Williams and Kettle, Limited.! WILLIAMS AND KETTLE. LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: NAPIEE. Branches—Port Ahnriri, Hastings, Lunnevirke, and Gisborne. Dlrecto' b: J. H. Coleman A. S. G, Oarlyon William Nelson B. Chambers, Sir Wm, Bussell, M.H.B. L. H. MoHardy, Managing Directors: F. W. Williams N. Kettle PASTOBALISTB’ AND FAEMEES' AGENTS and 6ENEBAL MERCHANTS. ADVANCES made on Stock, Enenixig OLTPS of WOOL, etc., at LOWEST Current Bates of INTEREST. INStJEANOE FUSE ASD MAEIKE, Effected at-Lowest Curent Bates). FOB SALE. Woolpacks, Woolpookets, Seaming Tnine Needle:, Sheep-shears, Turkey land Washita Stones.
Buddie, Lamp Black, Stockholm ■'Tar, Stencil Ink and Plates, Sheep lleta (tarred and galvanised). Wool Sheets, and all other Station requisites. AGEIOtJLTTTBAL IMPLEMENTS. EEID AND QUAY'S Ploughs, Harrows, Drills (N.Z. and American patterns), Ohaffcntters (hand, horse, and steam), Windmills, "DEEEING" Binders, Mowers, Hag Bakes, etc., etc. SEEDS. Turnips. Eape, Bale and Mangolds Seed Oats, Wheat. Barley, Eye Corn and Linseed, etc. (Samples and quotations pasted on application.) Sutton’s and Yates’ Flower and Vegetable Seeds. AGENTS FOE— Tyser Line, Limited. New Zealand and African Steamship Company, Limited. Oceania Steamship Company Sutton and Sons' Seeds Cooper's Sheep Dip Murton’s Sheep Dip "Wormo Speoifloo" Sheep Drench Eendrook Explosives for tree stumps Donald’s Improved Wool Presses. Zealandia Wool Press “Moffat-Virtue” Sheep-shearing Machinery The ’’EENBOY” Automatic Sheep, Bale and Sack Brand and Flnia Nelson's Manures, etc. Milbnrn Phosphates. Eeid and Gray’s Agricultural Imple-
meats Jackson’s Patent Wind, Dust, and Bain Excluder for doors De Laval Separators Shawtwork Babbit Poison National Insurance Company of N.Z. Liverpool and London and Globe In* surance Company New York Life Insurance Company Icmsncep VICTORIA INSURANCE! COMPANY, LIMITED. lIEB. MARINE AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE. Established 1349. FIRE, MARINE, AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE RISKS. Accepted at Lowest Current Bates.
DALGETY AND COMPANY. LIMITED, Agents for Hawke’s Bay. 295 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY [litabllsksd 1169.1 Capital ... £1,889,888 Faid-np Capital and Beservee including undivided profits £569,08 Net Bevenne for 1983 £424,669 With Unlimited Liability of Shareholders. n^lEE—lnanranoea against Loss by Eire are effected by thii Company npon every deaoripticr of Property on the most favonrable termi. MAElNß—Merchandise, Freight, and Hulls Insured to and from all parti of the world. M. HIEKOLD, Manager (or Hawke's Bay. NORWICH UNION FISK INBUBANOB SOCIETY. AMOUNT INBUBBD _ £397,688,899 LOSSES PAID £18,898.8! i Fisa SUES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. SOB JOHNS, HINDMAXBH AND CO., Agent! and Attorneyi (or Hawke's Bay. I. OBOWLBI, Manager laentanee Department
SOUTH BEITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CUMPANT OP N.Z. Capital ... £1.900,000 Paid-up Capital and Accumulated Funds exceed £365,000. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OP SHAREHOLDERS. Napier Branch—Corner Hersohell and Browning Streets. Every Class o( Fire and Marine Business accepted at Lowest Current Bates. losses settled without unnecessary de-fnb-Agencies throughout the Province. A. E. EIGHT, Manager. EDWARD LYNDON, Local Director. Agent lor— LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIEE INSUEANCB COMPANY. Subscribed Capital £2,107,600 Ot which is paid-up £212,750 Reserve Fund £1,013,580 Losses paid during the last 10 years £4,511,083 UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital, £500,000. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.
Notice?,. A HOT WATER SERVICE TS the moat useful, economical and labour-saving arrangement you can possibly have in the house. Without an extra fire, you always have plenty of boiling water, for washing up, warming your bath, and in case of sickness only one expense which is not great providing you set the right man to fix it. CONSULT OUE CERTIFICATED EXPERT. HARDIE & EDDY, BMBESON-STREET. Telephone 383. 1261
DO YOU USE GAS FOR COOKING? IF NOT. WHY NOT? COOKING BY GAS at the present Bates is far CHEAPBE than any other method. The Price of Gas will shortly be EEDDCED, making it beyond all question the medium that is BEST lor all COOKING PDEPOSES. BY USING GAS Yon are saved MONEY, DIET, WOEEY. Yon will gain TIME, CLEANLINESS, AND A SMILING FACE. All the Latest Patterns of Gas Cookers in Stock and to arrive. INSPECTION INVITED. NAPJER GAS CO. ? LIMITED.