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On the fourth page will be found delayed cables and r. icport of yesterday's ptoceedingsin connection with the divorce case. We arc requested to state that the skin sales to day will be held at the Athenteain, beginning at 1.10 p.m. After tho 11th of July the b.b. Tarawera will berth at Dunedin wh if instead of at Port Chalmers, as hitherto. At the end of May the Napier Harbor Board's bonds were quoted at 107-109 - the highest price for any colonial 5 per cent harbor stock. We notice that several newspapers when referring to Mr flrnnab, the bus band of the Premier's si-tcr, call him “captain." fie is not a captain. lie once was—of a fire brigade. Wo have received a large sheet almanac issued on behalf of the Wesleyan Methoilst Church of New Z'aland. It coutaina several illustrations, and a mass of information of interest to all adherents of the Church.

The offices of the Hawke's 15 ty Farmers' C.) operative Association b rvo been removed to Herald Chambc s. Teonysonstreet, next to the suite of ollie is occupied by the New Zealand Land and Loan Company. “ If manner could make a great leader, then Crptain Russell would ho the b'st New Zetland bus ever seen. It can be stid of him, as it cm be said of few public men, that his speeches contrive at once to please his friends ard conciliate his opponents. ‘'—Lyttelton Times The Hastings school committee met last nbdit. Mr Maddlson in the choir. Leave of absence was granted to Captain Russell during the Parliamentary session. The headmaster reported satisfactorily on the school. Messrs Morgan and M'Qaillan were appointed visiting committee, and after some routine business the meeting closed.

Dr. Jarvis delivered his third lecture to men under the auspices of the St. John Ambulauc e Association at the old Provincial Hall last night. The enhj cl dealt with was “Fractures and ilielr Proper Treatment." Several Illustrations were Riven in roller bandaging, besides examples In the use of Esmatch’s triangular bandage.

A good programme was gone through at the meeting last night of St. John's Baud of Hope. The president gave an address on “ The evils of the first glass,” Mrs Leask and the Misses Mountfort, Downs, Samson, Lang, and Tinckler sang, and Masters Bower and Pallot recited nicely. Master S. Cowliick also sang. The Misses Holt and Hope acted as accompanists. At the usual fortnightly meeting cf the Loyal Friendship Lodge of OJdfolluws, Manchester Unity, held at the frpit last night, utter the regular business, a P.G.M.'s jewel was presented to P.P.G.M. Bro. P. K'ogh, to mark tho respect in which he is held by the Lodge and as a recognition of hia services. The preset;tution was made by Bro. Wolsteuholme in felicitous terms, and Bro. Krogh suitably responded. At tbe Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Messrs J. S, Large and M. Liscellea, Justices, judgment for plaintiff was given in each of the following civil cases :-Kitto v. Patterson, £3 7a 3d, e-a.-tr Us. Harpham v, M'Kay, 13a 6d, costs 6a. Macdonald v. Richardson and Reardon, £l3 13a, costs and expenses £4 5a 6J. Grilliu v. Mary Hamlin, £1 la id, costa 6s. Same v. Tankard, 14s, costs Cs. Same v. H. Connor, 7a 51, costs 6a. Same v, Bain, 15a 4d, coats Oa. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, have received the following cablegram from their Sydney ollice, dated the 3rd instant: “ Our conversazione was a splendid success. The Press describe it os perhaps the largest and most important representative gathering of pastoralisls ever seen in Sydney. The company's sale of Mud sheep commences this afternoon ; perfect weather and gratifying 'prospects. We will telegraph result of sale." Tho following football matches will bo played on Saturday next: Uounly v. Pirates at Hastings, County second v. Pirates' second at Farudou, Napier v. Caledonians on tbe Recreation Ground, Napier second v. Caledonians' second on the Recreation Ground, Rangers v. West End at Farndon. The following is tbe County team for their match in Napier on Saturday;— Full-back, R, Mathesou ; three-quarters, J. Cullen, G Csulton, and J. Mahunga ; halves, Friday and Nikera ; wing forwards. Surlier and Wi Duncan; forwards, lliroa (captain), J. Chadwick, M'Dowell, Tipeui, J. Collinge, Matthews, and Moses. Emergencies, back, J, Jordan ; forward, Peetl.

A German paper, Deutsche ITartc, is responsible for this funny story ; “ Nausea ami a lack of the power of observation," the recently deceased Dr, Billroth once remarked to his pupils, "are two serious defects In a surgeon. Look hero, gentlemen, do this aitcr me lie dipped his linger in the illrly washingup water and thou stuck it in iris mouth. Ail (he students followed (heir tutor's example. “You see, gentlemen," the latter added, “Irow deficient you are in the faculty of observation ! You failed to notice that I immersed my forefinger in the slops and put my middle linger in my mouth! ”

Our Hastings correspondent writes under yesterday’s date;— The St. Matthew's Gymnastic ami Athletic Society pave a very attractive "ladles’ night'" performance last evening, the Ucv. John Hobbs presiding. As la usual on such occasions the auditorium was crowded. The various gymnastic exercises and solos were most creditably performed, a special contortion act by one of the performers being a remarkably good one. During the evening several friends gave vocal and instrumental selections. These included the trio “The Wreath," by Miss Price, Miss CnuUon, and Mr 11. 11. Hunt; a hatij 1 solo by Mr Wawn ; songs by Mis Trice amt Miss Caulinn ; a comic song by Mr Wade ; and violin solos by Mr Murray Williams.

Our Waljmwa corresiimulcut wrhinp yesterday says:-Messm C. H. Mm loin, Waipawv, and J. Thornton, To Ante, have been re-elecled without oppo-ltim as members of the Synod for St. I’euu'.paiish.—Mr Thornes Putman, of Waipukutou, who n ccntly ivG to try his fortune in South Africa, is now engaged on the Cape Times at Capo Town.—The registrar for W.iipawa supplies llm following vital slalidics for the ijuaiter;

—Births 23, deaths 11, five iufanls and six adults, including two cases In which Inquests were held, and six marriage*.— List evening a most enjoyaVe lecture was given in the Town Hall, Wafpukonn, by the Dean of Wahpn, io expUnat on of Mr Take's mrg!c lantern slides illustrating Dickens’s evergreen " Old Curiosity Shop ” The reverend gent'pman was most successful In making the beautiful life nf Little Nell stand out in shining diameter* against its bare colored ba< kgri nod, thus rendering plain the object ill ilia au'hor—that of showing what the I gbt of a single soul may be however soiob e i's surroundings. In the Interval a vocal duel, “ What are the wi'd waves saying ” was nicely rendered by M'sscs Fuller and Bailey. “Once Again " was very sweetly sung by Mr Keenly, the pmsossor of a very mellow tenor voice. This was followed by a pianoforte solo by Mi-s Ethel Birrie, played with great taste and expression, which was undoubtedly the gem of tho musical portion of the entertainment. At the close of tbe lecture the pathetic song entitled " Little Nell ” was sweetly sung by Miss Fuller, but the effect was eon ewbat marred by (he loudness of the accompaniment, which prevented tbe words being beard. Mbs Stubbs then gave a {imoforts solo, and Mr Williamson took off the effect of the pathetic ending to the lectore, and sent all home In good spliits bv his cheerful rendering ol " Home Boys Home."

Lawrence Kellie's Latest Songs, Violin Mnsic, o(era Scores or "Marjorie,' “ Pepita,” “ Uld Gnard," " Hftddon Hall,” " Mountebanks," and full stock of new music jast to band. Dresden Piano De|d;.— [advt.]

Sowing's Modus or Balsam of Ltquoncd that old-faahionod rcrawiy for Coughs Mia Colds, is now in very groat demand. It w sold in bo! tics, Ihj Gd and 2s (id, at Mrt Owbn hj Pharmacy, HoaUngsstrcet- The Ucv. W. Colcnso, F.Tt.S ( writes:—"l consider it to bo a valuable and safe medicine, of groat service in coughs, colds, bronchial affections, and irritations and dryness of tho throat- I always carry a bottle of it with me when I visit the Bush district.''—[Advt.J *«•

KCCLES CASCARA LIVER . RKOU LATOR cures Biliousness, Indigestion. Hick Headache, Drowsiness, furred tongue, loss of appetite, and leaves the Stomach and Liver in a healthy state. 2» Gd per botllo from A. ECCLKS, Chemist, The Masonic Phahmacv, Habtings-stiiket. R5

KCCLES* SYRUP OF RED GUM or Eucalyptus Balaam has proved Itself to be Uw best remedy for coughs, colds, asthma, and all diseases of tho breathing-organs. lIP. writes —‘" I have no fear for asthma when your Rod Gum Syrup is at hand : one dose always gives mo Instant relief, and when my wife or children catch a cold it always cures them ; send mo two large bottles by first tramProparod only by A. KCCLES, Chemlri HosUngs-stroet, Napier,—{Advt.j H7

KCCLEB' CORN PAINT quickly removal either hard or Mtt corns. Only a few appu cations necessary. In bottles Is Bd, from A. Bodes, Chemist, Masonlo Hotel Building* Naplor.—lAdvt.J

WILD CHERRY COUGH SYRUP eontains no opiates, but gives wondor&U relief In Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Coughs, and Colds. Prepared by W. J. TviChman Pharmaceutical Chemist, Hastings, H.H Price Is Cd and 2s fid per bottle.—lAdvt.J 149

ECOLEB BULPHURINE LOTION clears the skin irom spots, blemishes, roughness, sunburn freckles, &o. A few applications will render the skin healthy, smooth, and transparent. 2s Cd per bottle from A. F.CCLBS, the Masonic Pharmacy, Hastlngsetroot.—lAdvt.J bd

KOROMIKO CORDIAL. - A valuable remedy prepared from tho Now Zealand shrub for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and gives m mediate relief from Cramp or pain of any kind. Prepared by W. J. Tvkuman, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Hastings, ILB. Price 2» and 3s 6d per bottle.—(Advt.J 151

Ireland’s Dye Works.—Faded Walcrpro. Coats Dyed Os and 7s, Hard Hals Is each Gents’ Suits Cleaned 4s, Gents Hulls Dyed 7s. Call and inspect.—[Advt.J 152

Tho Latest and Best Selection of Paper hangings at K. T. Woodcock's, Direct Im porter, Dallon-slrcot, Napier.—[Advt.J 153

Try BRADSHAW'S RRONCHIALCOUGH KLIXKH. Ask your grocer for It, and see you gel no other.—lAdvt.J 151

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Messrs E. and W. Lyndon will sell at their rooms to-morrow morning a consignment of shrubs, bulbs, flowers. tee ; also, oranges, apples, flower and vegetable seeds, Ac. Messrs C. B. lloadley and Co. will Roll at their rooms on the 23rd instant a number of Woodvillo properties. Hannah and Co.'s bluchers 4s ltd, Hannah and Co.'s men's shooters only Its Cd, Hannah and Co.'s gents'shoes 7s Bd. The half-term at the Napier High School commences on the I7Lh instant.

Messrs Blythe and Co. change their small advertisement over the leader. The disl riel school concert will ho held at tho Theatre Royal next Tuesday evening. The Hawke's Bay Association, Limited, have removed their oflices to Hkhaj.d Buildings, Tennysonstreet.

Mr .lames P. Thomson, draper and ontllltcr, Emerson-si reel, changes his advertisement on the front page. Ladies’ high leg glace kid laceups (Poliak's) only Ids Cd at Hannah and Co.'s. The Union Steamship Company invite tenders for supplies of meat and bread for twelve months.

Mr Henry Losccllca has to let an ofllce In Tennyson-f.trect containing three rooms and a strong-room.

Freights by the Bella must he paid to A, Dowell, master.

Telegrams in relation to the Gisborne Park n0.,-,,!.. oi,it.v. nieetim.’ - to-morrow addressed to W, Protlill, Gisborne, will beattended to.

for the winter only 7s Cd per pair at Hannah and Co.'s, Hastings-strcet, Napier. Mr Henry Laseellcs has for lease tho orchard and dwelling-house at Mangaloretcrc known as Sturm's Nurseries.

Bargains,bin bargains to meet Hie, limns. Neal anil Close are ottering the whole of their large slock of drapery, clothing, and hoots and shoes at clearing prices. Inspection invited.


bight draught mares, farming implements, carpenters' tools, dairy on sledge, spring cart harness, household furniture, dairy utensils, fowls, kc„, Mr Montague Lasccltes, on tho premises of Mr John Milne, Taradale, 1.

Wool, sheepskins, likies, ami:allow. Messrs Wcnlcy and Lnnnuze, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Williams and Kettle. Limited, Hawke's Bay Farmers' Co-oporalivc Association, Limited, and Dalgcly and Company, Limited, at tho Athenaeum, commencing at 1.10. Stock, Messrs P, A. Herman and Co., at Stanford Lodge, Hastings. Meet of Hawke's Hay hounds at Arlington, 1.30.


An infallible euro for Dyspepsia and Ind! ecstlon In any form may bo obtained only from Lite Friendly Societies Dispensary.— Advt.) >55

Pain ing, Paporhanging, and Houso-doco-rating in First-class Stylo and at Lowest Ratos, KstimatcsforTown or Country Work. E. T. Woodcock, Dallon-slreot,— [AdvtJ iSS

Choice assort mom of Hanging, Hand, and Tattle Lamps, at very low prices; Hitchcock's pat. Almosphoric Lamps for ttthlo or to hang ; Chimneys, Clohos, Shades, and Wicks to suit: spare Burners. Spirit Stoves, Brass Bar Fenders, Fireirons. Large reductions.— lAttrr.) 167

G. Glassford, the Cah, Hastings-sired, Dinner from 12 till 2. Oysters, Oyster Stows Grills, Cold Meats, and Light Refreshments from Bn.m. till II p.m.-fAuvr.) 168

Pommel Slickers.—Another shipment of those- superior Coats just, to hand. They are the, best and cheapest mailable. John M'Vay.—(Advt.J £53

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9722, 3 July 1894, Page 5

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9722, 3 July 1894, Page 5

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9722, 3 July 1894, Page 5


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