I PEOPLE’S DAY. j i ■ 1 The weather was beautifully fine for People’s Day at the H.B. Agri-1 cultural and Pastoral Association! Show. From an early hour people wended their way to the Hastings Showground until by 2 p.m. there was a very large crowd present. The! various exhibits were viewed with : keen interest, and the general ver- • diet was that the show has surpassed '■ all previous efforts. The exhibits of the Xapier Technical College stud-; ents and the ladies’ needlework and decorative classes have elicited warm commendation. The stock was much admired, tne cattie especially attracting attention, being the finest yet exhibited. The sheep, pigs, dogs, and poultry classes, all containing first-class quality exhibits, were centres of interest, while the various competitions and side-shows were well patronised. Great disappoint- ( rnent was expressed at the absence of the Tomoana fat sheep, which have always proved features at previous snows, from the sheep classes, but this was owing to the recent wet weather precluding them [ from being shorn. Exquisite musical selections were rendered by the Hastings Town Band, under Conductor F. Hopkinsori. In the cattle classes, Mr. Douglas McLean, of Maraekakaho, secured seven firsts, two champions, one second and a third. The champion bull was Diamond Star and the champion cow Briar Rose. H. K. McKenzie, who secured first prize and champion for his fat bullock over 31 years, has sold the animal for 70 guineas to Mr. Gordon Elliott, who will exhibit him at the Carterton and Sydney shows. The price is said to be the highest yat paid for a fat bullock at a show in the Dominion.
A Recruiting Office, under Lieutenant Xelson, was again on the grounds to-day. A fair number of young men responded to the’ Empire’s call. The swingboats, in charge of Mr. Pickering of Palmerston North, was largely patronised by the juvenile fraternity and the Soldiers’ Tobacco Fund should be considerably augmented as a result.
A motor car, one of the prizes in the Hawke's Bay Wounded Soldiers’ Art Union, was on the ground, and many tickets were sold on behalf of the fund.
The Hon. W. D. S. Macdonald. Minister for Agriculture, and the Hon. Dr. R. McNab, Minister for Justice, were among the visitors to the Show yesterday and to-day. The various horse competitions were watched with much interest. The Ladies’ Leaping competition was won by that good jumper Micky Free.
The Y'.M.C.A. have a rest tent on the ground, and this is much appreciated. There is also a mother’s rest and Plunket Nurse tent, and this, too, is eagerly taken advantage of by ladies who are lired after viewing the long round of exhibits. The catering was in the hands of Mr. J. B. Andrews, of Napier and gave general satisfaction. The fine exhibit of jams, sauces, etc., of the Hastings Fruit Preserving Company has been purchased bv Mr. E. T. Ingram, grocer , of Hastings, and will be on view in bis shop, Heretaunga street, after the Show. The ladies’ needlework exhibits attracted much attention, and . a similar remark applies to the Native Industries section, in which are displayed articles of fine workmanship and finish. During the afternoon the large crowd already present was considerably increaseci, and the grounds presented an animated and pretty appearance. Chief among the attractions i among the side shows is Baker I Bros’. Circus, which drew large audi- ! ences. The items presented were of ’ a creditable nature and much appreciated. Mr. Maker intends to bring a big circus to Hastings and . Napier at an early date. | A grand parade of prize cattle and horses took place at 2.30 p.m. PRIZE LIST. DAIRY CATTLE.
Butter fat competition.—Mr. J. Wall’s Queen. 331bs. milk, 3.5 test 1.25 butter fat, 1 ; Walter Raymond’s Princess Julip, 261bs milk, 3.5 test, 1.15 fat, 2; Jas. Barry’s Brindle, 261bs milk, 4 test, 1.04 butter fat, 3.
Grade Shorthorn dairy cow, in milk.—Mrs. J. Wall 1 and 2, A. Moore 3. ....
Grade dairy Jersey cow, in milk. — Mrs. J. Wall 1, Mrs. E. M. Sykes 2, J. Berrigan 3. Dairy cow, crossbred, in milk. — Jas. C ' : ' ii monds 1, Arthur 2, Hall 3. Dairy heifer, crossbred, calved since July Ist, 1915. —Mrs. J. Mall 1 Arthur Ward 2, F. W. Fitzpatrick 3. Dairy heifer, crossbred, calved since July Ist, 1914. —Mrs. J. M all 1 and 2, Jas Barry 3. Grade Shorthorn dairy heifer, calved since July Ist, 1915.—Mrs. J. Wall 1, Miss K. Gilhooly 2. Grade Shornhorn dairy heifer, calved since July Ist, 1914. —Mrs. J. M all 1, John Gilhooly 2, Jas. Barry 3.
Grade Jersey dairy heifer, calved since July Ist, 1915. —F. ML Fitzpatrick 1, Mrs. ML Sinclair 2, C. R. Hortop 3. Grade Jersey dairy heifer, calved since July Ist, 1914. —Mrs. J. M’all 1 and 2, F. ML Fitzpatrick 3. HORSES. THOROUGHBREDS. (Judge—Mr. M r ynn Brown, Cambridge). Entire horse, four-year-old or upwards. —Mr. E. J. M'att’s M’olawa I,
champion and reserve. Yearling filly, foaled since August Ist. 1915. —G. D. Beatson 1. Mare, any age, in foal, or foal at foot. —Jas Landels 1. SADDLE HORSES. (Judge—Mr. Wynn Brown, Cambridge). Entire best calculated to improve the breed of saddle horses.—B. C. McCormick 1. Mare (in foal or foal at foot), best calculated to produce saddle horses —G. Macdonald, junr., 1. Light-weight hack (mare or gelding). up to 11 stone, to be shown in saddle and ridden.—Taranaki Te
L t 1, H. Hassall 2, Miss Macniven 2 Medium-weight hack (mare or geld), up to 13 stone, to be shown in saddle and ridder. —H._ Hassall 1, z\ S. Goodwin 2, J. Sullivan 3. Medium-weight hack (mare or gelding), maiden, up to 13 stone, open to horses that had not won a first prize at'any previous Agricultural Show.—A. S. Goodwin 1 and 3, R. J. Sullivan 2. "Weight-carrying hack (mare or gelding), up to 15 stone and upwards, to be shown in saddle and ridden. —H. Hassall 11. S. Symes 2, J. W. Burke 3. Best walking horse (mare or gelding).—Stan Symes 1, H. H. Tiopera i 2, Mrs. A. F. Douglas 3.
| Champion hack.—H. Hassall’s Micky Free. | Horse (mare or gelding), fbr qualified hunters of this season. —Mrs. *D G. Riddiford 1, H. Hassall 2, H. iW. Brewer 3. | Hack, five-year-old or under (mare or gelding), open to horses that have not won a first show at this or any previous Agricultural Show, to be shown in saddle and ridden. —Taranaki Te Ua 1, J. W. White 2, D. E. Batchelar 3. Lady’s hack (mare or gelding), to be ridden by a lady.—H. Hassall 1, , A. S. Goodwin 2, Miss Macniven 3. * ! Lady’s hack (mare or gelding), to be ridden by a lady, open to horses that have not won a first prize at any previous Agricultural Show’. — A S. Goodwin 1, H. Hassall 2, J. ;W. White 3. Two hacks (lady’s and gentleman’s), to be ridden together and judged as a pair.—H. Hassall 1, A. S. Goodwin 2. Misses K. Mackersey and Macniven 3. 1 Cob (mare or gelding), over 14.2 and not exceeding 15 hands, to be shown in saddle and ridden. —H. M. Giazebrook 1, C. Stubbs 2, T. Taylor 3. 1 Cob (mare or gelding), over 14 'and not exceeding 14.2 hands, to be shown in saddle and ridden. —Mrs. G I). Beatson 1. HARNESS HORSES AND HARNESS PONIES. Best appointed tradesmen’s horse and vehicle.—D. Warren 1, ML H. Carter 2. SADDLE PONIES. (Judge —Mr. Harold Crowther, Cambridge). Pony (mare or gelding).—O. Nelson E Pony (mare or gelding). —Miss Mackersey 1, Miss Jean Bennett 2, N J. AVakely 3. . Pony (mare or gelding). —Miss Norah Hassall 1, Miss Mollie Glazebcok 2, Miss (Hoden Nelson 3. Pony (mare or gelding).—Miss Nancy Russell 1. Miss Jean Xelson 2 Hector A. Mackenzie 3. Pony (mare or gelding). —Rowan Hill 1. Best boy rider under io years.— Eric C. Hart 1, James Wakely 2. Best girl rider under 15 years. Miss Grace Twist 1. Best boy rider under 12 years. Eric Stewart 1, Hughie Hickling 2, Alfred Wakely 3.
Best girl rider under 12 years.— Miss Nona Macniven 1, Miss Uorah Hassall 2. DOGS. (Judge of Working Dogs Mr. M. White, Argyll.) (Judge of all other Classes—Mi. Paul Hunter, Porangahau.) Collie, rough-coated, dog or bitch, puppy.—T. A. Hogg 1 and 2. Collie, rough-coated, dog or bitch, novice.—T. A. Hogg 1 and 2, Mrs. T. McArthur 3. Collie, rough-coated, dog. open.— I T. A. Hogg 1, Mm. J. Carberry 2. Collie, rough-coated, bitch, open. —T. A. Hogg 1, Mrs. T. McArthur 2. Collies, rough-coated, brace, eithei sex.—T. A. Hogg 1. Collie, smooth-coated, dog, open. J. Proctor 1, N. J. Wakely 2, C. G. Averill 3. . Collie, smooth-coated, bitch, open. —N. J Wakdv 1 and certificate, 1. H. Tuxford 2, W. Pettigrew 3. Collie, beardie or old English, dog or bitch, puppy.—James Kidd 1. Collie, beardie or old English, dog, open. —R. Jones L Coilie, beardie or old English, bitch, open. —James Kidd 1. ... . Collie, working, dog or bitch, I puppy. —Mrs. D. Coghlan 1, Jack Wakely 2. _ Collie, working, dog, open.— X. J. Wakely -, J. Proctor 2, Oswald M ellw T ood 3. , . , t Collie, working, bitch, open. 1. H. Tuxford 1, N. J. Wakely 2, J. H. Davis 3. English Setter, bitch, open. James Kidd 1. , Irish setter, dog, open.—J. H. Eawards 1. T TT Irish setter, bitch, open.—J. itEdwards 1. Setters, brace, any breed, either sex—J. H. Edwards 1. Spaniel, cocker, dog or bitch, puppy.—Miss E. G. Robinson 1. Spaniel, cocker, dog, open.—Miss E. G. Robinson 1, Miss Joan Pickering 2, G. W. McLean 3. Spaniel, cocker, bitch, open.—-Miss E. G. Robinson 1, Mrs. J. Magill 2. Spaniel, Irish water, dog or bitch, puppy. —C. A. Poll 1 and 2. Spaniel, Irish water, dog, open.— : C. A. Poll 1, A. L. Falls 2, W. Beamish 3. • T T? Field spaniel, dog, open. Jas. e. King 1. . , TT Field spaniel, hitch, open. Henry Harrison 1. i Greyhound, dog or bitch, puppy. Walter Love 1. . Greyhound, biten, open. W alter Love 1. tt t, tt t Harrier, dog, open. —H.B. rlunr Club 1, Dannevirke Hunt 2. Harrier, bitch, open. —H.B. Hunt Club 1, Dannevirke Hunt 2. Bull dog, dog or bitch, puppy.— R. T. Kessell 1. Bull dog, dog, open.—R. T. Kessell 1 and 2. , , , .•. , Terrier, Airedale, dog or,bitch.— C. Downes 1. Fox terrier, smooth-coated, dog or bitch, puppy.—James Kidd 1 and 2, Jack Cassin 3. Fox terrier, smooth-coated, nog, open. —E. J. Smith 1 and 2, E. VogFox terrier, smooth-coated, bitch, open. —E. J. Smith 1 and 2. , Fox terrier, wire-haired, bitch, open. —James Kidd 1. Irish terrier, dog or bitch, puppy. —J. T. Bridgman 1. Irish terrier, dog, open. J. 1. Bridgman 1. Skye terrier, dog or bitch, open. Miss Maud Loader 1. . . Terrier, brace, one variety, eithei sex.—E. J. Smith 1 and 2. Terrier, team (three), one variety, either sex. —E. J. Smith 1. Pug, dog or bitch, open. —R. C. Sachs 1. Any other variety purebred dog or bitch. —J. J. Williams 1. CHILDREN’S CLASSES. Any breed, either sex. —Miss Edna Fuszard 1. COMPETITIONS. Machine Sheep-shearing (open). — G. Hokiangi 1, J. Robin 2, E. Anderson 3. Fastest time, J. Robin, 7|m. Machine Sheep-shearing (maiden). —C. Anderson 1, J. Takarei 2, E. Anderson 3. Fastest time, £. Anderson, Bmin. The machines used were manufactured by the Lister Company (H.B. Farmers’, local agents). Mr. A. G. Hutchison, the company’s expert for the Dominion, superintended the working of the machines.
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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume VI, Issue 260, 19 October 1916, Page 6
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1,914HAWKE’S BY SHOW Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume VI, Issue 260, 19 October 1916, Page 6
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