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! SHOE TALK. union stbbet j VJ STABLES. , I ,f~\UR undivided attention is given to the art of manufacturing, Telephone 3a. j \J buying, and selling Boots and Shoes. This stable is recognised as being s 1 \ We sell nothing else, we know nothing about anything else ;in the finest on the West coast. j fact, o r one aim and object in life is leather in its various shapes and On hire : Reliable horses and the ! forms. "lightest and best vehicles obtainIt, therefore, is quite reasonable for us to assert that we are shoe ' able. j experts. The experience of a lifetime is brought to bear on the IS" MY CHARGES abb thi SAME question, and the result is satisfaction to our customers. -s in thh PAST (REASONABLE). We buy well, and we buy by the gross, where the small man buys ~~ .Ladies' waiting-room fixed up" by the single pair, consequently we can buy better and cheaper.. w *^ every convenience. r The manufacturers on the Continent, America, and Great Britain :—: — c are at our beck and call, and we make our colonial stock in our own (^ IBSON'S EMPIRE •, STABLES, factory. \JT Telephone ... Ix 4. 1 Our stock is complete in every respect down to the minutest detail. ' Evsry attention given to' cus- „, . . . r • tomers. No hires from this stable. We invite comparison of prices. Every accommodation for ladies. IS-T Cobra Polish is the best. TT7ANTED, at once, Man; VV must be a good milker. RTT A IVTIVT ATT Ar TlnT 1 n T WT\ Wages &5s per week and found. . XlillM^ilJtX tX bll.j JuJLD. Apply A. E. Wills, Stuart road, Eltham. ~~ZM=Z "~1 ' WANTED KNOWN— Gigantic TTJTANTED, a good Brash Hand y^HSrMv^ - v * Summer Sale, 35 to 75 per Ji V or two# Apply Squire and n _^-_* ' cent reductions » now on at the Hl fi bam > Painters, High street. / 1 l^lA Wellington Cash Drapery Co., TT7"ANTED, Lady Help or IV—^ttß^k^ (High street. All drapery and VV General Servant. Apply d__________| f jl'i V ___________ clothing reduced to under cost prices Mrs Heslop, Matapu. s-______9__lZfliUvl-rj_H_______L to clear. French millinery at under TTTAUTrn v T W^™^ K^^2^- W ANTED KNOWN -At ' t.V^TA^Tjt, Well^ ton Cash D~ Co! , Otakeho Store, for prompt DE ELMSLIE, High street. Discount 35 to 75 cash.— Kerosene (150 test), 7/6 case; QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST, per cent. Linen overskirts 7/6, S,ui n l Starch (5* P^ts), 2/3; Registered by the Governments of Great holland 5/6, pique 5/1 1, underskirts Club Coffee, jj Io; Rice (No 1), 2*d, Britain, New Zealand, and New T i TT .;" 'V/ Ol ' , , . or sffis for l/ # Cornflour aA • T#»a South Wales, i/n, 3/11. Dress serges formerly r.iiThn.^/fi' ' Uornnour> » lea No. 13 WELLINGTON TERRACE, 3/6 now i/ii. Muslins and prints "° D 0X >> o^' WELLINGTON. cheapest on record for cash. IT7 ANTED KNOWN H T THIS Highly-qualified Physician and - T^ T \ NT>rtrrA gM ....^ ' . , W plJi^p IJi^ J^f" \f N — .f 1 •JSurgeon from the Hospitals of Lon- \\/^ AN TED KNOWN— Gigantic Eaves, Otakeho, sells for don and Paris has, by 25 years of study v * Summer Sale now on at the prompt cash. — Cream of Tartar and research, become an Expert and Spe- Wellington Cash Drapery Co. I (Morton's), 1/3 lb ; Edmonds' Bakciahst in CHRONIC, NERVOUS, BLOOD, o;n,c ,~u ./ /_ ,l a _i ma V>nmAar -Tl . c.-»i,i_. ~a u_**i SKIN, and SPECIAL DISEASES of Men Sllks 10 \ d > J /3» 1/6 ; worth double. "Jg Powder, 1/ ; Pickles, gd bottle ; and Women. Striped silks 7^d, lace gimps id and -"ice s Candles, 7d ; Matches In his very successful treatment of the 2d, collars 3d, collars and cuffs Ad (Plaids), 4d; Dungarees ("Premier" above class of difficult cases there is "No an _ 6 d, lace fullings id per yard. Brand), 3/. Experimenting and No Failures." . & t . JIM ' •" ; Consultations are free to all, so that a \ \ /ANTED, bachelors to be \X7 ANTED KNOWN If you friendly chat, either personally or by let- W married to ladies .who use "■ -^^ t your nea tly reter, costs nothing, and may save you years A/Toa Tea* TCp^n »nnr «, oc nnon • • _ _ {. V, iC of misery, so none need despair. New Moa leas. Keep your eyes open, paired by a thoroughly competent Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing I JLJ AN TED, everyone to share hand, bring them along to T. & Mne Ti M pur SfLfi?* W the magnificent discount Dickson and Co., Hawera Boot ate changes * ««* P"zes given by the proprietors Palace. Nothing but the very best Consultation Hours: 10 to 12, 2to 4, of Moa Teas, surpassing all others ; English leather used.. Once used, 7to 8 ' YOUNG MEN. next time. always used. [f you are suffering, or weak, or sad, call ttt -sr_ _^vTTa"TT^ T\ON'T Forget ! For a few or write to Dr Elmslie, No 13 Welling- VV . JttlJ W JUi . U days only, Remnants, FloorundeSnds STISS QEED, GRAIN, & PRODUCE cloths and Linoleums regardless of causes. His Skilful Treatment and Scien- O MERCHANT, cost. Spences, Hawera Economic. tifie Remedies enable him to GUARAN- TTAWPPA xtt amtph vKirwim J> — TEE a Complete Cure in every case nn- HAWERA. TIfANTED KNOWN — Our dertaken, or he will make ho charge. w * supply of fruit varies from Strictly confidential. Moderate charges. NEW SEASON'S SEEDS, anything up to 500 cases. The - Consulting Hours^lO toU, 2t04,7 to 8. Fqr Au _ umn q> Mart, Regent street. • May consult Dr Elmslie at his residence, Rye grass— Rib grass 7- INOLEUMS, '6 feet wide, tile {LSJi^T^a'^'Sfftt £:» JfTd -L and floral 'designs, to X legally-qualified Physician and Specialist, Hawkes Bay Mustard 2 /6. Spence's, Hawera Economic and whose up-to-date treatment gives the Canterbury Essex' rape -» ; greatest satisfaction. Strictly confiden- Italian.— Poa nemoralis IX T ANTED KNOWN — Fox's '^-l-ffc-^^ufp-- Caoterb tt ry Poa priviaHs W Serge JNo. 4) made to extra), 21s post free. Guaranteed safe Local Foa prsetensis measure costs £i 165 ; other firstand reliable. Moderate charges. Cocksfoot Timothy class tweeds at tbe same price. The N ' B '™?nt & \ 4 S™ *_>i y .Prairie grass Crested dogs tail Homestead Store does not deal io >n their^Jrtktta^to 0 ™ fmmediate ( JJeadow fescue Chewing's fescue warehouse sweepings and mothattention and prompt despatch (when pos- Meadow foxtail Sheep fescue eaten shoddy rags, or hold clearing sible) of remedies necessary for their case. Hard fescue Red clover sales of such rags to gull the public SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EX- White clover Alsike ivnnp rTriruc ,f ; ■;" ■ HAUSTION CURED AND Cow «a__ L iron- * L^LOOR CLOTHS, 6 feet Wide, „ MADE HAPPY. OVf ? rass lucerne £i tlle and floral __ s i gnS} to c i ear My Dear Doctor,— l have no hesita- Iretou ifn p e r yard. Spence's, Hawera tton whatever in saying "Yes" in reply — Fennnmir to your letter recived to-day, in which TumipS— economic you ask me whether lam willing to. let Green top yellow Aberdeen %!/ ANTED- KNOWN— Mr F. sM__. k ""w_i Saw £%?£ P-ple top yellow Aberdeen .VV Petersen, Somerset Boardrecommendation of Mr Griffith (whom you Purple top mammoth • ing-nouse, has started a Labor had previously completely cured of a simi- White stone stubble Bureau and Registry Office. lar complaint), I think I was in about as YT7 ATSJTWri WMnWM I7ZZZ*u bad a state of misery and depression in Oilcake crushed linsead r ? lt mMIm M I \V r KNO . WN "_ Hearfll both mind and body as any human being _;. CaKe ! crusned linseed, Calt meal V t rugs f rom up to la^ could be be-in fact, I thought life was J,^ mea . J » crushed oats, fowl groats Tennis shirts all prices. The Mart, not worth living, and my future was a Fowl grit, garden manures, straw Regent street. blank. I was an object of misery and Canterbury oats and chaff, bran ! L__> SFytat wS^ine^o C^ h^ «* W^lf- J^™* ZS? ' that I should no longer be bashful and . c ? oice of P lums Peaches, stupid in society, and could take my part Sacks — 44, 46, 48 inch apples, lemons, tomatoes, etc., at and interest in the amusements and Binder twine (Donaghy's gold medal) The Mart, Regent street. X'; £___" Xt" _51 _jft Sewing twine, machinery oil WANTED KNOWN-Boys promise was too good to be true, iam sieves, lorks, reapnooks ▼ f khaki and , galatea suits. thankful to aay I tried your treatment. I Fencing wire Tn e Mart Regent street. swear solemnly I feel a different man to- , . _a-i«i«_rJ&rof?s_i_ii^ Agent Aff^uitlfr a rM y ;Sf o r i s Co ' s n \^ rANT 55 D fi H ?NO^-- FsrF 5 r ? ' self. lam perfectly healthy and quite Agricultural Machinery. \\ good fitting Suit, made of happy, capable of enjoying myself as '-_■ « - -.- h _,._ , n ,^ h ZT7T~~~ T~ the best materials, call at C. S. others do, and I don't mope about by \\/ h + a .Y e . mu< * pleasure m Smith's, Tailor, Hawera. myself and shun society. I earnestly TT notifying that We have • ' « ' — ■.., /U .. M — ? ' recommend all fellow sufferers to put their now completed the Re-organisa- T\/ AIM 1 Jb, D __NOWJN —^Jamconfidence in you, as 'your treatment is tion of our Tailorinir Department, makers can get fruit of all am touJs tr^y 11 ' t^lJ'L^'' 1 and arc now to • P 0^ 011 tO kindS at the Maft ' Street ' am, yours truly, Lachlah Cameron. orderf to v , a nd we deliver within the, Borough. Hnwern Dirp«tory at prices that must effect a ravo- V-tt-aNTED TO SELL thoujpiUDßY, C, Bootmaker, Princes it. lution in the tailoiiujf trad*. VV o anf i«i n f tin* nf MALKO \j Eat. 1883. Boots made to measure. Recognising the abaoluta nece.- rJvl ww « a S _t!?~ISL^ t™ Repairs executed with despatch. »ity o! doing business oa Up-to- COFFEE. All storekeepers keep B>EEN, J. P. and Co., Bakers and Con- date Principles, we have thorough- **» or **"* lfc coming. S-es to Ct oX 8 ' SSon J"££? %££ l Tt2>£*j£«S«L V_7 ANTED, gentlemen to order KIRBY, J. W., Argyle street, Steam, ' * n « a^ a highly qualified Cutter yy new Suits for the races at Ga. and Oil Engines Turbines, ££« ha »*^ ****}*?" «nt °JTr once to avoid being disappointed. Motors, and Refrigerators erected and W- petent stafi), and can now offtT n c c^ ; . u t«;i«» »«*»_»« paired at reduced rates. Eatimatei given, you the best value and tcltctioM üb< o m " n > laUor > "awera. SAGE ,G. C, Princee street, manu- procurable, TTTANTED KNOWN-H. facturer of tents, tarpaulins, horse W e shrink all tweeda, use only V\ Morris Teweller and Watchand cow coven. Flags of all nations xt^ h t i: n j ncy _ an * trimminira '/ morns, jewener ana w«cnmade to order. th *. best Jinln « a j^a trunmings, ma ij er ma kes a speciality of the WHITTINGTON, H. X., Bricklayer,' rtfifS 11 ! «ffi repairing department of his business. High street and Glover road. "*_£*, Style, and Fuush. >^_> A M^r> gvnmxi c^T Drainage and sanitary work a speciality. We invite your* attention to our 117 ANTU.D KNOWN — btart Estimates giTeo. Telephone 79. revised prica list :— ff ling Bargains ! Great BePr . ce o j t wee _ :73 6d ; old prica ductions ! Goods literally given Kaponpfa Oirectory. , 15s the suit ; revised price, now away. Try McLeod's for value in GUY, A. H., Wheelwright and Gene- g.f&Jz men ' S Suit6> yoUthS ' a ? d boy f ? uitS i rat Smith. Dairy Factory Machin- no * *> 2 l8 "' M » *JJi *4 7^ » d "• tro _ sers> men's, youths' and boys' ary and Agricultural Implements repaired. sult » »OW i>3 7» od ; I2S, 15s g^j-jg ij ats caps Draccs handkerPh«___fLJLJ!-^- ia y- Termg mode l at !- Hi S_ n no^ £ rI 55 L l - X M»a^ s _i_ chiefs » -mbreUas, etc. Reduced Okaiawn Directory. w k » /,*! 55 t t i c __it now over 3° per cent for cash at McDUFFILL, ALBERT (late L. Fisher), r_"%- . Fox's N» _ ser«re /_ i« Leod's Wellington Co , High street. Promp £3 Ift J-t r^/V, IS £af D-rt miss thif opportum,, for barof Farm Work contracted for. ' coating, loa the auit, now £4 g&iPS. onnnsikA nii-Afttorv i IO mV . • _ «. x \A J ANTED, hecause Matilda OpunaKe uneotory. • a bova pnew are for Spot VV n<_»e nnlv Mna Tpas and pwJ-DRIEN, A., Architect Plan., Caa _ on i y . g booked, 5 a e_ir« *J avo » 8 2__™ * MM ° 3 TeaS * Md \J JD Specification!, Eitimates. -^ _, c h"_-jred they are a treat I PATTn?Q<YV>Q TXTANTED KNOWN— That B. ' EGMONT STEAM PAW, FLAWING J^A I HKfeUJN fc> \\ , Shrimnton Norma»bw ' AtfDMO^DWG MILLS, BASH TAILORING DEPARTMENT, " J x^ cv T W Soi Estblished 1883. Vt Ensor's Tamer Juice> Witch's Bush Mills at Midhirst and Ngaire, VOTT WTTT WANT Herbal Ointment. Yards at Midhirst, Stratford Lyjyj " Al^ " -^^ * -T-TTANTkD, Everybody with a Ngaire. SOME CUPS .. . VV watch to get, it cleaned or Head Office and Factory : A jjp SAUCERS . . repaired at Morris', High street Princes street, - UAW9BA. _XT ANTED, those tired of buy- __, _ _ -i TTAVE a look at what I ha,v» m VV ing ice cream and candies, r^EO, SYME Proprietor. JIL stock. White and gold for 5/6 go } ngto theatres and up the river, \A . dozen, white and gold fluted for 6/6 an _ wan t a rest, use Moa Teas; A large stock 0 all sizes of rough dozen. £ea,u.tifo*lly decorated latest they stimulate. ' and dressed timber in rimu, matai, p^teras for 6/6 dozen. . ' ANTED every Driver 15 totara, kauri, and white pine, v These lines are simply marvellous \ty A ?L™|^ e J^|£_!2 '2 a Rusticated boarding, tongued and va i ue| and you will, wonder how they ▼ \\JST^^a SL £ I grooved feoiiqg, T.G.B.*V, lining. be sold for the money. SfiLrtf/tt^ "* AH trade reqwsites kept in stock. ' Chipham Horse-holder. N& holder, , % JOINEBI op BVBBY DBSOBIPTION A LARGE STOCK n0 msurance J n0 «*SU*ance, no i;i including sashes, doors, sash frames, ri M ior6 _•__„, T M nota P° Kc y ! , •" doorframes, shop fronts, roller r^^fTk^vS^^i TIf 7TANTED KNOWN-That F. . shutters, bay and Venetian windows J a P a fe s e a nd Fancy Chmaware to yy Gapper, of Kaponga, ia ' skylights, vinery and garden lights select irom. gent foj Tussituta| witch'R Oil^ ' staircases, mantelpieces, gates, posts a-o-p -vc\tt niTir " Dr Ensor*s Tamer Juice, Moon taiW \ ornamental fencing, handrailing. ' A_XJ_ IVU urr King Asthma Powder. MOULDINGS OP all PATTERNS.- For a Trip ? I can supply you _._■*,,■__> ,> M mW r«_.n : ri> Special designs to order. I wit h Steel Travelling Trunks., U? ANTED KNOWW-GiginUc .* Turnery and band saw cutting in ' ? f Summer SaX 35 *o JO|« | all their branches. Carved trusses/ T>rk"DT_TTVTQ cent discount* at the Welhagtoa^ verandabvmantel and cave brackets. Jtt'^- 10 - 151 - 111 ,^',^ Gash Drapny Co. Men's, youths.n| Tallow casks, butter kegs, tubs, ROJBBINS. ROBBINS. » and k>js* clothing, shirts, ;g£«_sg buckets, cheese vats, barrel and sWrtfc drawers; ..hat-,. t&fy i square churns with stand and bo object ; must bd clydL Mc^j JulMys complete, __ ny .- 7^ pTfl cod _?- ff m ! tOn Ctsh AU materialused for joinery and T) °E b J^} r-, Co., High street, __^ manufactured: goods picked and -^L , w _> t0 __ t the Best TJILO9R CU-OTHS, 3 feet ****$& thoroughly. seasoned. m«L in th_ market. Then go to J? with hordfer and tUe ot *»_!>J Large factory PphurnßP phurnB **&*'** J£" * » 2_____?™r i Anen m \ designs, .to clear. a Mid per yard,;! order with all the ltfeat ' improve- the • _Tb|rRACLQUGH. | Speppe^ Hawera icopQiaic. <;1(m1 mepts< ■" -' .' - _ • -^IVBNTONIfr instantly retejt^M mHE Star Alnoanack is invaluable W^L the person who^^ I) toothache wjthpaj :inJW^ 1 to busing men in aU the Y-Y "Hf fpr __* al -■.f?. f ? d h _2 w J^ee* or gums. Try a bottle ***M twn»fbitwein^Pal WBtpnW Btpn and fc^Jff_S*r^ P^u4^hM Wangantei, as it coni^iCtfi.a lot of a tin of MALEO. -■ ■ , Waliaco fchemifet. __i| information 6t everyday fose. t>ECAUSB I thdo^ht she wap /\N^S^ltl^^Biy day from date»r^l :it/fAIiKO Coffee cures sleepless- 1 J_> one among a thousand, \J,*J&k!» KQ ■ COFFEE, the/:, M^s md ridf you oftbat j ilnink she^s. a thousand tffr^mgceSet in ttife maftet. Ai / tireoVfeeling. . . when shemves me MQavTea^ H / 4 ,, »stor«_ . . > ,* .;;

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8163, 28 February 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8163, 28 February 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8163, 28 February 1905, Page 1