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•-■ • i. .....,, „ it -...>,. x'.-fMi XPERIENOipP^Wata anil Coofe wanted for th& plilp Casiof, tailing for ■-, London about 'SOth ',Deoen>ber.v Apply of lotter, atating. wages required: 1 to Oaptaw Whitson, NewiZealahd ahtpplfagjCompany^ ; WANTED. "-a* General Servant '-■■ direotly after Christinas. Applr -: Mrs W, HrStinH, Hodgely, Potano. ■■ 861;':,- --■ •'*''■.** '; \i\ TSTANTED, a General Servant T~ after , Christmas. Apily- to .Jfi»-i-i Hoadley, Barrack Hill.; ' . 913' j: 1 ' . l " ' 1 111 .«— *^— . -_,_ WANTED, at once, a lady Help * for tha country. . Muab be willing tov^> assist in general house-work., Apply Box 10, r. Hastings. ', . ■ : r* -'H"^ WANTED, a y good- plain Codk : J „ t J'omale). Apply Mrs HAabma,i'-.i Mount Vernon; ■ „ TOv.; 3 WANTED, a Parlor Maid. Apply ; i| i to Mm J. N. Williams, Frtaley, \- Hasttoga ' ■' . . . ' ■ M8;';5; WANTED, a^ Coot for. Mas, A. 0. y% Lako, Hastings. Apply to- Mbb'siS .TANHBB,Biverßlea. , „ - ■■■■SlS^m _— :. i. ' r ■ !_-.'.-"%.t! YOUNG GENTLEMAN (Mnßical)'># ' Two Years out from Home, and of a English, French, °nd aernian. Eduoation, ,5 seeks Employment a». Tutor. to Settler's^ Children! with the privilege ot asBUUnK wlUit .*!J Btook in spare tlmju, Beferenoea given. !^| Apply R.Q.M., oaraOffloß of this Paper. 7H,,:S| "•,' ' ""»--■■ ' • i>"'ii>.>*JS'.*J^ ''■ . " " <~~.i-/fHpi'£ JUST OPENEDUUT. A BPLENDID :f>^ ABWKTMBNT.OJf . ','■* FANCY GOODS OF AtL DESf a| ORIPTION3, -. ." iS : And . winch have bm-miriffll »t the .• -M LoweßtfPoffllblePelce;^ ; -' *M Theae have been Imported' from two of the "■'?. leadingLondonFlnnsintneFanoyTrade. , r; ; y EVBRY ARTiOLBMABKBD ''■:-?% IN PLAIN FIGUBES. . .. -•„ rf In my ordinary business the Stock is follysupl^jS pJJod,aodtiioaj!wortot>atlafiTeaterthanati ■;:% any period of my business career. ' ' \ ■■% Haberdashery Gloves "-'• '-." i.-i 5 Ribbons Laces ,' Umbrella* -- ; ■■' \i Caliooes . Prints .Ginghams , -g Woollens . Linens Cottons - vfi DRESS MATERIALS IK ENDLESS <l . VARIETY. .. , . •■„-•;;,■=! Mantles Jackets DrosslngGowna ?Ki MUllnory Straws Flowers" '•■V* CLOTHING AND MBROERY, JAMES P: THOMSOJ^I DRAPER AND OUTFITTKR, ?' i| NAPIER.' ' ...'-.• 3'j| ' HAWKE'jS BAY ' : : .^l BOOS AND STATIONBEY WARE- : ■HOUSE. ' . /v^fj PRIZE BOOKS AND PRHSENTATIONKS •-. BOOKS, ■ ■■" , " .. '>/Ip MY Stook of these for the Jftresent%Slf Seaion la nowoomplete,and . is un-.fc-^ questionably one of the finest selecUonß In the im Colony, . -. - x '-yM The Anhcai. Vomjmjs nr Goßaaoir "cm Appabel - - • ' ' ,-;-j;| CHRISTMAS AND NEW TEARS CARDS, ? g«| The very Newest Designs, *3S Booklets and Hoturo Books to gladden the ;1 hearts of everyone. ■ • ■ ' . ' "*^ ; 4 . ■ FANCY STATIONERY v^ll ComprWng- Writing Desks, WrlHng Cases > .'.-f,f Blotters, Workboxee and Baskets; Handbags,-:, ?§ (fitted and not neweetmakee), Albums, Photo. graphio Screens and Ftames,-.Oaxd Caaeß,-".~wj Cigar and Cigarette CMes^ ; Pones, Pocket-:-^ books, MUslo Cases, Household Games (new), :.,';■■??! Peifumed stationery in Boxes.' Family Paotv-^ kete of Christmas Cards (fine values So., to). = /?<$ DIARIBS FORJI 9J, '"'"'->^ AU Leading Makes, „- . • -j :^| A very superior lot of Hand-made Note \il Papen and Envelopes, splendidly boxed. ■;v■ Jj JOH3S" MT GRJSRAB II nASTINGS-STREBT, NAPIBBi 753 ■;■"■. ,-.;;,.'! — '■^■'Mf i STRONG WOOD TOYS. '\-:''¥sJk BARBOWS, Is 6d and 2s 6d, extm i?M strong (painted), stand any amount of . rough handling; maoluui rise ft 6d, targe M ; ;% i--6d. Carts. Bd to 2a6d;UooklngHor«eß,tsod;::>^ Girls' S3 6d ; Hobby Hones, Ib; Baby Swings, V;. : - ;;; with hooks and rings complete,- ss to. Ameri- ; •':>: ;• oan and Btroog Wicker Perambnlaton,' wltb . '-' large wroughtiron wheels., — ■ " ! ~ '■ • -?. ; vK NOVELTY DEPOT. '848 v^g TAMEd HARDY imports .direot Si O from thp makers, and makee a sDOolalitr, . - '" -• ot Plated Ware and . "Novelties, . Cutlery,' &ut Knamel and Batb- Paints in new colon. ' ; ,- Lamps, Brushes, Wire Netting, Wire Covers, , ; « Dairy Utensils, Bay Iforks, 00, Fllfte, So.; ' Travelling Boxes, very low. .To dear cheap; ■>. .-.?. Fenders, Firelrona, and Wire Guards, Luke's ■ , j Ranges, fco. . . . . ■ „- . . .MS c ;jWPREBBLE has landed % '£{ • oases Sydney Oranges, UO bunohee ;^ 7 Pananas, 10 dozen Pines. Lemons, MANDA ; •■,; RINB, Bigs, and Coc&nntSialsOv Gooseberries .-;- for Bottling and Preserving, Fresh CUOUM- , , ■■'', BERB, Vwetables; and Pooltry always In vi,-S Btook? SMOKED SOHNAPPBB, Blue Cod' ■?■$ flab, Barraooutta, and Fresh Oysters flasb U shipment this season), ■ ' - ■ .'. TITANTED KNOWN-That tia \°)£ VV Kastern Coaoh and Waggon Works ;:?> are replete with every convenience requisite . - tor carrying on a flret-olass bustaeae, every :l = item being of tho beet quality, and^ thoroughly . •. ;; seasonedjforthemanufaqtureof Woojiwa %\\\ Timber Waggons, Drays,; Carts, / Kxpressee, -y^. Buggies, and other kinds "Of oonveyaaoes, „,;',, The Wheel Tjring proogp is wonderful inlbj , . <«( BlmplldtyandreßuiU-Rlmstotact,Contrao. ;.= tlon equal, Tyres hardened, giving half more ;r, wear tnan the usual burning process, ami at ;*_?-. less than usual cost. First-class uoaoo. ■ Painter on the premises. G^eralWaoksmlw ;• :,.c Work exeouted In the most workmanlute manner and at modorate oost Estimates given for all classes of work. Horses Shod ■<$ by Experienced '.Workman at following . ■ ■:, prloest-Baokß, Ss: Light Harness Hones, ■;.■■-. fie; Draughts. 7s; Draughta toed or steeled, •..; \> Bs.-One good Dray on Bale. ■ ;": KA6TKBN COAOH ANDWAgGON -.< : . WORKS, DALTON-BTRKET. . J 115 D.ANDKRSONN. Manager. =-*'. ! ~ : — • . -_. ..^ WL. HANWELL, Variety De >it c pet, HasUngs-Btreet, buys Ladies ; ;- and G entff Cast-ofl Clothing for highest price , ; ; . v Cash.- Second -hand Furniture, : nooks,_or ",-■ JeweUery boußht, sold, or exohanged. Jrar .-, . ■? fale-2 Secondhand Singer Hand Sowing „ Mftohinos at less than half prfoe._AU lettew • . * v will reoeive prompt attention.— W. L. HAH* ■. - : WKU: ' —— — — •* WANTED KNOWN-J. Sfbhoi :&. intends selling cheaper »»7 ; .£ Honse In Hawke's Bay FOR CASH ONLY Oatm^mbforto^oM.aibfOTlajCMidles, ,-. _: Slbforls:Soap,lbarßforls:Rloe,llbforis; , ,: Sauoe, 6d; Vinegar, Bd; Kerosene 8d per „ bottles fiait, 11lb B for Is; Pepper, »*«**} ■' > Mustard, Jib for 6d : Currants, fld p w Ib ; best - cleaned, Vdporlbi Ratsiiih Bd perlb | Vestas , .-. {dnerdos 5 . » -!. : AtJ. Bpm«m'B you can get l dos Day and r , Martin's Blacking for M; Blue, fd Pfflh. . Btaroh,edDerlb:bekJam,taperlbrCoffte: ;, from la Id per Ib: Cooua, 6d; prime Cheese ■/,, Bd por Ib: WWto Bugar, lib for lsinein .-- Herrings, 8d : Cornflour, 8d ; Baking Powdex. M per t£; heave's Food, U; best .Keressne. , 8a per tin ; Soap, 6s 6d per box. AU the^ abOTO lines are ot flrst-olass Q?^J, t y«? lfl O aTSS • WILL BB MAINTAINED. Spootol prioe , to purchasers of S6 worth and upwards, NototheAddross-J.SP£NOS,Carlyle4treel: Naplor. - . - , WANTED KNOWN-lf yoa wan ■-: a roaUr good Bult of Clothes, wd ■ r made and a perfect fit. try Divnw and Evan*. \HJANTEDKNOWN-ThfttUAVDM , W and Evans. TBtor*. Haat^ebroel. » have Jojt rooolvld a splendid assortment oi , Tweeds, Oontinss to _ - " HENRY HUGHES M.LM.B., M.8.A., PATENT AGENT, . ' AND CONSULTING ENGINEER Member of the Institution of Patent Agents, London ; Fellow of the Australasian Institute ot Patent Agents LAMBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON ;, Having pa*M£ tho Publlo Examination pre- . soribod undot the 'Patents, Designs »na . T>XMSksAoMBB9, is the first and nlr Registered Patent A«ont by examination W New Zealand . »» ri^HE Undersigned begs to notify X the tubllo otlJaplPr that he has purchased Mr G. W. Fouo»rbs Dairy Buataess and on and after the Ist of December will deliver Milk Twloe Daily, and hopes that by olvility and striot attention to business to. merit a oontinusneo of tho support aocordea -■ t0 FBE P 3H°MT K 1 AND OHEAM wUI be delivered as follows :-Beforo 7.80 a,m. and : , before Ip.m. t All o'ders entrusted to mo, or left at Mrs . . Frebbte's. Hastings-street, or at W. Gray and Co.aWoodandCoalYard,wlllbepunotuaU» c attended to, JOHN pRBBBLB! _ Dairyman, . A SUFFERER from Nervous and",', 'Wasting Debility, Loss ot Vigor &c _ was restored w health In snob, a REMARK- . ABLE MANNE^Ster all else had FAILED, , ; that he will on receipt) ol a self •addressed, ; stomped envelope, the mode ot our» • ■ FUSE to all wllow-auffereis. Address ■ ■ Miner, G.RO.|.Bydney • • ■ ' .'.- -„ , yi^s-^^ WHY WILL YOU BUFFBB. ■■?• I /KZgfch FROM NERVOUS. WAST i: .5 I^MM'm ING. and DKBILWATING- -' ■'■:■ w££TJ2\ DIBEABE9 whloh destwr^ W3&9 f tho VITAL TPOROES Of. -■■ Mm* \ MANHOOD! You may now i^3 Vi^ii. A* onrß yourselves ; .wfthonb/ \\ L lit!? c '° VSOLTING a DOOTOB. ; r'VcCJ Send Six Penny CUS*V-£ Sumps for the new MSDIOAX ' BRtK!;- ,•/* CHURE. containing the French method OfS ,■■ QUIWPBRMANSNT.SELF.OUBK. r= , AddroßS-ParUlnn Agency Co., Box 7M> -y. Sydney ■ *..r^ ;

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9157, 18 December 1891, Page 1

Word Count

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9157, 18 December 1891, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9157, 18 December 1891, Page 1


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