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KEEP PACE WITH THE TIMES J. H. DALTON, TAILOR, TENNYSON-STREET, NAPIER. AND VICTORIA-STREET EAST, AUCKLAND. j r s&$L PATTERNS OF CLOTn . Vw An Goo^ ■»<> sont Car- I^. fjl for >4^^BEnbv kiage Paid, and if not >4mß^b&^ HI GENTLEMEN'S AmB&SS approved aro exchanged, . H^HHk '^Cj Post Free, with Prico Lists. £s. d. 'iBJBSSP^ \ U bI^BMW/ Good Tweed Suit.. 2 10 o ■ \bBHHH n |S| II If Heavy Diagonal .. 415 'Elf' H Trousers .. "\' 0 12 6 IBH Gentlembnb \ Gentleman's Gentlemen's Co vert Coats. 1 Morning Coat Tweed Sack Suits NEW PRICE LIST FOR 1886-87. LATEST FASHIONS IN GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, &C, And Easy Solf -measurement Forms aro sent ' GRATIS AND POST FREE, ON APPLICATION. Cheques, Postal Orders, &c, to bo crossed J H, Dalton. EXTRA PAIR TROUSERS GIVEN AWAY WITH EACH SUIT OVER £3 15s. , ■ , TERMS CASH . SWKITfIMtT I MV!,...,,

fflttqr Dip. PEACOCK'S CiUBRiCANT SHEEP DIP £3 PKR THOUSAND GALLONS. At so PEACOCK'S IMPKOVED DIP, £3 10s, containing a larfjo proportion of Glycerine, md guarantood to be ontlrely free from soda iraime. both of which aro largely used in some jftho dips now hi the market, and more csposially in those soid in the form of a pov,der, 3 hich have the effect of leaving tho woul dry md harsh, causing tho winter rains to permeate the skin, being thus a frequent sottreo 3f lungworm wifa hoggets in low conditibn. Owing to a long range of experiments carenilly earned out for sdmti years on my bwn nock my Dip is now as neat perfection as it is possible to obtain, and during the last threo years it has givon general satisfaction, and ; obtained a larjo number df Testimonials ' from thoroughly reliable and practical Flockowners and Sheep Inspectors. See my circulars. This Dip dojs not kill so quickly as the sopalled non-poisonous sorts, but is permanent in its effects, 1 saving the wool soft, white, and lustrous, and thoroughly cleansing the skin. Being much heavier than water it is desirable tho Dip should bo well stirred up from tho bottom before each lot of shcop aro run through. J'or this purposo a common vat rake ia the best, which is made with a. pieco of board 9 inches long with an auger holo through tho centre for pole 8 or 9 feet long, TUe Dip is very easily mixed in cold water, nd is packed in Sealed Tins containing 3 gallons and Drums of 4 and 5 gallons, with printed directions for use on each tin. ICach gallon will charge 100 gallons of water. Price 6s and 7s per gallon. Special quotations r large quantities. DAVID PEA 'OCX. .Agents for Hawke's Bay :— KINROSS & CO., Port Ahuriri. TESTIMOMALS. Marton, 18th October, 1884. David Peacock, Esq., Homowood— Dear Sir, — I have examined several flocks of sheep that have been dressed in your new Dip and have much pleasure in testifying to its efficacy in destroying both Ticks and Lice. It is also most beneficial to the wool, leaving it beautifully white and soft.— l am, yours faithfully, Robert K. Simpson, Inspector of Sheep. Rangitikei Jnnetion. Bonny Glen, Ist September, 1884. Mr Peacock— Dear Sir,— Your Dip is by far the best and cheapest I have over used. I does not Btain or make !he wool dry and harshli ke many of tho English dips, but puts on a bpautiful gloss, and cleanses away all filth, killing all insect life, and is lasting in its effects.— Daniel Stevens. Bonny Glen, Rangitikei, August 30, 1884. D. Peacock, Esq., Marton— Dear Sir,- 1 this year tried your Dip, and found it very efficacious for Lice and Ticks. It is much cheaper than any other I ever used, and leaves the wool and skin beautifully white and soft, without Btaining.— Yours truly, Jno. P. Lkthbkidgk. Mr Peacock— Dear Sir,— Wo dipped our sheep in March last in your dipping mixture, and found it to answer well, killing i? 1 the Lice and Ticks, leaving tho wool beautifully soft, white, and oily, and thoroughly cljmsing the skin. Our sheep were very lousy lipruuj but at present date are perfectly free fiom Lico and Ticks.— R. and R. E. Joiinsto 124 tmpoetant! rpHOMAS' SHEEP-DIP. The Wool consigned to Helmuth Schwartz and Co., London, Dy tho Pastoral Society of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, was reported upon by their Valuer to be "of Free Staple and Sound, of Great Luatro and Soft Feel, and with Little or No Smell."— Dated June, 1881. Sheep Dipped with this Specific are not only FREED FROM ALL TICKS AND LICE, but the WOOL is actually improved by ONE PENNY to as much as THREEPENCE per pound. Mi- Carter, of Scale Park, Viotoria, took 150 FIRST AND SECOND-CLASS PRIZES, and nearly SIX HUNDRED Pounds Sterling in MONEY PRIZES this last Season; and Mr Carter authorises us to say that he considers the use of THOMAS' SPECIFIC had much to do with tho unprecedented Beauty and Quality of his Wool. TESTIMONIAL. COPY. Scale Park, Clunes, Victoria, 29th January, 1887. Dear Sir,— l have very much pleasure in sending you a testimonial of my high appreeia tion of Thomas' Sheep Dipping Specific, with which you supplied me. I have found it answer well. The complete failure of an English poisonous dip to kill tho ticks induced me to try the above, lam glad to state, with tho greatest success ; tho eradication of the ticks and ova was so complete, that on several occasions I have challenged inspection in my Stud Sheep andgenoral Flock to finda living tick amongst, them ; and as for the condition of the wool and tho health of the sheep, the fact of my taking so many first prizes ateachof the Agricultural Shows, vir., Melbourne, Ballarat, Eohua. Sandhurst, Rochester, Kyneton, and several other shows, sufficiently testifies; and my sheep were ontiroly free from ticks at shearing. I have now much pleasure in giving in writing my opinion of the quality of your Specific, which I never hesitate to express publicly whenever tho subject of dip is referred to. I have the honor, &0., Lenard R. Carter. The prizes roferred to amount in number to 157, and in value to nearly £600 sterling. BANNER AND LIDDLE, AGENTS. NAPIER. THO MA a AND 00. Manufacturers, Somerset-place, Melbourne. I2i MURTON AND WHITE'S HAWKE S BAY FLUIE Can now be obtained from WILLIAM WHITE AND CO., AT THEIR WORKS, SPIT, 12( ZEALANDIA SHEEP DIP. npHIS DIP, prepared by ourselves, ■M. is an entirely different artiolo to anything now offered to Sheep Ownors, and all we ask is A TRIAL TO PROVE ITS VAST SUPERIORITY OVER OTHER DIPS. We guarantee it to absolutely Destroy all Insects infesting sheep, to improve the condition of tho Wool, and to be quite harmless to tho person using it. KEMPTHORNE, PSOSSER AND CO.'S New Zealand Drug Company, Limited. 12

pLEASE MAKE A NOTE Ist.-OURJSPECIAL CORN CURE acts like a charm. Price. Is 6d. 2MD.-OUR WORM SYRUP is infallible all Stomach Worms. Price, la 6d. 3RD.-OUR COUGH LINCTUS never faila to give relief. , Try one bottle. Price, 2s 6d. Ith.— OUß ASTHMA CIGARETTES work wonders. Price. 2s per bottle. STH.-OUR RHEUMATIC OIL is a ready relief forpain, " A friend in need." Price. 23 6d. 6TII OUR CONDITION POWDERS for Horses quickly gets them into good fettle, and gives the coat a silky gloss. Price, 2s 6dnerlb packet. 7TH. -OUR POULTRY POWDER, health improving, and ia strengthening for Chickens, Ducks, &c. &c. Price, Is 6d. BTn.— OUR EGG FOOD, "It pays to use it, as immonsoly is tho laying augmented. Is 6d per naokot at THE HAWKE'S BAY PHARMACY AICKIN & CO., Hastings-street. Note.— Opposite Bank of New Zealand. 101 THE PHARMACY. JUST RECEIVED FROM LONDONSAVAR S— The new Saline for Biliousness Headache, &c. Also, New and Choico Perfumes, and a large ! supply of now Drugs, Chemicals, and Sundries. ; Superior Syrups, Cordials, and Lime Juioo J J. S. WELSMAN.' 105 i \ A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. [ BEECHABTS PILLS. [ Are admitted by Thousands to bo worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervoua [ Disordors, such, as wind and pain in the , stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness . and swelling a f tor meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heats, loss of ! appetite, shortness of breath, costivencss, . scurvy, blotches on tho skin, disturbed sleep, j frightfuldreams.andallncrvousaml 'enabling . sensations, &o. Tho first dose will give reliof in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands' of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of , those Pills, and they will be acknowledged 1 to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For tomaies ot all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a.fe-w doses of them will carry off all fro 33 humours, open all obstructions, and ring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS 5 for rombving any "obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to the direo- - tions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a fow doses. will be found to work wondors upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen ho whole muscular system, restore the long-lost \ complexion, bring back the keen edgo of appetito, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health tho whole physical energy of tho human frame. — Theso are "F. 1 CTS " admitted by thousands, embracing all < sses of society; and one of the best guar. toes to tho nervous and debilitated is, BEIX. :AM'S PILLS have the largest sale of I any ir. Nt medicine in tho world j v BEE CHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As ii remedy tor Cougns in genera , asthma difliciniy in breathing, shortness of breath, tightnc .5 and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c, theso Pills stand unrivalled. They speedily romovo that sense of oppression and , difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive . the pationt o£ rest. Let any person give 1 Bekciiam's Coupn Pms a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Caution. — The public aro requested to ■ notice that tho words " Beequam's Pills, St. Helens,"aro on theGovornmentStamp, affixed to each box of tho Pills. If no on they are a forgery. 1 Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail ' by tho Proprietor, T. Beeoham, Chemist, St. Helons, Lancashire, England, in boxes Is Hd and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Drugr/hti and Patent Mcdictne dealers throughout the Colonies. N.B.- Full directions are given with each box 106

PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL SS Aa AT INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION. PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL „*, *. *■ ONLY ONE AWARDED TWO GOLD MEDALS. PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER 0IL Dr 4 b s b ? s A " MORE BENEFIT THAN THE OTHER KINDS," PETER MOLLER'S COD LIVER OIL Dr^S. * writes:-" ALL THAT COULD BE WISHED." At OHEMlSTS.^M^h^|g|r^ r EVE.lYstores, &c. r^i^^^^^^f^L Where. . -V ""'" .1 TBIBE MASK. e> ONLY in Capsuled Bottles of Boz. and I6oz. Offices&Warehouses,Christiania&43,SnowHill, London, E.C. 12 ? DRINK j isDi v *, /ryT^.r^ • IffJ #% IB a. #\ ff ' INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE KQv TIB fITSC? S l\\ » ■'Thcblcniling is entirely attended to I ■■^2\| *l'f^^^fly 111 V liy Mr Nelson himself, who is a Jv Vw V A v(y(.fc#jV / ji* \ '■k 'J'ostcr of great experience, and liat a \ hni a special training in the art ' » iMTU p- E A^^M4^\ \« • TIMARU HERALD m •11 inc. g 1 rTNEi-sSSsp-t -'Tliis firm deserves tho supBfß^ _ sm _ M 'J^ggggntiaL port of all purchasers of Tea, Mrf\ B^ A "^^M & jTpJoA fSp» 3;» the article they offer ii w^ MM tJJ \ \Jf B /L^^^SffiSSwL v^ *L su]>erior to anything we have ' B>fjr£t»ciji'\ yet seen in this Colonj'." ' f.\\^^W fc, T=S^ pJre ' ' fesiimwl Taster anJ £ \i^ THOUGH^ /Hj []o^^^ oV \ PRICES BY ALL gI 4f %)t} \\ % /"' / * AUCKLAND, WELL! NGTOM,CHRISTCHURCH,DUNEDIN ' KOBJOb'?S & CO;, AftENTB NAPIER V * ' 132

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7742, 13 May 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7742, 13 May 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7742, 13 May 1887, Page 4


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