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- ... . >~r;-A Q( i A PPLIOATIONS will be received JM "J-J ±\. up to SATURDAY, 3rd December, for .^ tho position of First Engineer for the North '5, vi . British and Hawko's Bay Freezing Company,- ";•"=- ; Limited, Napier. Applicants to stato wages required and enclose testimonials. W. Kltf- < boss White, Secretary. ' 831 '.-.? -_. ' Education Offlco, - '■ ; . "y Napier, November 26, 1887. \V WANTED, a Certificated Master '".; ; ; for a Now School nt Tolaga Bay, 35 ,i : '/. . miles north of Glsborne. He should be able'- ;:' az to teach Slnidng, Drawing, and Drill. Salary-. .--/' deponds on nvorago. attendance. There Is a' i new residence, rent free, A good opening for '*;'>" _ a married man. Applications to bo sent to <„--' - v • the Education Office, Nnpior, not later than ' ■'■-'- 2s the 3rd December next. ' ; -i %-• 'o H. HILL. '■ * : -vif it 822 Secretary Education Board." .-'■ ■-;;- WANTED, Strong Boy,- to milk, %v" look after horses and make himself .. . .:K \ ra useful. Apply to the Manager, CliveGrange... . ,„■-;■ t, .812 --■: _„*-- a \TtTANTED, a head Gardener. No 'J/M; TT one but a thoroughly com vetont steady. -. :,■' manneed apply.- J. H. Colesian. -„. M8.;...". I j'ti, '" WmM. , -#y j£* W PREBBLE has received Island Jl^ # and Sydney Oranges, Apples, Pines. -•'--'- -- and Local Fruits. Also, New Onions, Smoked - •;; Mullet, Schnapter, Cod Fish, Barracoutta,,' . «,.vsj. and FRESH OYSTERS. -828". "lz,;j_i 2 TITANTED Tenders for ThrasMng Jo£. T V about 300 aere3 of Ryo Grass. 300 acres - -Jjv -. of drain; also, for Stripping about 500 acres'of ' v^hni Ryo Grass (2 strippers provided). Apply to '.-'• 7- ~-C : tho Manager.CHvb Grange. .■' \SU-.-y' ■.■■■r ■': — ■ ■__! '•• - ."t i-p~:-W ANTED— Tenders wiU be re-. ceived by the undersigned on the Ist .-?"*.;.■ 0 t December for Cutting, Stacking,' ana Thresh-. ' • z2~z ing, nt per bushel, 150 Acres of Grass and 130 'z-^M Acres of Capo Barloy at Fern Hill..' Kenrrjb:- ','• '": : :?'-. Hill, The Grange, C'ivo.', 807 '■ ;<;?.;•'; WANTED TO LET, Furnished Or -l ] -JJ* unfurnished, that desirable Cottage "'V^'i in Scaly-road overlooking Dr. Moore's resi. .- ".'-'-■ denee, containing six rooms, also Servant's . ''■'/.:,- Bedroom, Bath-room, and all conveniences, :-", 4'.^ Entry about middle of December. Apply '.■: - ',v James Hardy, Clarendon Hotel. 68a"'.'- ,-':\i ANTED KNOWN— That Wai.;, ; .; : 4| Burnet and Co. have started bust.- ■ : , i:l£ ness next to Jensen and Mollor's, Emerson. •."•! ;-''y street, Napier, as Hatters Hosiers,"' and' r-.?^:-* Gentlemen's Mercers. . 539 . i:\;# TUST PUBLISHED, "The AusT '•:£s> *3 tralian Irrigation Colonies" (Chaffer •"i "'"'^ Bros.), Illustrated Pamphlet, price 6d. Gor. * . C '„l'% don AND-GoTcn, Melbourne, and all News- -' "-■> ■*'-;, Agents. 8Bi' : ■ 'f.'l'l',?:^ WANTED KNOWN-That yoii..-';^-'! . can be supplied with a first-class ' /v**^' v', articlcat a low price at Burnet and Co.'s, . .• - ; ... Ss Emerson-street, Napier. . 510, '•'..••>-* : . • „-. • ft ' - , :..- - -an rfilHE Undersigned is in possession' ''"JJ-/M -B- of a speedy and permanent Cure : for -.. *■' -?j§ Neuralgia, Toothache, and Rheumatism. _. . -■,;>■ '.ia Outward application only. Messages loft. '•■;- , ■■, JK: Mr N.Jacobs prompt'y attended to. - ; '-. ; « J. GOLDSTUCKER , V' "'il 517 Shakespeare-road / f--';-'t;! ;^(s SUPERIOR Accommodation 'for -'«ti^{| •k3 threo Gentlemen. Apply Mrs Anderc .'„ ~M SON, bhakespeare-terraca •* 655 '" ";.":-. .-_J4 MISS STEWART, Dressmaker, has- " ' L^M Removed to Horsohel-street^ next to" "-v-i Largo and Townley's Show-rooms. - ; 97 -_ '..' -'"tii OARDANdIiE^DENCB; Hot j'^H and Cold Bath, Piano; torms moderate. « ■-••.■' ->~' Stratford Lodoe, Shakespeare-rood; one' -. ... r-a' Mlnuto from Post-office. 390 _.- - ?r_ OARD AND RESIDENCeV-^ >~-.< r M Select Accommodation for Gentlemen. '-'"-•"? Bath and Piano. ' Terms moderate. Mrs • -~M Fernandez, Coote-road. Os: ' --'-•?'■£ WANTED KNOWN— That Hats ■ - J -z§& and Caps of eveiy description can bo ' ' '£ obtaincdatreasonablepiices;also,anyspccial -^ shape or shade mado to order atBURNET and - : '. ?.-iCo.'s, Emerson-slreet, Napier. - 511 -'laS THE Women's Home, Coote-road/. '.':;;-* Napier, affords good accommodation for. • " .«" ; /i all rospeotable females. Friendless girls and ' •-■ ; ;V.'s others seeking employment will find a most , - ;/- comfortable homo at moderate terms. Every? >■• f-V? facility will be giyen them for obtaining em--'*- • .' 'vzti ployment. Laundry work and Needlework \"-.,5£ executed.? , ~^"S--! WANTED , KNOWN— That -we -. : : :M have an extensive and varied assort- -"•— - f 3 ment of White, Regatta, and Oxford Shirts - : "-;,•;:'' in eight qualities ; also. Shirts of every do- * z=-i% scrlption made to measure, Burnet and -..-""IV^ Co., Emerson-street, Napier, . • 5iJ ■. ■■ .' . Y%:% WANTED. KNOWN-The New. J: .-3M Scries of Photographic Xmas Card' >..-= '.&£ areready. W. H. Neal, Tennyson-street. 518 ';-.f-;;ffS ANTED KNOWN— That^ouF^B^^M Stock of Hosiery is largo and well ' ' .\\\ '^jm assorted, consisting -Of. Brown and Dressed Cottons, Merino, and Cashmere; a cEoico -' ;.-'.uj^S range of Silk and Spun Hosiery in all. color-'- ,'.v " J ?S<^ ings; Undervcsta and Pants of every descrip.' -wi /.;^H tion at Burnet and Co.'s, Emereon-street, :Ztsp'_ ~>sjSj Napier. -&13. i-. • ANTED KNOWN — Thafli :. '■■?~&m Register of persons needing employ- .- -"-^SSI ment is kept at the Charitable Aid Office," "*Si«s Market-street, Napier. 425 : . j Vs^! WANTED KROWN - That .our J. Stock of Ties, Scarfs, Squares, Braces, " '-I-'af Belts, and Collars, for variety ajjd price ara' »- .'.:.} M unequalled in Town. Burnet and. Co. . . • ; ;,;;«§ Emerson-street, Napier. 511 - -i'Si ANTED ~E^OWN-lOacobs ' : '. has just, received his new season's "" ; »;sB Stock of Lawn Tennis and Crickexing "-- ,?^SS Materials. ,87 .■_. "^__|S WANTED KNOWN — That you. : -.'•-{^ can have a useful Hand-hag for Ss ' ■'. „,mh Hd.atßußNETANDCo.'sHataßdCapDepOt . '„ i '7/^m Emerson-street, Napier. sift .' .- ;iJrS^ A CCOUNT BOOKS.-The Heralb Jim £%x Ofttce Is fitted with ruling and paging . -'.-.' fal machines, P.nd all appliances necessary foe •- ,«S i first-class work in account books. All books -'"S^l OPPER PLATE' PRINTING.— ..> :;^8 Yisitlng Cards, Bill-heads, and all Wndfl . . jji;;||i of Copper-plate Printing are executed at tha y$ ®^ Herald Oflioc. Only Copper-plato Printing . 'r&^ estanliabment in the province. _-. -.-'.^2^g ETTERPRESS PRINTING.- Tha> .- : : 0?M HERALD Jobbing Department is the - .." J iSfS Most Extensive and Complete Establishment: "= <y?!g3B in Hawke's Bay. None but First-class Worfe - ' ""^>^| turned out, Prices aB Low a3anyin NoTf .VS^flf OOKBINDLNG.— At the Hebalw . -/^M Office all classes of Bookbinding or - . - C¥S exocnted on the premises in first-class stylo -' ~;SS All books hand sewn, ensuring strength and - MASONIC HOTEL, \ I|l R SMITH, late of Maungatoro' -'3fH • has entered into -possession of -this . ';,C^B weli-kno^-n Hotel, which nas recently been ""-'. "-?H«iIH enlarged and re-furnished until it will beat... , :'«r^_S_| comparison with the best hotels in NoW ' ZggajU ''special attention has been paid to the pr cr- '"i^^B vision of accommodation for Families, and a "■-.'■'wSSli separate private entranco has been provided. \ C'i^lM Commeroial men i v ill find well-lighted • ":£-;*«■ Sample-rooms, and the best Commercial.' ' ■■"''•SB room in New Zealand, woll supplied Witt. 'IBijßiH Home and Colonial papers and books. . . . .-'.'^aß Any communications addressed to theprov ' ' t&SBM prietor strictly attonded to. . V ;_^<aa_| r. s¥iiH, or- :-'MM Telephone No. 61. t)|j^M BOGJ-E. SIMMONDS AND CO -?^H VbLCAN FOUNDRY .1. - --'' ' V^W Hastings-street, Napier, •-* -r - "^BH SPECIALITIES— Iron Strong-room Doors ani^ "jSf^^H STOCKED AND MADE TO ORDER—' ' • ->• ?,^^B Saw-Bench Rollci'S •''■'.: *"•" '?*|____| Moveable Cellar Vontilators < • ' "i-'j^H Ornamental Gates and Fencing » ■" '-".i'Jlf^M Brackets nnd Verandah Fringing (great. ;*»"K<j|_______ Wonl Presses, Lawn Rollers, .TroHy ■ - V'jlS^B Wheols, Saw Spindles, &c , . -^^^■■J Two horse-power Portable Engine for Salo,"'' s£ll|___B From tho Ist July wo will nnoto Cash -.S;iS{|______| Prices, and our terms will be CASH AT THB .S||ij________ Overdue Accounts will bo sued for without^t||lJJPj further notice. - __'. ; z£-£t j-^^_§_^___| BOGLE, SIMMONDS AND CO.|v^^B gWlllitHttflit. ;' . :'t^f|l|B| THE MERCANTILE AND BiNK^^^H RUPTCY GAZETTE OF 3SEW. '"•'?- >: '&^^lM Zealand ;. i.';- : '4l~:iW3Um (With which is incorporated "Tho Weekly; SS^^O Advcrtisor'7. ' ,- PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY}^" 3^^^lH MORNING, -. ;v>"^3S|i|_P_P_P_PJ Parlioulai-s of Bills of Salo tocic Mortga^|l§ff___________ Liens on Wool and on Crops, Bailmonto^,g|S________| Affidavits of Satisfaction,. BanksupbVi^_________B Petitions and Discharges, Sec, Dled.eacK@^^Hß| Also carcfully-rovised Sharo and Produca^^________| Market Reports; Latest Legal Decisions JUIM Original Articles, illustrating the working of Commeroial Law, and other intercstlnK {■■ and voluablo matter. ;;S* *^iJIH Absolutely Indispensable to THs'SJurnrv j£sflßXßJ of all Traders :s ! :"'ry S^Silll Terms: £1»7« Cd (including Digest)';por J__|_^______| Annum, strictly payable in ftdvahce.;* jSa^tWWW Free Sample Copies' obtainable Vfjejpi|fUi«j,S_________H Proprietors, . Vj: ■"■'- , '->Ti^^ j^HIH R. T. \VTUSELER & COl D&J^ *Sp^iM Tnn New Zealand: PribTECTioNM^|S___________| CREDrroRS' Socletv. is, also in^nn'oolw_ra____B_______| . with the above Gazettß,- nnd«tlfc So_M__tK_9_____________| possesses uiirivalled'faoilitics for;itiy]l>g^n_lS^__________| 'LIABLE PRIVATE IjnfORSIATION'.aB wthuCJ__(__g__B_________B merciul standing o^ihdiyia.naJa;^g^ For P'irticu^>ppl^H^d!^f|^^H^^H

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7912, 29 November 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7912, 29 November 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7912, 29 November 1887, Page 1


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