MARAEKAKAHO SCHOOL. I Tl.it- annua! pri<c-g;i ;ng tr;<»k. place I m tiie Mrtraeknk•:ho .Srluod cn \V< ■[- i ni 'iiitv. v.i.en Mr. It. IL IL McLean ;<i -! r.L itrd lb' prize = . The children | were aft< rwnrds enteriaineil by Mr. Mr l.< -:i tu aft<: n,. n i> 'i. ca< h nicr i’.it)" a plentiful sapply <t s. ! Needless to saythey enjoy. -rd the treat ininK li-riy. T-:»- the ) prize list :
i Standard VI. - Profieit ncy and at'lt iidance : Eman Lor kirn Evan Mcl.etn.
S',- '.,;ird 1 . p; < t'n '■ lies • Matti':--Mr-Doriaid ; a:.tr 1 ndanr-i"' : James MacLean.
Standard IV.- Pr« tii-ii-i-.ct and at- . tendance : Madge Maid.imn ; pro n<'.* my ’ I!"'-- Nugent : attendance: Wiiiie Mai l.'an. Staminr' 1 111. Pr..!ii i.-m-y : ( uiiie . Ma< I.c.iti : at*' .;dat.'-e : I’rgt'.e Mu Lean: riiP.gc:-. >■ : Ronn.c Harkin ", Strut iar i 11. At :< niiam-c : Annie Mai L< an. .Standard I. Pn.ti. it :n y : E.ii i-n D> ne;an ; p*. t-.-y a: ,i atti nd rn* <■ : M.u I.< ,m : j ■■..rre"- : Jinny W a.K.-". Propant. rv. Pr<.gr.-~: Eihi (a ti.crw. writing : I’ ".;. .V-w. drav iag : Janu - K« up. Scvv:';g. ■ 1.. Jir.nv Walk - PAKI PAKI SCHOOL. I The f<>:!uv. mi.- .' ii.e annual pi7/.< , ll't 'f the I nk: Paki St 1.n.,1 : Atti n.trill' i- '■. 11,u< 11■'. l ir-t <<;»•>: Winifred Mt at ', H.ul.-i I An ‘ierson. Mary < i.n *.i:. M uy Taylor. Edith M*ar', .laira-.i .irian. Hirlirri t’art'v. Gi-id-.-, Tayor and Syiimy ‘ Fioyd. Sceont I class : Vnia Ander - Fi-tt a Lt an. Ma’ u.in". Tay !■ *. A.a x. Lean. Trnitii: P'dii ard (’'din i Minty. Stxrti. R.i -i.t i .intit r-it.i 1. (. iariy - Ifciir-ii.. 2. Pi:n>«r. (.’ady, Tayi'i- I. Jnk Hay •wood 2. T'-ni ('•■:!.•" 3. 11. Lt ;u: ! -1. t-.lar.'iaid 1. M.hi Ra: ma i. Homy La-. S'i ::li 2. Maku r.-ittkitnkini 3. ; Mary Kapa -L S:andard 11. Maigant Tutor 1. ■-Jack Hone 2. H<!.*i Betin me 3. UoJin ' Mintv !.
Stand.*rd 111. M ary (nr ran 1. Edith 2, Ren- Bi-tlmin- 3. Tai I’o'ne 1.
Standard IV. Ei!< < n E. Smith 1. I-'ranci - H'-rt'm 2, M"aiy Tay’or 3. Frank Set it !. Sta-'iirird V. Pc.,i '. B!a::*- I, V< ra We!.di 2.
Standard VI. Jam.-' ( urran 1-. Winifr. il Meat' 2. Geo. Anderson 3. Rat’:.'! A.r,d< ~-..:i 1. A!«x. Lian 5.
The .annual breaking-up ceremony and <i 'tribut;. a ef prize-, in rminec ti-'i utt:: the (’.micnt S'diool at M-anre t'. k p!.ace yr-tinlay. The triz.: - v.tt-e ributi d Ly the Rev. Dean Grogan. The ’isDrs (hank f-:’!y acknowledge prizes from th. Rev. I)< m (•-'a-. Mrs. JefT tr'-M:-s K mg. Mr. l-’nreninn, Mr. A. J. M iliiati.s. Mr. Tlio.-p. Mi*..r». Crir ir .-rd <’■>.. and Wii-ci .ard The I’olb.v. ,>ig \ the prize list : Standard VII. General <x< <■!! ■ :i. t : Ager . T>. t.nt-v. Standard Via. ('hrist inn doctrim Lle.-i lii,b : n-. a. F*-.*f’c'u j.< v : V. McG! .-;e. A*t. n.iai:.- : Vtirc' ..t Me < dunr. Star.card \ !l>. ( -t:-n doe 1 1 mt : Brnlgt t I’reneti 1. Josephine ( a-ry 2. Pmlii-icnr v : Maud JefTari-.' 1. Marj-ry Murnane 2. Ariendance ■ Maudto .Lffare-. Bridget French. Marjeiy Mumaiie. Spr’iing ami eot'ipr.-U :<.;i : Madge Jolitixm. Wi it fig and drawing: M.iggic 1 >oo:irv. Gem ral progress: Isabel Laurie. Standard X. (hii-ttan d oct l ine : Crarp I.yoih, Gtricrii p’»jfn-wnr\ : Jo-'-ph Jt !:n~..n I. Gifford Bfnmtt 2. Af« ndati. e : Ed’.v ti Bonne*’. G : l f-.’-.i Beinii-r. Rob.*: M. E.w.... .J,,~ * ph Johnson.
S:'tmlar'l I) . Proficiency :Mortie Lawp.i; I. I,'J< lTnr» -2. Attend •ir.o : Stanley Halloran. John 3Jc El’.vi . , Mortie Lawton. J ed : ( Jefiare-.. R. admit and 'pell ng : Wifi:e K'"it'-. llijinzatd drav.i n g : ( harm' Wnke’v.
S.indan! 111. ( hll -Ir-m doctrine ; M'c.-i [{..limom, (..dm M ( -(;i ()Ilf .. NrQ. H a:- : i*iL'. Aiiian Murnane. Proti, :• iti-i : ChrDie Jeff-ires 1. A'ii'au M-ivfiane 2. At'f iid inco ■ • t.’ .'M. J. ff-1., .. (, , M,-< Jlo'le. S:'f.iar.i H. Poll. :< my : Madge 8.-i.i-i ,’. I.'onat'i Iliikr*. Attend •’->■*•' : Lawrence Ji ffar- Alfred Join:'0:1. Leonard Bark". Reading and -pMling: D. Edua.-d-. WE J- and n. im* - : Fania E.i ward- ; <;< ouraphy : Rita Lightband. Drawing .-.nd LriiQiivork : Patrick (> Si: "n na . Speiimg: .1,,. -Johnson.
S* '.'.da : d [ P,, ] • 'i-idi - ( ro. k 2. Attend ance : Mails Halpin. Reading and - “ I!.--- Ja k Off d’_. : , Ui . (, f ; I{, y
I’riii>t r-. I !ir:.'t'ati «;<o : < «cr- ! C We i, r. y. p- .gi, .. ; I), J*tTi-i- i. I’:-.:.! J. L * Att-tof amr ■ Ja- k H u'pm. W*!;;,- H i!r,:n. I’at I J><k De-... p r ,, CITS': Ma-:,. ] s{ },,,
MANGATAHI SCHOOL. 1 !■' ':■• riliut ion of prizes at th» Mangat.alii N< L» . I :..-.k p;.-.. . n Saturday evening in the presence of I’l■ < . par. it- a>:i ft ie:.d>. M • ■ind W. (.', St.’.oi’, who ia-. 0 a.’ w;> - - ‘h<ovn a *'pecial interest in the ■■ '.■■■■’. w. a!-., pn -ent. Afie* various i.ems l>v t lie pupils had been gone th neigh, lie pi'izes were presented by Mrs Stead as follows : Standard VI. ■ Y’car's work and a; tendatu e : Fred Ja<-k«:>n. Standard V.- - Proficiency : (iirU. Ill'* H-’-r:s (.ictt.a M.t.atlin 2. llmi.i Hr. ”, Bo'.WilLaei .low*.\. >-fi..,>*d HI. I*>'*ti> i»-ni -. : K* it!. Sotiicrianil 1. Marjorie Hay 2. ,i:d 11. Proticien. -. ■ R-;-. nu'iiT Jow-ei 1. Jeannie Jack-on 2. Standard I. - Proficiency: Loma H,t. i. Ebi. JoW'.;, r-o Jl'*:r. Jack-on tcqitab 2. Infant-.- S.iume? Hay. Rr-r.ai-l M' tiiiil ’.u. My r.i S-itL.-rL-’.ltd. llizi.-’ t Jl ttli- for Y'".’.r. Hibi.a II
Neat Mork-- Eilt on Jowsc-.-. Lorna Hay . Gardening. Boys (upper): WilJiani Jowsey 1, Keith Sutherland 2. Girls: Marjorie Hay ), Lily Jackson 2. Lower division: Harry Jackson ; and My 1.1 Sutherland. Sewing. Ruby Grant. Eileen Jowsey. Elsie Jowsey. Mapping.-- Ruby- Grant. Att--iidam r. Marjoiie Hay. Rita ‘ Harris. Sicoud (. i.-i-s Certificates. —Lorna Hav. Jeannie ,la<k>'>n. Fred Ja' kson ! Harry Jack- in. Riders. Long di-tance. Grctta McGaffin. Award Books. -Lily Jackson. Eric ' Grant. i Mr. Stead spoke a few words of ‘ encouragement to the children, and 1 concluded by promising them motor ear picnic at the beginning of (tlie year. Refreshments and dancing f'.ilo-A'-d. and the evening was brought to a close shortly before midnight In th*- -inging*of the NaItional Anthem. Special prizes were presented byMr. ami jlr- Stead. Mrs Jacks*'.:. Mr. Craig and Mrs Harris. I The school children’s ammel conic <rt was held m the schoolhouse p-ior t" the distribution of prize-. The following was the programme: 'Sung. " I'loat itig.' school children ; . • .-it at mu. ' The Harper.” Lorna Hay: Sing. '!b ;r the Echoes.” school i• 1111< 1 ••':i : recitation. " Ihe Ulir! Hint Smiles.” Rita Harris ami Hilda Hay : children's song. "Wildi wood 1-Tov. ers” : recitation. ’’Too deep for that.” Elsie Jowsey ; clii'ilicii's song. ■ 1 lo\e tin* Happy Snnsliim” ; i < '-it at i* >:i. 'The Pipes iof Lucknow.” Lily Jackson; chilidren’s song. ’ Old Black Joe ; banjo -election. Mr. fl. Hay; i ii:ldren< i a iii'. '’ 11 nine is the be st. ’ HAVELOCK NORTH SCHOOL. i The annual di,tribut mn of prizes i ;<-ok place at ftaveloek North District School Ibis morning, before' a ! !a:ge gathering ef parents ami i iriemls ami a full attendance of i scholars. A large number of good I c.ik- in'll' dr :r;lmt*-d. Th- (Tia:r- > man of ('oiimiit t‘-e. Mr. H .A. Moss « -nan. presided, and Revs. \\ augl.. Butterfield. M< Kay and M*-. Thos. i Tanner were present, and took part ! n presenting the prizes and gave ad- > -hess"s. .Mr. H. M. < ampbell, the newly 1 ‘lected M.P. for Hawke's Bay. was j ucseiit ami gave an address. He [ dated that his school days had < om in'med in a private school at Have lock North ami lie felt glad to be 1 iniongst the scenes of his ymiti) I -’gain aril expressed a hope that irize- winners and non-successful i scholars alike would go forward and j lo their very- best.
A special prize was given to Miss Ivv Davis for presiding at the piano for th- daily Bible ela-ses thioui'li •r.t thi< iv.-ir. Tl,e ihildrcn attend irig these classes also contributed ti.d purchased useful books for each ,f tlm leader-. R'-v*. \\ a igh. McKay and Mr. Thus. Tanner. Mr. Mo'sma.i in presenting same xprc'Si-d tlie deep thanks of the •ommitte-' and parents to the gentlemen who eomlmteil these classes ear after year. The Rev. Air. Whyte had started the cI;i“S"S about 3 ic.ars ago. ami liny bail been ■egiilarlv ami sticc-ssfully conducted since.
Mr. ib'ltn t!■•• Lead nia -te>-. ad h-esM'd the gatlu ring and p.-cc -ctl ngs closed with the National An .hem ami rliwts.
MANGATERETERE SCHOOL. PRIZE LIST. Attendance. Ist Prize: < liilorti iliel. Harold Nicol. Ve*na Robin-on. 2nd Piiz.e: I’iancis Pilcher. Janie Kirkman. Arnold Kitkinan. Murray Shaver. Stanley Nicol. .May Nicol. Mi’ha Robin-m. Dorothy Bil l. Manley Biei. Standard VI. Josephine Kirkman. Mary Mc( ormick. Standard V.- Francis Pilcher. Ernest Anderson. Slandard IY . Janie Kiiknian. Lizzie Cunningham. Clifford Biel. Standard 111. Sydney Tonioana. Eileen Hares. Jack I inims. "tamlard H. Hamid Nii-tl. Stank y Nii-nl. Ftank Kirkman. Jack \\ light. Standard I. Dolly Kirkman. May Nicol. JiT-ii- Souidon. Dorothy Biel. Primer 11. Ted (Tinningham. Hd ton Tucker. Ronald Brodie. primer I. Annie Toki. Hetie Bares. Hannah (’•.mningham. Writing. (Mr. ( : aig -pl !/■::< *er ;r:i'ie Ttlck'-i'.
Design. (Mr- Weycrgaag’s prize) i.ai ii - McCarthy.
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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume II, Issue 9, 21 December 1911, Page 3
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1,493OUR SCHOOLS. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume II, Issue 9, 21 December 1911, Page 3
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