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j Messrs R. Bell and Co., Limited, absolutely gnarautee every box of their New ZeilauH made vestas equal lv all respects to auy Imported. They have now completed their Weliingioi factory, and have t'icllitlea second to none in the world for turning out a iirat rute urticle. Con- I Burners should Miwfore itmiit on being supplied with thu JNew Zealand made match. 611 Tho War Office has accepted a tender for tho supply of Joshua's Australian Braudy to tho Department. — Vide Cabin Newß, London, Mny 26th, 1595. 69 Birds which build in thu open seem uniformly to have colored egRH, while tliosra which possess cono.'.alud or coveied vests have white eggi ; the color does not vary rnncn in tho sjuuo species in one climate or another. Boomerang Brand Australian Brandy In a thoroughly wholsome Htimulunti Vide Lancet, British Medical Journal. <in<i Lijndon Times. 69 In c.nuncctinn with tho wreck of Uic o'd s'ii[i ISiy! Nt Wlinngiroii liurlj.)'-, It U not ili'iugli" thi> then- is any «ji^ciu in ti'ie rcmaini of the veniel. Tnrr«; is a tr-ull lion, however, thu M,mris fi> itm! Ntn t •»p: i-ii! luixeß, and also t-hni tticy hnii ••! -.iiuie of tliu treiisuri) ill tlm l,iii' t.\ ',■, l'eier, v hill on the shores of tbo h.vl. r. Boomcranß Brand Anntralian JJrmi.i is rfipidly displactriK its Kuropuiii r;.,-. . pftiitov. All tirst-clttss hotuic (;!) J. E. VVklbman, Tho Plmr/uaey, a«)o pi , prlotor of Ilitchinga' cclotiratcd Liver irti ■; turo Pratt' Cougn, Locock'n Ilnir jjotion, Quinine and Iron Tonic, Corn I J aiiii, Sea. also Welsman's colebralod Baking Powder for the immodiato priluction of tlio finest cakos, Bconoa, plos, puddings &c - Advt,] Ioi)

NAPIER BOROUGH COUNCIL. Present— His Worship the Mayor (Mr G. H. Swau), and Crß. Kaulknor, M'Vuy, Gohpn, Black, Smith, Neul, Welsman, and CroDby. THE LATE CR. KOB.IOHK9. The Mavnr acid it was his puiufal duty to refnrt the <le it.h ot Cr. llobjohns, one of ths moet highly respected members of the Council. It was only at their last meeting the Cdancll directed a letter to b» sent) bo Mrs Rabjohns, aenio-, on the death of her husbinu, who had once teen a member of the Council, and that day they had returned from paying a laat token of respect to Mr H C. Robjohne, one of the most! earnest, unobtrusive, and industrious Members of tho Council. It was with deep and heartfelt sorrow tbat they had parted with one of such high moral worth, both in public and privata life, Aa a member of t;ho Hoßpltal Committee, as well as the Council, he always did his best, beinp most attentive nnd paiostnking nnd zealous in attendiDfi to the duties whic'i devolved upon him. The Rev. Mr Cox at the grave that day had said he believe! Mr Robjohns hnd not a single enemy, and those who had known him much longer than the reverend gentleman oocld verify that expression of opinion. He moved that i letter of condolence be sent to Mrs Kobjohns, seo., and Mrs Robjohns, jun., with an exprca Blon ot the seoße of the value of the services of Cr. Robjohns to the borongh. Cr. Neal, In seconding, bore out all the Mayor had said, He had known Mr Robjohns sines he was a boy, and he had looked to him as one of' those who would take a leading part in public affairs when older men were laid low. Cr. Cohen, as chairman of the Hospital Board, bore warm testimony to the v*lue ol Mr Robjohns 1 services, and Crs. M'Vay, Cranby, Welsman, and Smith also expressed their sense of the lO3S the borough had sustained in the death of one of its most esteemed residents. REPRESENTATION OH THE BARfIOK fIOAKO. ' Among the outward correspondence was a telegram from the Mayor to Mr Carnell. M.H.R., relative to a statement of the Premier in that morning's HERALD, that the Borough Council bad three representatives on the Harbor Boaid. He pointed oub that the Council had only one representative on the Board. The three members were elected by the ratepayers. Cr. Neal moved that letters be sent to tbo Premier, Captain Russell, and Mr Carnell, pointing oub that the ratepayers in the borough paid double the rate leviable in the country districts ; and that though the Council did not object to the Chamber of Commerce Being represeflted, it objected to the ratepayers' direct representation being redqcOdi Cr. M'Vay concurred. He did nob see wHy the Chamber of Commerce should be represented, aa thu m«mbers weie represented by the elected nieflibflrsi There were under 40 members of the Chotaber, and he did nob see why they should be represented ab the expense of ths representation of tho ratepayers, though he would not object to the Chamber being represented by an addiiional member. The Mayor suggested that the Govern' ment should give up one of its three representatives, for the Harbo- Board had not received a single peony from the Government towards the bro»kwater, but on the contrary hud been rot/bed to the extent! of 2h per cask on cement. Ho noticed that the Tariff Commii-sion re commended the abolition of the duty, but apparently the Government did not intend to propose 10. Cr. Criu'iy said peiliap* the Premier had noc been quite understood —h? might have said that the borough, not the Council, hid three members. Bat he (Cr. Oranby) qulta agreed than •ihafc representation should not be reduced. The motion was agreed to. CORRESPONDENCE. The following correspondence was read and dealt with : — From the Commissioner of Taxes, asking for certain information on which the Government subsidy could be baied. From the Hirbor Board, asking permission to lay tram lines across Batteryroad, Burns-road, aad Bridge-street.— Granted provided crossings were mude to tlie satisfaction of the road overseer.- Cr. Smith suggested thit at the Bridge-street crossing wooden boundary rails should bn used instead of iron, as the latter were very hard on the springs of vehio'.es, and the turn there to the brldgu was very sharp. — The suggestion waa adopted, subject to the approval of the overseer. From Mr it. Thomson, London, notifying the shipment of waterworks plant. From the Municipal Association, stating that ib bad been decided to defer tho conference umil the tirst week of the next session of Parliament, unless, in the opinion of the president, the Local Government Bill waa likely to pasa, in which case he would call the conference together. From Mr J, A. Napier, asking permission to hold a fancy dress ball in Meesrs Wenley and Linauze'a new wool store at theSpit.-Cr. M'Vay objected that 1b would be unfair to the proprietors of licensed buildings ab the Splb to grant the request. — The Mayor said the request could not be granted under the bye-law, which was very explicit.— Crs. Cranby and Smith paid permission had been given in the past for similar gatherings at the Spit.— The Mayor aald ib w*B not only a bye-law bnt was compulsory under the Municipal Corporations Act. The fee must ba paid, when any Cunnclllor could bring up tho questiou of refund.— The Town ClerK, in answer tn a question, s»M two verbal protests had been received. — Cr Cronby gaid that after that he would, i! ntewsary, pay the free out of his own pneket. From Messrs Essex aud N.ipier, asking tor a reduction of the price of water used by them at their steam laundry, and pointing out that obey did the washing of a large number of people who were not supplied by meter, and who otherwise would u^e the water to wash ab home. — The Council had no power to grant the request. From Mr Bowen, Collector of Customs, stating bbit the new Custom-house had now been built, and aaklug that the roadway might be pub in order, and a tootpith formed.— Referred to Public Works Committee ; overseer to report. From G. W. Chipping, asking for work. —There wero no funds to employ more labor. From the Commissioners of the Borough Sinking Fund, notifyiog thab £10,000 bad been iuveated oi mortgiigs on lirst-c'ass trsebold security. PUBLIC WORICS COMMITTEE. The Public Work? Cotnuiittee'n repurt conbbiaed the following recommendations : — 1. Footpath al Entrance to Borough (East Side Hastings-street).— That a reply ba forwarded to petitioners that tho Council do not soo thoir way lo do this work at presont. 2. Fire-bell (or Spit.— That Messrs Briacoe and Co.'s oiler lo supply an 18-inch fire-bell, 1.0. b. Sydney, lor £5. with (ittiDga £1, bo accented. 3. M. Lascelles, Reduction of Rent, Lot 2, S.S. Co3.— That Mr Lnscellos be informed thnt tho Council cannot reduce his rent below tho amount already offerod, but that they will extend tho poriod from flvo years ta seven years, and fix tho number of cabs to occupy tho stand at throe instoad of four. 4. Drainage Havelock-road, It. Hamlin.— That Mr K. Hamlin bo informed that tho work is already authorised and will bo proceeded with in duo course. 5. J. Bcatstm : Application re Drainage— That a reply bo forwarded that the road being a private roart tho Council cannot comply with tho roquest. 6. itoclamation Ualtery-road by Harbor Board,— That tho sum of £120 bo offored for tho filling In to its fnll width and to its permanont love! that portion of Battery-road botweon Milton-road and Burns-road. 7. Fence, Clyde-road.— That Mr Holt's offer for this work, at £17 lls Gd, bo acceptod. 8. Painting Marine-parado ltotunda. — That specifications bo prepared and tenders invited in time for next meeting of Publlo Works Committoo. 8. J. Arnold : Loaso Town Section 570. — That applicant bo informed that ho can obtain this lease at same upset prlco as offered at auction, viz., £7 10s per annum. 10. Verandahs, Town Sootion 603.— That tho repairs required by tho inspector of buildings bo authorfscd, aa por his report, Cr. Cranby entered bh protest againßt clauses 3 and 6 Cr. Neal explained, with reference) to clause 6, that the Harbor Board waa doing some filllng-in which would make the road a quagmire, and it waa necessary to raise It to Its permancnb level. The report was adopted. * MISCELTi \.N ICOUS. The waterworks t .....ser reported the machinery in good o.Jer. The pumps . worked 146 hours in August, using nearly 9.J eons coal nnd 320 hug.-* cuke. The mcuoraudiim of ngiceineut authorising John Grillin to lay « tramway on the Rn>.akwater-road for quarrying purposes was laid on tho table and ordered to be Hieued. Iv tae overseer's progress report ib was staled tbut 1110 loaii.i of mud metal were put ou tliu rouda iv August, 201 londs of rubbish returned, aud 350 loads of shingle put on nuil off BreukwuCer-road. The nuance committee's repurt merely recommended the payment of vouchers amounting to £67."J I9s lid. Theic wus pomu discussion on a proposal to renew tho iumirauce on tho lire brigado stiitiou in I'lm Norwich Uulou cilice — £'100 at Hi Oil pi:r ceul, with an nudortaking to rotund any excess of premium if thoie wan a reduction under the new rates. A general opinion was express d that) the ruto was excessive, and ultimately it whh decided, by 5 to .'{, to return the receipt nnd refer the question to the Pntilii: Wotitß Onnnnitlße. Cr. Cruuhy 'Hid fjiven iioblco ol motiuu "Time thu Wuturworkß Coiiiiuitteu take iulo f'.onxlili'riUinn lliu advixablcneHH of unking a moro allowance to con -umt'.rH of water supplied by tnetur, <vi[ifci'iHy t-> ri'sniluiiLs in the hills." Up iiiid, liuwuvcr, he would leti it nlaiul over foi i;;iiiipiett: information as tv the cburgt'a in other boroughs, and thin waa agreed to. After tho transaction of onruo routine business the Council adjourned.

HASTINGS BOROUGH- COUNCIL. A roeptlne of bha HistloKS Borough _J Touucil was held lnst night. Pre'ont— Hia Woiship the Minor (ia the chair), Messrs Beecrafr, Beilbv, Cullen, J. N. Williams, and Tvermnn. KKPOKTS, The road overaeer r«-por tori that tiie South dr.iin waa no,v completed and we? 1. ia eM»""n' condi Ion ; tbe Rlverslo. «- drain \\BM B'so in 6 good htjate ;an oti- g,, strnctiorj la Millar-Rtrpet, complained «1 i D | at last meeting had been removed ; the Ai enst of pnwer extension no Nelaon-etree 1 pi he estimated at £143 lfls —Nine chains of the work to be dom>. k r Thi in?peo'or of slanghter-honses re- « tll ported thst; all snch plnces were kept lv at good condition. He hod ascertained that to owes near lambing were bplnc; killed at CUvo, and as they wore unfit; for con- d( sumption bad complained to the inspector fo there. Th". ranger reported the roads bo have bsen clear of st:ny cutla during the past month, CORRESPONDENCE. f The following correspondencci waa read V. and dealt with :— From the Tax Department, re collection of rates In connection with tbe new Appropriation Act. — Information sapplied. Mr G. M'Leon, asking that bye-laws 297 and 304 be nob enforced against caTtß cartinc milk tn the Heretaunga Dairy Factory. — Agreed to. From J. Bannetr., asking for a remission of rates on certain property. — Agreed to. Fiom W. 6. F-iulknor, re connecting premises with the sewer. — Agreed to. From J. fiWkf, same.— Referred to drainage r.ommititp.B. From W. Collins, asking to be appointed a licenced drain connector. — Agreed to, From the Fire Brigade, giving Information an 1o attendances of members, — Received nnd considered very satisfactory. A quantity of correspondence that) had been received late was held over till nexb meeting. MISCELLANEOUS. Id was decided th»t> the following places be appointed cab btands:— ln the middle of Heretaanpn-strcet, from the railway cros«ing to Mnrket-stireet ; in Station street lo the middle of thn road nt the back of tbe railway station ; and In front of Canlton'o Hotel (four cabs). Exprei^ea may Btand iienr thn railway water tank. A long discussion tjok place re Arbor Day, but nothing was rone. A"<innntn werr> piB""(l for piympn* amounting to £166 15s lOd, maklnc £2586 93 8 i lor the half yenr. IN COMMITTEE. The Council then went into committee. Mr Stewart attended and complained of the Flrp Brijjnde having pnmped water on to the Alb;rt Hotel, thereby causing <\ lot of dumsge. — Referred to the Fire Committue. Mr Tverman wos appointed a member of tiha Fire Committee. A letter was received from the Council's en'ici'or with reference to the costs In the M""'"rs ctt"p. — Decided not to grant M,.i :■ i the timn iisked for bnt to enforce piyiceoK Tho report of the Drainage Committee and dootors was received. — An expenditure of i' 573 wan "Uthorlsed for SRwer extension, and £883 for channelling and kerblng, OVERDRAFT. On rpsamicg it was decided to borrow £700 (rots fh« Birk of New Sonth Wales, wbicii Tritb £900 now nvnilnb'e will mike o sntn tfonoidered snfijclent to meet all expenditure in connf-ctlon with dm'nnpoi work", The Council then adjourned.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 6 September 1895, Page 4

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AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 6 September 1895, Page 4

AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10093, 6 September 1895, Page 4


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