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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 19317. The Westland County Council met at 2 p.m. Present: Crs. J. A. Murdoch \ County Chairman), G. Wowley, W. Searle, T. P. O’Neil, B. Ward, J. Donovan, P. J. McLean, A. Bale, and \V. A. Jamieson. The. minutes were confirmed, and outward correspondence approved. INWARD CORRESPONDENCE. From relatives Dr. Teichelmann, acknowledging expressions of sympathy in bereavement. —Received. From Treasury, notifying remittance of accrued revenue. —Received. From J. OBrien j M.P., forwarding letter from Minister of Public Works granting £lem, £ for £, for Petersen road metalling.— Received; tenders being invited. From same, conveying Ministerial authority for £250, £ for £, in respect to Turnbull river protection, being a supplementary vote. —Received. . From District Engineer, Greymouth, on same subject, enquiring if. the Council’s contribution was available.— Received.

From W. Buchanan, in respect to the foregoing work, stating the cost would now be increased from £3O to £4O per chain, and explaining reason for increased cpsts. —Received; no further funds are available at present. From Chairman, Advisory Board, Okuru stating Turnbull protection was so far' satisfactory, but as there had beem no heavy Hood in liis opinion further work should be deferred for the present. —Received and agreed to. iFrom President N.Z. Counties’ Association commending co-operation with the* Government movement in regard to physical fitness. —Received ; referred to Chairman.

From C. V. Schadick, Westport, member of the National Council of Physical Welfare, suggesting action in establishing a district committee for the County. —Received. From Hi Growcott, Ivoiterangi, accepting occupancy of road reserve, Doughboy district, on terms outlined. —Received.

From K. J. Hogan, Awatuna, explaining acceptance of rental of reserve, and stating rent would be paid from January 1. —Received. From A. Richards, Arahura, strongly objecting to any right as proposed being granted Mr Hogaii as it was considered unfair. —Received. Mr Richards was present and outlined the position, which fronted his freehold. Later the Council discussed tile position. Cr. Jamieson moved that the previous resolution be rescinded. —Seconded by Cr. Rowley. Cr. O’Neil moved that the former motion be adhered to. —Seconde by Cr. McLean and carried. Becoming the original motion it was agreed to. From Margaret Thomson, Donnelly’s Creek,V, complaining of neighbouring settler fencing in road reserve, which privilege had been refused the writer. —Received; it was resolved to advise that the settler was being directed to remove the fence.

From Midland S.M. Coy., applying for permission to cross Richardson road (Waitangi) with a tramway for milling purposes.—Received; agreed to under usual conditions.

From Okarito Gold Dredging Coy., asking improvement be effected to Three Mile Bluff track, Okarito, for the transport of hdavy machinery.— Received, action taken approved. From R. J. Eggeling, Okuru, applying for license for slaughter-house to be erected on homestead. Received; to he recommended.

Frdm Transport Department, inviting views on the control of motorcycles for greater road safety.—Received. The Chairman moved that, the Council approve that drastic conditions be imposed, including the prevention of pillion riding, to eliminate unpleasant noises, and the reduction of speed. —Seconded by Cr. Dale and carried. From Employment Division, stating there are vacancies for 700 single men in the land development camps at Te Kuiti and Auckland, and for the forestry camp at Rotorua ' district. Work was available for men under Scheme 13, who should be released by the local bodies where possible, the Department paying transport expenses.—Received.

From N.Z Counties’ Association, notifying executive meeting on March 17, and inviting suggestions for the amendment of the general labourers’ awardjs shortly ( expiring.—Received ; referred to County Clerk for attention. From Westland Centennial Organisation, inviting suggestions for memorials.—Received.

From Inspector of Mines, Greymouth asking particulars of work performed on Three Mile track, Okarito. —Received; attended to. From W. O’Reilly, Kokatahi, reporting mill skids and debris had not been cleared from his frontage.—Received ; Cr. Dale moved that the matter be pldced in the hands of the County Solicitor to take the necessary action. Seconded by Cr. Jamieson and carried. From District Committee, reporting attention to culvert on Turnbull road.

From Berry and Wall, Herepo, in reference to the transfer of a gravel pit from one owner in place of another, not suitable.—Received; consideration deferred. From T. Nolan, Wataroa < in reference to access to Whale’s road.—Received ; referred to Engineer to report. The Council ( approved of the heavy traffic bye-laws passed at previous meeting being confirmed and settled. DISTRICT ROADS REPORT. The Engineer reported on the work carfied out during the past month together, with recommendations of work to be put in hand for the month of

February, as follows: NORTHERN RIDING

General repairs have now been completed along the Teremakau Ford road.

Local labour is engaged clearing the road reserve near the Teremakau bridge. Callaghan’s road throughout has been regraded with the power grader and followed with two days patchmetalling with county trucks. One 20ft. span bridge is being strengthened with a complete set of tombs and extra running planks. An 8-inch concrete. pipe culvert, is being put near the new residence so as to improve drainage. , Wheel ruts have been'filled in, watertables cleaned, and slips removed from the two mile section of the Old Christchurch road between the Loopline road junction and* Otira State Highway. A County truck and local men are at present employed remetalling sections of the Old Christchurch road between Malfroy’s bridge and Kawhaka-.

General repairs have been attended to, 17 chains of roadside drains cleaned and several chains of overhanging scrub cut back along the Arahura Valley road. Repairs were carried out to the foot bridge giving access to the Arahura sale yards.

* Ten chains of drains have been cleaned along Awatuna road and overhanging scrub cut back for 45 chains. The contract for the renewal of the superstructure of Awatuna bridge has been satisfactorily completed.

Arrangements have been- made with the Public Works Department to drain the road reserve at the junction of Arahura Valley road and State Highway. The Council to supply the concrete pipes and the Department to carry out the work. Many requests have been made from local residents for some improvements at the junction of Arahura beach road and State Highway opposite the Greyhound Hotel. I would suggest the Public Works Department he asked to erect a post and rail fence about a chain in length above the crown o( the super elevation similar to Die on* erected above the beach road at Jvumara. CENTRAL RIDING. A decayed box culvert on Bladie’s’ road near the School corner at Upper Kokatahi was replaced with 12-inch concrete pipes. A 10ft. timber culvert was constructed across the County drain; from Station road to give access to C. Harcourt’s property. During the month 15 chains of drains were cleaned and six chains of new drain excavated along Station road at Kojterangi. A 17-foot- bridge was renewed over the County drain giving access to Mehrtens’ property from Wall road at Koiterangi. The power grader put in one day levelling up the surface of McArthur Road extension. Thirteen chains of the* four foot track giving access to the Toaroha Springs have been completed by two parties carrying out the work by cooperative contract.

Good progress is being made with Lake Arthur road. During the past month 28 chains of road was cleared,

stumped and formed, followed with the metalling for 16 chains. County trucks delivered 250 yards of filling and 350 yards of gravel. One 30ft. bridge and one. 24ft. bridge were constructed and two concrete pipe culverts placed in position, The road is now metalled and completed for 30 chains.

The contractor is making a start with the reconstruction of Diedriehs’ creek bridge at Koiterangi. Two men are engaged shoeing the piles, preparing staging and assembling the derrick to commence driving the piles for the abutment. /

The contractors have completed 73 chains of the Milltown road near the pipe line. The work completed is in accordance with the plans and specifications. Two slight grades not shown on the plan have been approved owing to the solid rock foundation.

The contractor is still making good progress with the draining and formation of Neilson road. Drains have been cleaned and deepened along both sides of-road reserve for a further 28 chains and followed with the clearing and formation.

A decayed 10ft. culvert on Adairs road near the Rimu Dredge workshop was completely i-enewed. A County truck patchmetalled Ruatapu road throughout in two days to the extent of 54 yards. Repairs were also carried out to a timber culvert.

Extensive repairs were carried out to the Shanadoah Creek bridge by the Tvanieri-Hokitika Sawmilling Coy. County employees wired the posts below the handrails to make it safe for school children.

The contractors are making steady progress with the formation of Mana-nui-Mahinapua road. A further 50 chains has been part completed during the past two months. SOUTHERN RIDING. General repairs and maintenance work hiis been carried out along Totara road for 5£ miles. The work included repairs and deck renewals of five 4ft. timber culverts 22 feet long, each culvert contained a filling averaging 6 feet in depth. Several washouts, deep depressions and holes were filled in to surface level, remetalled and corduroyed. Slips were removed and 40 chains of watertables cleaned and deepened. A new 30ft. bridge is required about 2-Ji miles from Wallace’s residence. This will he done with local timber as soon as the bridge gang is available.

Forty chains of blackberry and scrub have been cut back along the sides of Woolhouse road from the junction of the State Highway. Timber has been ordered to renew the stringers and decking of a small bridge'near Mine-

ban’s residence. The contractors have made a start on the improvements to Greenland Track. Forty-five chains of track has been reformed and drained according to specifications, two large slips removed and four chains of corduroying. General maintenance work has been attended to throughout the Harihari and Wataroa districts. County trucks in both localities have been busy with metal patching along various roads. Slips were removed and watertables cleaned along Petersen road. Two days were put in on temporary repairs to Dennehy’s access road along the south bank of the Waitangi river. An 18inch concrete pipe culvert was put in on Friend’s road.

The low platform bridge at junction of Haddock’s road and Wanganui Flat was replaced with a twin set of 3ft. concrete pipes. The decking and stringers were renewed on the bridge near Searle’s residence. An extra stringer was put in to increase the width of the bridge from 11 to 14ft. Two stringers were renewed and several decking planks on Pamment’s bridge. The necessary timber has been delivered and prepared to make a start on Martin’s and J. Searle’s bridges. Twenty-seven stringers for the latter bridge were procured from Stuart and Chapman Ltd. at Ross. The amount of timber used for bridge repair during the month was 4400 sup. feet. Good progress has been made with reforming and metalling 48 chains of Berry’s road at Harihari. Drains .have been almost completed along the eastern side of road reserve and the twin 2ft. concrete pipe culvert put in as soecified. Following the formation 43 chains of the metalling has been completed. A contract has been let to local contractors at Harihari for the supply and delivery of 1400 cubic yards (more or less) of road gravel along La Fontaine road at 3/6 per yard. County trucks delivered 322 yards of gravel along the lower section of La Fontaine road during the past month.

Specifications for supply and delivery of 1200 cubic yards of metal along Petersen’s road at Harihari have been forwarded to the Public Works Department for approval. Satisfactory results were obtained from the drag line plant which operated for a week at Ferguson’s creek bridge on the Poerua road, diverting the stream back to its original channel. The work is not yet completed but there is no immediate danger of further erosion to the approach. During the past month the contractor for Rotokino road extension has metalled a further section Of the formation for 7 chains, leaving 5 chains to complete. Timber has been ordered for the bridge renewal. The contractors have alm.ost completed the Waitangi bridge construction. One set of whalings and braces are to be put- on at No. 1 pier and the painting of handrails over 4 spans. Thirteen chains of post and rail fence has been ecreted and painted along the

northern approach. The northern -approach has also boon metalled for 9 chains from the Wataroa Flat road. The permeable pile and stone crate groyne to protect the approach from the south bank of the Waitangi river has been completed according to instructions. A drag line plant has been assembled on the south end of the bridge to build up the approach between the bridge and the south bank. The plant is being operated by two men working two shifts per day of 8 hours each, and when working tinuously delivers 33 yards per hour. A local man has been engaged for 9? days carrying out repairs to the Five Mile track below Okarito. Several slips and trees were removed from the track, watertables cleaned and various sections of the track remetalled. and corduroyed.

A local man has been employed for 12 days patchmetalling and carrying out general surface repairs to Cook’s river ford road between Weheka Hostel and Gillespies rond. A local tender has been' approved by the Public Works Department for reforming and metalling 40 chains of Upper Turnbull road at Okuru. Also for the reconstruction of the superstructure of the four span timber bridge over Collyer’s Creek. During the month. I inspected thb various County roads below Weheka as far as Bruce Bay. On the whole I found the roads to be-in fair condition. One mile of road between the new State Highway and Mahitahi Post Office requires patchmetalling throughout. Mulvaney’s road (two miles) is very much overgrown but could he temporarily repaired to take vehicle traffic until a Government grant was available to reform and metal. The beach road along Bruce Bay is in failorder and is being maintained by the Public Works Department. Hunt’s Beach road has been metalled b v the Public Works Department for 60 chains, but still requires "to he part metalled for a further 12 chains to Wilson’s property. Two timber culverts lire also required to improve drainage. Ten chains of road leading to the Karangarua Post Office requires regrading and part metalling. Access road to C. Smith’s is in bad • repair •and requires clearing/and part forming in places. Owing to the difficulty in getting local labour for the above work 1 would recommend sending a County truck as soon as available. ' HIGHWAY’S REPORT. The Engineer reported upon the progress of work on Secondary Highways during the month, as follows: KANIERT-KOITERANGI Mil. The power grader operated along 8

miles of this highway for 15 days. An extension on the grader blade made it possible to increase the existing road width and remove the earth shoulders to improve surface drainage. A County truck patch-metalled for 2 days to the extent of 52 yards. Several chains of small drains were cut along low sections of the road reserve between the watertables and main drains to prevent flooding of road reserve. During the month 2000 super feet of decking was renewed on the Kokatahi bridge, one 30ft. top cord was replaced, and two hardwood blocks. Braces were renewed and stays tightened throughout one span. Four 80ft. spans have been tarred and sanded.


.General surface repairs were attended to by the roadman, and a County truck was engaged for one day patch-metalling throughout to the extent' of 28 yards. | LAKE KANIERI M.H. > The power grfVer operated along 3 miles of this highway from Kanieri township. A County truck patchmetalled throughout for 2 days to the extent of 48 yards. FORKS-OKARITO M.H. The local County truck was engaged for 4 days delivering maintenance gravel from beach and roadside pits. Overhanging scrub is being cut back, watertables and drains are being cleaned along the lower •section of .tliis. high-, way. A small contract has been let for procuring 100 yards of maintenance gravel from the beach.


1. Your Committee begs to recommend that the accounts for DepenjJ/er were revised, and we beg to recommend that the amount, totalling £3Oll 2s 4d, b© passed for payment. 2. Your Committee begs to recommend that the accounts for January were examined, and beg to recomnien that the amount as approved, totalling £3221 7s. 9il,.be passed* for payment. —Approved. -

ORDER PAPER. The Chairman movedl:-, the, accounts.,for. the apoiith of- De-v, cembpr, as approved by the Finance Committee, itptalling £3,011/2/4, be passed for payment.”— Seconded by Cr. Ward and carried. The Chairman moved: “That the accounts for the month of January, as revised and recommended for payment by the Finance Committee, totalling £3221 7s 9d, be passed for payment.”—Seconded by Cr. Jamieson, and carried. .

The Chairman moved: “That application be submitted for approval of the Government centennial subsidy in respect to the Centennial County Chambers to be erected and opened during Centennial week in Hokitika in February, 1940, 'as* the County _ Centennial Memorial.”- —Seconded by : Cr. Ward and carried.

Cr. Searle moved: “That “he open crossing on the original, main south road at Wataroa be pipetl for“he convenience of traffic.” —Seconded by Cr. Jamieson and carried. v .' \

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Hokitika Guardian, 15 February 1939, Page 2

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COUNTY COUNCIL Hokitika Guardian, 15 February 1939, Page 2

COUNTY COUNCIL Hokitika Guardian, 15 February 1939, Page 2