[OWN OOBBUrONDIHI.I The Hastings Amateur Operatic Society will produce Cellier*s popular comic opera, “Dorothy," at the Princess Theatre, Hastings, to-night, and on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. “Dorothy” is one of the brightest and most tuneful of comic operas, and it will he produced with attention to detail and adequate scenic and stage effects. The instrumental music will be in the hands of an orchestra under the baton of Mr E. V. Hudson. The following is the cast of characters; —Geoffrey Wilder, Mr F. Pegler; Harry Sherwood, Mr V. R. Roach; Lurcher, Mr S. Wootton; Farmer Tuppitt, Mr L. Fail; Tom Grass, Mr N. Owen; Squire Bantam, Mr M. Vickers; Dorothy Bantam, Mrs E. V. Hudson; Lydia Hawthorne, Mias E. Wright; Phyllis Tuppitt, Mias Fail; Lady Betty, Miss Robertson; Mrs Privett, Mrs Stark. There will be a strong chorus, and all the ballets and incidental dances will be introduced. Messrs W. and S. Graham have completed the purchase of a portion of the section on which stood the old Anglican Church, and on which substantial brick livery stables have recently been erected. There will be entrances from Heretaunga-road and from the street leading past Mrs Hartshorn’s. The accommodation provided should meet the wants of Hastings for some considerable time to come, and the two young men are to be commended for their enterprise. The monthly meeting of the Hastings School Committee was held on Monday evening. The headmaster reported that the attendance last month showed a considerable falling-off, on account of wet weather, mumps and measles. Mr Morgan had resigned his position on' the staff, and was leaving lor the scene of his new duties. Mr Marbrook had resigned, and it would be necessary to promote the senior trainee to the vacancy. A cheque for £1 6s proceeds of sale of old harmonium, was enclosed. It was decided to apply to the Education Board for a relieving teacher to take up Mr Morgan’s duties until a successor is appointed. It was resolved to grant holidays to the children on the People’s Day at the show and the day following (Fridayj. It was decided to leave the matter of appointing trainees in the hands of the Chairman and the headmaster. A letter was received from the Hastings branch of the Farmers’ Union asking that delegates from the committee he appointed to confer with the union as to the advisability of introducing technical education into the primary schools. The Chairman was appointed to confer with the delegates from the union. Accounts amounting to £8 8s were passed for payment. Messrs Russell and Roach were appointed visiting committee for the ensuing month.
Some little time ago a Drivers’ Union was formed in Hastings. The employers of drivers have now combined, and representatives of the two bodies will meet shortly to come to soma arrangement that will be of mutual benefit.
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 4
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