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PLANTS, TREES, SHRUBS, &c , FOR SALE. The undersigned' has now to- offer a fine collection of Fruit Tbees, from one to three years old, clean and well grown, including many of the blight - resisting varieties of Apples, which I have taken great pains in procuring, both in New Zealand and from Australia. Forest and Ornamental Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Bulbs, &c, in great variety. African Bos Thorn, Gorse, Barberry, Acacia, Ornithophora (kangaroo thorn). Seed Potatoes in variety, including Sutton'a Magnum Bonum, the heaviest cropper and finest flavored . kidney potato now grown in England. Vegetable Seeds, some of which are my own saving. Expected to arrive — some of the fine strains that have not been hitherto offered in the district. Every variety of vegetable seeds will be tested before being sent out. Storekeepers will be liberally dealt with. Flower Seeds forwarded post free, No. 1, 12 varieties hardy sorts, 3s. No. 2, 12 varieties, hardy and half hardy sorts, extra choice (including finest strain of double hybrid petunia), 6s. Orders will be promptly attended to, according to priority ; and my TEEMS ARE STBICTLY CASH. W. ROWE, Nobmanby Nursery. C. H. BERESFORD'S OLD POST OFFICE GENERAL STORE, NORMANBY. Building material, posts, rails, shingles, and firewood always on hand, at most reasonable prices. Business sections for sale. Also, one suitable for a quiet residence, well fenced and watered and sown with lucerne, to be purchased cheap and on easy terms. Licensed Dealer in Arms and Ammunition, including Blasting Powder. Agent for New Zealand Fire Insurance Company; Hawera and Normanby Star ; Wanganui and New Plymouth Papers. WILLIAM LOCKINGTON, "DUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, NOEMANBY, HAS FOR SALE— CHEAP Half a Ton of English Cut' Nails. EDAVARD COLLINS, Genebal Cabbeeb, Norinanby, Hawera, and Patea. Goods brought at Current Rates. Firewood supplied. Posts and Rails always on hand. DAVID SPENOE, GENERAL CARRIER Between Patea and Haweba. Goods brought at current rates. Agent at Patea — Mr. W. Dale. "D O O T S. BOOTS. W. NOBLE Begs to inform the inhabitants of Hawera, Normanby, Manaia, and surrounding districts that he has received his new stock of Boots and Shoes. The largest and best selected stock' in the district. £500 worth to choose from in Ladies', Gent's, Working men's and Children's Boots and Shoes. W.N. is determined to sell boots so cheap that it will not be wortl 1 while for storekeepers to keep them Ladies' prunella boots from ss. 6d. Ladies' kid boots, from 7s. 6d. Men's good calf elastic boots, frcm 14s. Gd. Men's good stout shooting bootf from 15s. Men's strong Bluchers, 9s. Copper toes, from 3s. Canvas shoes, from 4s. 6d. Come one and all and judge for yourselves. Note the address — Opposite Peosser's Hotel, Highbteeet, Haweba. New elastic put in old boots at current rates. IyPOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE. M. J. LEAHY, BOOTMAKEE AND IMPOETEE, Begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Hawera and the surrounding districts, that his establishment will be found the best and cheapest place to purchase Boots and Shoes, Every description kept in stock, and made to order. N.B. — Repairs neatly executed. j Note the address : — m. j. leahy; NATIONAL BOOT WAREHOUSE, High-street, Hawera. R~ S. WEBB, late of Wellington, having had great experience in cleaning and repairing Sewing Machines, will be glad to receive orders in this line. Address — Bamford's Paddock. , .. 1545

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Bibliographic details

Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume III, Issue 257, 5 June 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume III, Issue 257, 5 June 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume III, Issue 257, 5 June 1882, Page 4


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