On the fourth page will be found entries and handloaps for the Na] Swimming Club's aquatlo eporti, led to the editor, an aoooant of the t matoh on Saturday between teams h the Napier Rifle Club and Hastings Rlf and apoitlog, bowling, and orioket late geuce. At the Magistrate's Gomt on Satan Archibald M'AUlster was sentenced one month's Imprisonment for vagranoj A sacred concert will be held in Port Preßbyterlan Chnroh thla eveni The programme Is aald to be an exo tlonally good one, so that a large attei ance may be anticipated. Mr Andrew Logan, ot Tamnmn, t with a serlonß accident on Satarday 1 by being thrown from his horse, and remained unconscious ap to tbe time onr Walpawa correspondent writing. Mr W. C. Birch, of Erewhon, enppl the followlDg partioalars of the ralnf for November :— Ist, -6; 2nd, -24: 3 "17: 46h. 73, 4 inohoa nf anow; 8 h, .1 12th, -15 ; 13tb, "59 ; 16th, "36 ; 17th, •- snow Bhowers ; 18th, '8 ; 19tih, .1. Mr Alf. Wood's Dramatlo Compai from Her Majesty's, Sydney, la drawl crowded bouses at Auckland w' " Hindo Across tue Seas." The compar. which cornea aonth shortly, lnolnc Measra Collett, Dobson, and J. P. We We congratulata Mr Fraser on I thoroughly manly manner in whloh accepted his defeat. In this he set example to many others. We can asnc him that he raised himself In the esflm tlon of his opponents ns well as 1 friends. The next practice for the "Messlal will take place In the Cathedral tt evening at 8 o'olock. As the oratorio to be given on Friday, the 18(h instar. Mr Sharp requests that everybody takli part in it will attend to- night's and tl remaining practices. Mr Donglaa M'Lean elsawhere returi thanks to the electors of Napier. I considers Che orderly way in which tl election was conduoted highly oredltab to the constituency. Mr George Hunti also returns thanks to the electors of tt Walpawa electorate. The Dean of Waiapn, preaching at tl Oathedral last night, made feeling refei ence to the death of Miss Emma Neabu a young, lady who, he said, had ofte worshipped In the Cathedral. Mr VV. 1 Sharp played Mendelssohn's "Funera Haroh " as the oongregatlon left th | building. News by the San Francisco mail state that Phil May nncceeda the late George di Manrier on Punch. From sketchlni advertisement window bills to a poet oi Punch Is indeed a great transition. Ii his younger days May knew great prlva tlon, but is now credited with being abh to cam as much as £100 a day by hli drawings. Mr J. A'Ueane, secretary of Mr R. D, D, M'Lean's committee, has been served with a sumo: one, charging him, on the information of Sergeant O'Donovan, Kegiatrar of Electors, with having signed his name as a witness to a registration form wlthont having witnessed the perBon ■ signature. The oase will be heard at the Maeistrate'a Conrt this morning. Splendid progress Is being made by the Amateur Operatic and JUrsmatlo Soolety In the rehearsals of " The Schoolmistress," to be produced at the Theatre . Royal on Thursday and Friday next. Theatregoers may expeot a treat, as nothing is being left nadone to make tbe comedy one of the most successful yet staged by the society. Seats may now be booked at Howe Bros.' At the Rotorua Town Board meeting the other day the Colonel Secretary's Department wrote stating tbat there was no objeotion to the Board making their own arrangements for leasing the right to bottle the water of the Kntrau springs at Rotorua for medicinal pnrposes. Dr. Glndera thonght there wonld not be muoh demand for it for drinking purposes now, as tha natives have been bathing in it for some t'me past. On Ihe arrival of the express train at Hastings on Saturday night a large number of Maoris were present, including many native women, lo join In the procession that followed Karaitlana's re. mains to his late residence, The coffin was placed on the verandah, and a tangi continued for some time. The fnnerol will take place at> 3 o'clock this afternoon, the cortege proceeding first to St. Matthew'B chnroh, and thenoc to the Hastings cemetery. The members of the staffs of the Pahiatua dairy factory and creameries were entertained by Mr V. Greville ot n dinner ni tbe Club Hotel to bid farewell to Mr Hoisted (who $akea np the position oi
larger of the Fresh Food and Ico Commy of Kapler), and to me«p Mr Broome, to sbccessor. Tho empiojdj hive preenfed Mr Hotetad with an address, a llver-moanted briar pipe, an amber cigar lolder, and a stook of best navy-cat obaooOi Glaborno twople have determined to jroceed syatemntically with, projecting >peratlons at the back of the Urewera ionntry, between Nohaka and Opotlkl. [a faot, two parties have already been ■end out fatly equipped for a thorough investigation of the conutry lying between the two plaoeo -mentioned, and the members of these parties are teported to ba oonfident of being able to discover gold In the metalliferous belt known to exist at the back of the divldtag range. Hla Honor Mr Justice Edwards at Wellington gave a verdict for £25, with costs upon the middle soale, against John Murray Graham, a civil servant, for publloatlon of a libellous advertisement regarding a bdardlDg-hoaße kept by Mrs Parrots, Id wbloh he was at the time an inmate. The plaintiff deposed to the injury that had resulted to her business by tho pnblication t and hla Honor plainly expressed his opinion about the conduct of the defendant when giving judgment. An Amerloan newspaper onee announced the marriage of a prominent business man. He out out the announcement), pasted It at the top of a Bbeet of paper, and wrote beneath, " Please coutradiot or forward lady." We find ourselves in much the same position with regard to Mr George Hunter, having credited him with a wife and family in our sketches of new members in Saturday's Issue. Unfortunately we have not a spare wife and family on hand, so must adopt the alternative ot oontradlcting our statement. " A IMp to Chinatown "Is nob to vlait New Zealand for the present after all. It appears that " A Milk White flag," the company s second production in Sydney, scored such an empbntlo success that) Measra Williamson and Musgrove were compelled to extend the uesson there to give satisfaction to hundreds of their patrons who are nightly unable lo gala admission, Thto extension necessitated the cancelling of the proposed New Zea' land tonr for the present at any rate, a oable having been received by Mr St. Clalr to that effeot at Wellington. The reitunlng officer has published an amended declaration of the result of the poll on the licensing question in Napier, by which It appears that the number of votes given for reduotlon was 1769. The number for Prohibition was 1627, and the number for aontlnuanca of existing licenses was 2086. The aotual efleob of the poll Is as previously given, viz. that there will be no alteration in the number of licensed houses. We understand that the first notification was erroneous, in consequence ot a mlsreadlog of tbe Act as to the meaning of the provision that voting should not be cumulative. The miqe aiaaagct of the Golden Tolwtoa, Coromondel (shares of which are largely held In Napier) reports under date November 28th:— "No. 2 level: Have commenced driving south on the reef where the picked stone wan got (No. 2 reef), and a distance of 4ft has already been driven, A small portion of tbe reef was broken down and colors of gold were ooen In the stone. Tbe lode ban widened out to 6in thick, the quartz being solid and having tbe right appearance for sped men Btone. The moia fnoo baa been advanced 10ft, making tho total distance 100ft. No. 3 reef should ba interseoted early next week," In conneotlou with the Napier Swimming Club'a sports at Swan's B itbs on Wednesday evening next, the Garrison Baud huve kindly promised their assistance, nod will march from the post-office at 7,30, playing a few selections during tbe evening. Mr C. Kennedy will act as judge and Mr F. Moeller as referee The Port Swimming Club will assist, and will take part in a friendly game of water polo, which was so popular laßt season. Mr H. Gorman, the fastest swimmer in Hawke'g Bay, will be a competitor. Taken altogether next Wednesday evenIng's aquatic gala will be quite up to the olub's standard of excellence, and should bo very enjoyable. As usual the club issues an invitation to the ladles. The annual school concert la connection with the Napier District School will be held in the Gaiety Theatre to-morrow evening. The programme is much more vailed and attractive than for the past few yearß. For many years the entertainment has taken the form of a cantata, necessitating a considerable expenditure to produce, and sometimes rather beyond the capaeUy of anch young ohlldren. This year's concert, however, will be quite a new departure, the first) part of the programme consisting of solos, action songs, dialogues, recitations, &c, by the pupils of the Has'lngs-streeti school. The pupils of the main school will contribute the items for the second part of the programme, Military and Indian clnb exercises will supplement the songs and reoltatlons, which, however, will be par» tlonlarly good. The teaching staff have spared no effort to make this concert the most successful yet held, and it is to be hoped that a crowded house will be tbe result. The Saturday ueofclon of the Union Kowing Club'a donble sculling races took place on Satarday afternoon over the Inner Harbor course. The first heat was between T. Cleary and J. Bedford. The latter aanght the water first and led through the out. At the half, mile post Bedford had a dear length lead, wbloh he retained to the finish. Time, llmin 2seo. In tbe second heat K. Kelly met S. Marshall. Both went away to a splendid start, Kelly leading by a length at the quarter-mile post, rowing well within himself. No change took place to the finish. Time, Smln 4Oseo, In the third heat, W. Warcup v. J. Eddy, the orews got away well together, Wnrcup taking the lead, which he held till the half-mile post was reached. Eddy then oame with a magnificent spurt and drew level. A dlngdong race ensued till within a hundred yarda from tbe post, when Eddy drew away, winning cleverly on the post by half a length. Time, Bmlu SOaeo. In the fourth heat, Bedford v. K. Kelly, the latter went away with a dash and led at the half-mile post, retaining this lead Mil the winning post was reached. Time, 9mtn Isec. The final heat wob then rowed between K. Kelly and P. E. Kelly (bow) v. J, B. Eddy and P. Fielder, which was the fastest race of tho day, Kelly winning by three- quarters of a length In 7mlu 15<eo, which leaves Kelly and Wilson to meet on Wednesday at 5 p.m. to decide who phall receive the medals presented by tbe president. Mr J. Holt was an efficlentjadgfl andatarter. Afternoon tea was kindly provided by the Misses Kelly. A large and fashionable audience assembled at the Athenaeum Hall on Saturday afternoon at the Invitation of Miss Le Meroier, whose pupils gave a pianoforte recital. The first piece was a trio by the MUbrs Daphne Robinson, M. Antlll, ond S Kntherford, which went remarkably well, though Mies Robinson had only practised her part for a few days, having taken the place of Mies Justine Antlll, who was prevented from performing through indisposition. Miss May Coleman played a ocherzo by Schui«rt in excellent style, and Miss Kathleen Eoadley, Miss Nina Hoadley, Mi«s Mary Dwen, and Misn Florence Carr also coo;ributed solos whloh were much appreciated. The Misses J. Carr and D Ratherord, the Misses Coleman and K. Hosdey, the Mleses Owen and B. Laecolles, ind the Misses N. Hoadley and Lo Merler (who took the part ot Miss Justine J-ntlll) played duets in excellent style. Jut the performances whloh were most pplanded were a dnet and a solo by two aites whose united ages barely reached welve. These were Master Roderick Lntlll, who is not yet six, and Mies 1 Dollle " Walker, who has juat passed bat age. They played the '• WishlDg lap" dnet, and Miss '• Dollle" afterardg gave a solo, "The Cuckoo, ' keepig excellent time and fingering oleverly. here was a titter of amused surprise hen this very young lady, in tbe middle ! her bolo, calmly turned her head to irvey the audienae and smiled at a girl lend, without missing a single note or Iterlng in her time. With the exception the four eldest performers, none had arned a note of music until last Febiary. when they wore placed In Miss Le order's hands, and their performances i Satnrday were the highest possible stlmonlala to her skill as a teacher. If it required on annual outlay of 0,000 to insure a family against any dons oonsequences from an attaok of wel complaint during the year there 9 many who would feel it their duty to y it ; that they could not afford to ilßk sir lives, and those of their family for !h an amount. Any one oan get this inronoe for 25 cents, that being the oe of a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, olera aud Dlarrbosj Beraedy. la oost every neighborhood Borne one has d from an attaok of bowel complaint ore medicine could be prooured or a palolaa summoned, One or two doses this remedy will enre any ordinarv 9. It never falls. Can yon afford to e the risk for bo small an amount 1 ■ sale by A. Ecclbs, Wholesale and sail Chemist, Napier and Hastings.
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10478, 7 December 1896, Page 2
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2,312Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10478, 7 December 1896, Page 2
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