherwise,' which is. alleged lo possess similar ingredients to it i» 'tuig lit else than jig p'ernjcio'us^ ; humbug. -The public will b^l fiuicled «wid shun the trup f v »>. •• 0$ ■• - — J'-j—j M ■ id ij#- v. :■ '. "T^ .■ ■ {• » . - V • Pit., if
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Inangahua Times, Volume IV, Issue 86, 24 October 1877, Page 2
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1,720The Inangahua Times. Inangahua TRI-WEEKLY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1877. Inangahua Times, Volume IV, Issue 86, 24 October 1877, Page 2
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