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BUSINESS NOTICES. Basic Phosphate The well known and highly efficient Phosphatic Fertiliser for TURNIP, RAPE, and GRAIN CROPS, and for TOP DRESSING Grass Land. "EPHOS" is pre-eminent in SOLUBILITY & FINENESS of GRINDING This is of the utmost importance, as affecting the availability of a fertiliser for developing plant life. "EPHOS" IS NON-ACID. A Shipment of EPHOS is due to arrive at WELLINGTON about (sth SEPTEMBER, and farmers can, by placing orders to to railed direct from ship's side, obtain their requirements at a yery low cost, making EPHOS undoubtedly the CHEAPEST FERTILISER in the MARKET. Ephos is packed in bags 16 to ton.

BEAGRASB CHAIRS and SETrEES ! Having made a Special Purchase of SEAGRASS CHAIRS we desire to draw your attention to the very LOW Prices at which these goods are offered. PRICES FOR QUALITY UNSURPASSED. CHAIRS from 16/6 to 67/6 SETTEES from £3 7s 6d to £5 15s SEE WINDOWS ! SEE WINDOWS ! [PHONE Kg l~ yifw netitostOmSn X> CARPETS, FURNITURE, LINOLEUMS, *\ J &SOFT FURNISHINGS . _^—-<C

TRELOAR'S I LATEST INVENTION J - I MARKS THE BIGGEST ADVANCE OF THE DECADE IN 1 S MILKING MACHINE DESIGN. * ■ i v PURE FILTERED AIR FROM OTJTSIDE THE SHED 1 1 is Sprayed in to the Milk immediately after leaving the com. I H This Great Feature is the exclusive property of g I Treloar Milking Machine €o. I 9 and cannot be found on any other machine. B H Book your order NOW and so secure for nest season 1 I THE WORLD'S BEST MILKER! I Taranaki Branch Oifice: Next "STAR" Office, HAWERA. 1 P.O. Box 117. Office 'Phone 674. Private *Phone 468. ' I A. C. PIPER, I Manager, Hawera Branch. I Overhauls, re-erections and repairs of all kinds attended to I XS??' Terms reasonable. Full range of Milking I Machine Supplies stocked, and all parts for Anderson Engines I

FORD TYRES £2 16s Od POST FREE. CASH WITH ORDER. H R KFMP Ford Dealer, ■ ■■■ 81. f\i-mi , HAWERA,

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Bibliographic details

Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 13 August 1923, Page 8

Word Count

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 13 August 1923, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 13 August 1923, Page 8


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