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On the fonrth pnge will be foiind our Hastings correspondent's lptter and a report of the meeting of the Hawke's Bay Board of Rabbit Trustees yesterday.

Dr. F. Wallace Mackenzie, the eminent oconlißt, of Wellington, arrived In Napier by express last eveuing.

To-morrow- the Napler-Walpukurau train leaving at 4.20 p.m. will not leave Napier until 5.5, and will run correspond-

logly later than nsnal throughout.

The number of young ladies present) at Mr Bncbanan's (M.H.K.) recent political meeting at Carter ton was a noticeable feature, says an exchange, Mr Bnchanan is a bachelor of long standing.

Mr Cobb, of Palmerston North, tbe well-known Romney Marsh breeder, who has for the last six months been suffering

from a loose cartilage in the knee joint, underwent another operation yesterday to have it removed.

A number of tree branches are at present obstructing Burns-road. The Town Clerk, on being interviewed on the subject, Intimates that residents can have them if they remove them at once. They aie excellent fuel, and the offer will no doubt be taken prompt advantage of.

A wages case, in which Miles Gaffaey sued George Stnbbs for £3 10s, was settled in favor of defendant by Mr Tuinhnll, S.M., yeaterday, he holding that no agreement, as alleged, had ever existed. Mr Cresswell appeared for the plaintiff and .Mr Dlnwlddle on behalf of the defendant. We have received a box of excellent cigarettes, of the "Indian Chief " brand, from the American Tobacco Company of New Zealand, Limited, which has its headquarters in Auckland. The cigarettea are of excellent quality, the material having evidently been pat into the tobacco and not into tho wrappers. The Supreme Court will sit at 10.30 tbis morning. The appeal of Eruiri Akatarawa against the convlnotlon recorded

against him for removing snrvey pegs will probably be heard first, and will be followed by the appeal of the trosteea in

the estate of C. J, Nairn, deceased, against the Stamp Commissioner's decision.

A hysterical attempt has been made to saddle ns with the actual responsibility of a paragraph published by Mr W. F. Howlett in the Bulletin, and reprinted by ns simply as being mentioned at the last school committee meeting. Oar literary jackall taxes na with being "hard rip" tor matter in making the quotation, and then proceeds with characteristic prolixity to rehash the whole subject ad nauseam.

The Lyltelton limes urges the Government) to increase its strength in the Legislative Council before Parliament) meets. Is this a feeler— a kind of shadow of coming events ? Knmor mentions the , noinßß of Measra " Jaok^' Kerr, of Nelson, 1 W C. Smith, of Walpawii, Arthur Warbarton, cf Wellington, and "Dick" Reeves, of Weatport, as likely shortly to be called to the Council. — Post. The amateur performance of the two plays "Snowball" and "Sunset" is announced to be given ia a fortnight's time. The latter piece has just been played in Wellington by some of the leading amateurs of the Empire City. The N.Z. Times speaks of the play as " a very pretty little piece," and concludes a very flittering notice by saying " the whole play wca very successful, though all too short." Sixteen applications (some of them from teachers bjarlng very high credentials) /were discussed by the aeleotion committee of thd Education Board yesterday, and several were selected for the consideration of the Napier District) School Committee, which will hold a special meeting for the pnrpose on Monday night. We understand that Mr Hlalop's name is among those forwarded to the committee. The following from the Herald, if hardly grammatical, Is at least to the point : — " An advertisement handed in for publication in our column?, and containing a challenge to fight for a money Btake, is refused publicity therein, firstly, that we decline to be accessory to a distinctly illegal act, and secondly, that we would do all in our power to discountenance, rather than to encourage, exhibitions of each a character." A meeting of the Parliamentary Union was held last night, a limited number of members and a large attendance of the' publlo being present, A question by Mr Lusk was asked and satisfactorily answered. The Civil Service Bill was read a first time, the Land Bill was taken through Its first and second stages, with limited discussion, and the Native Land Bill was beiog considered la committee and amended when our representative was called away. The promoters of " Mrs Beeton at Home" might offer a prize npon the following receipt, " How to cook a husband " :— Get a large jar, called the jar of cheerfulness, place your husband In it, aud place him. near the fire of conjugal love ; let the fire be pretty hot, especially let it be clear ; above all, let the beat be constant ; cover him over with affection ; garnish him over with the spice of pleasantry; and if you add kisses and other confections, let them bo accompanied with a sufficient portion of secrecy, mixed with prudence and moderation. A correspondent writes : — There is no objection to a committee recommending the use of a text book in schools, bat it is decidedly objectionable that a committee should attempt to introduce a book without) consulting the head-master. If committees are to possess arbitrary power over the internal arrangements of tha school, the curriculum, &c, ib ia high time efficient teachers quitted the service. As a matter of fact committees have no such power, bat presumably the Napier committee have got tired of looking after buildings, out-offices, &c, and want to take a tarn at schoolmasterlng. Much interest ia being taken in the football match to be played on the Recreation Gronnd next Saturday between Wellington and Hawke's Bay. The local team is a strong one, and should give a very good acoonnt of Itself, whilo Wellington Is sure to try and beat Hawke's Bay, so that an exciting match should [ remit. The visitors arrive here on Saturday morning by the Manapouri, returning by the Australia the same evening, therefore their vlsib will be but a btiot one. All players, including those selected, are requested to return the Rugby Union jerseys served out to them on different occasions, to Kagleton's at once.* Our Dunedin telegrams announce the death of Mr Kdmuud Smith, one of the few remaining of the earliest settlers In Otago. Mr Smith held many important appointments, being manager of the Dunedin Savings Bank, aeoretary to the Otago Presbyterian Church Board of Property, and agent for the Australian Mntual Provident Society. The deceased gentleman had a numerous family, his eldest son being Mr E. R. Smith, of Dunedln, known to fame as a champion rifle shot. Mr R. B, Smith, of Napier, and Mr A. Smith, son-in-law of Mr Campbell, of Ponkawa, are also sons of the deceased gentleman.

The Wanganui Herald reports that a young man earned Mitchell, at the imminent risk of his life, dashed a) the bridle of a runaway horse that was galloping up the Avenue dragging its rider along the gronnd by his foot, which was caught la the stirrup. In an instant the horse was brought to the ground, where all three for a moment were mixed up. The success of young Mitchell's courageous act was qnickly demonstrated, as the prostrate rider was Instantly released by willing hands from bis perllona position and removed to the honpltsl for treatment. Mitchell picked himself up, and, though sorely bruised, got quietly into his cart and went about his business as though he had done nothing out of the ordinary.

A leading French physician, Dr. Variot, has been demonstrating the possibility of obtaining ' metallic mummies of our friends, whioh may be used either for street decoration or for household purposes. These ornaments can be prepared In gold, Bllver, nickel, or copper, according to fancy and the pocket, and should the idea be adopted there is a great iutaro for this new branch of electroplating. To eftect the metallising much elaborate apparatus is required, and the body has to be previously painted with citrate of sliver, to render it a good eleotrical conductor. It Is stated thit by regulating tbo deposit all details of conformation may be retained, while at the same time it is of sufficient thickness to withstand blows.

The offence Is not In being drunk but in being found out— anoh was the ruling at the Police Ourb this morning, says the Glsborne Herald, of Wednesday, DaDlol Page, liceusee of tbe Bridge Hotel, Matawhero, was charged that he wundmuk in a publio pliice, to wit, the bar of the hotel, on Friday evening lasb. Mr Flrjn appeared for the defendant, who, he said, was unable to be present, and pleaded not guilty. He said the Information diec!osod no offence. It charged Page with "being drunk" Instead of " being found drunk" in a pnblia

place. The magistrate snld the offence was in being found onb. Tho informs-

tion should have followed the words of the statute. Sergeant-Msjor Moore said he would lay a fresh information. Mr Finn asked that the case be not token before Friday next, in order that Mr Aolan, who was Page's solicitor, might have an opportunity of appearing. The fnnlty iuformatioa wa-j withdrawn, und a fresh one laid and made retumftb'e for Friday.

A special meeting of tho Tradesmen Football Club was held last eveniog in the Mneouie Hotel, *ho president (Mr F. Mosller) oonnpylug the ohnlr, tbn object of tho meollug being tho presentation ol a handsome banner, kindly donated by the well-known firm of drapers and clothiers, Meesis Blytlie and Co. Mr Beecharo, their manager, in making the presentation, hoped that Id would be au encouragenieut in assist and to take advantage of the Wednesday half-holiday, feeling sure that the club would carry the banner to m3ny victories. Mr F. B. Stallard (captain) uplylng on behalf of the club, thanked Messrs Blythe and Co. heartily for their handsome present, and hoped it would be a source of en-

courageroent to the members, at the same time showing that Wednesday half-holiday was enjoyed by tho employers and employ ds. The president urged members to go in thoroughly for practice, and by so doing he felt sure they would uphold the honot of the banner. The banner is mads of navy velvet, with light blue sash on side and navy Surah silk, with the club's monogram worked on the other, and reflects great credit on Mrs Wilson, under whose supervision the work was done.

The weekly meeting of the Rugby Union was held last evening. Present — Messrs Salnsbary (Id the otaalr), Wood, l Hughes, Smith, Crltchley, Swan, T. S. Marshall, Schwabe, 6. Marshall, Miller, Renonf, hon. treasurer and secretary. The application of the County Cinb for return of fares to Farndon to members of their second team travelling last season was granted so far as two joarneys were concerned. The motion referring to the playing over again of the County v. Napier match was rescinded by 7 votes to 5. The motion that no players shall be disqualified for taking part in the club competitions of this union owing to their taking part in the competitions of the Walpawa branch provided they comply with the by-laws was carried. The Napier High School colors were altered by the Addition of a red sash being worn ocrosa the jersey. The County requested that matches against their club be played alternatively at Napier and Hastings, bub the onion could not see their way to vary the rule that tbo first round of matches be played in Napier. A reception committee consisting of th° union officials and members of the representative team was appointed to meet the Wellington team on their arrival on- Saturday.

Matches for Saturday, 22ad, were arranged as foll.iwß : — County 1 and 2 v. Caledonians 1 and 2, at Recreation

Ground ; and West End v. High School

and Stars v. Olive, at Farndon. Mr 1 Bonne tb was appointed referee in the interprovincial match, Wellington v. Hawke'a Bay.

Our Walpawa correspondent writing yesterday says : -Mr A, E. Jull has been elected unopposed as a member of tbe Town Board in the place of Mr S,

M'Greevy, resigned. — Tbe tootbill match

between Waipaw/i and Makotnkn yesterday ended in a fHseo. Oo the arrival of tbe Walpuwa team at Makotnko. it was fonnd that the local club was unable to place a team In the Seld, and the visitors claimed the game by ioifeit. This proved annoying to the visitors, who were obliged to leave Waipawa at 10 a.m. The match was to have been played at Takapau, but by arrangement with the captain of the Makotukn Club and the secretary of tbe Waipawa Club tbe locality was changed to Makotuku. — The first round of the championship haa been concluded, with the result tbat Waipawa lads, having won their five matches. They have scored 44 points, and have nothing recorded against them. Danevlrke comes next with four wins and one loss. — At the Court this morning, before Mr A. St. Clair Inglia and Dr. Todd, Justices, Hone Walkato was chareed with unlawfully beating Bauknra Renata at Fatangata. The evidence, which was of a oontradictory nature, occDpied the attention of the Bench for the whole of the morning. The charge was dismissed. Mr Longbnan appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Lee for defendant. Each party was ordered to pny their own cost. — Mr <T. 0. Tavlor has been appointed clerk to the Ealkora North Town Board in the place of Mr £. Gray.

Joihtm Bron. 1 Australian Brandy, "BoomoraDg" Brand, 1b now In nee la nearly o^ery hospital in New Zealand. It Is most palatable and wholesome. Try It. Wholesale from lendleg wine and spirit merchants. — [ADVT. 78

An eminent Scotch surgeon sod professor in the University of Edinburgh was entirely devoted to his ptntession. A quaint Incident in bis practice will show this. The poet Tennyson had aft one time consulted him about some affection of the lungs. Years afterwards he returned on the same errand. On being announced ho was nettled to observe that Mr Sytne had neither any recollection of his face, nor, still more ealliDg, acquaintance with bis name. Tennyson thereupon mentioned the fact of hia former visit. Still Syme failed to remember him. Bab when the professor pat his ear to the poet's chest, and heard the peculiar sound wbieh the old ailment had made chronic, he at once exclaimed, " Ah, I remember yon now. I know yon by your lane:."

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10016, 14 June 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10016, 14 June 1895, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10016, 14 June 1895, Page 2


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