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SHOB^ALK. OUR undivided, attention is given to the art of manufacturing, buying, add selling Boots and Shoes. ies We sell nothing else, we know nothing about anything else ; hi n d fact, 0.-r one aim and object in life is leather in its various shapes and !t a forms. • " '-,■•' It, therefore, is quite reasonable for us to assert that we are shoe experts. The experience of a lifetime is brought to bear on the re _ question, and the result is satisfaction to our customers* • • We buy well, and we buy by the gross, where the small man buys ,l v by the slD e le P air - consequently we can buy better andncheaper. *•- >u J The manufacturers on the Continent, America, and Great Britain are at our beck and call, and we make oar colonial. stock in our own factory. . . ' * . ** on Our stock is complete in every respect down to the minutest detail. We invite comparison of prices. ■• E3" Cobra Polish is the best. - - R. HANNAH^ CQ,, LTD. C r °™' ERCUL f GEN «- 'WANTED KNOWN Gigantic £250 tf^WTST.iSc jL B^T \ M ROOds deared of carrying 45 cows, young stock and 'at V aU P^e for.the next few days. . horses all year ; good metal road to Straw bat"-, trimmed millinery. See vr rr tt y u ; nitv 17 P " mi ' splen S/u e bar g ains in a Prons, pinafores, 178 ffls^P.T., in best g ra BBCB , clSo t ■ J^werfc, l^dJKllil^ to creamery, house. 8 rooms, large I corsets, - Skirts, etc., for cash, at cowshead; will milk 70 cows and McLeod's. carry young stock and horses all §Sn r ea !, S T d i country / £16 per acre 3 W ANTED KNOWN— EveiygW cash, balance of money good VV thing cleared at half price fSr 1A *i WIL^ 3fcc " re interest iVgood ttne ; next f ew days. Dress c gbo)asi d^.L\Jfj Dairy Farm close to ris- serges, cashmeres, fancy dress goods, yeara ; rent 12s 6d, purchasing clause crasnes » s " k S, for cash, at McLeod's. , £12 10s per acre; area, 130 acres TiTAMTch T7M rt «r« — 7T. T approximately. 566 \Y ANTED KNOWN— Gigantic 200 ACRES Lease J1.0.P., 6-roomcd house, Tf Bargains in hosiery, ribbons and hqrsesj lease, 7 yean, rent 12s 6d, fanc y goods, to be cleared at Jialf purchasing clause £12 10s ; prestnft . price" for 4he next fe/W days. ;'■'?!',' occupant's intcrebt can be had for — — — — ■ — hour, 2 h.p. engine, 1501b churn, rot- ID . IDens > youths , and boys suits, ary butter worker, 80-gallon cream shirtSj hatS, caps, braces, trousers, vat, milk cans, etc. Write for par- etc. ; halt prices for cash, at Mcticulars and price— a sacrifice. t pn^' c r« e h nn M n»™^» 190 ACRES good grass country, 6-roomod- J-eo d s Cash Drapery Co. house and good sheds, half mile from «^«--r ,\\ttt?r v iT~i T" school and factory; will milk 60 cows \\f AiN *-&yt bachelors to be and carry young stock ; good metal f T married to ladies who use . roads; £14 per acre, £250 cash, bal- Mok Teas., Keep your eVes ODen. Wgmce easy terms. ' _ Axi^Wrv '"' * — " o are in a position to arrange for first- J \A/ A . everyone to share class business premises in the most central J VV in the magnificent discount municate with us. ot Moa leas » surpassing all others; Fifty well-bred 20-month Heifers, calv- £ I s° next time. ing in spring— a. splendid lino: , ' • ■ - Fire risks.. taken at lowest rates. TJI7^ ftave much pleasure in We msurK against accident in all VV notifvinff that wfe' " hay« branches. Write us early for full par- T f O 0 " 1 / 111^' rn at we nave titulars. now completed the Re-organisa- .., _ . , 1 •■'" tion of our Tailoring Department. : HaWera Commercial figency. and ,are now in a position to . l_ tx«cuit« all orders entrusted to at I "-»'a-s!-^ " ' *^i ** prices that must effect a rtvoI ' I hition in the tailoring trade. I /jr^^tL 1 Recognising the absolute necesI /i &**Ok ' , I *ity of doing business on TJp-to-I / 1 vC wtffc I date Principles, we hava thoroughI wV ■^wiaAr'fllßijgf. Ll I v r^-organised the. department— l^^^feJ^/ilpSrt^^^S^^l engaged a highly qualified Cutter WHSBw/^kiL ' (^ho has the assistanct oi a comWS^^mg&Mk^^^^m " Pet^t staff), and can noi^ offtr y° u the vidue •*& MUction • • 'B^^^l3^P^^H -^wvl 11 shrink all tweed., urn only •'^^^^PwWm^^x^W^^''- ftttd guarantee perfect satisfaction . . vi jc 11., wiy«, Ruu S UIISJI. A FRIEND IN, NEED We invite your attentioa to our I) R ELMSLIE, t *gf d PJ 1 ? m« - M . QUALIFIED MEDICAL.SPECIALIST.. J* ™ <£. *!K? J^JJ ; jH &? Registered by the .Governments of GreH *3 I 5» «• sutt-, revved price, now Britain, New Zealand, and New £ 3 !5? JJsg,£4 is 6d the sttit, South Wales, »OW £2 lßf 6d ; jot, £4 78 6d tht No. 13 WELLINGTON TERRACE, *uit, now £3 7S 6d ; iaS, £4 lgs WELLINGTON. the suit, how £3 15s; tM.£* S THIS Highly^oalified Physician and the suit, now £4 ss ; blue afi Surgeon from the Hospitals ol Lon black vicuna /"« m the mim* nnw don and Paris has, by 26 yeara of stody r^LVv^L 44 5f5 ft 5 ' iL^V ll^ and research, become an Expert and Spe- £* S i£ i J OXB N °> 4 *^ g !? **£& cialist in CHBONIC, NERVOUS, BLOOD, «• rtit ; now £4 \ beat quality SKIN, and SPECIAL DISEASES of Men coaling, £9 lot tht.fuit, now £4 and Women. 10s. . . * x In hia very sncceisful treatment of tbe The above prices; art lor -Spot above daaa ol difficult cases there ia "No Cash only. If booked. « txtra Experimenting and No Failure*." • _j« t pi,-,.-.-^ ' ? Consultation are free to all, ao that a wm D * S?5Kl««^ tf , n 1 friendly chat, either personally or by let- .- PATERSON'S ! ter, costa nothing, and may save you years TAILORING DBPARTMBNT, i of misery, so none need despair. New rrt-i. Lin 1 J Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing High-street, Hawera. y Reme^iea of the very- beat and purest are EGMONT STEAM SAW, PLANING « Honestly and Faithfully used. Moder- AND MOULDING MILL 3, BASH s at Co^ulfa e Son Hour.: 10 to 12, 2to i, **P DOOR FACTORY. 7 ♦« ft * ■»^«»« YOUNG MEN. Estblished 1883. If you are Buffering, or weak, or sad, call Bush Mills at Midhirst and Ngaire, i or write to Dr Elmalie, ,No. 13 Welling- y ari j s at Midhirst, Stratford J ton terrace, Wellington, as he thoroughly '• Nirairp understanda your troubles and their __ _ _ "s air^« causes. Hia Skilful Treatment and Scien- Head Office and Factory : tific Remedies enable him to GUARAN- PRINCES STREET, - HawbßA. t TEE a Complete Cure in every case un- ._-_ q dertaken, or he will make no charge. r? r\ cv M W Pum...!,™. - Strictly confidential. Moderate chargia. |4. Ea SYME PROPRIBTOR. Consulting Hours : 10 to 12 fc 2to 4, 7.t0 8. vJ ; — — LADIES. ' A large stock o all sizes of rough r May conaulipr Elmalie at hia reaidence, an j dressed timber in rimu, matai, -, to r . kauri, and «hitepi«. ' " legally-qualified Physician and Specialiat, Rusticated boarding, tODgued and } and whoae up-to-date treatment givea the grooved flooring, T.G.B. &V. lining, greatest aatiafaction. Strictly confiden- All trade requisites kept in stock. | n and roliable. Moderate charges. door frames, shop fronts, roller • N.B.— Pajbients at a distance may shutters, bay and Venetian windows a in Oi^MrSLtvySJZ mimediate vinery and garden h>hts a attention and prompt despatch (wlwn pos° staircases, mantelpieces, gates, posts ra sible) of remedies necessary for their case, ornamental fencing, handraihng. *. SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EX- MOULDINGS OF ALL PATTEBNS.- A HAUSTION CURED AND Special designs to order. j to your letter recived to-day,, in which verandah, mantel and cave brackets. D you ask me whether lam willing to let Tallow casks, butter kegs, tubs, the public know the benefit I received at hnrket* cheese vatfi harrri anH &' your hands. When I aaw you upon the Duckets » cneese vats, Darrel and recommendation of Mr Griffith (whom you square churns with stand and 1 had previously completely cared of a simi- pulleys complete. ' lar complaint), I think I was in about as All material used for joinery and th & B^^ti^^tSL?!U manufactured goods picke/ and could be be— in fact, I thought life wai thoroutjhlv reasoned. J not worth living, and my future waa a Large factory churns made to \\ blank. I waa an object of mioery and or der with all the latest improve- E despair. You told me plainly and hon- mpn i. Z— estly that you could and would cure me, ao "I that I Bhould no longer be bashful and " ' 1 stupid in society, and could take my part J TTT7 T> /^kiTTTTI cf ana interest in the amusements and \\ # Jtl/\_/ W -CJ • %* apprtß of othen and have an ambition a r>urkr»TTri7 ™ iTmj bnßineas. At first I thought your QEED, GRAIN, & PRODUCE D promise was too good to be. true. lam k-7 MERCHANT, v thankful to say I tried your treatment. I WAWTTPA — swear aolemnly I feel a different man to- # aAV ai\ix, -w day. I have put on flesh and muscle, — ~"~ 1 and have any amount of confidence in my- NEW SEASON'S SEEDS, re self. lam perfectly healthy and quite -da . « Cv.»,»~ ihappy, capable ol enioying myself m For Autumn Sowing. — others do, and I don t mope about by \ Rye grass— Rib grass \ myself, and Bhun society. I earnestly Poverty Bay Yarrow recommend all fellow aufferera to put their tr 0 ,,,w«. nX., M,, c *a»vl 6° confidence in you, m your treatment is Hawkes Bay Mustard | n perfect and your charges are small.— l Canterbuty Essex rape ' . am, youn truly. Lacbxah Caiurok. Italian ~ Poa nemoralis _ . , . Canterbury Poa privialis "1 _ Local Poa praetensis 1 Wawera Dirootorr Cocksfoot Timothy CO Repairs executed with despatch. Meadow fescue Chewing s fescue no T7"EEN, J. P. and Co., Bakers and Con- Meadow foxtail Sheep fescue po XX fwtiocers, Caterers. Wedding Hard fescue Red clover x Cakes to Order. Afternoon tea rooms. \x/u:* A rinwr A kike 1 T?-mBY, J. W., Argyle street, Steam, hlte clover f f™. ' ■ V Gas, and Oil Engines, Turbineß, Cow grass Lucerne ag Motors, and Refrigerators erected and re- Trefoil Dl paired at reduced rates. Estimates given. — — j£j C<AGE , G. C, Princes street, manu- Turnips — S corc^er.! G^en top yellow Aberdeen J made to order. Purple top yellow Aberdeen -JWHITTINGTON, H. X., Bricklayer, Purple top mammoth CX High street and Glover road. White stone stubble .££ Drainage and sanftarv work a speciality. , -|- Estimates yvep, , Telephone 78. q^ cakC| crushe d linseed, calt meal Jt Kaponga Directory. Pig meal, crushed oats, fowl groats bu GUY, a- H., Wh«etwright Jowl grit, garden manures, straw | to. rti Smith. Dairy Factory : Machia- Canterbury oats and chaff, bran y •ry and Agricultural Implements .repaired. Canterbury hay, pollard, etc. r Shoeing > speciality. Terms moderate. ' JL Okalawa "Directory. Sacks — 44, 46, 48 inch 1 DUFFUjL, ALBERT (late L. Fisher), Binder (wine (Donaghy^s gold medal),' 1 , Carrier'aria •Contractor.., All ordejs ;, Sewing | wine, machinery oil ' tt( prompUyMdcweWly_rtcectiWd.. All kinds Sieves, forks, rttaphooks ? a ; ol g«m W^k^gnttmctedlp^. .-. ff ci i c in^ wire W Opunake Directory. ! 1 »»"T" „_i • ~ , A O,tnnßnkV'A.'f AfchiUc>. Plpn., A^ent for Matonr-Harrit Co.'b £ JJ Bp«clflo«tVop»,^thittate*, ; Ag)ricttUttral Machinery. iTTriLL the petSon.who'is^t" TVgqAUSE I thQOg^jShe.was, E? 'ifV ing for a re^<i;jpofTee> J3 -:6ne among a tfiousahd, now "T kindly apply at tbe near^tstore for L thinks she ii a thouiandi in one, 41 'a'tin* of MALKO. «- i - -i wten^e gives me Moa Tef. . thi

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8178, 20 March 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8178, 20 March 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8178, 20 March 1905, Page 1


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