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PLAGUE STRICKEN SHIP. 150 OF CHEW DIE ON SHORT VOYAGE. ROME. Dec. 2. A home steamer arrived at Genoa from a South African port. influenza started after leaving Mont ■ Video. Out of a total of I<‘G of tmcrew 150 had died. INDIA’S TERRIBLE DEATH ROLL. Bombay, Dec. 2. The ravages of influenza in India are terrible. SOO dying daily in Delhi. There have been li.OtrJ in Bombay, and 250.Gt0 in the Punjat; If the death rate is proportionally heavy throughout India it ur.aiis a death roll of 3.uvO.(J‘jO. A.U ST R A LIA NQUA R A N TIN E. 35 DEA I HS. Sydney. Dec. 4". The deaths in quarantine contain-' and now total 35. Ihe Atua s patients are convalescent. Iwo of tne. Manuka cases remain. Over a tnousanu persons are quarantined. OUTBREAK IN MELBOURNE. Melbourne, Dec. 4. TH? Superintendent of tne Melbourne Hospital reports, that during . the past fortnight several typical pneumonia-influenza cases occurred, three of which died. Pi" cannons to prevent the spread of tne disease were taken. THE MA KURA. PASSENGERS’ COMPLAINT. ! j [pee press ASSOCIAIION. 1 J Auckland. Dec. 4. > i The following letter, ngnefl mcDli>?n Oi tne press ueiegauull quarantined on tne jiakuia, nas j been received by tne ’’Auckland I rieraid :— I ■From a strong sense oi puuhc duty we d.?vin it i_gnt to direct public attention to tne cncuuioiiiu',fe luiiowmg t-.e quarantining oi Lie .uaKuru s pasSebgeis and ciew at Auckland. ■me \essel arrived on oaluidaj evening, and ancimred m tne Uuway oil iiuug.tutu isiaud, iuuui.i*o up’to opposite Motu.iu on Sunday looming, until lures medical omcers ol lue Healtll Uepul liueiil buaiueu L.-1. lacy made no examination or inspection ot tne passeug-is, out wine sappivei Wltll ttUlpeiatults anei pulse readings preiioUsiy tax.... .liter a snort stay tile lApdAim-lil ameers left tne steamer, and up to tile time oi v.r.tmg, ou uuars alter tne arrival, no uluciai int.mat.oii nas been given or tne decision aiixied at by tne Department. Bums nanduZcil patients wno had u'.tii seen by tne m ada oilicers ’.’.ere uaiuUd to .uotuiiil. Ihe sleumer lias since t*?en ueuuied m wn.inut a vis.t from tiie ined.cui aatuoriUes. No pr. cautions hate men laßen l>\ the wpailiiuiil to saiegua.d 1.. patr-'uts betoi’f-mentioneu. au uu- > it C llnoglte.i Uj it t.Kil .lOll.Utlbd to Kssca tne nsa oi contracting tue disease uyetne large ujiuuer ul pc<»pij on board, nor uls any laungauuii oi cue ordinaiy cao.ns or saiouiis taken place, luese aie nuk-.u fact.. wmen aaniit oi no couiratl.ctiuii, and betiav an exti’doidinai.. hick oi appreciation «i w bill IS due lb out odd peup«.’, v,„o aie detained on the steamer. "Ine elementiiry step to check the spread or uiuunua is to pruu.u.t tuf public congregating logetm-r in iininij-rs. in .nu.iita, luii.iua, ana 'New Zealand, wm.ii iigut-ng tne cpi■demic, tmatiLs, Ciuicuts, iioteis and loliicr pmces ot paouc iniclosed or restrictions cuioicc-U. let on tne .uakuru 52U people uaic been forced to live in crui. ued quuiteis by tne action of tue public iii-aitu authukiiicb. any Lt-cAiib oi protecting tiiemseit-.s mm coin.l acting tne disease, ana wa..uul out. single, wold of iiir..a being gx’.idi to t.ieiu bv tne D..partimnl s urncers, Miiose penuiuimy ueatment of tue position is 1.. e subject oi s-.-vere comm-nt by taosu uno ail condemned to an iiiuiuime imprisonment under conditions wmea render them specially liauuj to tne contraction ot li.e nle -X ‘ >■' Zealand Health Department, hav.iig exercised its power bo quuiaiitm" tne passengers and ci’ev.’ ol Um Julkura, siii’iud sure.y ucugnisc its responsibility to ensure tout tiie iicaitn and well-being ot Luos- are infected by its acUon wnl be tuny and completely saiegaardt d. ’’Aceuruuig to newspaper reports an -rmamiimi ehamoer was iu Li estabasn-a on vessel. Ims mis not yet been done, and no member ot tue li-.aith Department s sttui is, or has been, on jnnuu sjic? Buiiuaj. to see that tne Mevessarj rcqiiuvmeiits a,e carried out. • \Ce now urg 1 ui the Department that it Simula at once rvvei.-»e lac Ut e.sion it a r-. ported to imve arrived at, to keep th - pass-, ngeis on i. vi i..'.' —..a-, a i'll, ana t.iKe stejis to nave tac-in fcMuttd to neallny surroundings <i.-u..;s. "We cannot fl ip adding reluct-, anliy, but very dvi.berc-ii.-j, in our judgment tne att.lua. ot tm-izepariu.c-iit .s U-.-s iixe.y ti sal-:-guaru t .an to m i-.i ' i ' 1 ’ .*>' aitu u> iQOse aboard l.;t: ->..;Kui.>. bINTEEN MORE FLU CASES AbOAiiD. Auckland. Dec. 5. There are sixteen mor.? eases oi influenza on Makuia. a total ot t wentj -mne. mcmamg mm passenger. luer? are enix lui.r ac.ite cas-.s. Iv.eiity-six ca-i u;uc been removed to isuiut.-il ,|u.iit is on Mutuuu island, ami three w ill b< landed tu-u.iy. , . ‘ The c niim Companj’ has decided to d.seuarg? ail cargo beiore the .Uak.ila leaves for oydtiey. Ine Sydney pas ? Ag<.rs are appt. ming to t**e ltd.ral ric-.r to get Jiakura ucspau.-neu to c?d--m y >t it.....1l lurtm r delay . ' Dll. IREXOLLY recalled. AC; KI.WD < ITIZENm PRO lE.- I Auckland. Die. -IT'ne Deputy Cmvl iivaun ' niici'l'. Dr. Frenglvy, who has u m Au.-kland >::m * .\.>v< mlnT 3. has beeti instructi d to proceed to ne.i lingt,<>n to-im I Im- Mayor mid chairman the Hospital Board jointly teiegraphe I a protest on th.'* ground that ihmm.i tm- epiiii-mic comiitions have largely improv»< ■ the f ~: Ii• >i i -tnl th ■ g;’c:it-’>t vigilance ami m ntiiir. *d car,. on the part the Health and other ;r:.:t no’in ! h--e cireliln-stat.i-cs and harms regard, to tn->•>■?,titi<-n of the ev rseas ;ir ' ; -ntM’i is '-tfo-aly iirir >'i. Fiii’it::.. the reti'-ntion of Dr. lixmgh'y ami satisfactory assuram’es as to th-* future, a public meeting ot citizens wili be called immediately.

The position is so Jar improved • that the city and suburban novels ■ re-opened to-day. The embargo was also lifted from the theatres, bii-liard-rooms, churches, meetings and auctions. 1 lie only restrictions re-■ ■uaininr are race iiieelmgs, shows, exhibitions and school examinations. Burials during Novemb?r m haikumete totalled -;9:), and at M ai-1 karaka at least 250. i REPORTS FROM WELLINGTON. Wellington, Dee. 4. To-day's reports are v- ry reassuring, sauu’ing that conditions ar? rapidly returning to normal. The eim rgFmy hospital at bt. John s sciiooii’ooJn was evacuated to-day, and there are a number of vacant bras in other temporaly hospitals. Bittiness at Lower Hutt and Acetone is reported to be practically back to normal and arrangements will be made to close the emergency hospital at Lower Hutt. Some aiarmmg rumours nave been current r gaining the Union Company's Navua. it has been asserted tiiat the vessel is lying about 500 miL'.s away m a crippled condition owing to tne crew suiftriiig from influenza. Mr. tv. A. Kennedy, tne company’s Ueilington manager, state tiie rumours ar,c- ab- ! solutviy fomidationless. The company mis received no word yet of tiie Xavua’s departur.? from Papeete win're sue was quaiantined owing to an outbreak of influenza. \\ t Ihngton. Dee. 5. Influenza deaths at tne Wellington hospitals for tne 21 hours ended noon yesterday totalled turee. l»o hospitals are closed. I’e.fegxauis from tii? country districts indicate a ra[)id abate nient of the epidemic. Drs. and medical students are to ne remov'd to more infect-' d areas for woik, e-p-<ial!y among Maoris. Camp report’s also snow a iapi 1 decrease among tne soldiers. Only j 1-14 ar? remaining m hospital ai> [ Featl*’.-rston. 1 renlh’im mid Aw x- > nuni. PitEb-S ASSOCIATION REPORTS i FROM OTHER CENTRES, j l-\ \ kkCaKGILL. During the past week th.? position in leg.ird to Lhe mnu> >.zu m ooulinand nas suov. n a marked impi'ovemeln, UiLuuugll a lew cuillH-.J districts which nau piAiuus.j i-acdj- el luiacamed aie imw beu> o ViSiU-d. Letter ..earner nas heqieu considerably to bring convamaccm.-* biGK to ne-aitn, and g.v. n a cvn tmuance ot Lne fund.lions, liuiiau gm snouid soon be normal, inc pl-.a.-ul’C at tne J iib-.c and auWi-Ri) hospitals lias eased cuiiaiuci aa.j, ana t-'wer wl’iuus eases ill? ije*.. o taken in. 1 tie vig.imice . i>. l i...ii lias done woiidei.ui \voik m rui»battlllg tne dis use, and i.i no sittcKing edorts accutdriig tv pmn. the trumuaj’ s’.rvice is oevum.iig normal. Oat’of is:f miiiatvs tiim nave been 14b patients a. Ut reioimatory, where tn’ie nave been l..>> deaths. .Most of the otliei> have i--eovered. I p i» lu-uay tne lua.u. authorities nave b?vli advised ot lea deal ns.

HOKITIKA. A greatlv improved condition is maiiitesi the epidemic. No deaths naw- bet n n poited >.nc .■ Friday. Several dangerous ras.’s aie nicking pieasing progies.,. iwo auXihaiv ho.-pitais ami the convaeseent home will 1>? evacuated t..,week. .Matters ar? retuinmg to normal. All business plate;, ai-. iim. op-n’ as usual. OrgaiiJ.sation tor functions fixed for Christmas anti Sew Yeai is in hand as usual, rn- ‘ eimlilig sports and racing am* tretting meetings. ’ MASTERTON. i Since the influenza outbreak C2 deaths have occurred. The epidemic is now abating. Th? Relict hunu . subscriptions total £’Z,SW. | PAHIATUA. The epidemic is now in hand. The total admissions to the enu-rg. n-.’j hospital have been 67; the number .of deaths in hospital fl, and tne number remaniXg 21. Tne toi-1 oi tdeaths in the district is 21. CHRISTCHL KCH. The influenza epidemic is abating slowly. During tiie twenty-iom hours ended at noon there had been seven admissions to the hospital ana . one death. One hundred and ihirv. one cases are still in the hospital. NAPIER. 1 The position continues to remain 'good, but ye. terday several new, ’tho’.tgh not severe casts were re- • ported in Carlyle street. Ail pre- : cautionary measures are being continued. Fair cases were admitted to the Napier West Hospital yesterday and two discharged. There we:e no d'-a.’ns and tiiere is only one dan gi-rous case there now. HOTELS AGAIN CLOSED. The hotels in accordance with. J ladvhe received on Tuesday re j topen--it yesterday morning. but ■strong protest was made T’.y the; .Mav- rs of Napier ami Hastings 1 owing to no communication being! held wi.h them nor tin- Hospital i itrd. All the hotels in t e H.B. Hospital district have aga.n Lei n -ci <•! ti close till fin t'.i’r Ta* fun igat : --n of hotel Lars a' Napier had not been commenced. No advice has yet been T'-ee’vc<l <n t'-e matter of opening billiard saloons, so they must continue closed. EMERGENCY HOSPITAL. The report at the Hospital this morning was very cheering. At midnight there were II pat: ntr- m th--wards, but the aut'-mrirms expect,to disc- arge S casts, ’hr. a of which a:-.- b*ing sent to the Uonva’.escent IT me at Have'.o.-k. thrs leaving onlv 33 cases in the 1 osvit.aL There were no dca.m to uccr.-rd. Th r? aie no really serious casi s to renort. and those who had beer very ill are improving. The g-n--rai report is en-inently satisfactory. Those desiring tn ring i’j> 1’ < Convalescent Home. *c : through to Ends'f-'gh If’w’is--. "F ■ lock North, teh-ylmm' nuwL'"• b'-:‘ MAORI HOSPITAL Trie position a’ the Drill llaii equally satisfactory. There are ik'iy patients in the wards, and'.teen eonvali s<’>-nts. There is only one the vst the patient' proeressing favourably. HASTINGS NOTES. (tn i enremrO :r mns irade t' l '’io D-p.irtment. the Dn-rriet Health: ( ’nie 'i' let:- again pro’i.i ;■ 'd tX ■ • >;■ ah- di-dic Fqtm-r threig'!’ Bn- T L ' district, consequent !y ’he hote.*-. which were open yi-sterday. were once more closed down to-day.

AMONG THE SUFFEREPiS. | Mr A. 11. Ferguson, County Clerk, ' who has been down with an attack of influenza, is now convalesing. j Dr. F. N. Harvey, of Napier, who has been down with an attack of influenza, has now quite recovered, ami has resumed Jiis practice. Captain H. Dryden, of the s.s. Arahura. who has been laid aside at Auckland with influenza, has now recovered and has resumed duty. .Mr A. O. M’ellwood. who has been seriously ill with influenza in camp,; has recovered and returned ,to Hastings las: night. He is rapidly recovering his old form Sergt.-Major E. E. Storr, who has been ill with influenza has sufficiently recovered to resume duty, and he left Hastings, this morning, to take up his work on the stafi at Hawera. Reference to the death of the late Mr. Tom Cunningham, an old Nanier boy. who died at Wellington on Monday, was made at yesterday’s j Napier Brokers’ hides and skin | sale, where it was decided to send j a h tier of j’.-mpathy to Mrs. Cunningham and family. At the time of his death deceased was chief woo! buyer for Messrs Wilson and Canham. Mrs. Laura E. Cole, wife of Air. William Cole and eldest daughter of the late Mr. Charles and Mrs. Pi-osina Watson, of Napier, died ai Napier yesterday from influenza at tin* age of 34. Deceased, who was of a cheerful and generous disposition was widely esteemed. She leaves a husband and three young sons. A younger sister of the late Airs. Col.-'. Airs. Ellen A. Phillips, wife of Ernest Phillips, of Otane, and third daughter of the late Charles and Mrs. Watson, died at Otane from influenza on Thursday last at t; <* age of 29 years, leaving a limsbnnd and a family of young children. The heartfelt sympathy of all goes out to the sorrowing rela.ives of both sisters in their sad bereavement. Mr. Harry Neil Sims, son of the late John Sims and Airs. Sims, of Westshore, died at M ellington on Tuesday from influenza. He leaves a widow and two children,. The death occurred of Sister Alary I awrenci* on Monday, at the Convent <if Mercy, Te Aroha. She died of :he prevailing epidemic, i contracted in visiting and nursing •>at.i r -iits at the Public Hal] and else- ■ ■ ! :;-rc. A req’.iie'r mass was offered at St. Mary’s Convent. Ponsonby. on by his Lordship Dr. , STATE RELIEF OF SUFFERERS.: i In he House of Representatives yesterday Air. Massey informed Mr. ; , Huufer tuat Cabinet had not, yet | i’v-c.n able to ariive at a definite I . a-mmnt to lie vo cd for the relief j I f .;vi<trniie sufferers. he intend- ’ ■ d t.> do the right tA’ far as ’ Possible, ami some provision would . !>e made. The Finance Alinistei : ! would probably be able to make a , statcn.i-ir in a few' davs as to, the > '.M’Jdrcn who had been left destitute ■ t’."-oua v i loss <if I'arents. The Edu-' ration Department had already sent I ou circulars to ascertain the names I and numher of children requiring a««tctanee t'-rouch loss of parents. } Mr. Russell stat'd that the imine d'at - responsibility of tlealinc with lornhancd children rested wi h the Hosnital ami t'hnritnble -lid Boards, who bad full authority to deal with f!i««s. the Government would he ’iri ’>a’’o<l to consider it wren occa--ion arose.

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume VIII, Issue 312, 5 December 1918, Page 6

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INFLUENZA. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume VIII, Issue 312, 5 December 1918, Page 6

INFLUENZA. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume VIII, Issue 312, 5 December 1918, Page 6


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