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Friday, July 9th. Present — Messrs Jail (ohalrmati), M'Carmlok, Chambers, Utlßee, Biidge, Dtnmmond, Conke, and Hood. SPHCIAIj MEETIKO. A epeolal meeilng was held, when the annual balance eheet wea paeeed. COBRESPONDENOE. The following correspondence was read and dealt with :— The Treasury forwarded a demand for £521 2», interest on lnsorlbed loan amounting to £20,963; also far £76 19<i 91 on Danevltka Road Baard'd debti ekmoantloß to £3079 13s id ; ulbo for £25 8< 7d on Ormondvllle Road Board's rf'bia, £1017 4) Id ; aleo for £37 14s 101 on Maharahara Koad Boards debts, £1509 lls 5d ; aleo for £38 Ui lid on Rnataniwba Rjad Board'd debba, £1549 15) lid, The Treasury forwarded £1 for goldfields revenue. The Otamatoa County Coanoll wrote considering that the charitable aid reveaue pressed unduly on all who own or occupy lands, and forwarded a petition, which If the Gonnoll reoeived f jvorably they requested that) steps be taken to get ill numerously signed —Received, The Railway Department wrote re the Maktrlklrl.oreek diversion that £50 would ba granted towards the oost on condition that it be done to the satisfaction of the Department ; the dimensions and levels of the ontfull to be first submitted, and that the Council maintain the drain in good oondltlon,— Piana to be forwarded lor approval. The olerk to the Walpawa Lioenainß Committee forwarded a motion passed at the annual meeting requesting that the usual reoommendatlon be forwarded to the looal authority as to the payment of clerk's salary and the expenses of committee as heretofore, also to pay expenses attendant on applications for temporary transfers.— Half year's salary passed for payment. J, Kaemusaen, mall oonbraotor, Makaretn, called attention to tome dangerous liver crossings between Takapan end Ashley-Clinton, and claiming 30a for damage done to his coach and loss of time through negleot of Council's staff on 16th June, when the river washed away the approach.— Oounoll declined to give him any compensation. 1), M'Leod and Sons offered to metal the road at Rhodes' 6 flat at the Bame rate as Butler received, Is yard.— Received Mrs HardlDg acknowledged the vote of sympathy passed at last meeting with thanks,— Reoeived, The Wairarapa Council asked for a statement of oost of the late licensing election, having reoeived a demand from Its returning officer of £150 3j 61, and were defending an aotlon.— Clerk bad supplied the lnfotmatlon, W. Howes applied for royalty for metal and patting Id culvert. — To be paid. Mr Crowther, Mahar&hara East, complained cf tbe state of the road between leotlona 384, blook 1, and a bridge washed away.— Overseer to make croialng and metal. J. Saundera, late olerk of Mabarahara Koad Board, wrote re banding over books, &0., to the Council, suggesting that be should be paid to bring over the things and explain anything to the clerk,— Chairman's aotlon endorsed, and expenses to be paid. C. Berkahn, Whakarara, wrote that two trees had fallen and broken his fence, so that bis oo ws got out, and wanted to know if the Couooll was going to repair it.— Contractor notified to remove trees ; to state what compensation Is required for enoroaohment. T. Timmioi, Whakarara, oomplaloed of a tree wbloh had fallen aorosa the road, and offering to remove it. —Tree fallen on his line ; work to be done, 6. Bnrkln, Whakarara, alio oomplained of a tree which had fallen on bis fence, and claimed compensation. W. Rathbone asked that a drain out through hl« land without permission to divert water into a fresh ohannel near Wiseman's be put in a proper state of repilr, as it was doing damage.—Chairman to oonsnlt solicitor as to liability of Counoll to maintain drain, and if so overeeer to get it done. From tame, protesting against some drainage works bein,? carried on upon his property east of Walpawa town district, whioh waa doing damage, He was willing to fall in with any reasonable Boheme.— Mr E, H. Lac and Mr H. M. Kithbone were in attendance. Mr Lee engg«ted that the Counoll should visit the place, and said some bridges and fenolog would be required if the work was prooeeded with,— The Chairman explained what had occurred. The work was an old water oonrue wbloh was being oleared, and a short outtlng through a neck. He had directed Mr Carroll to visit the work and report on it - Mr Carroll said so far from doing any lDjury to Mr Kathbone he would be bendited. All that was pro posed was aabtlnp across a neok about half a chain.— Mr Lee Bald although It was an old wateroonree they were throwIng more water into it. Mr Rithbono was willing if the county would clean out the drain lower down.— Mr H. M. Rathbone aaid, after the explanation, that his father bad been misinformed —Mr Lee thought more courtesy might have bten shown to Mrßdthbone, but the Chairman remarked on the want of courtesy on the other -side, when Mr Rathbone ordered bis man to fill in the drain as fast as It was out.— Chairman's action 00l firmed. — L.fa with the chairman, aotlng in conjunction of' the chairman of the Town Bosrd, to deal with, The olerk of Takapau Road Board stated that be bad obtained the content of the owners of land through which It was proposed to drain Norsewood-road, near the stockade, on condition that the drain is kept in proper order. Ole Olsen, Norsewood, wrote re being rated for - land not in bis oooupatlon. — There are two men of the name, which had led to an error. A petition was reoeived from 50 ratepayers of Norsewood and Ormondvllle, oomplalulog of the large number of horses and o-itt'e grtzlog ou tho roads, ounairjg great trouble ftbd luconvenloECe b; breakIng Into paddocks and gardens, aud praying that noppa be ttken to slop the praoiice.— Left over till Cr. SrickSim Is present. C. fngoldsen, Norsewood, oomplalncd that gravel on tbe new road near Wesleyan Chapel oveiflowed and bulled the fence. — lias been seen to. C. A. Frll?, Norsewood, drew attention to tbe way kllllog la done by a lot of the settlers without license.— Tbe Chairman explained tbat the Oinjotdvllle Board had not replied to a rtqaeat to nomluttte an

inspcotor.-Cr. Baineß gave notloe to move Cbnrles Garforth be oppointed. James Lynll, Manßatern, oomplalned that he wia fined before be bud nny 1d(1---matioD cf owing the rateß,— Application to ftbtcdon 10 per cent penalty not agreed to. Mr BleoklatOD, for L, Stewart, asked that £7 10j be paid for damaßes, and that the Council should not take the land proposed,—Council coald not see Its way to vary arrangement, J. M'Garjphran, Uinataoros, claimed for gravel at 3i yard,— Coanoll only paid 2d over tbe oonnty, H. A. Bamford, solicitor, complained that ho gob no reply in tiro oates, re Hagenson's claim for 3s 91,— When contraob fmlshod olalm wcnld be paid. J, Chalmers wrote aa amusing letter. He paid hl« ioo&l rates the came day aa his county rate, and "no mention was nmde.oi fine, althongh the came man Is chairman of both, Perhaps F had not enough Impudence. Some f jlke ride a very high horee when clothed with a little authority, We are under rabb'o rule at present and dare hardly apeak. Your previous note la by me, and is a banglo " T. M Burgesß, Woodvllle, complained that & drain oat aed him loss by oveiflowlog owing to it nob belug oleaned out and a cnlvert that was too email.— Overseer had reported, M. Mogalra, Danevlrke, wrote re proposed loan for londa in Tepapakoku blook, tie understood the ehal'mon desired the promotors to get Biker ond Nanneated (o convey tbe roida to the Coanoll, and he had spoken to the looal agent, who promised to write, The settlers were very 'anxious bb they had contracted to deliver sleepers, &0., In three month), and ftnggested writing to the owners.—Chairrmn had written to Baker and Nannetted. Clerk Norsewood Road Board, Baked for a oulvert at janotlon of mala and Patterson's roads, and permission to take gravel from the Council's reserve.— Agreed to. Vnloan Fonndry Co, gave price for monkey, £20 j W. Cable and Co,, £11 10s to £12 10s; S. Lnke and Sons, £17 15s; Ntven and Co,, £18; Crabtree and Sod*, £11. — Adams (flared mockey, derrick, aud all complete at Papatn for' £15. (Accepted). J Chad wick wrote re olalm from School Cimmlctee f»r nso of'eobool by Maharaher t \ Knod Board, wbloh was not a jißt one.— No claim boforo tbe Conucll, N. ltosvall wrntfl re an attempt by a person to take half a road et Makaretu.Mr Carroll to be asked to define tbe road line. J. *» . Hirdlop, Monnl Vernon, sent a oommunlcatlon re plantlss wlllown to pntceo their swamp and Walpawa Ones Ofl(za road ; was willing to spend £50 providing tbe Conneil gives reasonab'e help.— Caalrmon said he ooald not see bis way to ssrjoil'u pnttlng in a oostly grolo — Cjnnoll 1» willing to contribute in cost of planting by one-third of cost np to JBIOOA Glblio, for A. S 6. Csrlyon, drew atbemlon tn somo big holes on the Hemp-den-Msraekiktoroa'*,—Left to Cr. Kood to instruct oveneer ifter inspec'ion. Tbe Survey Department asked for a return ehowiog the amount of loeb n suitlog from late fboda in the county, — Overseer to rppnrt, A, »DdE. Price, AahleyCllnton, called attention to a catticg on Takap v road which was dangerous, end that it be metiallod.— Work to be held over till spring, bnt wateitable to be improved at once. Constable Wllllanit ssked for a refund of coßts la Court ac collector of dog tax, —Granted. Danevlrke Bjrongh Council wrote re maintenance of a portion ot the main road and BuggestlDg a scheme for denning what should he kept by tbe Borough, and what by the Conccll,— Sobeme adopted. Mr Cou'eon asked permission to lay a tram road la Tepapnkaka block, over Maogatera bridge.— Granted snbject to conditions to bo framed, and to terminate whou required. REPORT?. Tbo mad ovorseei's report was read, and tbe following notinn resulted : — \Vaip\wa Hiding.— Overseer's attention to be oalled to watertables in Tlkokloo catting. Walpuknrnu Biding. — Tenders to be calif d for driving piles for re-constmotlon of Brooklyn brldee wbeo the weather Is eultablp,— Rond to be widened at washout on Faliihld Gorge road ; two cnlveits on Walpawa road to ba re-instated ; Walpawa Road Board's ranger em powered to Impound on the connty road, Bnatanlwha Riding. — At MaDgatewal orossing stream lo be turned by driving rods aad willow planting to divert it from western side. Draining on TakapauNoreewood road to be done, and Takapan Road Board to be aeked to pay cost of Inlet and outlet. Tenders to he oalled for construction tf new bridge above Takapan towmhlp. Ruatanlwha Merged.— Rosenbaoh's old olalm to he paid, Woodvllle Riding. — Patohtog to be done or] Pinfold-road, bat metalling to stand over till epring. Holo near Totara stream, Eumeros, to be filled. Three chains feoclng between Kumeroa and Hardlng's bridge to be dono, Cnlvert near Bargeee's to be enlarged and Bide drain oleared. Danevlrke Merged,— Patching on Kameroa road between Galeford's and Mana watn to be done. Bye laws to be enforced after notloe against tbe owner of a waggon with narrow tires, Norsewood Riding,— Calvert to be inserted near O. Gaodereen's, Ormondvllle Riding, and merged. — W. Howee to be informed that the engineer will take over bis oontraot on Bnckland and Cemetery -roads and finish them at his expense. Maharahara merged. — Overseer to report on cost of rahlog bridge, and to tee that tbe maintenance oontraotor oarrleu oat his contract, MISCELLANEOUS. Tenders are to be called lor clearing water tables near B, Waldion'B and at Richmond Paik. A dlsctm-lon arose over some voncherr, and the Council decided that contractors shonld use their own tools, and tbat tbe ganger* should wo_rk a full eight hours' day. The overeeer wbb direoted to prepare an estimate of the oost msklog a ioadtrom Blackburn to Whakararo. The pay-sheet, £741 3i 10i, was passed for payment, The next meeting Is to be held on 56b August, The Chairman gwe notice of a rate of I i In the £1 on Walpawa, Walpuknrsu, Norsewood, part Woodvllle, Manga ataa, Knrueioi, Ruataniwbp, Takapnu, and Ormondvllle towD district, and lgi on the several merged districts,

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10657, 10 July 1897, Page 4

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WAIPAWA COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10657, 10 July 1897, Page 4

WAIPAWA COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10657, 10 July 1897, Page 4


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