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(From Our Own Correspondent.)

I A SUCCESSFUL BALL. One of the most pronounced successes ever held in Manaia town was held on Wednesday night, the occasion being the Manaia Rifle Club plan and fancy dress masquerade ball. The attendance was very large and the fancy dresses were very numerous: and of great variety and looked beautiful. Some of the costumes were gorgeous, and the grand inarch, in which over 150 couples participated, was well worth seeing, and was headed by LieutenantI Colonel Sutherland and partner and Mr. A. J. Hansen and partner. The function was indeed, as a fancy dress ball, a record for Manaia. The floor was in capital order. The stage was beautifully decorated by Mrs. B. Mitchell, assisted by Misses Lloyd (2), B. Bridge and Mr. S. Blair. The supper room and tables were also artistically decorated and worthy of special praise. The decorations were in the hands of Mrs. Badland, Mrs. Hotter and Miss Franklin, and a splendid supper, provided by the ladies, was in charge of the Ladies' Committee, comprising Mrs. T. MePhillips as head, who worked very hard, , being ably assist-ed by her committee' ' of Mesdames E. Massey,- A. J. Hansen, J. Hickey, Collins, N. Davis, A Mitchell, J. S. McKay, J. Werder, McDonald, V. H. Hobday, Auton, O. Petch, P. Fetch, Vine, Misses T. Mc- , Phillips and A. Parker. Capital music j was supplied by Cosgrove's orchestra', ; comprising piano (Mrs. L. Mudford) violin (E. Lloyd), cornet (J. A. G. Cosgrove), euphonium (T. Hotter), drums . and effects (Mr. Vinsen). Extras were ! played by Mrs. W. T. Wells, Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Mudford, Miss B. Bridge, and Miss Maddocks. Mr Vinsen gave a special item in which he brought in the- drums and effects. This item was thoroughly appreciated by nil, and he had to respond j to a double encore. Many items of the orchestra were encored, also extras. ! The following very ably carried out the \ duties of M.C.'s: Messrs A. J. Hansen, W. J. McDonald, L. Walters, and , S. Blair. Great credit is due to the ■ gents' committee for having every dej. tail in connection with the function in perfect order. At half-time Lieut-Colonel Suther- : land, on behalf of, the Rifle Chib, heart- : ily thanked the ladies' committee for j their great assistance, to which the ; success of the ball was due; also all i who helped and .-ill who were present I for their patronage. Special credit is certainly due to the energetic secretary Mr V. H. Hobday, for the very capable i manner in which he carried out his j many duties. There is no doubt that ■ all present had a good time and thor- . oughly enjoyed themselves. The following were dressed in fancy costumesI Miss T. MePhillips, s" Sheik's Favi ourite";.Miss M. Carroll, "Piorette"- ---; Miss F. Blake, "Miss Jazz"; Miss R Breumuhl, "Top"; Miss S. Lewinj • "Modern Pierette"; Miss Mowat ; "Golly Wog"; Miss Putt, "Egyptian Princess"; Miss M. Row, "Hawaiian ! Dancer"; Miss P. Briggs, "X Jam Advt.";.Miss G. Hauseu, "Waimate Witness"; Miss Murphy, "Ragtime"Miss M. White, "A Lady of the East"; Miss M. Ransom, "Chinaman"; Miss M. Davis, "Modern Pierette"; Miss E . Hauseu, "Powder Puff"; Miss B Johnstone, "Spanish Gipsy"; Miss C* Walsh, "Huntsman,; Miss E. Richards, "Folly"-; Miss E. Judd, "Hawaiian Girl"; Miss H. Judd, "Pierrot"; Miss Phillips, "Fortune Teller"Miss GBetts, "Persian Lady"; Miss i L Smith, "Persian Princess"; Miss IS- f r ' "Eose"j Miss D. Willcox, j Irish Colleen"; Miss M. Lloyd Cleopatra"; Miss E. Jorgenseu n Jai ZZ,,5 Mlss D- Lane, "Pack of Cjmls"; Mrs F. Walker, "Pierette"; Mrs G. Stephens, "Dutch Girl"; Mrs A Hansen, "Thistle Rolled Oats"m l'" C°»h*» "Ordbr of the: Bath" Mrs Alt Hansen, "England and France"; Mrs Werder, "Snowdrop"Mrs R Ellicott, "Night"; Mrs F. FA T V Ae"J Mrs T- Sutherland, I "My Great Aunt"; Mrs J. A. G. Cos■grove, "Cleopatra";: Mrs W. J. Me01rfkV,o^Tativ;,e Bush"; Mrs A. Mit-«?4-',l,? a"X GamP"; Mrs 0. Petch, "Night"; Mrs Cleland, "Pierette"Mrs learon, "Pierette"; Mrs W Lewin "I-larlequihetteV; Mrs T. Hotter "Powder Puff"; Mrs L. Petch, French Maid"; Mrs W. Badley Twink Jazz"; Mrs R. D. Donald Wahine" (old timer); Mrs W. Walsh Maori Maid"; Mrs 11. Phillips "Spring";. Mrs E. Smith, "Duchess of Devonshire"; Mrs V. H. Hobdav, 'Rain"; Mr R. Sage, "Pierrot"; Mr i"W U- ei\ ierrot"s; Mr 0. Hansen, . Mexican"; Mr R. Howard, "Charlie Chaphn"; Mr J. A. Hansen, "Tamo" • Mr L Billows, "Pierrot"; Mr A. Birchall, "Washer-Woman"; Mr W Bad- ; ey, "Chai-Woman"; Mr T. Hotter, i "Jester-; Mr H. E. Lloyd, "Dud" ! (from Our Selection); Mr"A. McPJiillips "The Sheik"; Mr W. Horako, , Mr E. Collier, "Baby"----j Mr 11. E Sutton, "Monkey"; Mrs. ' Blair, "Persian"; Mr J. Blake , "Father Time"; Mr N. Davis "Nhtional War Saving"; Mi- Rawlinson, "Pierrot";^Lt.-Col. Sutherland, "Regimental Mess Dress-; Mr John Lloyd, |"»P le Simon"; Mr James Lloyd "Robinson Crusoe"; Mr W "Lewin "Sheik"; Mr H. 'Preemai/«UnS Sam"; Mr C. Stewart, "Harlequin"lM- r i,A' <Bailey' "Pierrot"; Mr F ; Walker, "Rowing Club": Mr V H ■' Hobday, "Cricket Club"; Mr J WilI son ? "Tennis Playep"; Mr A. *Bellii uf'., ?, UT y Clown"; Mr P. Muller, I "Sailor"; Mr R, Donald, "Parson" ix, ,J,°3^ M«Carty» ''Boy from the ? u* :Mr T>olan > "Eed Indian"; Mr Judd, "Turk.','

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Bibliographic details

Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 13 August 1923, Page 6

Word Count

MANAIA. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 13 August 1923, Page 6

MANAIA. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 13 August 1923, Page 6


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