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"Notes from China" (by oar specie correspondent) will be found on the f ourt page. Tbo business announcements of Measi Baker and Tabateau ate inßertsd to da on oar fourth page, Fall preparations have been mode f< tbo Highland Society's ball to-night, an it is likely to prove moat enjoyable to a participants. What in Mr Seddon is bat a choler word must) not be reokoned rank bla phemy in an anti-Seddonian editor.Otago Times, The Napier Brigade took advantage i their fire engine practice last night 1 thoroughly wash the outside of the Pos office with the aid of a cotiple of jots. Mr Ward, the presaot Colonial Scon tary (of New Zealand) has earned an vi enviable repntatlon In this country as politician whose word is not quite s trustworthy as it should be.— Finanoh News, London, Considerable amusement was ocoaslonc at a sale of work at Pulmerston last wee In a trimming of hats competition by mci The winner, Mr Dumereaq, performed h task artistically. The ballot) for the Elsthorpe estate wi take place at Napier on Friday, Jui 26th, and not at Waipawa as suggests by the Land Board some time back, tt idea having proved impracticable. The attention of subscribers and othe interested is called to the annual genen meeting of the subscribers to the Chi dren's Home, which will be held in tt Athenreum Hall, on Monday events next, at 8 o'clock. Under the Land and Income Asses meat Act, 1891, and its amendment notice is given that every person an company within the meaning of the Act) required to tarnish a return of inoome o or before the Ist day of July, 1896. It Is rumored that the Hon. W. J. U Larnich comes in for a large portion ( the £3,000,000 said to have been left b his lately deosased nncle, Mr Donal Larnach (labe chairman of directors ( the Bank of New South Waleß),— Nc Zealand Times. Mr W. A. Thomson, the Oamar 'cyclist who started on Wednesday nij;b to break the reoord to Wellington, wa obliged to atop at) Walpukurau owin to the chain of his wheel breaking. H retnrned to town by train, and eat on again at 3.10 p,m, A warrant was issued yesterday fo the arrest of Detaotive Kirby, who wa out on ball in connection with charge previously referred to, but who was al leged to have ftbaeondsd, He was to hay appeared at the Wellington S M. Cour this morning, He may possibly 'do si yet. Two sections of the Greenmeadow Hotel have now been brought into towi by a traction engine and deposited li position on the Marine- parade. Thi work has been done at night, and peopli along the line of route rudely owakenec from their sleep by the rumbling am jolting have conjured up vhlons of ewth quakes. The direptjora of Renters Telegran Company. (Limited), have declared t dividend of 2J per cant for the half yeai ending December 31st making, with ths interim dividend of 2§ per cent paid in October, 5 ocr cent lor the year. The Bum of £6382 has also beou placed to the reserve fund bringing 16 up to £14,000, and this balance has been carried forward.* We learn from the local Herald that the children at a school not a hundred miles from Fnhlatua were asked the other day :— " Who Is it that finds work for idle hands to do?" A timid little girl whispered, "Satan, Blr, ■ fern the smart) boy of the class, who hod faintly caught tho sibilant, roared <' Seddon, sir!" "Here yar ; gents, is the two s's— yer pays yer money and yer takes ye* chice ! " We learn from the J&ammer that at a meeting of the Anglers' Association held at Woodville It was deolded to suggest that the fishing season be opened on the 15th September. 16 was resolved:—" That the Acclimatisation Societies be asked to send their Rangers to the Bush districts from the early part of the season, as It is known that most of the poaobing is done during the months of Novetnbor and Deoember." In speaking of the progress made by the Evening Post, and comparing the nrst ißsue with the recently enlarged pub. licatlon, a writer in that journal says :— "One wonders whether civilisation has gained or lost when in the first Issue we find that thers were no telegrams, no eabiegramß, no theatre criticisms, no I football matches, no City Council, no .Parliament, no political notes, no election speeches, no Bible. ]n Bohools, and no unemployed." When Sir Robert Stoat epoke at WaHgauui recently an elector asked him whether he waa in favor of the sentiments expressed by his wifa on the Chinese question. Sir .Robert replied: I have always been in favor of female franohise and whenever the question came np I voted for it— even as far back as 1878 I recognise the right of females to hold their own opinions, and to say becanse a lady is the wife of a man ehe mast believe In everything with him would simply mean that the husband had two votes My wife li just as mnoh entitled to her opinion as I am to mlse. Attempts Ma being mode to make poHUoal capital out of the alleged tact that the contraotora for the breakwater are saokiug the Harbor Board's employ^ ' wholesale to make room for strangers who ! nave accompanied them, to Kopler We ■ a « in a Position to gtata definitely that oat of thirty. six men at present working ; for the contractora only eight have come from other districts, old and tried servants who have been working for Sar-ntol Sn! . Co, on previous ooatrqots. It is intended I to Inpjreßso tha number of. bands on the wo,\ as opportunity parmila, and preferanse will be. given to. maided wea- - fere all other applied, thongh In a every oase OQDB b«t flNsb-oJaeg workers r Bego; apply. " * The Sydney Sunday Times 6o.ys ;— At, the Hay Land Board Mr James Tyson's a (the Australian millionaire) Tupra station oame on for reapprisement, and soms re-< markaV.e facts were elicited (says the Dnbbo Liberal). The area of the run h 5 434,577 acres, oarryiog 79.000 sheep. f x The profit on wool was la 4d per head. G Stoch had depreciated 40 per cent since V 1890, and wool to the same extent, jH Dir'ns.lß9l and 1892 they had lost «33Z4 in wool alone." Ft 1 ?' the iftsi iibree'ye'ats' "" dhp progtt fefld been £8000. £27,000 Had. E been sppnt gti rabbit jlpptrtmtloa since " 1884. . The average ooat fqr five years was B £1000 for rabbit destruotloj and neiiinpv Ci and rabbits sloce 1893 bad cost £0207 ¥. The average net profit for the last fora fa

yuora wos £1700. Tho carrying capacity of cbe ran had depreciated horn 25 to 30 per cent throngli rabbits. The Salvation Army (with whose good work, if uot with whose methods, allmnßt be in sympathy) is establishing a " grace beforo meat soheme " to enable all thoao who wish to help them in the maintenance of the four reecne homes, one maternity home, and one discharged prisODero home, already established in the colony. Tho modus operandi is simple. They leave a box in each household, where acceptable! for the reception of the stray pennies of the occupants and visitors, and a duly accredited Salvation Army officer goes round each qnarter on a pilgrimage of collection. The establishment of the Bystem entails no burden on the contributors, while it is a great boon to the Army in furthering its phllantropio objeots. Boxes will be supplied by local members of the Army on application, and It is proposed that one shall be placed on the table of the recipients as a reminder to them when in the enjoyment of full and . plenty, of the necessities of their leas fortunate brethren. Frederick Bradshaw, insurance agent, has filed his pchednle, liabilities £127 63 Id, assets £117 10a, deficiency £9 15s. A meeting of creditors in tho estate Is, to be held at noon next Wednesday. Stnbbs, Patterson and Co. are the only secured oreditorß, and bold secntity valued at £30 for a debt of £22 10 a. The following la the list of unsecured creditors :— A. H. Wilson, £9 11s 7d j Kempthorne, Proaser and Co., Wellington, £6 15b 4d ; W. Patterson, £3 8s ; W. Harpham, £3 19< 9d ; A. Kreles, Hampden, £4 10a ; J. Neil, £1 ; J. Hardy, £6 sa ; E. Ssuoders, £5 10s lid ; Herald, £5 Is 6d ; F. Wilson, £1 2i 6d ; E. T. Allen, £1 6a ; Tait and ' Mills, £2 19j ; J. Carter, Meanee, £2 8a 6d j 6. Martin. £5 19s ; H. J. Holder, £1 1 4s ; J. Alexander, £2 18s 3d ; Dr. Jarvla, ! £2 17 a 6d ; Co-operative Store, £4 0a 6d 5 1 W. H. Scott, £1 10s lOd ; F. Q. Smith, I 13a 3d; Williams Bros., 10a fld; J. K. ( Allport, Anckland, £3 12s 6d; Mrs > Cowpßr, Wslpawn, £2 10s ; Mrs Isaacson, 1 Takapan, £2 ; Colonial Mutual Life In--1 snrance Company, £35 19a 4d ; J. Gold- [ log, £1 4s ; J. Alexander, £14 12a 6d : . total, £127 15 a Id. ! Oar .Waipawa correspondent writing , yesterday Bays :— A rather peculiar acoident occurred to Mr Dan Moroney, ? licensee of the Exchange Hotel, about J five weeks ago, while helping to unload a 3 dray of firewood in his yard. The person „ in charge aot belog able to manage the bullocks, Mr Moroney had to get them in the yard himself, and afterwards helped '• ' to unload. While so doing his right loot c slipped on a piece of the wood on the l( dray, causing the foot to pass through one of tho boles in the bottom of the dray. In trying to recover himself his knee la came in contact with the edge of the is hole. He felt at the time that he was y severely hurt, but went on with the work a and took little notice of It afterwards till the knee ohd leg began to swell and 18 become much discolored, but still considered the Injury a bruise not requiring medical aid, After some daya he noticed jj a long swelling extending npwarJs from in the knee to the thigh, and evidently there was eomothlng that could be moved back and forwards, bnt v.lh little pain. « It did, however, give uceasiness and pain tf when on horsebacft a& the recent bnnt, so at last he called in Dr. Todd, who diag» ar noaed it as a very rare kind af fracture of id the femnr, the external condyle of the ill femur being separated from that bono and carrying with it a splinter of bone . from the mbln shaft to about Its middle IC Dr. Todd hos, 1 loam, done all that la t _ necessary to seouro a reunion of the frag-.' } ment of bone, but hcvine been left hoY J long without treatment of any kindof renders 16 doubtful if he will Bncceed in bo completing it, The ourlous feature of the !• afliir is how tho patient managed to go about and attend to his duties under c . bucu cirenmstanoes wlbhonb more eerlouß a . consequence?, and It looKa'raore like good a luck than good management that the 30 case has turned onb so well as it haa. al The Auckland Star says :— II is evident that the free demonstrations now being , d given at the Anckland Teohnical School ,|j are being much appreciated by the ladies n attending them. The cookery demonstraj 8 tlon on Thursday last was so well patronlsed that a second one to be held on Wednesday is now being arranged. Now "I that the question as to which ia tne besft ac system of dressmaking •is being fully ™ discussed the demonstration In the ie Excelßior Syßtem, which Is being tanebft at the Technical School, will prova rs opportnne ond will no doubt be largely al attended by ladles interested. I/adleaare il« largely repreeented on the students' roll at) 18 the TeohnloU School. Ths afternoon , B ladies carving olass is larger this term than slnoe its establishment last year, and additions arc belnjj made eaoh week. ' Wood carving is a sabjeot very suitable to , ladies and affords great scope for display , of taste. A unique feature of the technical school is the proposed establishment of s male cookery class, The lssr new daw Btarted, .. c , marbling graining, Is already 1. larger than was anticipated, and is at< of tended by yosmg men and lads, all engaged iy at the faade. Another manual olass—tho Id carp.entry and jolaeiy _ has filled go • « rapidly that a second one is in progresß of w formation. Durinp this year it is intended to hold examinations of the different , n olßssee. Successful students will ba en» lt titled to certificates which will be of great l 8 service to them in seeurlng employment „ as the oertißoateß, iaaned by tha South c Kensington SoieDee aud Art Department, ,5 and the City and Gnllds of ijndon, are of world-wide, reputation. 'Altogether « and additions; ate betor, ma da each j' evening, * At Ms Owen's l>narmaoy-A com- - c pleto outfit, I ph'te camera lens, tripod*, • , t materials aad ohemicals for produclffg 0 piotures, In a neat oablnet. Price, 30ai— ADVT,] Hg 8 Croup Ib a terror to young mothers. To a poßt them concerning the first symptoms, n »° d treatment, is the object of this item. c ihe first indication of cronp is hoarse* 0 ness. In a child who is subject to croup j it may be taken as a sure rtgn of the ap--1 proach of an attsok. Following this . hoarseness Is a peculiar, jough cough. If Chamberluin's Congh remedy Is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even 1 after the rough congh has appeared, 16 1 will prevent the attack. It has never been t known to fail. For sale by A. ECOLE3, a Wholesale and Retail Chemist, Napier 1 and Hastings. 559 3 n i^°P^ COR £ P -^™ T < 3. uioa r removes either hard or BOftoorna. Only a low appU S SvSiT n^ ess ? r i'- ,Jn bottles Ib 6d, fromX Ecolea, Chemise, Masonlo Hotel Bufldlngß. «apieri-i&DVT fa) 1 Notloe.-Tbe Piano and Organ Busineoß ■ formerly carried on by Meesra Milaer and . Thompson n Napier, fe now to the hand? rf should thoref ore be addressed to 6. Hiohard--1 Boa, Hastlnga-Biroet, Napier. MUnerlSa 1 BarDffic^^?r atlomtbßHaWk £ koUffflo^^—^N^ Sooas, taclndtog Ivory-baoked firnshe^ <lZ Combs Tollot Bottles, Pota and Boxes, SmeU sX™^ 1 ,P at " n 8 CaPB, Bath SpS^ci gsssss&ga^^" * harmaoy - **» iusii M'^V 0^ »noo6ssor to Jansen and rCwS^r'^Sf 86 * 8 n P° n Watch, HtfiS^^ entrusted to fcffi Tdvrl M prompt attention. - JSZISL fie ßOripHon o!"jeweHory made and repaired Watohes and Clocks repaired b 7 nrstplass workmen, and Rnaranteed to B SS 1 8^w°in^oTo a e n Sei£ a to C^I » jinspeot. KBtabli6hedldg6.-ADVT kI

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10315, 29 May 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10315, 29 May 1896, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10315, 29 May 1896, Page 2


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