;;HOSOWHENUA DISTRICT COUNCIL ■ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Horowhenua Rugby District Council was hela in the Druids Hall last erening. Mr .J. J. O'Connor (president) was in the chair, and there was an attendance of 40 delegates, the clubs being represented by the following numbers of dele-gates:-—Wanderers 5, Weraroa 6, County 3, Foxton 3, Shannon 6, Miranui 5, Hui Mai 5, Kuku 1, Awahou 6. An apology was received from Mr B. Brann (Shannon), who intimated that his services as a delegate this sea- . son would hot be available. TEAMS NOMINATED. The following teams were nominated by the clubs officiating for the 1927 Wanderers. —Senior, junior and third grade. . . . • . Weraroa—Senior, junior and third. County —Senior. Foxton—Junior, third and fourth. Miranu,i—Senior and junior. AWahou —Senior, junior, and . fourth. .'". . . Shannon—Senior, junior, third and ; fourth. Hui Mai—Senior and junior. Kuku—Third. WERAROA COLOURS.' Weraroa Club applied for permission to change their playing colours to T black and white jersey, black pants, .and black and white socks. On the 'chairman's motion the reouest was granted. CLASSIFICATIONS. The following junior players have be.en prompted to senior rank by the - .classification committee:— . Miranui—Buckman, Rowlands, bimps/on, Pene. , ' _ , Shannon— Satherley, Robbie, Coylo. Weraroa—Bull, Phillips, Vincent, Perrin, H. Cole. Wanderers—Knox. • Andrews, J. Huff. _ Awahou —C. Reneta, Pine, Hindu, h.. E PATRON'S CONGRATULATIONS A letter was received from Mr J. Linklater, M.P., patron of the Council, thanking the committee for the annual report and congratulating them on th,e manner in which they had carried out their duties during the season. He extended his best wishes to the members and hoped that the coming season would prove to be all that they could wish. ~•»*■ A vote of thanks was passed to Mr '• mva CHAIRMAN'S REVIEW. The chairman, reporting on the past season, said it had been a very noteworthy one, chiefly on account of the improved standard of play, due to the increased attention given to training. The introduction of electric light practices had contributed greatly to this reiilt. Further improvement to play should be seen in the next year or two. i A particularly interesting position was created at the end of the competition, when three clubs —Shannon, County and Wanderers—were ■ equal in points. The senior ehampioi.ship- was won outright by Wanderer-,. Thanks wero due to the Levin Gentlemen's Club for replacing the trophy Avith a handsome cup. The introduc lion of the Maori-Pakeha match as an . annual fixture helped to keep alive the •interest in the game. The Rowlands Cup, for competition between the winning junior teams in the Manawatu, Horowhenua and Feilding districts, was von by Feilding. .who defeated \Veraxga by a veA' narrow margin. 11. e representative team covered itself with ffloiy, not losing a single match, lhe "Bobbiugton Shield was recovered alter being held elsewhere for four years. The team desened the thanks of the Council, as they trained twice a week, travelling long distances tor the purpose. This district supplied the ' greatest portion of the Manawhenua team, including the captain, II Jacob. f Tatana and Moses worthily represented the district in. the Maori team abroad, both on and off the field, ana
tlurv were a credit to the district. A Jiapov financial result, had been achieved bv close attention to the work w the management committee, and the secretary (Mr J. J. Casey) and treasurer (Mr J. W. Bimmer) never spared themselves. The young players were npt forgotten, and it should bo the aim c+' the future executive to provide still more for The coming placers. This policy was absolutely necessary. If they looked after the boys, the seniors would look after themselves. An effort would Ibe made this year to join in the Primary Schools tournament. In conclusion the chairman, thanked the management committee for making his task as chairman so easy; also the officials of the i <?lubs for their interest in the national * anW " INSURANCE. The secretary (Mr J. J. Casey) said •>e would like the delegates to impress on their cluba the necessity of .-joining the insurance scheme. This applied more particularly to the senior players. If they met with an accident in a combined team, they would get no compensation unless they were insured with their respective clubs: the Mana watu-Horowheima. Union had no insurance scheme, so the players must fall back on their clubs. In reply to a question, the secretary ttatod that the player insuring must pav the doctor's examining fee. Cm the motion of Mr H. J. Jones, the report, as already published, was adopted. The balance sheet, whicn has previously been outlined, was also T)3.SSOQ» Mr Birchall (Shannon) congratulated the management committee on its performance in furnishing such an excellent balance sheet, and he stated that the Council had capable men at the lead of its affairs. The Shannon Club deeply appreciated the way in which the committee had attended to its duties, and he trusted that the same gentlemen would be returned lor a furthei' SCTION OF OFFICERS. Officers for the ensuing year were Reefedas follows.—Patron, Mr J. Link■litS MP (reelected); president, Mr J I O'Connor (re-elected); vice-presi- -,' -,/ « Austin W. Anderson, dents, Messrs S. Austin, vv. > and J. Prober; secretary, Mr J- •»• Casey (re-elected); treasurer, .W. Bimmer (re-elected); majiagoment committee Messrs W. Seville (Foxton_, J. W. Robson (Miranui), M. Ryder derers), F. Robinson Joyce (Weraroa), A. Richards *Shantor, m (re-elected);- representative on Referees' Association, MJ H. Kidson; aehoola representative, Mr
H. Macdonald; sole senior selector, Mr MailJii Winiata; sole junior selector, Mr F. Eobinson, HELP TO TRAVELLING CLUBS. The recommendation to give assistance to outlying clubs towards their travelling expenses, was after a lengthy discussion, referred back to the Management Committee, pending more definite information as to the prospects of Otaki and Paraparaumu nominating teams for the competition. It was decided that April 9th be th\j closing date for entries. OPENING DATE
The opening of the season was fixed for April 23rd, the first Saturday after Easter. The secretary moved that the competitions be carried on on the day of the Otaki races. Mr Wehipeihana protested, as a steward of the Otaki Racing Club, and said that it had not been the custom in the past for the competitions to be played on that day. Mr W. Hannan said that, as sports, they should support other sports. The motion was lost by a large ma iority. REP. MATCHES.
The secretary said that another recommendation of the Management Committee was that the representative games should be distributed over the district. It did not look as though Otaki was giving them much encouragement to go there, as on the last occasion the Council had lost £5 on the match. The Otaki Club was asked j>-r a rebate, but replied in the negative, saying that the cost of insurance and upkeep was too great. The Otaki Borough Council wanted £l7 10s for the ground this year, the same as on the Irjst occasion It, as though they would have to go elsewhere to play the Macri-Pakeha game. It was a pity that the Otaki Borough Council did not try to encourage them to go there with a representative game. • SOUTHERN CLUBS LAGGING. Mr Movnihan said that every endeavour should be made to foster football at the southern end. He thought that any defection in that direction would be'a decided loss to Horowhenua football; and even at some inconvenience the southern men should be encouraged. / Mr Wrigley said he thought that there had been a misunderstanding regarding the delegate who was to attend this meeting, and consequently the two southernmost clubs were unrepresented. Mr J. W. Rimmer said that a better arrangement would have to be mad.? with Otaki. There was a great amount of expenditure that did not appear in the balance sheet owing to the president, the secretary, and members of the executive having' to go to Otaki and Paraparaumu to supervise the gate.s The Council wanted the assistance of those clubs. It should not be necessary for members to go down there and assure the Union of getting the returns. The chairman stated that he had been to Otaki that day, and he was informed that nothing whatever had been done there so far in regard to football for this year. His informant said hewould ask the Mayor to call a public meeting to form a football club. That was the position in Otaki to-day. Mr F. Robinson suggested that_ a party be sent to Otaki to infuse life into "football circles there.
After further discussion, it was resolved that the allocation of the MaoriPakeha match be left in abeyance until it is known whether the southern most clubs are going to enter the competition. REP. MATCHES ALLOCATED.
The other representative fixtures were allocated as' follows: — First Bebbington Shield match.Foxton. Manawatu - match. Shannon.
ANNUAL MEETING OF REFEREES ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Horowhenua Rugby Referees' Association was held in the De Luxe Hall on Morday evening, there being present: Messrs W. Peters (chairman), J. Rose. McGregor, Pene, A. McDonald, P. McLeavey, H. Hemi, Hopa, J. Smith, J. Sciascia. K. Davis, Kingi, G. N. Emmett, F. E. rlosking, George, and H. Kidson. ANNUAL REPORT.
The annual report and balance sheet were received on the motion of Mr. Sciascia, seconded by Mr. Kingi. The report is an under: — The Conference of the N.Z.R.R.A. was held at Dunedin on April 2nd, 1926, and owing to financial embarassmenu we were unabl? to be represented, but sincerely hope that we shall be represented at" the coming conference,, to bo held at Carterton on the loth, and ICth. April 1927. Relative to the last conference we have to extend our thanks to the Manawatu Association for their courtesy in visiting Levin and supplying us with first hand information from such conference. During the past yea? 8 meetings ivere held and the attenances' were highly satisfactory. Certain alterations wi-re made in the rules by the N.Z. Rugby Uuion and were sanctioned by the English Rugby Union. and the members of our Association soon adapted themselves to the new rulings and throughout the season gave good exhibitions of refereeing. In our Association there are 28 financial members, which is far in excess of any former years. Although the A;» sociation commenced the season with a debit of £l6 Bs. 10d., it is with much pleasure thatt we are resigning from office showing you a credit balance of £1 6s. 3d. Dining the season several members availed themselves of the opportunity to test their knowledge by the medium of the examination paper set by the N.Z. Executive. The questions found some who were lacking in the knowledge that should be consistent with those who attain to the Status of refereeing in championship games. We have to thank W. McDonald of the H.R.D. Council for his kind ness in conducting our examination. Wo have also to thank Mr. T. A. Fletcher of the Wellington Association; who at our invitation visited Levin and gave an interesting black board lecture, which was both edifying and beneficial to our members. Our thanks are also heartilv accorded the De Luxe management and especially Mr. H. McMillan for, use of a meeting room throughout the whole of the- season. In conclusion we desire to thank the H.R.D.C. for their financial assistance and trust that the coming season will show increased efficiency. The balance sheet showed that th'rreceipts for the year were £sl 18s 10d and the expenditure £SO 12a 7d. The principal items on tie credit side were
£32 5s 4d from the ball and £l4 10s in grants from the Horowhenua Rugby District Council. Of the .expenditure £27 2s lid was on account of the ball and £l6 8s lOd in payment of accounts from the previous year. ELECTION OF OFFICERS.
Officers for the ensuing year were elected a 3 follows:—President, Mr. H. Kidson; vice-presidents, Messrs J. Rose and J. Sciascia; secretary and treasurer, Mr. F. E. Hoskiug; appointment committee, Messrs Rose. Karauti, and the District Council's nominee; man agement committee, Messrs .Kingi, Hemi, Rose, Hopa, and McDonald; vicepresident to N.Z. Rugby Referees Association, Mr. H. Kidson; delegate to Horowhenua Rugby District Council, Mr. H. Kidson. The appointment or a delegate to the N.Z. Rugby Refeertes' Association was held in abeyance, pending financial assistance from the Rugby District Council. On the motion of Mr. Kingi. seconded bv Mr. Hopa, it was decided to make a suitable presentation to the retiring secretary, Mr. G. N. Emmett, as a tok en of the high esteem in which he has been held by his fellow-members of the association. HUI MAI CLUB. The annual meeting of the Hui Mai football club was hold on Thursday last. There was a good attendance. The president (Mr. W. Dalzell) was in the chair. The annual Teport and bal-ance-sheet were adopted. The receipts for year were £76 7s Bd, expenditure £64 4s 2d; credit balance £l2 3s 6d. Election of Officers: Patron, Major Tatum (re-elected); president, Mr. W. Dalzell (re-elected); vice-presidents, Messrs B. Slack, Ruihi Wehipeihana, L. Staples, J. Staples, L. and R. Knight, C. Dimock, C. Cotter, L. H. and A. Atkins, H. G-. Bryant, S. Meredith, R. and R. T. Day, F. Brown, R: Bevan, P. King, W. Baxter, T. Leitch, M. Miles, E. Hogg, T. Ransfield, K. Davis, J. Bebbington, R. and C. Drake, A. Hornig, % O'Rourke, X Ramsbottom, J. Horn, D. Robinson, C C. Holmes; secretary, Mr. C. Noes (reelected); delegates to Union, Messrs Ruihi Wehipeihana, J. Procter, B. George, J. Bebbington, W. Dalzell; manager senior team, Mr. T. Ransfield; manager junior >team, Mr. T. Leitch; selectors, Messrs Ruihi Wehipeihana and Don Wilson; management committee, Messrs Dalzell, secretary, and L. H. Atkins.
The following nominations for senior team were received: —L. Matheson, C. Goodwin, T. Davis, Rangi Rehu, M. and 0. Meredith, J. Downing, R. Wehipeihana, J. Oliver, J. McKenna. Mr. Wehipcihana and Mr. M. Miles congratulated the club relative to the balance-sheet, both pointing out that much credit was due to Mr. Noes for the manner in which he had carried out his secretarial duties. The club had been lucky in having several Waikato players joining up, and also one from Poverty Bay. The season's prospects for both senior and junior teams looked bright. A meeting of the juniors will be held on Tuesday night. The first match will be against Shannon at Manakau, probably on Saturday week, then will follow a match with Feilding, and afterwards with Athletic* at Wellington. It is stated that Gleeson, Bond, McDonald, and Phillips (Nelson) will play for County this season. Awahou is likely to have a strong senior team, while Manakau will be strengthened bv Waikato and Poverty Bay players. So far Otaki has not made a move, but there is no reason why this year's team should not be a good one.
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Horowhenua Chronicle, 16 March 1927, Page 7
Word Count
2,463RUGBY FOOTBALL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 16 March 1927, Page 7
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