FIXTURES. ; Dec. 26. -7. 20-- Mailawutll R.C. 26 and -■>. and Jan. 1 and 21 Auckland R.C. Summer. (Dec. 30. Jan. 1 ■■■ Wairarnpa R.C. i Jan. i. 2 —Marton J.C. f’.-i., I. 2 -G is borne R.C. Sirnn.i. Meeting. •Jan- 1 aid 2 Hauke’s Bay J.C. Sum- ; mer Meeting. I Jan. 23 and 21 -Wait-on County R.C Annual Meeting. [April S and 'J —Kuilding J.C. Easter, j DUXEJJjJX MEETIXG. Dunedin. Die. 26. The Dimcrim Jockey t’hibs sumtnetting was :l today in «pi(iidid weather, and Dure was a g. o I atundance. Results :■ ■ J .-v.niitiK r Hurdles. ]j mile.. Goldpin 1, M ilo 2. Rille Range I Salisbury H.-imlleap. 7 furlongs. 1 Palisade 1. Kilin tin 2. Aifrcda :’>. i Dttitediii Handicap. 5 furlongs. - 'Anin < -.triovita 1. T*« g 2. Slivna May [ 3. Outgo Handicap. I; tilth-. Hout inc I I. Wiiiju 2. True Knight 3. ! Trial Stakes. 7 furlongs. Oral .tv a j I. Opium form 2. Murdock Federal Handicap. 6 furlongs. 1 >Stqitii<-ti-r I. Dircetmre 2, My Law- ! y< r . . l :.riis!;a:n Handicap. ■> m.d'.ntp. - Dariingdale 1. Foil tLX'.fosgiel 3. Oiijp.r*’ i, < I l < utt 1- Lass 2. I’' odors TAR AXA KI MEETiXG. Xew Ply moatii. Dec. 26. Tin T. i’i ■k i J'-ck: \ I lub's Christ - mm • t inv was h< 1-1 to-day ;>i title w<;m l.> ■- There v. Us n large atlcnd-nm-e. The gi-iitg was mi ilto heavy side ov, ing to rt cent heavy rains. Ti - <ot< investments aim.null d to v«.~. — » q.- !JG6i3 for I.lie lir c l day la-1 year. Results: ki F’.-iti. 7 furling . Mmt ]: ■;.. I. Si. Serf 2. M t-1‘ Tupuhi 3. Wini bv "l couple ol lengl lis. 'linnI min 3! sec. Steward.-' 1 kimlii-.-ip. 6 furlirl;:.. }’! till 11! f !<: 11 !. St. <ml C 2. k.-i't 'A-’id 3. Won Io -t ri :k. Time i min Is 2
I 1.-’.-U'- ' Pulse. I mile. - Aihi.-e J, • AmL< rgi is 2. Brown StarJ. Wm by a lengih ami a ht’.if. Time fmin !9 sec. First Handicap Hindi- -< 1! "ide. Ph iares i. Sir Tnllm-h 2. Sih a Won by half a hngth- 'I'” 1 "' 2iuin I-5! see. | Ciiri-tTii’s Handicap. J 1 mile. I Jargon !■ l-,ps<. 2. Hamit Paul 3. Avon by Time 2niin I-lsev. First Wcltpflffack Handicap, 7 furiongs.- Cornelian I- Manawakai..- 2, S : lv. r Chi--- 3. Time Imin 33 First Hm-k Setiiry Stakes. 3 furlongs. Piriwai I- Park Tide 2, Red Line 3. Won by four <>r five lengths. Time Imin 2 l-ssec. Flying Handicap. 6 furlongs.—St. Bill I. Con the Shanghran 2. Master Svlvia \\<-n by a head. Time limn 17 2-jsc.-. T\R\TAHI CARTERTON RACES. — I Masterton. Dei-. 26. I The wealiicr was fine though threatening for the one-da.v inoctimj of the Taiutahi-Carterton Racing (Tub to day Tin* attendance of the publi-- was safisfai-foiy. and the Sinn of 1‘6521 was put through !he iotalisator as against 2-102N-r.n the same day last -ca•. Recoils Trial .’Tatfurlongs. Leaptiki L < •t'.JE’iTj'-,.! 2. India 3. Also start.'St': Wee Rose. .'-J-.-s Ambi-os'e, Confession. Lord Demiw.i, Asher n. Miss Vena. Alofa. Belvedere Hack Handicap. 6 furlongs. Lord Palmer I. Dogfish 2. Kopane 3. Also started: Mcrrie Land. Time. limn. I7scc. Maiitig.-naki Hack Handicap. 1 m'le. -Sir Kmi\ 1. Prirn-e Hassan 2. Einbrocat ion ;. Al so started: Biack Urn f. Wairai api’ Count. 1 . Cup. Imile.Splash I. Royal Marine 2. British Maid 3. Al o siarted: Undecided. Negative. First Consul. Sir Solo and ASir Solo was left at Hie post. Ulldi-i-itleil ami British Maul ctil out the rusinifig. b;;i Splash <-nnie fast in the : 1 raiy lit ami wi.;i by a length. ' Time, 2tuin. II si ‘j'aia'.alii Hm-k li.imii-".p. -5 Inr-j long:.. Amber and White I. Lmliiio 2. India A Isa st a rim I: Palestine ami Borsii. Time, Imin. sst c. Kaih-.-.iy Hi.miicap. 6 furlongs.---j Sitiapi ■ I. Ait tnl'mmg'it 2. Mcirie Fi.-.-.k Also started: Ti- Kahurang!. Gawain ami Ptnakau. Time, i min. Uka c. (tia.l-,:.;.. Hack Welter. 7 fur i-'r.g:.- -Fit- Blast 1. Sir Kncx 2. | r».-’iini -n *k<» :,iati.--d: Florr-nce j 'lightini ah . Koptine. Prince Eddie. F’l.iP I'aie ami Pi inc- Hassan. | Tiiue. luiii.. '.lms-. ! Da: ii H.'.rk Hamlic.-ip. t furlongs. ■Wee IF - I- Lmlino 2. Emnm 3. | Also itarteil: lißoian. Otaraia ami Confusion. Time. 5?,:-cc. | MAX W. ATU MEETING. PalriiiTslon North. Dee. 26. Th' Manawatu summer meeting opened to-dav in fine weathei. There was large attendance. The ‘-.urn of *729.967 was invested on the tot(. compari-d witii £.1.>..>6i List Boxing Day. Results; Tiia! Plate. 7 furlongs.- Tripoli 1. Nukuatu 2. Kingswell 3. Also started : Stellaris, Aviator. Mangaroa. Mallard. >< lira pot angi. Sir Donald. Stockade and Elkmaid. Won by two lengths, the same distance between 'Wiml and third. Time, Imin. 30see. Tokomaru Hurdles Ef mile. - Leolanter 1. Longner 2, Seaman 3. Also ::tai te<i : Gild Bird. Passive, le Ru and Tvrannic. Won bv two leugtli>, ten lengths between the second and third. Timo. 3min. 29sm-. (lillies Hack Handicap. 6 longs. Tin na 1. Ii -kaliui 2. I.aonui 3. Also started : Day lawless. Goldemar, Boronia. Lady Kilelieran. Scranhic. Port land Lady. Sanguinarv. Overheard. Millbank and lash-i-,n'Plate. Won by half a length, two lengths between the second ami t'nird. Time, Imin. 17 2-3 sec. Mamiwat u Cup. of 309 sovs; 1 2 mile. AVaipakit 1. Imy 2. Goodwin Park 3. Also started : Merrivonia, Abet bt <6 hock. Martine. Esparteio. Te Puia. Raupaiaha. Sir Antrim, Esparteto. Te Puia. Rauparaha. Sir Antrum Birknne. Miseal. Gold Cn lie ami Blown Tioni. Waipaku went m the front rally in the race ami soon had a load of ten lengths. She finished full of limning, an easy wiui:cr from Tney. who was three lengths ahead of Goodwin Park. 2min. !')sec. Juvenile Handicap, •> iui longs.
ih ,nz.” 1. Ramtiatua 2. Imagimil ion 3. Also :-.t:n led : Merton and >' i“ !l1 .x'iaid. XVon by three ler.gihs. half a h-ngtli between the riwoml and third. Time. IbHii. Isee. Tara inn Hm-k Welter. 7 furlongs. Odrs--a !. Bonny B< ; y -• Morens \1«, Halted: Bi aeon. Ovation. Queen Soot-;. Pot Link. Blend. Matlo-.v. Blitekney and Hartkorn Mun b yhalf n length. St'tons a ui, ( ,il tliiid. Time. Imin. 32s.''<-. i iizlierbei i Handicap. <> furlongs. I I. Ladv Moutoua 2. Man Ami 3. Alsa rati: Ghtdiole Pol ■ "<>rand Thdiv. Won by Halt a siup.rL :i between the sreona and third. Time. Imin Usee. Grandstand Handicap. I mile.--Vo o'gang I. Fleet week 2. Sea Queen XI >o sta> ted ; Flingot. Attention and' MtMon. Won by a Dn K lb. Time. Imin- '-'G-'--TH.XMFS MF.F.TiNG. Thames. Dee. 26. Tin- Tl.aim- meeting was cominen ."i to-day. Results: Xiaid. n H -mlieap. 7 iui lomrM ::';:ii <■: <* 1- Hi sperian 2. Invauer •-■- Tir:"'. Imin 35see. ~„rah Hamlieap. 5 fm’-mus - Pi o'rv Prvde 1. F rcmantli- -• E' ho Time. Imin 1 3-5-re. ][•■'-ap Hgullis I'. uv I. T'.'i:. 2. Gulilboiirm- 2. '! ii (i '<itields < U! 1 - I '■ mile-’ -I' liss 1. Sp.m-tn 2. St. Amans XX on by a m‘mk. Turn-. -Jrain 1 Gee. link Hmali'-np- -Manurere 1. let 2. W-i v Dix 3- . Suuauld Handicap. 6 turlongs.---Marangi’i 1- Peggy Pryde 2. Impni»Ko T in.-, imin I'--”-Stm-plee’ims”. ■ -Hr.utore 1. XV. M •-’• Rebel 3. Mio<■ miner Handicap. • furlongs. Blue Mount 1. XVaiotahi 2. ( aim 3. Time. Imin 34sec.
AUSTRALIAN IL\( INC. Sydney. Dec. 26. The December Stakes resulted as follows: Golden Gauntlet 1. Fk>:-i-ul iiie 2. Salarino 3. Seven starter-. Won by a neek. Time. J min 3sec. The Suiinih-i- (■;!]> resulted as follows: Bawbee I. Olive Green 2. Sax-mite Thirteen s.tailers. inchidmg Bridge. Won easily by » lengths. Time, 2min 46jsec. Brisbane. Dee. 2G. The Newmarket Handicap resulted as follows: -Red Knight 1. Bright Ladie 2. BaraHcii 3. Ten itaiiers. V. on by two lengths. Time. 2niin 33',sec. Adelaide. Dec. 26. The Port Adelaide Cup resulted as follows :—Kirn 1- Lord Alwyne 2. Ladv Argo.w 3. Diere were 1« stai tcrs. W on by halt a length. Time 2inin 26sc<-. Melbourne. Dev. 26. The liopctoun Cup resulted as f, ]| wS : Gunboat 1, Prince Harold ■2. Lord Kelvin 3. T ln re were 12 starters. W'm; By four lengths. Time. lifiin .illsee. Al < KLAN]) MEETING. the ( UP WON by SANTA ROSA Auckland, Dec. 26. The Auckland Pricing Club's sumimr meeting was commenced to-day-in glorious weather. There was a record at.tendaiec. The totahsatcr investments wire M 1'3.6<»2 16as against £29.5-:2 for the first day last year. Results: » Trial Handicap, of 2<)o s.cvs.. 7 furlongs.—Goldsize 1- Crown Pearl 2, Captain Soult 3. Also started: Master* Wai’ iki. Miss Winsome. Faunus, St. Petersburg. Dawn. Maheiw. Admiral Soult and Moreykcff. Won by a Icnuth and a half. Time Imin 36 Si c. Great Ninthern Foal c! men sovs., G furlongs.---Winning Way 1. Beldame 2, Ermengarde 3. Also stared: Canute. Monorail. Has-k-tyne . Bleirot. Dido, and Iridc cence. Winning Way outstayed Beldame and won by three parts a length.. Ermc-ngarde there and a half lengths away. Time imin 17 3-ssec. Robinson Handicap. 125 sovs.. 7 furl<-ngs.--Mauinhia Ig. Royal Arms •2. Wai ch Chain 3. Also started: Ji.lic Fille, pern-tiers. La Reina. AVe.r--(I st er, Cmidaniinc, Caedmon, Cloudy Dawn, and Ngtitinnnu. Won by two lengths. Time Imin 30sec. Auckland Cup. cf 2000 sevs.. 2 miler.—Santa Rosa 1. Domino 2. Sr.altorin 3. Also started : Les Angelc-s. Waininngu. Miss Mischief, Sedition. Mendip, Counterfeit, Miscount, Gcldfinder. Midnight Sun, ('ure.inandcl. Maxwell. Ngapuka, Be llah .ami Duma. At the distance Domino locked to have a winning chance. Santa Rosa put in a great run and caught h'lii a furlong from home, winning by two lengths. Domino lasted long enough to beat Soultcria by a neek. Grafton Hurdles, of 260 se?vs. 2 miles.—Delegate 1, Don Quex 2. Montigo 3- Also started: Prophet, Rritmae. Black Northern. Master William and Mihhtra. W'on by two and a half lengths. Time 3inin 50
Railway Handicap, cf 651) sevs.. 6 furlongs.- -Gipsy Belle 1, Antoinette 2. Culpril- - 3. Also started : Equitas, Royal Soult, Formby. Salute, Kakam.a, Byron. Ireland. Dearest, Turbine, Jack Dc.laval, Hohungatahi, Taketumu, Gloy. Lucille. Blue Garment. and Elegance. XX’on by two and a half lengths. Time Imin 15 •’-ss(e. Nursery Handicap. 250 sovs., 5 furlongs.- -Prince Soult I, Centenary 2, Ncirene 3. Also .started: Tact, Monoline. Lady Georgia, Prince Merr'wee, Mnnctte, Pekerangi. Rangiraa. Devastation, Scottish Star, Lady Gladstone. Lannacost. Alw< rthy, Kaleato. Monowai. and Erry Oge. XVon by three lengths. Time Imin 3 2-ssec. Christmas Handicap, of 200 sovs.. I mile. —General Latour I, Sea Elf 2. XX ee Olga 3. Also started : Electrakoff. St. Felix. Cheddar, Sphinx. Si.a Pink. Mastir Jack, First XVai--1 ikt. and Aristocrat. Xi'an by two lengths. Timo Imin ■! I 3-ssec. POR.XNGAHAU RACES. The following the results: —
Maiden Handicap, I mile.—A. J. iEbbett’s h >n Suffragette. 4yrs. by XX’;i in km—Miss Patriarch (Cress) 1 : [Miriam 2. Pohokura 3. A good race, i XX on o:i the post, the third close up. I .Xft' r the race the stewards heard a [complaint by ?J r. E. J. XX’hitc. [owner <J' Miriam, regarding the ridi ing (4 Brown, who had the mount on | I>i- mare. .After a lengt-hy encpiiry i i si •. ere caution was administered : i.» Brown. December Handicap, 5 furlongs. - IF. J. Bassett's b in The Swallow. ■syrs. by Mcrriwee- Flcctwing (F. |( Tess). I : Puaawai 2. Mistic 3. Bishoplane also ran. A good race. ' Bishoplane was left at the post. I Porangahau Handicap. I j mile. — 'IL Tupaen’s b g Fond Memory, aged, by Mctriwee —Tuhirangi (F. i Cress), i; Miriam 2. Turqueena 3. Won easily. • Christmas Handicap. 6 furlongs. — ;S. Alarsliall’s cli g Mistic. 4yrs. by ' Renown-Mystic (Hutchinson), J; iPtiaawai 2. I'ltimaturn 3. Tuaiahi [and Bishoplane, also ran. A good ' fin:sh. [ Ladies' Ibai-elct. U mile. —Airs H. i Kuril’s l> g Pipeclay. 5 yrs. by XX aiiik;i The Limit (Mr. A. Best) 1. : 'Outrigger 2. Master Stem 3. Brom-o Jack ami Pohokura also ran. XX'oii very e:t-ily. ! »>.■'<• Hamlieap. 7 inriongs.—R. iTe Hiang'i's b g Tuatahi. aged, by I The Possible—Alaid Marion (Brown) 1 : Turqueena 2. Suffragette 3. Bravi'-.’ and Mariani also started. 1110.talii bolt: d twice round before the st'tri. Lut tlie go appeared to have [warmed him up. for he got well away’ and w in easily, paying a good (livid, nd. Flying Hamlieap. 6 furlongs. 1. Gridwoi.d's Moerca. by Rip Xan XVinkle—-Sheet Lightning 1: Turqmena 2. The Swallow also start, ■cd. A great race at the finish. The Swallow first past the post, but an inquiry into the running was 1:< Id. and (nss. rider of The Swallow. was disqualified for three months, the race being awarded to ►Moeroa.
Farewell Handicap. 1; mile.—ll. Kuril's Pipselay I. S. Columbus 2. Outrigger 3. A great finish. Won on the po=t.
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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume II, Issue 12, 27 December 1911, Page 2
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2,083THE TURF. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume II, Issue 12, 27 December 1911, Page 2
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