DAMS general public that he has received a 3NT OE SEASON'S GOODS VnBLTIES. ) which he invites an early inspection. PARTMENT. cy Tweeds, Cashmeres, Lustres, Merinos IPARTMENT. Silk, Satin, Broche, Lace, Chenille, and ;, Holland, Oatmeal Cloth immed Costumes, in the latest fashion, in tin Broche )ostumes, both French and English, suitear NERY. trimmed Hats and Bonnets, in the newest kit, Porcupine, &c, all the latest shapes, eeler, Queen's Cliff, Patinee, Gardener's 1 Bonnets in all colors D SATINS. Sew Silks and Satins, and every necessary •equirements. Large assortment of Laces demand in this department. ERY. and an assortment of latest novelties. EPARTMENT. English good's price. Attention is espeThe variety of style in Men's, Boys', and the lowness of price, cannot be surpassed. A.KING-, on the premises by experienced ids. ID CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. TVCJFriLL BROTHERS, CABINET-MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS, High-Street, Hawera, and opposite Prosser's Hotel, Opunake. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF Chests of drawers Round and square tables Wood aud iron bedsteads Spring stuffed couches Washstands Toilet tables, and All kinds of bedding. Pictures Framed. FUNERALS FURNISHED. 'NEILL & WILSON desire to intimate that they have just received a large consignment of Iron bedsteads Austrian and American cnatrs Black wood and cedar suites in every variety of covering Loo tables Dining, sitting, and bed-room furniture of every description I A large quantity of toilet glasses and toilet sets Oil cloth, 4 yards wide Pictures, aud over 2000 feet of mouldings to select from PS.— O'Neill & Wilson having entered into an engagement with Messrs. Phillips & Son, of Birmingham, the well-known bedstead mannfacturers, they are now prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices. FUNERALS FURNISHED. O'NEILL & WILSON. 76 ADODSWORTH, • CABINETMAKER, Upholsterer and Undertaker, Princes -street, Hawera, opposite the Court-house, has pleasure in presenting his prices to the public, as follows :—: — Chest of Drawers, from ... £2 12 6 Toilet Tables, from ... 0 8 G Washing Stands, from ... 012 0 Dining Tables, from ... 012 6 Wood Bedsteads, single ... 15 0 double... 2 0 0 Loo Tables 1 15 0 Chcffioncers 3 0 0 All other furniture and shop fittings at equally low prices. Venetian and Wire Blinds from Is. 4d. These blinds are of the best clear pine, and warranted not to warp or blister. Pictures mounted and framed. Funerals furnished, from £2 15s. 831tc JAMES C. GEORGE, r\ ABINET MAKER. IMPORTER OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, &c, &c. Devon-street, New Plymouth. Goods carefully packed, and delivered free at the Railway Station. 78 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE "STAR" GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. The undersigned beg to announce that they have just added to their Job Printing Department an extensive aud varied assortment of the most modern designs of printing material, thus enabling them to execute orders in every branch of the trade in a superior and expeditious manner. ARMIT, INNES & CO. TTAWERA BUTCHERY. The undersigned are prepared to supply the public with Beef, Mutton, Pork, Sausages, &c, of the best quality, at moderate prices. Families waited on daily, and all orders will receive careful attention. NICHOL & McINTOSH, Butchers, High-street, Hawera, (Successors to Shearer & Nichol. 355tc
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Bibliographic details
Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume III, Issue 375, 20 December 1882, Page 1
Word Count
503Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume III, Issue 375, 20 December 1882, Page 1
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