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The Note Paper of a Century. A Paper which suits All Writers and All Pens The New Smooth Ivory. :Made in Ail Thicknesses. Five Quire Packets or Blocks of joo Sheets. This New Paper is Pure White, has an Exquisite Surface and is Perfectly Smooth on both sides. Insist on having NEW SMOOTH IVORY. NEW SMOOTH IVORY Has that velvety smoothness of surface which is the peculiar attribute of Ivory. Neither Glazed nor Rough. SIMPLY PERFECTLY SMOOTH NEW SMOOTH IVORY Has that velvety smoothness of surface which is the peculiar attribute of Ivory Neither Glazed nor Rough. SIMPLY PERFECTLY SMOOTH Land Agents, &c. Notices. Notices.
JOHN COUPEE. •tJsftViV’-- • {&••■■■ V' LAND! LAND! HUNDREDS Of SHEEP BUNS. DAiRV FARMS, AND TOWN PROPERTIES FOB SALE. Apply for Gaieties. HAVELOCK NOETH. 6 ACRES, splendid Building Sites, high situation, two road frontages, well grassed, small orchard and other trees, well fenced, two-stalled stable, (owl-house, etc. Price on application. QPQQ ACRES Freehold, suitable OUu# Buildings, and well subdivided, 9 rows good rape and turnips. Price £16,000, including 8800 sheep. JOHN COUPER.
LONDON DIBECTOEY, ONTAINING over 2,000 pages of con* densed commercial matter, enables enterprising traders throughout the Em* pire to keep in close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its Suburbs, the London Directory contains lists of:— EXPORT MERCHANTS with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial and Foreign markets they supply; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approximate sailings; PROVINCIAL APPENDIX of Trade Notices of leading Maaufac* turers, Merchants, etc., in the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the United Kingdom. A copy of the 1905 edition will be forwarded, freight paid, on receipt of Post-office Order for £1 THE LONDON DIRECTORY CO., LIMITED, 25, Abchurch-lane, London, E. 0., England. 475
GEOBGE WHITE, INSURANCE, COMMISSION, AND MANUFACTURERS’ AGENT, AGENCIES: NEW ZEALAND ACCIDENT INSUBANOB CO. Employers’ Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Plate Glass, Fidelity, and Personal Policies issued. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO. Ltd., ot London (Fire, ( Jrlne, and Accident). JOHN WILSON AND CO. Manufacturers N.Z. Portland Cement and Hydraulic Lime, SECRETARY. NAPIER STARR-BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETY. (No. 1 Issue and No. 2 Issue). EXCELSIOR DAIRY SUPPLY COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES—Next to Messrs Williams and Kettle, Limited, BROWNING-STREET, NAPIER. GEOBGE WHITE AND CO.. GEOEGE WHITE & CO., ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. LAND AND HOUSE AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS. AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. EVERY Branch of Accountants’ Work undertaken, Station Books written up and Income-tax Statements prepared. Flotation of Mercantile Companies undertaken, and all branches of Financial Work attended to. AGENCIES:
NEW DRESS SKIRTS IN BLACK VOILE, OANVAB, CASH. MEEB AND CLOTH. BLOUSES IN SILK, MUSLIN AND DELAINE. FEENCH SAILOE3 IN GEEAT VAEIETY, MISS HEAYS, EMEESON-STEBET. QASH JgMPOHIUM, HASTINGB-STEEET, NEXT BANK NEW SOUTH WALES. Telephone 229. SPECIAL LINE of Well-fitting Toques and Bonnets tor Elderly Ladies. Latest Novelties in English and French Model Hats and Toques. Girls’ and Boys’ Galatea Hats from Is to 6s fid. INSPECTION INVITED. Shop closes 8.30 p.m. Saturdays. M. WHITE Late Head Milliner Kirkcaldie and Stains, Napier.
Thos. Cook and Son, Tourist and Shipping Agents. Passengers booked by all lines to any part of the World. The Boueo Company of flew Zealand. FOB SALE—SUBSTANTIAL HOUSE in Lighthouseroad, of 8 rooms. Bathroom, washhouse, and latest drainage, i-aoro land, nice garden and ashphalt yard and paths; can be purchased subject to Starr-Bowkett mortgage, interest under 3 per cent. A real good thing for anyone wishing to acquire a comfortable residence. Particulars on application. LUOY-BOAD.—}-Acre and Besidence containing 10 rooms, built of kauri, new drainage, on bills, 10 minutes from town. Price £72s.—Term. TO LET OB LBASEBesidence, 10 rooms, Lncy-road; 3 minutes from Post-office. Bent, £6O per annum. TO LETOommodious House, 10 rooms. Hospital Hill. Every convenience. Can be leased for a term if required. Bent, £52 per annum. MONEY TO LEND. £2OOO to £IO,OOO in amounts to suit Mortgagors, at reasonable rates of interest, OFFICES: (Adjoining Williams and Eetti ) BBOWNING-BTBEET NAPIEE.
By Special Appointment to By Special Appointment tr JHB. ths Oonnlesi of Glaigow, The Oonntoae of Eanfnrly. TAILOR-MADE GOWNS. ANNOUNCEMENT. We are now making dresses at onr old Prices*COATS AND BKIETS. AND DEEBBBS from £5 B». HKIETS from £1 Mi. TOE CASH ONLY. rATTBENB AND BELP-MB ABUSING FOEMB SENT ON APPLICATION NODINE & CO.. J# WELLINGTON TEEEAOB, WELLINGTON. JJJ
ASS TOUR OROOBR FOR—NELSON ■ 1 MUTE iMi NEWA/TARIFF •TEA REDUCED FROM 3/2 DHDBB HBW OUB7OHS TMtIPP. IF YOU ARE TROUBLED With Bore Throat, Quinsy, Cramp, Btifi Joints o? Glandular Swellings, HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT :WILL GURU YOU.j; For Bums, Scalds, Cuts, Sprains, £ oils. Abscesses, Gatherings, Scurvy, Ringworm, ICcsema—ln short, all Skin Diseases— IT HAS ; NO EQUAL. Muatataiwl mW a* 73 H«w Otfsrd-i tcMl, hniidsa, 9»W tor *U et.ata. -id WU1»(». Jntim.
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 4
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781Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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