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Stallions. TO STAND THIS SEASON AT TAHADALB, and travel the earrounding dlßtricls, the Parobroa Clydesdale Stallion GENERAL WHITE (Rising 6 years old.) GENERAL WHITE is a Bright Bay Horse, stands 16.3 hands, has splendid hair, and clean flat bone, and is possessed of a fine temper. He is a grand stamp of Clydesdale. General White is by the well-known Champion Clydesdale Horse Wallace (imp.), dam Hag, by the cfiiially wellknown imported sire Thane of Clyde, proving that General White has sprung from the finest strains of Olydcßdalo blood in the world. TERMS.—Single Mares, £4 4s, two or more Mares, the property of the owner, os per agreement. Groom's fee ss, payable at first service. MACARTNEY BROS., Owners. TO STAND THIS SEASON AT GREBNMEADOWS. The pony stallion PURE SILVER. Three years, eleven and a half hands high; dark creamy, with silver mane and tail. Fee—Three Guineas. For farther particulars apply to groora-imeharge, or STANLEY BENNETT. 1221 Greenmcadows.
TO STAND THIS SEASON AT WAIPDKDEAU. IHB THOROUGHBRED HORSE CASTASHOEE, By CASTOR-ZIP. OASTASHOEE is a Beautiful Dark Chestnut Horse standing over 16 hands 1 inch, with size and quality combined. Ha is bred from the best strain of staying blood in the colony, and he is possessed of a good temper and sound constitution, - payable January Ist. 1905. Groomage Pee 5s at first service. Every care taken but no responsibility. Good paddocks at Waipukurau 2a per week. Por further particulars apply to 1129 H. ,T. PICK, Waipukurau. TO STAND THIS SEASON AT GREENFIELDS, CLIVE. 1H E PUREBRED CLYDESDALE STALLION ARGYLE (By British Lion— Thornbury Meg). AEGYLE is a Powerful Brown Horse •with good bone and hair. Has taken several prises. His stock arc also doing well in the show ring. Terms: £4 4s per marc: groomage, se. Paddocking free. All mares taken to Ist January, 1904. when fees are payable. . care taken, but no responsibility. Por further particulars apply to 1029 Or J. H. MAONIVEN. Greenfields, Olivo; H. HABSALL, Eiverslca.
TO STAND THIS SEASON AT FAIRFIELD. ONOA ONQA. THE CLYDESDALE STALLION BLAIR GOWRIE By Earl o’ Cowrie—Blink Bonny. Blair Cowrie, Seven Yeats Old, is a Dark Bay Horae with Black Points, and free from all white markings. He stands on short legs, with splendid feet, abundant hair of good quality, and great bone, measuring l2i inches below the knee. Ke was bred by Mr. John Shearer, Canterbury, who showed him with great success. For the last three years c has been champion at Gisborne Show, on the two latter occasions beating Loch Lomond, the champion stallion at Hastings, 1901. He has never been beaten. As n sire he has already made his mark, having in his first season at the stud sired Balgowrio. first at Ashburton in 1902 and 1903, and the unbeaten filly Maggie Lauder, winner at last Christchurch Show, Since then his stock hove been of uniformly high quality. Single mare, £5 ss. Good paddocks provided for marcs. Every care taken, hnt no responsibility. Only a limited number of mares will be taken. Por further particulars apply— J. O'NEILL 1030 Groom-ln-oharge. TO STAND THIS SEASON AT OLIVE. And will travel Heatings, Taradole, and Surrounding Districts, T HOTTING STALLION— DEXTER. (Beoord for two miles on grass track, smin B£seo.) DEXTER is by Mambrino Mac, by Berlin—Fanny Bell, from Kate, by Perkin Warbeck ll.—Motherless. Ho is a brown horse, with black points, very evenly made, sound as a boll, without blemish, beautiful carriage, and trots without artificial aid such ns toe-weights. As a harness horse ho has few equals. He is a trotting machine, and a perfect-man-nered horse. Besides this ho is without exception the Champion Trotting Stallion standing in Hawke’s Bay. He is a sure foal-g.etter, and sires the class of horses so much wanted in the colony. Terms—Three Guineas, payable January Ist, 1904. Good grating, Is 6d per week. Every care taken, but no responsibility. For further particulars apply to WM. ORANGE. Olive? or 939 LAND AND HEIGHWAY. Hastings. TO STAND 48 SEASON AT LotTNT VERNON, WAIPUKURAU. The Unbeaten Champion Clydesdale Stallion— “LOßD LYON." LORD LYON is one of the Greatest Sires of the day, and is by Lord Salisbury (imp.), dam Myrtle, by Young Prince of Wales (imp.). Terms, £5 5s for single mares? groomage. ss. All mares to be removed before January Ist, 1904. Every care taken, but no responsibility. Also for a limited number of approved mares the recently-imported Shire I Stallion--1 "COOMBE YEOMAN." ! (Vol. 24 Shire Horse Society's Stud Book) Sire, Dunsmore Inkerman 17965, dam 1 Smller 30044. Coombe Yeoman is a black horse, standing 17.1 hands high, and has splendid action. He was bred by H. E. Smith, Esq., Nettle Hill, Coombe Fields, Coventry, England, and was selected by Captain M. H. Hayes, M.E.0.V.8. Terms, £5 5s for single mare? groomage ss. All mares to be removed before January Ist, 1904. Every care taken, bat no reeponslbil ity. For further particulars apply to Man* ager. Mount Vernon, or 877 JOHN HYNES, Groom-in-Ohargo.
TO STAND THIS SEASON. THE OABBXAO* BIBE KING GEORGE By Electioneer (imp.) oat ot Vim, late Zealot. King George has been an exception ally good performer, having won numer* one races at Auckland. Wellington, and Wairarapa, meeting good fields each time. King George is the sire ot the speedy filly Marion, who won three events at the South Wairarapa Trotting Clab't meeting. This is the only one of his stock which was raced. Terms, £4 4s. For further particulars apply W. ATKINS. 627 Qroomdn-Oharge, Tar&dale. fffoticoti. J. & W. PREBBLE. H.B. OAXBTINt) 00., HIFPINO, CUSTOMS. AND lOBNABD ISO ASENTR, *«.. 0 J. hj AND P it .1 MBEOHANTa. GOAL J.T LOWEST BATES DBUVCIEiI TO AN! FAST OP THE TOW P Hies ap Ttl.phoii'i No.' u CONROY & CO CASH BTJTOHEBi AN 1 ' UTA
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 4
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955Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 4
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