Sporting and football intelligence, "Stray Bits from Hansard," and Bash newa will bo fonad on the fourth psga The Spit Volunteer Fire B.lgade'a annual ball will tske pleca on Aagnst 3d In Sbaarb's Hall, la old of the brigade funds.* Mr James AeboroO, Official Assignee, arrived by the 6 j press on tatarday night from Wellington and pat up at tbe Masonic Hotel, Sergeant Mitchell on Saturday mnda a raid on an alleged "tote" shop. Tbe police are retloant as to whether a prosecution will follow or nob, Mr G. H. Swan left for Wellington on Saturday, aa delegate representing the lVapler Barongh Council at the Mnnlolpal Conference, which opens Its elttlnga today. The Public Wotk« Department Is sendIng Mr M'Ennls, C.E., at present an the Midland railway, to ac»i<-t Mr J. J, Hay In rnakloß a flying survey of the propoaed railway between Glsborne and Napier via, Walroa, The following are the retains at tbe Napier hospital for tbe week :—Admitted, three males and three females ; discharged, three malei and three females ; remaining In, ten malea and eleven females, All non* com missioned offioers of the Napier garrison are requested to attend at tbe drill-shed to-night, without fail, for the porpaae of instruction, in view of Llemenaut«L'olonel Newall's visit on Wednesday nest, at 8 p m * The Government have arranged with Mr G. D. Hamilton, of Danevirke, to write a book on ''Trout Fliblog, and Other Sports, ia New Zealsnd." The Colonial Secretary baß oommanioated with the acollmatUation sooietlea on tbe subj ci, asking them to aid the project with suoh Information at may be in thtir power, . Aooording to the annual report of the Minister for L'dnmtiOD, In five dlatriots— Hawke'a B»y, Wettland, North Canton bary, South Canterbury, and Ojago— the degree of regnlarity la above the average. Xhere are only three dlstiiets in which there ia a deollne in attendance, both for the fourth quarter of 1897 and for the whole of the y ear, v'z. , NeiaoD, W estland, and OtBRO. It Is tho Intention ot thg Union Steam Ship Company to pnt a biab en the bortb from Daae'Ha via B off, Ojtiuiu, and Timam for this port in tbe ocmrae of the textweik or twn days, if there is inf. Holent cugo (ft'.rlug. Ac it ia now over blx weeks since the last oargo steamer atiived here from the South there should be no difficulty on thla soore, Consignees are therefore reminded to make their arrangements before it ia too late. Captain Edwin wired at noon on Saturday :— Wind : Gale between west and toath'west and aooth at all places. Barometer rlan everywhere. Sea heavy on weat coast of South Island ; very heavy north of Caps Farewell ; heavy on eaat ooait south ot East Gape; rough from thenoe northward. Tides high oa all weitern coast of North lilaod • moderate south of Cape Farewell ; high on east eoaat aonth of Knit Cape ; moderate elsewhere, The weather will be muoh colder everywhere. It seem* very doubtful now as to whether H.M.S. Royalist will be placed npon the New Zealand station aa was anppoßed. She arrived baok in Sydney from a two months' sailing cruise recently Instead of coming on to New Zealand aa waa hoped. The Sydney Morning Herald states that It is likely that she may be tent on a long stretch of Balling of from 4000 to SOOO milea via Fiji. If, aa rumored, she Is seleoled to make the Pitealrn Island trip, the time ooonpled should take np half the remaining period of her commission, wbloh expires in nine months, In the May number of the Medical Mil* tionary (Michigan, U.S.) appears an Interesting article by Dr. Edgar Caro on tbe "Bethany Home, Napier, HZ," (designed for female prlioners and fallen women only). In the coarse of his article tbe writer Bays :— " From that time (the commencement) to the present time the work baa gone steadily forward, literally hundreds of visits having been made, hundreds of meals provided, and hundreds of garments given to those who were Id abraltened olicumatances. Physiology cUbhes for children havo also been undertaken with tho weed gratifying result!.,"
On Saturday afternoon at Messrs Robjabot, Hlndmarsh and 00. s Spit wore-hon-e, Mr P. Ashoroft, confidential oletk to the film, wa« the recipient of a ttlo of presents, on the eve of his manlsge. Mr A. Murray, on behalf of the empiojcs of Messrs Robjobna, Hlndmarsh and Co, and Messrs Rob Johns and Sons, In an appropriate epoeoh, referred to the ex* oellent qnalltlei possessed by their fellowworker, and at the oonolaiion asked bis aoceptanoe of a fnll tet of ontlery and eleotro-platedapoona, Mr Hlndmarsh alio made a presentation on behalf of the .firm, and Mr Robjohna eoted la a almllar oapaolty for Messrs Glfford, Plowman and Co. Mr Aiboroft thanked the donors for their handsome token of good-fellowship towards himself. In the oonrsa of a report presented to the Nojth Canterbury Board of Ednoation, the Board's Inspectors pointed oat that home work tends to develop Indrietrloas habits, and to keep the obildren from Icflaerjces under which they might otherwise fall, The report eono'udes :— "The liksome borne Ie«»on may be avoided, bat a still worae thing may befall tbo c who thne gain extended opportnnitlea for acqalrlng the aooompllanments of the manly larrikin, or beoomlng familiar with the waya of the gentle spieler. Human life after all ii not likely to baoome c voyage In gilded galleys acroaa summer ioib— a period spent In lounging under purple oanoplea and perfamed sails. lie mot genuine pleainres ate atsoolattd with dlffioultlea vanquished and obstaolea (u/mounted," Oar Hastings correspondent writes:— On Saturday morning, about half past 1, the fitebell announced that the services of the brigade were under requliltlon. K was soon observed that the fire was too fur out for any practical Interference. It occurred in some stables belonging to Mr William Slock, formerly used by Mr J. Maher, and reoently by Mr J«ok Vincent, Mr Vincent only vaoated the premises on Tbnraday, and there was a quantity of feed In the atablea not removed belonging to Mr Vlnoent, wbloh has baen destroyed, The fire was first seen about a quarter to one, when the building was fully alight, and the efforts of those who were present were directed to saving the dwelling and coaoh-houio, belonging to Mr Stock, The burning premises were In oloie proximity to Mr Lnokle's residence, and at one time it was feared that tbe fire would spread The New Zealacd Fire Offioe bold the Insurance. A rather onrlona and noußnal proofed Ing oconrred at the meeting of tbe Grand Lodge of English Freemasons, vhloh was beld last Wednesday evening. B;o. Lord Amherat presiding (wiltea a London correspondent). At the suggestion of the Fiince of Wales, the Grand Lodge paased resolution! formally nltlidiawlcg its recognition of tbo Grand Lodge of Pera for decreeing tbn removal ot tbe volume of tbe Sacred Law from tbe altar of all lodges under Its jurisdiction, substituting therefor tbe Conatitntlon cf the Grand Lodge of P<nu, and replacing the wo>d "Bible" in Its M«or>io ritual by tbe words "of the Grand Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Pern." Grand Lodge dealded that lodge meetlcgi from wbloh tbe volnmo of Saored Liw is absent, and lodge ceremonies from wbloh the word "Bible" la omitted, cannot be reoogniied as tine and lawful MaßOnio lodges or bodies, Our Walpawa correspondent writing on Saturday saya:— Tbe farm lately oconpled by Wlgam and Maodooald, kiown as Avlton's farm, has been sold privately this week to Mr Allan Aviaon at £6000.— At a meeting of toe Wilpiwa Volnntcera beld on Tne<d->y evening C ptaln M'L«n nan Intimated Ms Intention of resigning, as he would shortly be leaving Wuipawa. lfirsb Llentenant H. M Ratbbone was then nominated aa, Mr Kestell of Wftlpakursa m Q:sd lleuttntnt, Second Llenteasnt Jot) retaining hli old position. -A terrific gale has been blowing all d»y from the w«>f, and I am quite expeotlog (bat a comlderabie amount of damage baa been done. So far the boys' shelter Bhed has been carried away ; the Iron has been stripped off half of tbe roof of the Presbyteilan manse ; and some sheets from the loot of the Empire Ho'ol. Panes of glass have been blown in at Mrßlbby's and Mr Pattison'a adores and Mr Lat'a office. A chimney at Mr Wblttlngton's residence U blown down. The obildren a festival at S>, P<joTs yesterday In celebration ol the anniversary wa« a great mooese, there being orowded congregations at the three nervloee. tn tbe morning the Rev, Mr Dodds delivered a short addreaa on "My Jewels " to tbe large nnmbsr of obildren present, Tbe subject of the sermon wbb " Home Religion," and it was mnoh appreciated. The choir of ohlldien, consisting of 60 voices, sung special bymne, and the effeot proved tbe able conductorship of Mr Griffin. Mr Rennud ai organist Is also largely responsible for the excellent result attained. In the afternoon the service of song entitled " Probable Sons" -was rendered by the choir of children, and was very prettily and Effectively accomplished by them. Tbe solotit, Master Elmes, acquitted hlmielf well in hla efforts. Mr T. K. Martin read tbe connecting story, At the even* Ing service the Rev. Mr Dodda again preaohed to a large congregation, There were special collections dating the day In aid of the Snndaysohool funds, and the appeil waa liberally responded to, On the sutjjot of manual tralnlDg and technical laarrnotlon attention Is drawn in tbeannnal report of the Minister for Education to the fact that the annual reports of the several Education Boards ttX rd no reason to believe that any great activity is being manifested in the development of that kind of elementary manual training, which, under the operation of the Act of 1895, la now reoo? nlsed as being part of tbe proper eduotlve work of the primary sohoolo, and whlcb, while Including kindergarten oconpatlin and " sloyds," is oapable of wide development In oardboard work and in the conatruotlon of models In wood and metal as DluetriUoca of many subjects of eclentlGo Instruction. Id allowing oapltatlon grants to technical ■ classes It baa been deemed better lo err rather on the side o! a too liberal Interpretation of terms than oi that of nndne strlotness : and after tbe example of the Solenoe end Art D'puttrent in London, to recognise such sabjeota as aborthand and bookkeeping and even classes that might filrly ba considered bb answering the purposes ot a continnatlon school, Bat daises for primary sobool work have not been to reoognlaed, nor dostcs for Instruction of pupil teacbera, Speoial grants have been made to technical class associations as follows :— Auckland £100. Glsborne £30, Dnnedln £450, and Inver* earglll £50. A grant of £80 was also made to the Chrlstehnroh sohool of domestic lnßtrnotion, That nnhappy colliery strike in South Wales still oontlnues, and the eoffjrloe of the strikers' families 1b beaoming acute (wrltea tbe London oorreapondenb of tbe Otago Daily Timet). Yet there seems little hope of a tettlement. Even the ablest ot the journalistic orgarjs of tbe L»bor party admit that the buiinesa la being as hopelessly and helplessly muddled by the men es were the Cibmen'a and engineers' atiikea Their leaders not only display no capacity for organlsa* tlon, but in many respects exhibit an utter ignorance of tbe primary conditlona of the situation. As a Liberal paper caya :— " The men were to inferior In strategy to their opponents that though tbeir attitude la perfectly defensible on the merita they gave tbe masters an opportunity of patting them in the wrong at the V6ry first conference." Briefly, tbe point wbloh tbe men are trying in a curiously blnnderlng, muddling wny to nrge la that their wages should not be at tbe mercy of a sliding soale according to prices wbloh would enable their employers to cut prices and reoonp themselves at tbe expense of the men by lowering wages below a definite "llvlogwage mlolmnm," That this possibility is a grave reality was proved by the eventa which led to tbe gteat coal strike of 1893, Coal-owners ate eddloted at times to outilog prices In order to Bcore off tlva'a, and under tbe eliding scale system the men are the sufferers. But they will have to improve their organisation and seoure abler and better informed leadera If they are to esoape defeat aa disastrous as that whioh successively befell the cabmen and engineers. The following reaches ub (London Daily Mail) from a correspondent In touch with the Vatican ;— Leo XUI. had the highest admiration for Mr Gladstone, whom he regarded as the greatest Englishman of modern times, and duilDg tbe Illnesß of Mr Gladstone bis Holiness followed the dally bulletins recording the condition of tbe great statesman with the keeneet sympathy. Hia death Is the oooaston of great grief to the Pope, who feels that he will follow Mr Gladstone at no distant date. Tbe Pope baa on several occasions told Monslgnor Angell, his private secretary and confidant, that he wonld die soon after the death of one of the great ones of tbls century— that la, after the death of either Qaeen Vlotorla, Mr Gladstone, or Prince Blimarok. It was therefore with great caution that Cardinal Rampolla broke the news of Mr Gladstone's death to him. The newa reached the Vatlotn abont 11 o'olook, while the Pope waa at mass. After mass Cardinal Rimpolla entered the Papdl apartment and shortly afterwards Informed the Pop?, who said, " Requiem eUrnam dona ci Domine,'' to wblon the minister replied " Amen," Hia Holiness was mnoh affected. Last Fiilay he requested to be kept dully Informed of the health of (jieen Vlotorla and Prlnoa Blamarok, Hla mind la tnnnlng on bia own end, and a frcqaent remark of bia to Monslgnor Aegell ia, 11 Remember Pins IX amended to heaven * month after Vlotor Emmanuel." The Pope would like ns bia successor Cardinal 3apecelatro, Atohblehop of Capo, bnt nuong a seotloo of the college Oajdlool Ferrari la favored,
The railway emplojdi have leoored thfl Salety Theatre (or their' fourth annual ■oolal and dance io take place on Wednesday, Aogmt 24th, A Btrorg committee has been got together, and efforts will be made to i vbd aarpaia the very sncceislnl ■oolal of laity ear, The Johannesburg Star of Jane 4'.n contains an aooonnt of a hope hoax perpetrated on too Transvasl Govern* ment, Acoordlng to Government ipi b, ft deep laid plot, begotten and mined la Johannetbnrg, was to be exploded on the day Mr Kroger was sworn In as Presldent. The fort on Hosfiial Bill wai to be token. Report after report was sent to the Government dliolotiog the plan of operations, The foittess wbb to be ■tormed from tbe town, while the breast* works all rannd wonld be shelled. Tbe general commanding tbe Transvaal foioes got alaimed. All leave was enipetded al tha fait*, and scouts were sent through the (owfi. The (entries wero doubled through tbe night prooedlng tho memorable twe fth. The pan o! defeaoe was prepared by tbe cffiaeri, and all details for a bloody and fearful engagement were dlsonsaed. A treoob was made by meana of a couple of hundred of bags filled with earth, and behlod this everytbiog was Id readiness for biioglog op the heavy pieces of artillery to shell the town. A stile of commotion pervaded tbe precinoti of the fort, and feverish excitement pievalled la the haatlly-inmmoned Coanollor War In Pretoria. Oae ol the Government spies iledged his word to General Joabert that he heard of one man laying a wager o( £300 to £100 with another In a bar la Johannesburg that the fort wonld be assaulted, and that it conld not reilst the tenlble onslaught of the attaok. The Johannesburg tffiolals pooh-poohed all the reports of the secret agents, bat had to submit to the decree of the supreme authorities, and bold themselves in ieadi« ness for action. They have slnoe ap« pealed to the Government for a Jastlfioa« tlon ol the information they supplied, and It would be iaterestlng to know how the dambfoacded iples have vindicated their conduct la patting Pretoria officials Into such bd unneoesiary state of anxiet/i when they should have been over* jabllant. I BTOPPKD THAT COUGH and OURKO A VERY BAJI UOLD by » single bottle ol JUr. Pascall's Cough SCxtore.— (Slsnad) O M'Donald. ÜBdanflJsM. BOOXMI.OhemUrt Napf er and Hastings Eoclea' Corn Faint has no equal for tho speedy, permanent, and painless cure of hard or Bof 6 oorns usually cured after a few applications. In bottles Is 6d from A. HooleSt ) Chemist, Napier and Hastlnga.-lAsvr. J. B. Wbismah haaiust leoelved a jplenflJd assortment of flair Brushes Clreot from the makers ex Star of New Zealand I also Clothea Brushes, Bpongos, Seltzqgenee, Perfumes. *o. Fruit Syrups, Pure lime Juice, Flavor! Ing Eesenoes. Buperlo Baking Powder for the Immediate production o oaies, pnddinaf, BSO, THH PHARMACY HBBdDBS-BtreeU-advjt, The Hawke's Bay Permanent Building and Investment Society are now prepared to advance money on mortgage on freehold and Ungehold securities on the new rodr oed table* of redemption payments as low as 6 per cent per annum which are lower than any other society In the colony. Apply to the secretary, J. B Fielder, at the Bodety'B offloei or Joshua Bennett. HaßtJngß.-[ADVT,I SYNOPSIS OF HBW ADVKBTISKMBHTS Frulb at the Oaf<s, Wanted good general servant (oountry), Mrs Crow'hor, Bower "treet. round purae containing key. J. B. Taylor, monumental works, Dlokensstiepti Contractors wanted to tall KOI) aores busb in lots of 160 acres. G. Brnnt, Glsbornp. strong youth wanted for store, nsad to horses. I', 8, Marehnll, chakeßpeare-road. Mr A. T, Ford unablo to attend workshop, Marine parade. Wilton's hand Car obapped hands. Continuation of Bale at Blythe'e. Eale of furniture, frnit, and produce, ab Peop'o's Palo Kooms, Thursday, 1,30, by Montague Lnßcollos, That nopnlar remedy, "Dr Paeoall'S Cough M»xturb," kas made hostß of friends elnco Its introduction bere. Everyone who h»s tried it speaks highly of its wonderful qualities, tnd dike plea-ure In recommendinK it to their blends as the very best remedy they have ever used for coughs and colds. Is 6d and 2a Cd box. Wholoale andKetall Agent, a. Eooles, Napier ana Hastings. Grand show of Improved Limpß.lnoludlng Hanging, Table, Bracket, Hand, Ball, combined UUDg and Hand 1 amp 3a Bd, New Lamps without chimney, Hltchocck 8 Atmospherlo Lamps, Candlestioks 3d, Lanterns Is, tplrlt itovoß 6a, Keroeono do 2i Cd up to 158, Ashpane, Sbovols, Fenders, Flrelrons, Tonga Is, Coal Sooopa and Yasß9i Nlmmo and Blair's Fresh Packets of Vegetable and, Flower Seeds at popular prioes. Inspeot. J, Hardy, Choapodt for Kursißhlog Bequlsltes.— ADVT.,
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10969, 18 July 1898, Page 2
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3,104Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10969, 18 July 1898, Page 2
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