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Notifications. iSiilbiii ffotlfieatioai and WftQteao tllj snder thii bend, not •xceeding It Wordi, art insarttd (or on* #hiUing inurtion.) rpHE Battalion Band will meet nearX the Exchange Boarding-house, Car-lyle-ftlreet, this evening, at 7.45. ME H. G. SPACEMAN'S Orchestral Concert will be hold in the theatre Koyal on Wednesday November 2nd.
LOST, Saturday, Gold Brooch set l with pearls. Finder rewarded ou , returning to this Uhice. | LOST, one Black Fur Boa, between i Motor Company's Bazaar and * Emerson-street. Finder return to • Motor Company. . PETERS' CELEBRATED MILK CHOCOLATE. in all Sizes, to be bad at { READING S YROCADERO. I \ T ISITOHS t<» the show should call at ] V James Mills', Emerson-street. and I see the show of First-class Saddlery j and Harness. _ ; A BOON to Humanity—Mountain King Asthma Powder. Gives wondertui »nd refreshing relief in obstinate and chronic cases. Holland costumes wear, only 15s 6d. Saunders’, Emerson-street. rfiady for New Style. mHE Bo YttbiW Remedy for all Throat, I Lim? and Bronchial Troubles is I'XJSSIODEA. Obtk in , able from aU cbem ' Uta and READT-TO-WEAE Hals. Skirts at Cash SUU mery porium, Hastings-street. EQGS from Priie Ponltry-&c ,d !” Wymdottea, Brown Leghorn Black Hinorcai, and Bn3 Orpingtons—--6a Bitting; postage and packing la 6d extra. T. H. Stewart, Hastings. PETERS’ MILK CHOCOLATE ss,ma&b in Switzerland and sold in Napier at READING’S TEOCADEEO. /'IABH BOOKS, Day Books and Ledgers vy ruled to any pattern and manufactured to any size at the "Hawke’s Bay Herald" Office. V\/ITOH OIL, for deep-seated Rhenm •tt atism and Muscular Pains, Sci Mica, Lumbago, is unconquered. II suffering give it a trial. R. I. Roach, Hastings. LABELS-Addresa and Chemist*’, in any number of coloured inks and variety of designs, printed and lithographed at the "Hawke’s Bay Herald’ Office.
Wan teds. ■WANTED, a Good General Servant T T for the Movers Hot Springs Hotel. Apply Provincial Hotel. " WANTED, a Cook for Dr Bernati by first week in November. Apply Mrs Eonald, Shakespeare-road. TXTANTED, a Strong. Active Lad. T T Apply John McKay. Saddler. 506 KEEP np to time and buy a Havelock Advertising Watch at L. Freedman's, Emerson-street. The cheapest reliable timekeeper in the world. Price 5s lid. 515 MAEEIED COUPLE, lately from England, seek engagement. Wife as cook or parlourmaid; man thoroughly used to horses. “Brisbane,” Porangahau. 450 ■VXTANTED, a position on a gentkTT man’s place by a reliable young man. Ten years’ experience gardening. Can milk, etc. Apply “Gardener.” “Herald” Office. 476 WAITED, to sell, or exchange for smaller size, 1 Commonwealth Chaffcutter; only had 2 months* work. Further particulars from A. J. Grant, Onga Onga. WANTED to sell about 12 Tons Oaten Sheaf Chaff on the ground or on tracks at Takapau. Apply J. J. Connor, Mangapohio, Takapau. Education Office, Napier, October 10th, 1904. WANTED— Teachers for the following Schools. Applicants must be qua!ifiel to teach all the subjects required nnder the Standard Eegulations. Salaries payable according to “The Public School Teachers’ Salaries Act.” and the regulations in connection with the same;—
Salaries per annum about Mohaka, Sole Teacher £l2O Hastings. Assistant Master £llO Gisborne, Assistant £BO Applications to be sent in by SATUIi* DAT. October 23th, 1504, addressed "‘The Secretary, Education Office, Napier.” G. T. FANXIX, 413 Secretary.
VI7HEN YOU BUY FUENITUEE * * YOU WANT IT GOOD, THY 0. B. ALLEN’S. "THEY MAKE IT.’ : THE FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, EMEESON-STBEET, NAPIEB. BEALE Sewing Machines, Oil, Needles, and paru. Call and see the latest models at Cunnold's, Hereteunga-etreet, Hastings, or at Bob Limbrick’s, Emer-son-street, Napier. Special allowances cn old Beale Sewing Machines. WANTED known, that the "Victory" Patent Silent Flushing Cistern has been tested and approved by the Wellington City Council. It is worth your while to have a "Victory." It is the most perfect and only silent Cistern in the market. Can be obtained from James Constable, Shakeapeareroad. Napier. 11^9 C JOHNSTON'S Cutlery.—Sets Car- • vers from 3s 6d and 4s fid up. Dessert and Table Knives from 4s 6d the half dozen. Pocket Knives, Sheath Knives and Steels, all guaranteed quality. Spring cleaning requisites— Chamois 5d and Is, Puts Paste 4d, Linoleum Polish fid, Plate Polish Is, Enameline Stone Polish fid, Silver Soap 6d, Housemaid’s Gloves, etc. James Hardy, Emereon-street. OATES, LOWEY AND CO., Emenonstreet, Napier.—Bicycles from £ls. The largest Cycle and Motor Works in the North Island. WANTED KNOWN-That a really good Lunch, properly cooked and daintily served, can be had at Nightingale's (opposite Bank of New Zealand). T^QGS— 4a Setting, from Purebred 811* ver Wyandottes, Brown Leghorns, Black Kioorcas. Plymouth Socks, Pekin and Indian Banner Backs, also first crones 2a fid- Apply. "Bhasaghan," near F. 0., Qreanmeadowi, or Saunders, grocer, Napier. S3t
OATES, LOWBY AND CO.-The best people to do your bicycle and motor repairs. Zealandia Cycle and Motor Works, Emerson-street, Napier. EARTHQUAKES. WANTED KNOWN-That a Galvanls* ed Iron Chimney Pot, from Hen* ry Williams and Sons, Limited, will not cost you one-quarter of rebuilding your chimney in brick. And you will be Eared for future shakes. Henry Wil* § and Sons, Limited, Napier and mgs. 706 JOHN COUPEE bar hundreds of Bheey Sans and Dairy Farms and Town PropirtlM Por Ball. Apply for Qasetts. VTT ANTED KNOWN—Pure Drugs, " Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries, mad Patent Medicines at lowest prices, at the Friendly Societies’ Dispensary, Hastings-itreet. All goods Imported direct from the makers. 801 %\T ANTED KNOWN—That nothing is •Tt more refreshing than a nice Cup of Tea when tired with shopping. Our Afternoon Teas a speciality. Nightingale’s (opposite Bank of New Zealand).
For Sale and to Let. TO LET, Six-roomed House on the hills; sunny situation. Apply John Copper, Land Agent. Napier. 522 DEAFEST BUSINESS FOE DISPOSAL. PROFITABLE Country Business for disposal. House, Shop. Stock, Plant, etc., to go together. Ectnrn about £2OOO. Grand chance for two poshing young men. Apply “Draper,” ’ Hawke's Say Herald” Office. 419 HOBBE-SHOSING SHOP to let, with all necessary tools; good business; low rent. Apply J. Drummond, DanneTirke. 453 ./—FTIQ LET, by abont November Ist, ► A Eight-roomed House, with Bathroom, etc; also stables and yard adjoining: situated in Bower-street, now in occupation of Mr Growther. Apply to O. Dolbel and Co., Port Ahurin, or to H. Benoul, Shakespeare-road. 435
FOE SALE. ] pBITATE RESIDENCE, 1 mile from ■ Hastings Post-office, 362 Acres. v.dl laid out, crop, pasture and orchard; ’ eight-roomed house, good dairy and out-' buildings; every convenience; reason- 1 able price; terms given. Apply— | JOHN A. FRASER. I 9?1 Market-street, Hastings. I ¥OUET HERBERT ESTATE, WATPUI'DRAU. Foe i a t. v Parrbreß Bkortkon Balls. Hard look. Cattle), fure-bred Liucola lame Tlock Book. Bkatp). far farther particular! apply ; G DONALD H. POTTS. Hasafar TkTO ACCOMMODATION for Swaggers la at Walmarama from this date. MEINERTZHAGEN AND MOORE. October IQtb, 15G4. 4iJ PUBLIC NOTICE. i to the Damage done to EmhaiiVrmente, ALL STOCK THE6PASBIXO on the WHAEE-0-itAEAENLH EESEETE will be impounded from this date. SiEla JUSS IMS. 1»I. UM
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 2
Word Count
1,128Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12891, 18 October 1904, Page 2
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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