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It is expected that the increased old age pensions will be paid in September.

Tho Chairman of tho Hospital Beard (Mr J. W. Scott) has gons to Palmerston North to attend tho funeral of a niece, which takes place to-day.

Last week a hare drive was held at Kyle, Ashburton. The party consisted of 12 guns, and although hares d-d not prove as numerous as expected, 84 were secured.

Masterton Wcs.'eyans invited Rev. D. J. Murray to stay with them for a fifth year, but he was unable to accede to the request.

The Westminster Abbey" Glee Singers have unavoidably had to cancel the Hawera concert v/liich was booked for November 9.

The South Canterbury Battalion Band will compete at tho North Island Band Contest to be held in Hawera in January, 1906.

A slip in the Manawatu Gorge, which occurred this week is estimated to be as bad as one that lately cost £300 to remove. The road wae completely blocked on Monday and Tuesday.

The first general meeting of subscribers to the Wellington Provincial Farmers' Union Mutual Insurance Association will be held at Palmerston North next week.

A party with twenty guns at Ashburton bagged 100 hares and a few rabbits, while another party with fourteen guns secured 108 hares in four hours.

A piece of manuka taken from the protective works at the Akaroa wharf is as sound to-day (states the Wail) as it was 35 years ago when, it was put in. It is intended to send it to the Christchurch Exhibition as a sample of durable wood.

It will be found, gays a contemporary, that the cause of the potato disease is lack of nitrogen, and nitrogenous manurcG should be used, or better still, ' an intermediate crop of some leguminous nitrogengatherer grown. When the disease was rampant in England, crops were safe where tares were grown between each two crops of potatoes.

On Friday evening last an. Otaki boy named William Cootes, aged 12 years, died under sad circumstances. A few days before, when playing football, he Teceived a kick which, caused him 6ome pain. He limped about for several days, and a week after the accident had occurred, medical advice was called into service. Il was found that he was suffering from hip disease, and so firmly had the trouble gripped the little fellow that shortly afterwards he succumbed.

It is said that peach orchards in some Pf rt n s ,« f Auckland gave a. return ot £300 per acre last season.

During the month of August winter goods are being offered at cost price at Sexton's Cash Arcade.

A photographic reproduction of the nowfamous voucher No. 15,819, for £76 4s 9d (an amount which Mr Fisher alleged was paid to Captain Seddon, but wluVh was shown to have been paid to Richard Sneddon), is to hand from tho Government Printer.

The Wairarapa Daily Times states thai a man reached Masterton at a quarter to four the other morning. He had ridden, eighteen miles in an hour to get a doctor. His steed seemed considerably distressed . It is stated that Mr Dickie-, of the Dairying Department, is resigning to enter upon piuvate business. — •

A candidate for the Manawatu seat closed his address to the. electors the other evening with a quotation from Herbert Spenser: "If you elect, me— well: if not, well also— but not go well "

Fcr the tour weeks ended 4tb June the railway revenue of the colony amounted to £164,400, ,-is against £152,823 for the corresponding period last year. The expenditure was £119,502, as against £108-,

At a meeting of Hawera tmsteps of Methodist church property on Wednesday even-*-wig the tender of Mr John Clegg at £1273 for erection of a, new church was accepted This is exclusive of seating ajid lighting, lhe building is to be finished within six months.

The rainfall at Momohalri Experimental £nrm for the past month was 1.76 inches. Ram fell d.i thirteen days dxnin^jAer^ month, the maximum inJjJfccing .S^nqn the 25th. The rainfall for the corresponding month Jnst year was 3.38 inches, falling on twelve flnys. ' There were ten frosts durinar tJ i «'*™icnth; the mcxinufln cn*rne 18th inst. - For the montlrof July the Union Steam--bhip Company shipped at New Plymouth 3914 boxes of butter and five cases of '- cheese, and the Northern Company 695 boxes of butter and three cases of cheese. On June 30 there were 4300 boxes of butter and 130 cases of cheese stored at the Moturoa works. The Takapuna took a cargo of 1800 boxes of butter on Tuesday * for transhipment at Wellington to the Matatua, which sails for the Old Country tq-morrow.

. Some diversion was caused at Professor Rutherford's lecture at Christchurch when the lecturer misplaced his precious piece of radium. The lecture had to come to a standstill while the precious substance was missing and the audience was ratier amused by the efforts of the chairmajtand the lecturer to find it. The radluln-hunifc " continued for about five minutes. After inspecting every inch of the. long t.ibla and under it and on the floor, it. was found" hi a spot in which it had be.en placed ail too ' carefully by its owner, who began to look rather anxious,. Miss Agnes Jeiuwtte Russell, of Dumferline, Scotland, has unexpectedly inherited £97,000, Alexander Russell, an old man, apparently poverty-stricken, who took a. cheap room in Brooklyn in October of last year, was recently found dead m bed. The police, on taking charge ol two trunks, which were, so far as was known, all Russell posee&sed, found enclosed gilt-edged securities worth £80.000, and a bank-book showing deposit* of £17,000. There- was also a wi.'L appointinlr Mr David B. Blair, of Dumferlinc, execttL tor, with orders to hand over all the cstatSHk to Miss Agnes Jennette Russell the oW^ man's sistc-r. Mr Blair is now' ill New York settling the estate.

A curious incident (the- Stratford Post . relates) occurred on the-- north train on Monday evening. A well-dressed prisoner under police escort was travelling to Auckland.- During refreshments he was taken- to the dining car by his custodian and left on his seat a neat walking-sticks and two papers. Another passenger caW/" along, and remarking: "Ah, someone haa« left his .stick behind." he marhed off with it, Jntending to deliver it- into the- safe- | keeping of the stationniaster at Stratford. Before he could do so, however, the prisoner returned to his seat, and missing the stick the policeman went forth and;^ arrested the man who had removed it^| Then the trouble began, and it too^j^| lot of explanation and many voucher^^^H respectability to persuade the minioi^^H the law to allow the man who had t^^^H care of the stick to go at largo, and *^^^| only after taking his name, address cl^^H description. [ I was once, writes "lihurifl" in t^^| Argus, host man. to a frx-nd who was B^H ing married by a dry old Scotch clergyT^B man. The minister was extremely care^H ful that, we all took our right places — th^H groom to the left of the bricfo, I to hisV left, the bridesmaids, of whom there were j several, in a "sweet row on the bride's right. Looking us up and down 6lowly several times, he commenced. "Dearly beloveJ,' or the Presbyterian equivalent for that opening. Then he paused, looked along his line onre more, and said, "I fear I'm wrong. Ye'2l bo to all change sides." There were some smiles, but we complied, and once more, after a careful inspection, wo beard the "Dearly, beloved." Tlkji came another • pause, another long and grave scrutiny, and then the words, "No-o, No-o. Yell ba to movo back again. Ye- were right i ' as ye wero before." Then there was a ' complete breakdown. If anybody tells me that- wns a solemn ceremony I shall be prepared to emphatically' contradict him. „ During the hearing of the Cambridge assault case in Auckland, Detective McIlveny, of Invercargill, who^iad conducted sound tests in order to ascertain whether screams uttered in one house could bo heard in that on the adjoining allotment, informed the Court that in the. course of his experiments he had made a baby squeal. "How did you do that?" the examining counsel asked, and the jury listened with sympathetic interest/. "I pinched it," replied vhe detective, with characteristic sang froid. Tho baby was not called to support the witness' statement, but the detective assured the Court; that, in order to check the audibility of the baby's squeals, he whistled as shrilly as he could, "with my two fingers in my mouth." The baby's squealing and the detective's whistling not being thought evea sufficient, Constable Macnamara was called, and assured the Court that he danced on the floor— he weighs 20 stono..- Still the test was deemed insufficient, for the> policeman added, "I also moaned." "Did you 'moan' loudly or softly?" asked counsel. "I moaned both loudly and softly," replied Macnamjira. "I also had a mandoline played, and read the paper as loud as I could, and still the sounds were not heard." The jury seemed to be- much impressed by the variety and_ ingenuity of. the tests made.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Stratford, haje numerous dairy farms for sale or tease, ' and full particulars can be obtained on , a application to their office — Advt. Thtf: half-yearly whaler sale at tne>^ Economic, Hawera, commences to-day, and continues for 12 days only. . The firm* reputation for bargains is to be tnurtaiiua .' on this occasion.— iAdvt.


"'You are convicted and the case is dismissed," said a J.P. at Christchurch (says Truth), as he rose with impressive dignity to give judgment.

Mr J. Mitchell( Captain Hawera Mount•ed Cadets, notifies that a class will be Tield at Manaia range on Saturday next, at 10 a.m. The average age of the cattle slaughtered at the boTough abattoir during la6t month was 4.17 years. The total weight (hot) was 45,8671b5. and the heaviest beast weighed (hot) 8311bs. Tha statement of borough balances for -July is as f ollows :— Dr. , general account J82820 3s Hd, and water account £338 18s 4d ; cr., cemetery account £18 10s 7d, contractors' deposit account £181 10s, street improvement loan £20 0s 9d, waterworks loan £1580 2s 7d, drainage connections repayment account £785 2s 7d, JibraTy loan interest account £31 10s. Totals: Dr. £3159, cr., £2616 16s 6d;.net ■dr., £542 5s 9d. On the statement being presented to the meeting of the Council on Wednesday evening the Mayor advised the councillors to keep a sharp eye on the •monthly balances as it would assist them in matters of finance, more especially while the finances were in their present state. ' At- a football social the other evening 51r Maeeey repeated a stcry circulated at the experience of members of Parliament. A lady was in the galleries with her little son, and the latter, on noticing that the Speaker opened the proceedings by Tending prayers, asked his mother if they kept a man to pray for the members? "No," was the mother's reply, "the Speaker looks at the members, and then he prays for the country." {Loud laughter.) '"I may say," added Mr Massey, "by way of necessary personal explanation, that I was not present myself -on that occasion."

One of the results of the cutting up and -disposal of the Flaxbourne Estate by the •Government has been the purchase by. a j aiumber of those who were unsuccessful in obtaining sections in the estate, of farms in the Marlborough and Nelson districts. A farmer who left County Wicklow , ihirty-eight years ago, and is now residing in the Ellesmere district, recently receded a letter from his relatives in Ireland, giving a gloomy -account of farming there. Inter alia, it states :— '-Farming in -this country is not paying at all. It is the ■Ja"t game of all to pay. One would do as well breaking stones. Between foreign, competition, rents, rates and taxes, the country is going from bad to worse. Ihe land is running to waste and rubbish. Tields that were tilled in your time are now in a dense brake, with furze and broom, owing to want of capital and an insufficient' supply of labor. The young people are all going, or are gone, out ot the country, enlisting and emigrating. The winters lately have been mild, but — tfw-snmmers have been very wet. 1 think farmers in your country should consider themselves fortunate. If they w.ork, they., have some encouragement, whereas the Irish farmers may work hard all their lives, and die hardly worth a groat. Compliments between Messrs Taylor and Seddon : "The stage has lost in the Tieht hero, gentleman one who, had he been there, would have made the greatest re- - nutation ever made upon it. bo affirmed Mr Taylor on Friday night, in rcierrin^ to the Premier's dramatic style ot iw*]xi« charges about- his administration. »IV,» ioid Mr Taylor, "the Premier and/ Alise Tittell Brune had only been on the W together they would have mace a t.S fortune." The House roared uj appreciation of this palpable hit bnt Mr Seddon. did not neglect the opportunity of - a return shot when reph - , [ -- in* to Mr Taylor. "Mr Taylor said I would have made a great actor but to "have made the company complete *c .should have required a stage villain and ior that character I would have taken the hon. member for Chnstchuvch. With ■ Miss Brune as the leader on one side and Mr Taylor as the dark villain on the other, tho company wou d indeed have T*en a CTeat success." lie Hoitoc Shed this time witlrthe right lion. .^cSman, who then turned hu altcmion uo the most serious features of the de-

attention is directed to Mr F. T Wrieley's new advertisement re imiemlnti Mr Wrigley lms given this |3of his business, special attention 4or many years, and no doubt knows t he Ixact requirements of the farmers m the implement line. He notify that he has secured several excellent apnejes. Steuart and Corngan will sell the dan> and farm stock and household fuvnmuo _oi Mr A. Mortleman, Oeo road, on August Bt \' grand plain and fancy dress ball will be* held at Auroa on August 11, in. aid ot -the hall painting fund. Prizes are to be given Jor the best-dressed lady and gentleman. — . » n /-> \ H. Moore, Opunake. advertises 400 acres for lease, no goodwill. The land « first-class level soil. Terms stated. WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD. The first" action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is bSt accomplished by the free «c of ChamberUii's Cough Remedy. This remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells .of the Inn**, pxoduces a free expectoration, Ind opem the- secrettons. A comple cure soon follows. For B ale by W K. Wallace, Hawera. — Advt.

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Bibliographic details

Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8965, 3 August 1905, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8965, 3 August 1905, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8965, 3 August 1905, Page 4


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