TBP R £IAS 3 other . It is ea, and at the HHIHSl 1 an this.jP® SnTOP QUALITY AND PRICE Each shine in the light of the other when you buy the TIGER blends. It is ail in the tea. You pay for tea, and you got tea that has no equal at the price. There is nothing surer than this. tm IS
Notices. "1 have erected hj monument more enduring than brass,” Bays Horace. JUST SOI ILL-FITTING BOOTS have erected a monument on the feet of Buffering humanity. Horace’s monument is indestructible; but the latter ia SPEEDILY DEMOLISHED by TEED’S CORN CURE. WHICH CUBES TO STAY CUBED. ONE SHILLING. All Chemists and Stares.
THE CHALLEN PIANO. THE rich mellow tone of a Ohallen Plano gives satisfaction to every user. The best skill obtainable is employed in its manufacture. The experience of 100 years of piano making, and the best materials obtainable, make THE CHALLEN PIANO The ideal Piano tor the home and the best that money can buy. Write for Catalogues and Particulars of easy payments and terms to THE WELLINGTON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED 53, MOLESWORTH-STEEET, WELLINGTON..
Hotels ROYAL HOTEL, KiPisa. (Oppoelt* main entrance to Seoientlo! Urosnd' and comer Chancor-toad.) GEO. H. GILDING, PBOPEIETOB. (i.ste jjjohange and Bhahespesre Ectclf, &» wli! be glad to see all old Clients and their friends. ALL WILL BH WELCOME.
ALBION HOTEL, ’‘UBTijraß-arsaßS, eapibb, /N 3. HUHLIBBISH, Proprietor. -*oCM « built and Ee-farnighed throughGPi. Vl’iuag and Spirit! of tks Eegi Brandi. Eobjofcu’a Best on Draught Hood Tabic Provided. Moderate Obargge. SETTLEEB AEMS HOTEL, OSMOND YILLE. Licensee—T. J. Bennett, THIS HOTEL which has been recently considerably enlarged, is situated in tire heart of the 70-mile Bush, and is 1200 ft above the sea level, the district offering special inducements for families requiring salubrious change of air. The best of trout lishing in season and ideal picnic resorts. New billiard-table, good stabling, horses and traps for hire. The beat of wines and spirits only stocked. Terms moderate. 273 WHEEB CAN YOU SPEND A BBTTBE HOLIDAY THAN AT THE MORERE JJOT gPEINGS JJOTBL. Lovely Scenery and Health-giving Waters. J. 9. COOPEE, Lessee of the Morere Hot Springs and Hotel, desires to notify the Public that Visitors desiring to enjoy these health-giving waters will find every convenience ana all the comforts of a home at this well-appointed Hotel. Baths can now be regulated to any temperature for the cure of Ehoumatism. Sciatica, Eheumatio Gout, and all Skin Diseases. New Bath House just erected, brilliantly lit with natural gas. Only Best Brands of Wines and Spirits kept. Tariff, 6s per day. Cooper’s Coach meets all steamers at Waikokopu. J. S. COOPEE, Lessee. 382
THE, RAINY MY can be prepared for in many ways, Ivj! even better (han a bank account is a reserve fund of bcßSf.h p.sd energy, ou can establish and maintain these by the use of ilmipi i^peoa It builds up iha system, and gives a stock of force and energy that will carry you through many a tight place. UNEQUALLED FOB HIGH QUALITY & EXQUISITE FLAVOR.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 6
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 4
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