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Shipping TYSER LINE. B 0 T i.nrrwn D STEAM 01'tYIOl Between tbi Firet-claes Cargo Steamers will leavs Sew York at regular intervals, taking Cargo for MELBOURNE WELLINGTON SYDNEY CANTERBURY, and AUCKLAND OTAGO The Company's next despatches will be the S.S. STAB OF AUSTRALIA, to leave New York on or about October 15th. S.S. STAS OF IRELAND will leave New York on or about December Ist. New Zealand Importers ol American merchandise are specially invited to instruct their agents in the United States to support the TYSER LINE STEAMERS, and to communicate with the Company s New York Representatives, MESSRS TUNCH, EDYE AND CO., Produce Exchange, New York, MESSRS TYSER AND CO.. 16, Fenchnrch-avenne. London; MESSES WILLIAMS AND KETTLE, Ltd., or HESSES WENLEY AND LANAUZE. Napier. RICHARD TOIL'. Colonial Bnperintondent, N»‘ *r. AIL EO Y AI STEAMERS FOB LOND Via Monte Tldeo, TeneriSe, an Trymonth.
Mail )Tna: Com* Sailing Toaal Steamer. jß’gmander. from (ab'ut •Rimutaka •Tongariro •Paparoa •Turak^na *Ruapehu ♦Kaipara 7765, Green--7651 Sutcliffe 6563Jaggard 8027; Forbes 7807 May osa 8000 Kiddle I Wellingt'n Oc 27 Nov 21 Deo 22 Jan 19 Feb 16 Feb Twin Screw Passengers ars booked at Lowest Bates and forwarded to port of Steamer's dapartnre free of extra expense. Tickets Issned for Passengers from Great Britain for £l7 and upwards. For Freight or Passage apply to TH3 N.Z. SHIPPING CO.. LOOTED (JAB. I. OATO, Local Manager), Napier or i.pit.
SHAW, BAVILL, AND mm COMPANY, LTD. MONTHLY LINE 01 ROYAL MAIL FAST PASSENGER STEAMERS Between ALL POETS OP NEW ZEALAND AND LONDON. MAIL STEAMERS With SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION lor all Claeses of Passengers, Calling at Rio de Janeiro or Monte Video, Teneriffe, and Plymouth. FAST PASSENGER STEAMERS TICKETS issued for passages from Great Britain for £l7 and upwards. Special facilities given to residents in the Colony to bring out friends from Home either by arrangement of pas* sage money in New Zealand or by guarantee. DAIRY PRODUCE carried in Cool Chamber of Freezing Chamber at REDUCED RATES. Wool. Tallow, Flax, Grain, and other New Zealand Produce carried at LOWEST CURRENT RATES. For further particular apply to MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO., Or DALQETY AND CO., LTD., Agents.
PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. The P. and 0. S.N. COMPANY will DESPATCH the following STEAMERS tor LONDON, calling at FREMANTLE, COLOMBO, ADEN, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, AND PLIMOUTH (With Liberty to call at Brindisi) ai underselling at Hobart en route from Sydney. Through Passengers from New Zealand to Europe can embark on arrivgl of the last connecting Steamer at Sydney. Passengers for Brindisi tranship at Port Said. TOURISTS’ TICKETS (India, China and Japan). Cheap Bates on application. Passage Money can be paid here for Passages from England. For further information apply to W. KINROSS WHITE, Agent for Hawke's Bay and Poverty Bay fJIHE rjIYBEB LINE LIMI'ixD MONTHLY DESPATCH. or FIRST-CLASS CARGO STEAMERS TO LONDON DIRECT, Taking Cargo at Through Rates 0Freight for MANCHESTER AND LIVERPOOL. LIST OP STEAMERS. Tons Barden, Commander. Marere _ _ 10.GCO J, C. Felgate Nlwarn ... _ 10,000 H. Hollis Mirairo - _ 10,000 J. O. Lldetono Hawke a Bay . E,DOO A. Hi Kemp Tomcana _ _ 10,000 H, N. Conby Indralema _ Indragblrl _ _ 8,000 A, K Bolingsworth Indradevl .. _ 10,000 T. Trotter Star of Now Zealand 8,000 E, D. Beck Star of Australia _ 10,000 F. WiUlyatt Star of Ireland ... S.CW F. J. Kearney Star of Scotland ... 10,000 J. M. Hart The above .learners were all built specially for the New Zealand trade fitted with refrigerating machinery of the most modern type, in charge of competent engineers, and are noted for the erceptionally satisfactory condition in which their frosen meat cargoes are being delivered. The Company is prepared to carry wool and produce of every at Lowest Current Bates of Freight. For full particulars apply to WILLIAMS & KETTLE, LTD., Or WENLEY 4 LANAUZE, Agents.
«Hl*l LI KB k JJISBOT GAKGO TO LONDON. PERTHSHIRE BUTESHIRE BANFFSHIRE FIFESHIRB ~ NAIRNSHIRE MORAYSHIRE AYRSHIRE _ "Twin Bsrsw 8000 tons 13500 h.p, 3500 h.p. 8000 tons 8100 tons 8500 tons 8500 tons 8500 tons 10200 tone 3500 h.p. 3500 tup. 3500 h.p. 3500 h.p. Till I bora magnificent B turners, wkiek have all been specially bnilt for the New Zaaland trade, anu mue an me ace passage of 46 days, will be despatched at regular Intervals. Steamers are fitted tbrongbont with ILEOTEIO LIGHT, and aooommodatloa provided for Saloon Passengers. Doctor and Stewardess carried. BALOOk PABSAQ3 MONK TO LONDON. 45 guineas. . . „ Passengers carried to Port of Departure PEES For plans and Inrthet particulars, Ae., apply to the Managers, TTJiNBULL. MAtTXN A CO., Hsw Zealand Iniaranee Oo.'i Balliiagi. ft, I. Orawfcrd-iirMt, Daasdln.
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Bibliographic details
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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754Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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