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On the fourth page will ba fonnd sporting news, our Hastings and Watpawa correspondents' letters, and an artiole entitled "A Sabniarine Boat." The Kav. Cheok Ciieong will deliver a , lecture at St. MQtthew's Hall, Eastings, this evening. The annual meeting of the Hawke's Bay Acclimatisation SoofeCy la to be held ' on Friday next at 2 p.m. ' Sir Robert Stout will retnrn to Napier 1 shortly to address a publlo meeting in i connection with the Kapler Junior Clnb, i Archbishop Redwood opened n misaion i at the Catholic Church, Hastings, last evening voepers being attended by a } large congregation. i The sale of sheepskins, wool, &0., , advertised by tho local ouotloneern for Thursday, Hth (natant, has been post« 1 poned 6111 tho lSin iaetoqt. H.M.S, Rapid oalled In at Napier early yesterday morning en route from Auok- : land to Wellington to get malls. She continued her journey about 5 p.m. Mr J. G. Gray, who is spoken of as likely to succeed Mr Barron should that gentleman retire on pension from the Hansard staff, entered the service 21 years ago, and has nine or ten years' seniority over the rest of the staff.— Times. The ringing of the fire-bell startled ttfl residents of Hastings last evening, and caused the brigade to tarn bat. Their services were not ' needed, however, the qa t break (whlqb was soon aabdaed) being in a chimney at Mr H. QoltWs. residence. There djed at Artfisv a few days since one who was praotioally connected with, the opening of the interior of Otago— Mr Thomas Murray. Ha was a pioneer waggoner, and at fcbia occupation made a fortune. He was possessed of consider", able wealth when he died— £so,oo9 some state. The following are gazetted official visitors of lunatio asylums : -Eliza Collinna, Auokland Asylum ; John Graham, N& son Asylnm ; Fanny Sarah Qboke, Nelson Asylum; I^Si* Reynolds, Hokltika Asylum j Ann Norah Heaphy, Welling" ton Asylum j Alice R Sohoeb, Poriraa Asylum ; Hon. John Eigg, Wellington and Porirua Aeylnmß. A well-known townsman, and Jubllco of the Peace and visiting Jostloe at ike gaol, haß taken umbrage at' tua vemarka of a local publication in respect to some , firewood taken frouy the gaol property to ahonsein Cooto-road, whloh bo ooasldera oaats a serious rcfleolion on hia character, and be has Instrnotied bis solicitor to taj<e proceedings for libel Qgajngti the 'ofienflay, In Chambein ou Saturday momlnp, beforo M; A, TBttbnll, Si^htrar. Mr Oornfqrt. B U behalf of H. P. Coheu, appnod to have C. M. Whlttington mode a bankrupt. Mr M'Lsan, for tho defendunt, contended thct aa odtnmlssion of an aot oi banlimpluy had been proved, and that the arj^davlts filed were Insufficient). The Registrar reserved hla de« cfaion. At the S,M. Court on Saturday a young man named Reginald Done, arrested at Ujjper, Mohaks, Qbarged wlt^

I obtaining £4 19j oud two glasses ot bter ! 1 from William Watts, by mesßH of folse I pretoncps, was remnnded to FoUding, I where the offance is alleged to have been I rarnmitted, Francis MiddJeton wns turn--1 tensed to 14 dayo' iniptißonment for i drankennces. 8 Mokroni, an Arab brigand, for whom B tho Duo rt'Orlenns haa Interceded with B PranlfJotifi Fnnro, saya ho Is the 1(186 repreI ceotative of the honso of Montmoreney, I whoso malo lino becama extinct In the 1 early part of this oentmry. A Saracenic 1 legend gays that a Crasader of the family j fell among the infidels, became a MahomK medan snd settled in Africa, where hia 1 name came in time to bo Mokranl. j William 6. Basaebb, who has been I arrested on a charge of aidiDg Kirby to j escape, is married to the ox-detective's | adopted daughter, says the Times. Ho 1 had been engaged in private detective 1 work in Wellington for some time, and I Rave evidence in one or two divorcn suits j recently. Ho was formerly an officer in j Clio Tlmnru Posli'Olfice, and it was bbere Iho met his y/ltn. lie got out ot tho billot in tho I'ost-olßco imnio time after Mb marrlugo, aud eventually settled here. Ad tfioK.M. Court on Saturday morning J. V. Brown (Mr Suinabnry) sued T. A Hudson on a judgment summons to recover £33 8s Bd. The plaintiff gave evidence that the indebtedness arose through an exchange of cheques, the defendant having borrowed the money while in Napier attending the races. The defendant admitted being a gambler and sn habltnal attendant at raceconrses. Mr Turnbull made an order for the payment) of the amonnt claimed, in defanlt three weekß' imprisonment, the order to be suspended for a month. Another scandal In connection with the Kef n c;e ! Some lady visitors to that institution the other day fonnd a female lDmate weeping bitterly. They approaobed her sympathetically, bub she refrised to be comforted. By dint of much snbtle cross questioning they presently found ont what was the matter. She was crying because she was told she wonld have to leave to go and live with her eon in the country. She had been staying ab the Refuge for some months suffering from a sora leg, and it is gratifying to note that sho has now been digcharged—cured! An object leeson in poverty was seen on Friday night when the police raided an empty store in Willis-street (Baya a Wellington paper), the property of Mr Jacob Joseph, and fonnd four able-bodied men, who gave their names as Frank Larkln, George Stewart, Stephen Nixon, and fineries Briggß, huddled together on the floor, and covered with a quantity of brown wrapping paper. On being searched their goods and chattels wore found to consist of a few pocket handkerchiefs and collars and other odds and ends, whilst the fonr men had not a single panny in their possession, Mr Andrew Catneglo, the Pittsburg millionaire, was very recently refused honorary membership of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. When at the meeting of membora h!s name tvan presented a gentleman present delivered a bitter speech egainab him, deuounolng him as on oppressor of the. poor, and challenged anyone to dispute ths statement. Some business men sided with Mr Carnegie, bad more opposed him, Amid maoh confusion o peered ballot was ordered, with the vesnls. as announced by tho president, that Mr Carnegie bad been black-balled. The action of the Chamber hua attracted considerable attention in the United States, Wonders will never cease. The latest, wo are to!d, it that considerable ceneotlon has bc-ea occasioned iv American scientific circles by a cloim put forward on bahalf of Proießßors Pratt 1 , Weightvnin, and Bennett, of the Medical College, Chicago, <n tha effect Shut they havn discovered that tbo Kontgen rays are able to kill the bacteria of cholera, diphtheria, pneu» ruonia, itiflaenzi, glanders, typhoid, tuberoulnslß, and anthrax. For some time past scientific men have been working on the lines of the experiments lastituled with ti simitar view in Germany and Austria, but little or no result has been obtained, Details of the new claim are I therefore awaited with mnah esgernsss, A return waa laid on the table of the New South Wales Assembly by the ', Premier giving tho cost of the Koyal Commission appointed to inquire into the De&B case and trial. It shows that the total expenses amounted to £4554 The chief items comprised in this amonnb are : — Feea to Sir Jnllin Salomons, Q.C., J?665 ; to Mr F. B, Rogers, Q.C., £409; Dr, P. Sydney' Jones, £286; Dr. F. N. Manning, £U3 ; Mr C. G. Wade, £7$ ; secretary, shorthand writers, and typewriters, £1358, of which earn toe secretary received 2414 for secretarial and shorthand work and £315 for making a precis of the evidence at- the Police Court, Central Criminal Court, and Royal Commission, and the assistant: secretary and shorthand writer received £310, while a third shorthand writer received £244, Oa bhe last day of the Royal Cornmlsalon'a visit to Branner one of the counsel wished (says the Grey Miner Argus) to ask Mr Cochrane some questions oitev the Commission had adjourned, arid to obviate the neaesslty of holding a special meeting next morning it was deoided that Mr Cochrane should be examined on the way down in the railway carriage. The reporters were called in and tho examination was about half over whan one of bhe railway guards entered and politely requested thnse in the carriage to leave, as they were in Mr Ronayne'a reserved compartment. The look of annoyance oa the face of Judge Ward was unquestionable, There are higher powers tfeiin those of a Royal Commissionj it seems. However, the oarriagd was vacated, and the interrupted examination w.ib not resumed that day. The Hawera Borons- h Council ia not a happy family. The othe? night a counoillor named Winks rosa up in bis seat to aak the Mayor if id was trne that ho had been kicked out of the EemonC Joflkoy Club for certain reaaons, and, if so, did he not think ib was a grave soaadal that he should hold the poaUioa oi Mayor end presiding Justice of the town. Liter on this same oandid friend gob up and referred to the Mayor having been before the Courti in onunection with shady transactions. Of course t'uota was a row, in which the Mayo? seems to hava played a love hand, His Worship, in tbe conree of a few pertinent remarks, announced his Intention of clearing hi 3 character in a Court of law. However, he could tell them what they were guilty of, Id was thair dirty, dastardly, mean, lying, scandalous , Just at this stage the Council abruptly adjourned. The Government of Cape Cfttoay has voluntarily made an offer to, supply the Victorian Agricultural Department with cuttings of a phyHoxera-reslDtiDg vine, " Rupestria mebaDioa," whiou has been used with successful results in Cape Coiony. The offer is coa&alned iv n letter written by Professor M'Gowan, Govern, menb, Botanlsb at tho Cape, in wMoh the profeeeor states that the Agrionltnral Departmenb proposed tp. raise resistant stocks, of rlparia and xupestris by importing saeda and poltivating, hoping by these meaus to avoid all chance of introducing phylloxera and other vine diseases whioh might be brought to the colony by allowing ratlines of selected varieties to be Imported. In view of the experience gained by the Cape Government during the laßb 10 years ba counsels the department to reconsider the question of seedlings, the cultivation of which las been proved ab the Cape to be the wrong oourso to pursue, The members of the Victoria Lodge, N.Z.C., held a sooial on Friday evening in the lodge-room to welcome their W.M., Bro. H. Bull, and his bride on their retnrn from their honeymoon. There was a large attendance of the brethren, their wives, and daughters, and a vary pleasant evenlDg was spent. Songa were given by Mesdaroes H. Owen and J. Gardiner, Mi*a E. Edwards, and by Messrs Maglnnity, Morton, and Simpson, and a eoripla ot excellent recitations by Mr Gj, S.wan. Refreshments— tea, ooftae, flakes, and fruit— wenj handed raund by the brethren ab intervals. The lodgqi room was handsotaaiy decorated with banners, and greatly pleased tha lady Wp,^ »Mb their firai appearance, iboiib XO 30 the qarpafc wob removed, w>d uose who wore thab way inclined ateyed behind for an hour's danotag, thpinuslo being in the. capable, hands of Misa mldnight. all bsing well pleased with 6h 9 evenlng'ij.entertoinment). ; Tho manner in wbW Austin Kirby ia being pursued by. the iVew Zealand Times is scandalous, and a disgrace to jonrnaliam. Several articles recently published by that paper were in bad taste to say the least of them, bat tho latest, headed "Kirby's Taotios," wbioh appeared in Saturday's issue, h B imply brutal, and must render tha Welllogfon morning publication, amtemptnous to the minds of all feSr-thinklng people. For the saije oi sensationalism, apparently, and under tho pratanca of allegation, iurby'a obaraoter i 3 attacked in a most) venomons manner. It is possible that the result will ba to jeopardise tho accused man's chance of getting d fair trial, inasmaeh as it may be thab publio I6e!\ng will be lashed into on nnreasonlna oiaa against him, or stirred to Its decths In sympathy with a man. w£o, being down, is oiubbed by a ro.srjsllGsj literary hack. Wo can onty u<>pa that tba mattar 1 will be noticed In the proper quarter whoa tha accused !b brought to trial, ' The Auckland Serald says ;— Tae presentment which the Grand. JJnry made to 1 hfs Honor, Mr Justica Couolly, yesterday, recommending poteotivo Chrystal for pnmotjoy on, account of bis distinguished ' sarviceß ob Bpo)ioeofficer,wl)l be generally endorsed by all who have watched his , career. During tho seven yean that be '. haa been stationed in this city he haa i proved himself to be a skilful end eeda-

ruu official, am! la numerous Instances hai displayed the possession of a capacity n hia own particular Una which Is deserrlif! of recognition, It was mainly owing to his astute investigations in tho case of tli.2 Wnikomlti murder thud tho offender vns brought to justice. That case was ona ot the mosd remarkable In tho criminal annals of New Zealand, and wo have no hesitation in saying that nad a losa clevor antl experienced officer than Detective Chrystal been entrusted with the necessary inquiries the probabilities oie that tho chain of evidence wonld not have been completed. It is very unusual, we bellere, for Grand Juries to Dingle oat a police officer for special recommendation as was done yesterday in the case of Datectivo ChryßtoJ, Imb in thia particular Instance the occasion wub fitting and appropriate. Mr Ohrystal Is leaving the dlatilob where ho has done so mnch good eorvice, and the Graud Jury no donbt folb that he ought aot i to be allowed to go without such a testimony to his ability ao they made in their proßentimend to tho Judge yestorday, coupled with tho recommendation which they thought propor to mnkc, and which 11 h to bo hoped tho nulhntlbtog in Weiliufitou will favorably consider. For rheumatism I havo found nothiDC equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It ielievea the pain 88 soon aa applied. J W. Young, West Liberty, W. Vb. The prompt relief it affords is alone worth many times the coqt. Its continued u«a will effeot a permanent cure. For sale by A. Ecolbs, Wholesale and Retail Chemist, Napier and Haatloge. 948

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10323, 8 June 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10323, 8 June 1896, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10323, 8 June 1896, Page 2


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