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Hfnlllmn ■C...7S.rr TO STAND THU SEASON AT EATCMA— Tim Imported Clyde* dftlo Stallion Wallace (Stands 17J hands.) WALLACE (7240, O.0.B.), late Alberlug, la a handsome bay horse, bred by George Bean, Balquhaln Maine, Potchapel. His sire, Golden Treasure (4417, C.S.B.h g.gire, Lord Erskino (1744, 0.5.8.), was also elre of the unbeaten horse Cair. brogie Stamp. WALLACE’S (late Albertua) dam, Grace Barling (694, 0.5.8.), by Darnloy (221, C.8.8.), won the Champion Cup at the Highland Society's Snow, Dumfries, in 1878. and many other prizes. , . WALLACE hftß taken first end champion at Christchurch. Timaru. Oamaru, Dunedin, Tnpanni, Gore, and Invercargill. and many prizes in Scotland. WALLACE haa proved himself one ot the best Clydesdale sires ever Imported into Now Zealand. His stock have won numerous prizes, and have been sold for exceedingly high prices. A sure foal-getter. Terms—£4 ss. ~ , , Good paddock provided for mares. All care taken, but no responsibility. For further particulars apply to — MACKAY AND SINCLAIR. 975 Proprietors, Ilatnma.
G 0 ED 0 N By Royal Con* Queror dam Violet, Royal Conqueror by Crown Prince dam Clydesdale Fancy, Crown Prince by Lord Salisbury (imp.) dam Damsel (imp.), Clydesdale Fancy by Farmer's Fancy dam Juliet, Violet by Prince Hohry dam Helen McGregor, Prince Henry by Prince by Prince Charlie (imp.). Prince Hen* ry's dam Maggie was got by Young Prince of Wales (imp.), Helen McGregor by Glen Roy dam Violet, Glen Roy by Prince of Wales (imp.), Sam Darling by Redman, Helen McGregor's dam Violet by Sir Colin Campbell by King Fergus dam Scotland’s Pride. General Gordon was bred on the Wood* lands Estate, and at the clearing sale (April 16th) hie stock, five three-years, averaged £42. thirteen two-years £3O, and sixteen yearlings £l6: vide “Auckland Weekly News.” April 23rd. General Gordon is brown In colour, 9 year- old, with plenty of bone and magnificent hair; stands about 17 hands,, has perfect action, and has proved to bo a first-class sire. GENERAL GORDON has proved him* self in the show-ring as well as stud, gaining first at Waikato, as a two-year* old. and first and champion at Auckland as a three-year-old. boating each good horses as Royal Conqueror and Duke of Argyle. Terms—£2 4s on or before January Ist, 1905. and £2 on mare proving in foal. (Last season ho has proved very sore.) ALSOHE HAGKNEX STALLION EUOHLET, By Penrose by Musket dam Sultana, Eucblct's dam by King Quail by Yattcndon. BOOKLET is a dark brown horse (9 years), standing 15.2, very massive, big bone, and shows plenty of quality; having both the Musket and Yattcndon blood in him, should prove a first-class hackney sire. His stock are spoken very highly of as showing plenty of site ana quality, etc. Terms—Three guineas; two or mora as per agreement. Good graiing at Is per week. Every care, but no responsibility. Second Prir.e at last lI.C. A. and P. Society’s Show. For further particulars, apply to 0. VERNON, 621 Owner, Kaikom.
U.O STAND THIS SEASON AT HASTINGS. The thoroughHEED STALLION MISSFIRE, By MAXIM—TAKE MI6& For further pedigree see Btud Book. ' GOOD PADDOCKING. Every care taken, but no rospoael* bihty. >u»* farther particulars, apply to JACK HOLLO, Oroom-in-charge, Hastings, Or L. COTTLE, ; Owner. TO STAND THIS SEASON AT OLRIQ STATION. rpnß HUNTING X SIRE—MUM LEGS 11. Hy Merrylegs, by Shales. Dam Laverock, by Derby out ot Duchess (Imp.) TEEMS:—Single Mare. 4 Guineas; Two or more Marcs as per arrangement. Only a limited number of mares will bo taken. Gracing Free nntil after notice of stinting, when 2s per week will bo charged. Every care taken, but no responsibility. For farther particulars apply, CSS "MANAGER," Olrlg biatlon.
TO STAND THIS SEASON AT WAIXABAKA. The thoeodoeEKED BIKE—WEHIKOEE, By DREADNOUGHT—PURSESTRING. Pnrsefltriug Sh by the imported bore* Apreraont out of the imported mare Anrifera. Dreadnought's pedigree ie well-known throughout the colony. WEHIKORB is possessed of splendid bone, and is exceptionally bred for getting high-class racehorses and splendid carriage stock. TEEMS.—£S 5a for Single Mares; two or more as per agreement. Mares will bo taken delivery of aft tha Railway Station, Hastings. Good paddocking accommodation. All care taken, but no responsibility. For further particulars and all information, apply to 585 J. HART, Ngatarawa; or A. GEBBIE. Waimarama.
TO STAND THIS SEASON. AT EIVEESDALE. WAIT AW a, tbs following Thoroughbred Stallions— DAUNT.—Chestnut horse. Dreadnought —Oriented. Terms, 10 guineas. PBOCR A BTINATOB.—Ch hj, Seaton D» laral—Talhoa. Term , 6 guineas. AMPHION.-Uay I tee, St. LegsrWatcrsprito. Terms julneaa. U iNQ GEOEGE.—Bi lorse, St. Qeorgi —Btrenua. Terms, 3 , 'peas. All marcs to be remov'd before January Ist, 1905. Every care taken, but no responsibility incurred. Apply to ALEX SMITH, W. EATHBONE. 616 Waipawa. TO STAND THIS SEASON, At Mr P. Ward’s Yard, Patangata, and will travel the surrounding dlutrlct— TIIK PUREBRED CLYDESDALE STALLION GENERAL FRENCH, By Glengylo, Dam by Director. GENERAL FRENCH is a beautiful bay horse, 6 years old, standing over 17 hands high. He has a splendid temper, and has perfect action, and has proved himself to bo a sure foal-getter. TERMS—£4 5a Single Mare; for two or more Mares the property of ouo owner ns per arrangement. Good Paddockiug for Mares, cue month free, after then Is 6d per week will be charged. All mro taken, hut no responsibility. AH mares to be paid for before removal. For further particulars, apply to A, WARD. pi --•r To stann this Mason at Taragal. and inrronndlng Dlstrl.t TUB INGUSH THOKOUQHEBED STALLION GOLD REEF (BY BEND-’OE—OBDOIBLB.) , BEEP is an ail-brown, standing 16 hand* with plenty of bone and grand constitution. After four years’ riming in England, winning a number of races he retired Bound, and was N.w Zealand. Since his stock have been racing in tbie colony, they have “TiirfV % Ke amount Itt winulnga Bond- Or, the sire of Gold Beef, is b» « o oos a, inV n o n< J B r ? (1 O rm ondß (sold for wffi B .hf ihj who , Produced Orme, KendalMe ifsX Bend-’O? |S,e“Gold Be e*f ’a e^2!^ S ’'k T , b . o ,s on P bb r e<l mares, tea fisSvFr;”^ 0 to b? paV M bsr ,‘raln or steam,, digram ” r *°*‘ Pt of UtUr <* All ears but no responsibility Vor farther partionlars, apply to ,u 4LII, O’DOWD, l!W Poit-oHos, Taradale.
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 4
Word Count
1,034Page 4 Advertisements Column 10 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 10 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 4
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