DEPRESSION CAKE Take 1 cup each of elariliod dripping, sugar, currantSj sultanas and hot water. To these add i packet spicfy i teaspoon ginger and lemon peel to taste. Put all ingredients into a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. When mixture lias cooled add 2i cups flour and 1 teaspooii bicarbonate o£ soda dissolved in boiling water. Mix well and put into a tin with three layers of greased paper. Bake in moderate oven from 1J to 2 hours. Makes a rich, dark cake. Will keep for weeks in an air tight tin - *4*l ' ARKOWKOOT MERINGUES Two ouhccs arrowroot, 3oz castorsugar, A egg whites, i teaspoon bakingpowder, a little essence or 1 tablespoon chocolatc powder. Beat egg whites to a stiff froth, sift sugar, arrowroot and baking powder into the wlutes, stir Jightly with a metal spoon and add essence or chocolate powder. Put small tea Bpoonfuls of the mixture on greased and floured tin and bake 15 minutes in a moderate oven. When iirrn remove, leave till cold and bake again in a very cool oven till crisp. • A TASTY LUNCHEON DISH Gkease a meat plate and cover it with a layer *in. thick of mashed potatoes, j mixed with an egg, and a little milk. ' Crimp the edges in the same way as for an open tart and brown in a quick oven. Pill the centre with a mince of meat or lisli made hot in a little thick gravy. CORN GRISPJLES ' i 1 Mix together and sift i cup cornflour, A cup lain flour, Li teaspoons bakingpowder and A teaspoon melted dripping. Turn out on a floured board, roll thin, cut in slices or fancy shapes and bake til crisp and brown in moderate oven. Nice served with soup. \ BLACK COFFEE SANDWICH Beat to a cream i cup melted butter and 1 cup brown sugar, add 3 eggs and beat well for some minutes. Add \ cup strong hot coffee and mix for 5 minlUes. Then add 2 cups flour sifted with a tea spoon bicarbonate soda, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar, 1 heaped teaspoon mixed spice and a pinth of salt. Mix all together quickly, divide and put into two greased sandwich tins. Bake l hour in moderate oven. Use any filling or jam to join. i § j MBAL BISCUITS. Mix together 2 cups rolled oals, 3 cup self raising flour, -J cup sugar. Melt together Z cup treacle, 1 tablespoon hot water, 1 dessertspoon butter and pour into the dry mixture. Mix till stiff, then spread evenly in a flat cake disli with the back of a spoon and bake till a crisp brown. When coo! cut into small squares. CHEESE SCONES Three cups flour,, I cup grated cheese (stale ends will do), 1 level teaspoon salt, teaspoon cayenne, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar, 7', -teaspoon, bicarbonate soda, 1| cup milk, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons boilinjg' water. Sift dry ingredients, add eliwse, melt butter in boiling water, add milk and mix well with other ingredients. Turn out on to floured board, knead, roll out and cut into shapes. Bake ;in hot oven 1U to 15 minutes. ■}'■
DROP SCONES. Take 2 eggs, 1§ cap mitk, 2 cups flour, 1 dessertspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 4 teaspoon bicarbonate soda. Beat eggs and sugar well, add milk ,and stir in dry ingredients. Heat and grease a pan or oven slide, drop mixture from a spoon on to the slide or pan and turn with a knife when the lower side is a golden brown (about 10 minutes). When cooked put on kitchen paper to drain. Nice hot or cold.
Hutt News, Volume 7, Issue 11, 15 August 1934, Page 2
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