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In yesterday's issue we gava the figures relating to tho trade of the Australasian colonies for 1896. The principal feature in tho return was the enormous expansion of the trade of Now South Wales since that colony adopted Freetrado. No doubt this expansion was chiefly ia imports and Imported goods ra-exported. Bat every line handled loft behind a ptofit to swell the wealth of tho colony. Protectionists, Pefhopa, will argue thai; this trade was ioatered at the expenso of looal lndnst'leß, and that the loss In one dlreotlon more than balanced the gain in another. Bat same figates quoted from the " St&tUtloal Register " by the Sydney Morning Herald do nob bear this out. Last year the manufac taring wotks of the colony em. ployed 1132 more hands than in the year before! which la its tarn showed an Increaie of 4965 over its predecessor, when Promotion was the fiscal polloy. If this increase is not as large as might be dedred, pertinently remarks the Herald, It 1b to be noted, first, that It ia widely different from the wholesale closing up of ! works that waa to take place under Free' trade; and secondly, that It goes on simultaneously with an immense expan» elon of oonntry production, by which muoh labor has been drawn off from the town. These indications prepare ns for trade results strongly at vatlanoe with the dirges of dead Industries and perishing trade whioh so largely enter Into the dreary political litany of the Protectloßlst party. Looking further Into the figures, It Is significant to find I that in this year of ruin and oatastrophe I the total trade of the colony Increased by j over five and a half millions, or nearly 15 I per cent. This doeis not look mnoh like I the national bankruptcy which polltioal | Jeremiahs prophesied. The inoreasa was chiefly In tho Imports ; but, neverthele», and In spite of the drought, New South Wales SBut away more exports than In 1895 by aver a million, if we oompare this result with that shown by the trade of the oolony whioh most readily comes into comparison, wo find that whereas Victoria also had an In. cieaeed trade, it was wholly en the import side, her exports showing a substantial deollne. Tola Is an awkward discovery for those to make who all the year were bewailing the ruinous ptogtosß made by this colony towards c itaatropbo as shown by her hopeless Inability to pay for her import* by her export*, The total

trade of New Bouth Wales last year rtnionnted to the largo aggregate of £43.571,869, or 3372 per cent, over a third, of the whole trade of Australasia. This is not bo bad for a moribund colony, the Industries of which ate starving and its trade smitten with paralysis, according tit the Protectionlits. It) wan more than ths trade of Victoria and Queensland together. It surpassed the aggregate trade" of South Australia, TTcatorn Australia, Tasmania! ' and New Zealand. I'hooga ifiq trade la of the kind which a certain politic party U aooustomed to [apeak scornfully of. Ac " foreign trade." it Is one that Is totlm. ately associated with some of the most essential home todtwtries, to ail of which it rlvos stlmnlaa and assleCauoe. T&lb VQHb ocean-going trade, the growtb oi wbloh is rapidly advancing the position (A 1 Sydney among the grca<i [ports of the world, carries with id as its concomitants a cheuponlcg of freights to tho prodnceJa of tbe oolony for export and a cheapening of Impyrtm for tbo consumer. It gives employment to wharf laborers, oarriers, ocd ware housemen ; It affords worfe to coalminerc, and It gives one of the bee because the nearest, of markets to the immense nnmbsr of raisers ot farm, station, at>i dairy produce who are engaged In supplying the wants ot the enormous fleet of shipping. It It amazing that tho exigencies of any political theory ihould ba allowed to lead any to believe that so rast and remunerative a source of employment) is nothing bat a noxious parasitic growth which the Legislature shonlddo its besb to dUoonrage andourtall The Strald thus conolndesi—" Enough has been said to show how crOshJogly all these gloomy vatldlnatlona have be&S refuted by the year's results. Proof Is given that daring; d trying year— one in whloh the difficulties and losses 6an«ed by drought were snperadded to the luoonvenlenSes and disturbance oooasioned by the change of onr fiscal system— New South Wales more than held her own, Tbe trade figures confirm the poaltSoa whloh Mr M'Mlllan says is made ont by the statements of the Treasurer In his Budget) speech. They demonstrate beyond all possibility of cavil the soundness arid strength of the position of New South Wales, This is a condition wbloh it is especially welcome to havo tbown just now. We do not refer to the effect of the i proof npon our outside oredltore, or on looal political partisanship, the latter element being probably hopelessly beyond the reaoh of any demonstration. Bat this evidence of oar financial and commercial strength and solidity has an intimate bearing on the question of Federation. It exhibits to other colonies the nature and the value of the partnership wuioh we offer to them, Under a system of national union, while our position would be strengthened by the removal ot barriers to trade, and by the ir.eicdßod teoutity sgainst) oppression, the poeitlon of every State in tho union would be Improved and fortified by close partnership, and mote intimate intercourse and exchange, with the rlcheet and moat powerful rnombar of the group, Admittedly tbe finanolal end oommerolal resulto of Federation would be secondary to thooa great national results in which every State and every nation wonld share by the mere fact of equal cltizanshlp. Bat wben this 1b said It remains the case that these secondary results of material and bualneßß prosperity are highly important). Tba evidence which has lately been fumisihei us to the oommeiolal and financial position of this colony at onco aaows how muoh forca and what great resources she Is ablo to contribute to a Federation, and aleo, if Federation prove ' Impossible, how well equipped she is for , working out her own future npon an independent basis,' 1

Ou the fourth page will be found several letters to the editor, sporting Intulllgenoe, aud Bnab news. Napier Oddfellows' annual social, G'llety Theatre, Wednesday, Jane 9th. First-class preparations-* Daring the month of May the receipts sb bath revenue at the Government Sanatorium, Botorua, totalled £76 Bj. AH the baDks throughout the colony will be oloeed oa the 7th Instant, being Whlb Monday* A man giving the name of Albert Pellan was arrested In flastlnßintreet yesterday afternoon by Constable Creeks on a charge of vagrancy, The anm of £8 10s 63 has been remitted by Mr Dansoy to the Mayor of Napier, being the amount collected at Rotorna in aid of the Hawke's Bay relief land. A largo Bulphur storage store In to bs erected near the railway station at Kotorua for the storage of the orade sulphur obtained from the depoßlta at Tlkltore. The committee who have In band the demonstration on Jubilee day have decided to offer a prize of £5 for the beat trade display taking part In the prooessloD, and a prlza of an equal amount) for the moat original one. The Rotorna Town Board has decided to ask the Government to appoint two more married oouples, so that the varlons bathhouses at the Sanatorium may be open from 6 a.m. till 10 p.m. Amongst the appropriations that have been authorised by the Cabinet are:— Telephone, Wellington to Pahiatua, £1000; Bketahuna-Woodvlllfl railway, £883; Napler-Wairoaroad, £800. During the month of May the estates of 27 deceased persons were placed In the hands of the Public Trustee for administration. That of John Hose, drowned In the Napier flood, was placed at £200. Tom Long, who officiated as hangman In connection with Boobers execntlon, has been sent to gaol for three months for drunkenness end disorderly conduct in Wangsrml. To give somo idea of the rapid growth of the Waihl dlstrlot, It ia stated that one oonJraotor (Mr Wyatt) baa within the past 18 months erected no less than 147 bouses, and Lob several on hand at pro* sent. Arrangements have beon completed be* tween the Government and the natives by whlok tbo leases of land adjoining the springs at Tokaonu will be ottered to the public in about six weeks time, under the Native Townships Act. The death Is reported fism Rotorna of Mies lfloresoo Karl, at the early age of 20, of conanmption. It was oa account of lila danghtsr's ill-health that Mr John Ksrl removed to Rotorna from Danevlrke about five months ago. The Beotlon of the Welllcgton-Wood-vllle railway between Pfthlatua and Maugatatnoka will be opened on the Ist July. Mr Blow, Under Secretary lor Fabllo Works, is now at Pahiatua on a vlelt of inspection, A bloyole importer in Wellington has ordered, and expects to shortly reoeive, two Kanepennlogton motor oara, one to Barry three and the other fonr passengers. They will be capable of being driven by eleotriolty, at a rate of 25 miles an hour. Notwithstanding that winter baa now been fairly entered upon, it Is stated that the commerolal outlook In Anokland la much better, trade is ooudnoted on sonnder lines, and tho mercantile community generally taking a more eotlve interest In everything pertaining to the trade and oommeroe of the port. T, P, Halpln won the two rowing events of the Union Rowing Club, boating J. Eddy in the final heat for tbe Handicap Sonlls and the first heat for the Norton Cnp, and seoares the handsome cap presented by Messrs Parker and Co. The seoond heat of the Norton Cap will be rowed to-morrow, The efforts of the Herald In advocating a public reoreatlon ground for the people of Hastings have at last borne good trait. On Jubilee day the Queen's Square will be taken over by the Hastings Borough Connoil on behalf of the ratepayers, and the grounds will be pat into order for the purpose In view. A magnificent specimen of the ribbon fish has been seonred by Mr Ootavluß Harwood, Jan., on the beach opposite bis residence at Lower Portobello, near Dunedln, The fi»h measures 13f& in Ifingtb, with a girth of 2610, and is said to be the finest of Its species ever seen in these waters. At a speolal battalion parade of the Wanjjanui volunteers for inspection by Lieutenant Colonel Newall on Wednesday night, Lieutenant Hovel], ot tbe Napier Navals, presented himself for examination, under the supervision of tbe examiners, and 1 acquitted himself with credit. Slnoo the Queensland flood tbe people of Hawke'a Bay have nent away from this district tbe »nm of £2*55 8s 2d for i oharities, made ap as follows :—Queensland fund, £952 Hi 31 (in addition to £50 worth of produce) ; Branner fund, £979 14a 3d ; Indian famine fund, £520 19* Bd. With reforeucs to tbe fleet of warihlpg pqlii to have beeo seep steering for Now Zealand, the Donedin, Star «oy«i-^"Xol»

U no donbt alarming, bat a fleet that could be left astern by a toboonei U not likely to be here yet awhile, and there may be time to get tbe reooid reign eon* tiogent back to give the enemy a warm reception." The Government steamer Tntanekal, now In Fort Napier, Is returning from an extended cruise on both coasts of this lslund, having visited every port and lighthouse by the way, attending to marine affairs generally, and oarrlage 08 Government material, On Wednesday uha was at Glsborne, the craw painting the buoy there, a task of no little difficulty at tbe moment, as an exceptionally heavy tea was running, nnd breaking farther ont than Captain Falrobild baa ever noticed before. A private letter received yesterday from Sydney reports that the barqnentlne Sir John 'Franklin, which left here on the 26bb April, lotten w ith timber, sighted the foodie? of two men some dhtanoe out iSn the bay. One of the bodlea Is desorlbed db having "n£ o ° a t ot b° ot »i r6^ socks, ! tfaok tronsaw, yellow undershirt, and bJMk hair." Th» tt&a ■ ta » I J?P I J, de : sotibed an " wearing blaofc plotbes. A Jew fiji"iiß which were oa bO« r(IwflI0 flung on the bodies as the ship pafe'en od her voyoge. The WcPinpton correspondent of tlft AucSiand Herald telegraphed on Friday lust ;— » t fell In with Mr Taylor, M.H.R for ChtlotchuJOhi this morning. He Ib, I believe, collecting materials in jnßtlficatlon of his slistementi nttde on the Bubjeot* /B of the dhorganiaalion of tfce police forces Voa will recolleod that Mr Taojapson, theMlcfeter of Dafenoe, In repiy to Mr Taylor a attack in the House, talJ fcevra» nos aware thot there wae any feeling to the oolony fta to the incompetence of tw polioe administration. Mr Taylor l» likely to have a fall budget of testimony on this subjeot. When Parliament meets he will bring it up ag&ta. He dflßorlbas the removal of Constable Jeffries at fioton ns Bcandalous and tyrannical, fa wbieh opinion he appears to be "'onglj badked by the people of that district. Mr Frank Lincoln, tbe famous humor* iit, arrives from the North by tb^ Anglian this morning, and will open hU #»PJ« season at (fie Theatre Hojal to-n.,*nfc There is likely to Be a large attendant^This Is how lif Lincoln came by hte name : He was in London In 1882, per* forming At tbe old Polyteetinie. His xe»R I name is John Hopklm, and he performed under It. Ha spent man; evenings at tbe Savage CJlnb, and there met all the literary glanta Of the day. Ooe livening Arthnr Matthiei'on said to him, " I say, my boy, yon mnat change your namfe, or yon'll soon be known 61 Folly Hopkins. Now, I'll be sponsor for yonr Christian Dame, end es yon're Bnob ft simple, straightforward young fellow, It "hall be> Frank." " And I," said the great George Augustas Sals, " will father the surname. It shall be Lincoln, in honor of the grest^ eat president his nation has produced.' The suggestion" was ton good roJenore, and Mr John Hopkins has been Frank Lincoln ever sices', Io addition to Mr Lincoln's performance, he brings with him the litest cinematographMr C. B. Hoaffley Informs us that he was not laboring undtf b misapprehension when he deolared at the sola of the Criterion lease that the Borough Cornell wools remofotheoftbatand If applied to. Oo the oontrnry, he oaye that the memory of \ the UounclHora 1b greatly at fault if they deny that be had inatruotiooß to toav effect. Mr Hoadley, we may state, keep* a niOßt elaborate soraTjr book, in wblch, amongßt many other interesting things be nan pasted a Hkbau* report of the sale of tha leaae In qaefltlon, from wbloh we quote the followlBg:— Mr Hoadley Informed those preien* thae the Council will move the cab stand from the front of the Criterion Hotel. A question waa nuked by a looal Jebn present, 11 1 want to know if the Council can do as they like about ahlf ling the oabßtaud?' "My friend," melllflaously replies the persuasive gentleman In the rostrom, " the Connoll will do their duty, and they have decided that It Is their duty to remove the cabitond, wbloh in its preient positloD la a nniaanoe, to a more pultablo place," have tbe Councillors to say to this 1 Ont Walpawa correspondent writing yesterday days:— The secretary of the* local flood rollef fund ban received another j list nmonntlng to £3 13s 6d from Mr H. jT. Llmbrick, Patangßta Hotel, which ffrtoga up our total to £256 5i 2d.— Too periodical Bitting of the Magistrates Court was hold - to-day before Mr A. Turobull, S.M. None of the cases pre« Ben ted any interest, but one took up nearly the whole day, and It was a noticeable fact that tbe S.M, gave judgment as soon as connsel took his sett. There were no criminal cues Judgment for plaintiffs was given In the followlog civil oases I— J. Smith and Co. v. Kllkolly, claim £5 ISs, with costs 13?, solicitor (Mr Longhnan) 15s 63. Same v. W. G. Lodge, £5 ls'7d, eoßta 13a, solicitor (Mr Longhnan) ISi 61 J. M'lntyre v. D. Annette, £3 Oi Bd, coils 6s, solicitor (Mr Lee) 5«. J. G. M'Farlane v. E. P. Coweo, £10 18a 3d, oosta 17s, lolloltor (Mr Lee) 10« fid. J. Smith and Co. v. G. ' J. Grant, £9 8s 7d. costs sa, solicitor (Mr Loughuan) Ca. Same v. J. Henley, £6 lOs sd, oosta 11s, solloltor (Mr Loughnan) ss. P. Barrie v. T. and P. Malha, £18 la 4d, nosls 18a, expenses 6i, solicitor (Mr Lee) 15s 6d. D. Palmer v. H. M'Greevy, £6, costs 83, aoUoitor (Mr Lee) 15s 6d, H. P. Cohen v. Renata Boplha, £22 7s 9d, costs 23i, exp«naes 20«, Bolloitor (Mr Lee) 15s 61 S. Bennett v. J. H. Peteraen, £3 5», costa 5», solicitor (Mr Lee) ss. 0. Carl'topheraen v. ,J G, Mm»farlane, a disputed sale of grasa seed. Mr Lougbnan for plaintiff and Mr Lee for defendant. Tbe Bench found that there was no contract and the seed was not np to sample, and nonsuited, tbe plaintiff with costs to defendant 4e, ezpensea £1 16s, solicitor £1 Is. The following judgment summonses were dealt with :— P. Bsrrle (Mr Lac) v. K. Ashley, £13 10a 7d, ordorad to be paid forthwith or ten daya In Napier gaol, J. Smith and Co. v. A. G Smith, £8 11s lid, to be paid forthwith or ten days In Napier gaol. Same v. E. Olseo, £1 15 a 81. to be paid forthwith or fonr day« In Napier gaol", came v. E. Tolllson, £3 3« 6J, to be paid forthwith or four dnys In Napier gaol. When moat needed it la not unusual for yonr family physlolan to be away from home. Sach was the experience of Mr J. Y. Sihenok, editor of the Cftddo, lod. Ter,, Banner, when his little girl, two years of age, was threatened with a severs attaok of oroup. He says : "My wife Insisted that I go for the doctor, but as oqi family physician wai oat of town I parohneed a bottle of Chamberlain's Congh Bemedy, wLioh relieved her immediately. I will not be without It In tbe future." For sole by A, ECOLK3 ( Wholesale and Retail, Chemist, Napier and Hastings. 1071

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10627, 4 June 1897, Page 2

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Hawke's Bay Herald. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1897. FREE TRADE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10627, 4 June 1897, Page 2

Hawke's Bay Herald. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1897. FREE TRADE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10627, 4 June 1897, Page 2


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