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OPERA HOUSE. "RASPUTIN, THE~BLACK MONK/ Those who attended the Opera House last night enjoyed a treat, when '™c drama entitled "Rasputin, the Black Monk," was screened. The phenomenal influence exercised by the bibenan peasant in the Russian Court is one of the most extraordinary Jtiapp?mngs £ of modern times, and the history, of hi«: life is- faithfully reproduced on the screen. The full pomp and splendor of the Russian Court £ shown, with all the profligacy and wanton' conduct that was hidden within its palaces: The cast selected for the production of this photo-drama is a strong one,, and! includes suet popuJar artists as Miss June Mvidge,Mfiss &i? n »Co? k >- ¥°.ntagu Love, Henry Hull, Arthur Asnley and Irving Cummmg A comedy and the Topical (xazetce preceded the drama. The programme will be repeated to-night. TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) EVENING. A. complete change of programme will be presented at the Opera House to-morrow (Friday) evening, headed by w f ccom Pllsn«d screen star Fannie Ward in am unusually interesting and powerful photo-play entitled "Her Strange Wedding." A splendid supporting programme will include the nrst series of Pathe'e interesting semi . The History of the War;" The plan is at the theatre. * ■ THE WORLD'S. A. capital programme was presented at the World'®-last evening. The leading film was "God's Laws and Man's '» featuring Viola Dana. It was a wonderfully engrossing play, depicting sometime scenes amid the homes of wealth and luxury in England. The programme will be repeated to-night. ■ TO-MORROW—FRIDAY.j To-morrow everting at the World's ' the star attraction will be the big World Film success "Shall We Forgive HerF 7" a play which ran at the Crystal Palace, Sydney, and created an Australasian sensation, and ia which appear June Elvidge and Arthur Ashley, supported by a, powerful cast. To know what there is in a woman's past that a man will not forgive,, and why, this film will supply the answer. The other supporting pictures are excellent. TOWN HALIT^IANAIA. "MY OLD DUTCH." On Tuesday evening, the management of the Opera House, Hawera, in. conjunction with' the London . Film Company, will present in Manaia for one night only England's famous char- . acter actor, Albert Chevalier, in "My Old Dutch." The productions of this" company have no superior in the world, and a splendid living thing is this story of "My Old Dutch," depicting two souls tried in tße white heat of adversity, but refined and ennobled to the last. Mr Albert Chevalier is ably supported by Miss Florence Turner and a strong caste. In order to present "My Old Dutch" as it should be, a full orchestra from the Opera House, Hawera, wilL accompany. the unfolding ol the story. Mr W. Hutchens will sing "My Old Dutch." The box plan is now open at Cassidy's. Patrons are advised to secure seats early. MISS ADA REEVE. On Tuesday next at the . Opera House will siignal the first appearance in Hawera of . the famous comedienne Miss Ada. Reeve, together with a strong combination of vaudeville artists and a new English comedy company. The reputation won by Miss Ada Reeve should ensure her*a full house, but, added to the fact that she is U singer, dancer and comedienne of the highest rank, she has done so much towards ensuring the comfort of Australian soldiers in England that she will naturally touch a vital spot in our people. Miss Reeve's season is a brief one, and only one night can be devoted to Hawera. The supporting company includes Talleur Andrews, the famous operatic tenor; Louis Nickola", who revels in conjuring feats ia a new style. The English comedy company includes Miss Peggy Peate.a dainty soubrette; Miss Georgia De Lara, and Messrs Aston Jarry and John Grant, who feature in a fanciful futurist comedy entitled "In the Fu- ! ture." The box plan opens at Doonell's to-morrow morning.
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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue LXXIV, 18 April 1918, Page 5
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635ENTERTAINMENTS Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue LXXIV, 18 April 1918, Page 5
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ENTERTAINMENTS Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue LXXIV, 18 April 1918, Page 5
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