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On the fourth page will be found sporting and football news, delayed cables, and oar Hastings correspondent's letter. The late Mr W. E. Bamford'a estate has been sworn at nnder £30. Tuesday July 2nd is tho date fixed for the annnal ball of the Hawke's Bay Caledonian Society, The life of the late Mr Arthur Herbert, who was shot at Masterton, was Insured, but lb Is foared that his polioy has lapsed, The complete number of Mr Hutchln» eon's art nnlon pictures are now ab the Dresden Company's shop, including several not shown before, We understand that Mr J. O. Shorland has abandoned his Idea of endeavoring to lower the bicycle record for 100 miles, as no pacemakers are available. We have been intorraed that the rumor current to the effect that Mr Jelllcoe had been retained for the defence in the ease Cohen v. Whittlngton has no foundation in fact. The trial against the prisoner Foggan for escaping from legal custody has been adjourned, the man being ill, due to the exposnre he was forced to Buffer while fleeing from justice. After getting a pipe down 650 feet at Woodville Mr Gilbert), the coutraotor withdrew hla pipes, and the bore immediately caved in. It Is improbable the experiment will be pioceeded with, The seats on the Marine-parade are being embellished with a fresh coat of paint just now, Several residents who promenaded in the locality last night were unpleasantly reminded of tho fact. The F Battery parade for inspection by Lleutenant-Colonel Newall at the drillabed this evening. Every member must attend, and as the hour of Inspection is fixed for 8 o'olook the Battery will fill in at 7.45.*

Thirteen girls from the Woody Me chool proceeded to Victoria on Saturday o play the Victorians at rounders. ,Mr Stevenson accompanied the visitors. TUe lame resulted in a win for Woodville by il to B.— Examiner, | Bltlls, to which the special British mvoy has been despatched to keep an eyto )n the pioceedings of the Tnrkitih loldiery among the Armenians, Is a tow n in Kurdistan (Turkey In Asia], having a Mahometan population of 20,000. Bidding was very spirited and price 9 ranged high at Mr Lascelles' anotioi i room yesterday, when Mr Onlshe'B con ■ algnmeut of Japauese faucy goods wo 3 submitted to the hammer. The majoiit?? of the articles were both useful am 1 ornamental. Our Walpawa correspondent wrltlnj ; yesterday says : — I understand that in 1 the recent case of excision of the tongue 1 for cancer, Dts. Godfray and Reed orei attempting to graft a lamb's tongue to 1 replace the natural one, and that they have great hopes of being successful. A very significant sign of the subsidence > of national rancour is visible. The) French Chamber of Deputies expresses its< confidence in the Foreign Minister who proposes that the French Navy shall accept the invitation of Germany to takei part to the ceremonial attending tho opening of the Baltic Canal. A Maori named Ngamlrlrt (one of the natives concerned in the street brawl recorded in last issne) charged wtlih drnnkennesp, was discharged with a caution at the S.M. Court, yesterday morning. The ball (£1) of H. M'Kerrow similarly charged was estreated, he having failed to pat In an appearance. "East Lynne," which Is to ue staffed it the Theatre Royal to-night, needs v cry ittle introduction at. oar hands, for its fame is world- wide. We expect, b.ow?ver, that the piece will receive very efficient iuterpietatlen from the company now amongst us, and that its production will be witnessed by a great crowd of people, The Napier LiederkraDZ, at their initial concert, to take place at the Athenteara Hall on Friday week, will have the assistance of several of Mr Hoben'a pupils, as well as some of our leading amateurs. The Liederkraoz will prodnce scenes from Wagner's and other famous composers' operas, mrst of which will be heard for the first time in Mew Zealand. Mr Tarnbnll, S.M., yesberday gave judgment in the case C Stone v, CN, Gurr and vice versa, claim and counter claim for damages sustained through a collision between the parties while driving and riding respectively-. Considering the contradictory nature ot the evidence Mr Turnbull decided to nonsuit) both parties, each to pay hia own coat?. Mr Cornford appeared for Mr Stone and Mr Lusk for Mr Gnrr. At the Woodville Police Court Mrs Sexton and a youDg woman named Hicks were fined £1 each, in default seven days' imprisonment, for stealing several articles from the Te Aro House branch and from Miss Hamilton's shop. The women were looked upon as highly respectable, and great) astonishment was occasioned locally when the charge was sheeted borne to them, the stolen articles being found In Mrs Sexton's house. A sample of Tnranakl petroleum Is now on view at this office. Vve have received a letter from Taranaki, in which the writer Bays that the excitement over the recent finds Is intense n-t New Plymouth, even football ceasing to ba a subject foi conversation, being qoifco obliterated Is the blaze caused by recant discoveries, O cjrnpiny hn saiaral bjrlae rights over some 8000 acres close to New Plymonth, and a local company is in course of formation, A lunatic, a British subject wbc had resided in Russia, was recently sent to London by the Muscovite anthoiities, and his peculiar crazE indicated that political tbonght had driven him mad. He believed be was on a mission to England " to obtain a magic box by which he wmld be able to turn all .the crowned heads of Europe (Queen Victoria excepted) into cats." The exception of Queen Victoria showed that some patriotic sentiment still lingered in his mind, but no doubt the poor Czar wonld regard the queer idea as an added torture, so far as be was concerned. The second popular winter concert at 'Taradale took placo last evening and was in every respect a success, the attendance being very large, numbers of visitors from town taking advantage oi Mr Kymer's busses. The several items of a capital programme were performed by the following ladles and gentlemen:— Misses Cto^s (2), Collinge, and Lawking ; Messrs Chapman, Kenonf, Heron, C. P. Clarke, A. J. Newbould, Holroyd, and N. L. Gurr. Most of the items were encored. Mr Chapman contributed in a very marked manner to the success of the evening, bis versatility being quite delightful. In addition to a ventriloqutal exhibition be favored the audience with a haka (pas seul). The Rev. A. P. Clarke presided and Mr C. P. Clarke accompanied the singers,

A Norwegian named Lee Samaelson was lately charged at tbe Willlamstown (Melbonrne) Police Conrt with having nneustomod goods in his poseesslon. He bad been disoharglug one of the China boats, and took s!b of soap from an open package and was going ashore in a boat when ha was eeen landing by the Customs officers. Tbe accused pleaded guilty, avd Deteotive Christie said that the amonnt of duty was la B,d, and instead of asking for a fine treble tbe valne of the goods he would take the other alternative, and aek for a fine of £100 Mr Neale, Chairman of the Bench, declared that it was monstrous to Impose a fine of £100 for evading duty to the amonnt of Is Bd. There was an element of latceny in tbe case, perhaps, but tbe defendant had not been charged with that. The defendant was then fined £100, in default six months' Imprisonment, and removed to gaol in default of payment. In the S.M. Conrt yesterday Mr Turn* bn!l, S.M., gave judgment for tbe plaintiffs in the following oases : — H. Monwnl v. Paora Hnla, £3, oosts I6s, solicitor's fee 5s (Mr Dinwlddie for plalntlftj ; K. H. Robinson v, P. C, Jones, £10 7s, coata 7s ; J. Elmes v. H. Start, £1 18), costs 6j (Mr Dlnwiddie for plaintiff) ; Stevens and Co. v. A, Hazlett, £17 10a 6d, costs £1 15s 6d (Mr Dlnwiddie for plaintiff) ; D. Klrk&iitkk~r. o. Jen&tnu, £1, jjsts fo ; £?r. P. W. MeDzles v. R. Jeffares, £2 2s, coats 9j, solloltor'a fee 5s (Mr Rhodes for plain . tiff); Stnbbs and Patterson v. W, Griffiths and J. Oliver, £5 Is 4d, costs 13s, solicitor 15s 6d (Mr Dinwiddie for plaintiff). Judgment summonses: — J. H. Vautler v. R, M'Lsao, £3 Bs, to be paid in instalments at the rate of 10a per month or four days' imprisonment j W, Ed d owes v. H. Bloxsome, £7 18s, to be paid forthwith or a week's imprisonment (Mr Cornford ior judgment creditor.) Mr Wayte, Government Dairy Instructor, lecturing at Glsborno, made a few remarks which are worthy of re-prodnc-tlon. He Baid milk, us it came from the dow, if she wns healthy, was usually 3terlle, or free from geim°. It did not long remain co, how< var, tor it waa at 3nce subject to miny Bourees of contamination, whereby myriads of bacteiin )bta|ned a footing in the warm and intrient fluid. The air of the cowhouse was apt to be fouled by enormous numbers of germs, and these got into tbe milk as soon as drawn. A dirty condition of the cow's bally and udder, a dirty state of the litter and flooring, uncleanllness of the milker's hands and clothes, cleaning out the cow~houßß Immediately betore mllkiog were all conducive to the spread of bacteria to the milk, As soon as drawn the milk should be taken outside the cowshed to a olean, cool place where tbe air was comparatively free from gnrms, and strained anew, and cooled. iEratlon of the milk was very necessary for driving off tbe gases, end should be done while the milk was warm. In conclusion, he pointed out that milk might sometimes contain disease germs when drawn from an unhealthy cow, or when the milking was done by persons suffering from infectious diseases, and so spreading the malady. This had been proved frequently, and though he did not suppose there was nearly so much danger in New Zealand as In some other countries, it was always as well to take the precaution to boil the milk before use. Onr Waipawa correspondent writing yesterday emphatically asserts that his reporb of the Waipawa County Council was correct In overy particular, although necessarily abbreviated, and adds in answer to a letter appearing in yester day's Issue: -"Mr Sldey says I did not grasp the argument!. I think I understood It very well, and so would most of the oouniy ratepayers, when they read even my abbreviated report. The object of Mr Sldey was very plain, no less than to make the whole county pay the interest on the local loans. This he said in various ways during tbe discussion on the various rates proposed to be levied The reason he voted against the Umatoaroa loan proposals whs simply an ebnllition of temper in consequence of his being three times defeated la his efforts to save his own district and Dt&nevltke trom paying the interest on the looal loans, All that was proposed was a general rate for the whole county, a separate rate for the merged dißtriots in Hen of Road Board rates, and interest on the local loans In those districts j and hi« assertions regardIng Ma warning to the Umntoaroa settlers iq the letter nnder notice are incorrect and misleading. He says he wished to call tbe attention of these settlers to the liability they wonld incor by the Council's action that day, and implied that tbe Conncil had raised the rates this year, whereas the Council had reduced the rate over the whole county by Jd, and the Umutoaroa aettlers will pay less rates this year than they did last year, as well ai all other '

£ff R P B y n s'™"??' tUuse ln «>eOrmond. 'We Road District, who will pay Inteieat on their own loan, Inßteaa of Interest on the general loan, whloh those In the know are aware Is the shoe that pinched Cr. Sidey. The settlers of Umutoaroa will have no interest to pay oq the propoßed loan for the next two years." Joshua Bros.' Australian Brandy, "Boomeran X " Brand, Is now in me In nearly every hospital in New Zealand. It Is most palatable and wholesome. Trylt. Wbo!e«nle from leading wine and spirit njerohftntn,— [Advt. ' 79 In Die memoirs of the Koyal Family of France, published from the journal of the rnucßSß Li.iiljalle, which have jnst made tbcir appearance, the Princess, who was, as every reader of Frenoh history knows the most intimate ussociate and confidant pf Marie Antoinette, records an amusing Incident of that Qaeen'a attempt to master the Intrloaeies of the English tongue with the assistance of Lady Spencer. " Pray what ore they, please your Majesty?' 1 " Well, I will give you an instance. For ixample, Its culottes— what do yon call hem?" "Small clothes," replied her adyaNp. "Mafol! bow can they be jailed small olothes for oue large man ♦ sfow I do look in the dictionary, and X lnd, pour le mot culottes— breeohes." •On, please your Msjeßty, wo never call .hem by that name in England," " VollSi lone, Vai ralsoo I" •■ We say inexpresilblesl" "Ah, o'est miens I Dat da ploase me ver mpeh better. Ilyadubon 3ens Id dedans. C'est nne antre ohose !" """" Ln the midst of this cnrlons dialogue, in Dame tbe Dnke of Dorset, Lord Edward Dillon, Count Ferseo, and several English gentlemen, who. as they were boldr to the King's hunt, were all dressed in new bnekßkln breeches. "I do not like ' exclaimed the Qneen to them, "dem yellow irresistlbles I "

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10014, 12 June 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10014, 12 June 1895, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 10014, 12 June 1895, Page 2


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